I miss you so much

Three days later, under the powerful intelligence network of Commander An, a group of people pretending to be Seven Star Sword Sect were quickly discovered. In response, Li Beifei waved his hand and led An Commander directly to kill them. Duan Fei wanted to follow. But Gu Changsheng stayed behind.

“Teacher, why don’t you let me go?” Duan Fei asked.

Gu Changsheng looked at him silently and said: “They are going to kill indiscriminately, are you responsible?”

Duan Fei couldn’t help but feel discouraged when he heard this. The teacher was right, his cultivation level is now at the peak of Xu, and if he goes, he can only Being a cheerleader involves shouting and cheering, and may even cause chaos.

At the same time, he couldn’t help but envy Yang Fan and others who had talent in cultivation. In just three years, their cultivation had surpassed his. He is the deputy sect leader of the Seven Star Sword Sect. Although everyone in the sect is convinced of him, he is always anxious and uneasy in his heart. This uneasiness comes from his own lack of cultivation. No matter how good his formation talent is, If you can’t keep up with your cultivation, you won’t be able to deploy a powerful formation.

He had been busy before and had no time to calm down and think about these things. Now that Li Beifei came back and took over the things that had been worrying him, his pressure did not decrease, but instead increased.

Strength, everything is because of strength, Duan Fei clenched his fists.

Suddenly, Duan Fei had a flash of inspiration, and the teacher told him to stay. It would definitely not be that simple.

“Teacher, do you have any unique magical powers that you want to teach me?” Duan Fei looked at Gu Changsheng eagerly.

“Peerless magical powers?” Gu Changsheng looked at the little fat man and said, “Your physique is not suitable for cultivation. Even if I give you peerless magical powers, you will not be able to cultivate them. You have now reached the peak of Shattering Void Realm and have taken a lot of pills. Are you done?”

“This…” Duan Fei scratched his head. In order to break through to the realm of life and death, he had taken a lot of life and death barrier-breaking pills. For others, one pill was enough to break through. What about him? I have used dozens of pills in the past few years, but my cultivation is still at the peak of Poxu. Taking the Life and Death Barrier-Breaking Pills is like eating a knockoff, and nothing happens.

Thinking of this, Duan Fei couldn’t help but said in frustration: “Is there really no other way?”

“I told you before that your talent in formations is unmatched by anyone, and if you want to become stronger, then We need to open up a different path.” Gu Changsheng said.

“Open a road? What road.” Duan Fei asked doubtfully. It was obvious that he did not understand the meaning of Gu Changsheng’s words.

And Gu Changsheng whispered a few big words: “Use your body to form the formation!”

“Use your body to form the formation?” Doubts flashed across Duan Fei’s face sometimes, and sometimes he was a little surprised. He looked thoughtful, and Gu Changsheng did not disturb him. , took out the jug and was about to drink, but found that there was no wine in the jug.

“No more? Hong…” Gu Changsheng subconsciously wanted to ask Honghong to help him get a drink, but suddenly realized that Honghong was not around.

“Forget it, drink less, drinking too much is bad for your health.” Gu Changsheng said with a wry smile.

“Teacher, what is the body formation?” At this time, Duan Fei came back to his senses and asked Gu Changsheng.

“There is something urgent for my master.” After Gu Changsheng said that, he gently tapped Duan Fei’s forehead, passed his idea about the body formation to Duan Fei, and then disappeared.

Duan Fei suddenly received a large amount of information, and his brain processed the huge information quickly. After a while, he finished receiving it.

“It turns out to be a new training system!” Duan Fei’s eyes showed shock.

The so-called body formation is to regard one’s own body as an extremely complex formation base, and carve formations on this formation base. For example, to break through the life and death realm, one needs to carve a life and death realm on the body. The process of forming a large formation is naturally extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, your body will explode and die.

And according to the information given to him by the teacher, even the teacher has not walked this path before. Whether he can succeed or not depends entirely on his luck.

In addition, there is a formation called Zhutian Hunyuan, but the seal set by Gu Changsheng is impossible to access if you are not at a high level of cultivation. As for what level of cultivation you can check, Duan Fei doesn’t know. According to the message left by Take Care of Changsheng, if you can check it, it means your cultivation level is perfect.

Well, this sentence seems to have been said but not said.

“Use your body to form a formation? Fight!”

Duan Fei gritted his teeth, then rushed to the room where the elixirs were stored and took out two bottles of elixirs.

“These two bottles of nine-turn life-sustaining pills should be enough!” Duan Fei murmured. The cultivation method of body formation is a narrow escape for others. For him, before the realm of the great emperor, he does not have to worry about danger. , because the Nine Revolutions Life-Sustaining Pill is enough to heal him instantly.

At this time, Li Beifei, under the leadership of the dark commander, quickly suppressed a group of people who pretended to be disciples of the Seven Star Sword Sect. These people were all casual cultivators, and many of them wanted to join the Seven Star Sword Sect but were rejected because of their bad character. They pretended to be disciples of the Seven Star Sword Sect, partly because they wanted to take revenge on the Seven Star Sword Sect, but the most important reason was because the three major forces did not dare to attack the Seven Star Sword Sect, so naturally other small and medium-sized forces did not dare to attack the Seven Star Sword Sect. Zong’s people took action, which gave them a lot of room for maneuver.

For these people, Li Beifei coldly ordered them all to be killed, which naturally caused resistance from these people. But unfortunately, this is the world of monks. Li Beifei and the others can easily suppress them, and naturally they can also easily kill them.

Just when Li Beifei and the others were about to head to the next area, Gu Changsheng appeared.

Of course, what Gu Changsheng said about something urgent was not just talk.

“Master?” Li Beifei looked confused.

Commander An and the others naturally called out to their seniors quickly, and Commander An was even more worried in his heart. Isn’t this big boss here to cause trouble for me? Is this a reckoning? The dark commander couldn’t help but think wildly.

“Master, why are you here?” Li Beifei asked.

“How long will it take for you to solve it?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“It will take about three days to return to the seniors.” Commander An said. Their intelligence agency had already found out the location of the person pretending to be a disciple of the Seven Star Sword Sect, and had placed teleportation coordinates at various locations. After they solved a After being dealt with, immediately use the teleportation array to teleport to the next place. This is undoubtedly the fastest efficiency, but it will still take three days. You can imagine how many people are pretending to be the Seven Star Sword Sect.

“It’s been too long. I don’t have much time to wait.” Gu Changsheng frowned.

“How long?” Leader An and the others looked at each other in confusion. In their plan, even the saints could not be so fast. After all, the people pretending to be disciples of the Seven Star Sword Sect were scattered, and the saints were unable to do anything at all.

“Master, is there something urgent?” Li Beifei asked. He couldn’t think of any reason except that it was urgent.

“Well, I haven’t seen Honghong for more than a year. I miss you so much as my teacher.” Gu Changsheng said.

“…” Li Beifei.

There is no need to say this. If you say this, it will make me think that I have fallen out of favor, but it seems that I have not been in favor either.

“Okay!” This reason was very strong, and Li Beifei couldn’t find any reason to refute it. Refutation? That’s looking for a fight.

What happened next was much simpler. Gu Changsheng just snapped his fingers, and those who pretended to be disciples of the Seven Star Sword Sect and had done evil things died violently.

And this incident spread quickly. The mysterious strong man who shocked the three major forces took action again, and suddenly pushed the Seven Star Sword Sect to the top of the wave. However, this time no one dared to pretend to be the Seven Star Sword Sect again. Because as long as you pretend to do good things, it’s okay. If you use the identity of Seven Star Sword Sect to do bad things, you will definitely explode and die.

In this regard, countless monks marveled at the mysterious power of the Seven Star Sword Sect. This method was not a curse, but a law, the law of heaven.

After Emperor Murong Tianjian of the Tianjian Dynasty learned what happened from Commander An, he was extremely glad that they did not have an enmity with the Seven Star Sword Sect, but were on good terms with them.

And our mysterious strong man returned to Tianhuang Star with his traitor Li Beifei.

(First-level awakening realm, second-level mortal realm, third-level concentration realm, fourth-level void-breaking realm, fifth-level life-and-death realm, sixth-level nirvana realm, seventh-level transcendent realm, eighth-level holy realm, ninth-level carefree realm, tenth-level saint, eleventh-level holy king , twelfth-level great saint, thirteenth-level quasi-emperor realm (quasi-emperor is divided into nine levels), fourteenth-level emperor (supreme ancient emperor) true immortal, immortal king, immortal king, immortal emperor, broken path, controller…)

… …

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