The Starry Sky Ancient Road Opens

Half a year passed quickly. In these six months, Li Beifei was undoubtedly the happiest. Whenever he had time, he would go to Mu’s house to find Mu Qingyi, or go out for an outing or enter the Demon Suppressing Land to kill monsters. Anyway, forget it. If there were no opportunities, he would create them. He also lamented how half a year passed so quickly.

One day, Li Beifei even came to Gu Changsheng, hoping to let Gu Changsheng beat him up and then ask Gu Changsheng to turn back time. Well, Gu Changsheng did beat him up, but turning back time? Don’t even think about it.

The day of the Awakening of Insects has arrived!

At Central China Humanity Academy, students who had been on a long vacation returned here one after another, and the dean stood in front of them, waiting with them for the opening of the Starry Sky Ancient Road.


At this moment, there was a strange movement in the sky. The space was like paper that was crumpled and then unfolded. It began to twist and deform. With a “stab”, the space was shattered and a huge hole appeared in the sky. Through this hole, everyone can actually see the starry sky, the colorful cosmic glare, the meteorites moving at extremely fast speeds, and the unknown celestial bodies and stars, all can be seen at this moment.

Everyone was in an uproar, is this the Starry Sky Ancient Road?

No, I saw the starry sky, but where is the ancient road?

Just when everyone was confused, a road paved with golden light extended from the entrance of the cave, all the way to the square of Humanity Academy.

Roads appear too!

On the day of Jingzhe, the ancient road appears!

This is a passage they saw in an ancient book in the academy. Now that they have seen it with their own eyes, their feelings are naturally very different from seeing the words in ancient books.



“I didn’t expect the ancient starry sky road to be so dreamy. It only opens once every 100,000 years. We are so lucky.” ”

Yes, how lucky!”

All kinds of complimentary words . From the mouths of these students.

“Boss, how do you feel?” Xuan Mingzi asked.


“Huh?” Xuan Mingzi was confused.

Li Beifei said: “This is how I feel.”


“Boss, I thought you would say some earth-shattering words of praise, but I didn’t expect it to be ‘f*ck’?” Xuan Mingzi was speechless.

“Then tell me?” Li Beifei asked.

Xuan Mingzi thought for a long time and finally said: “F*ck, f**k!”

One more than Li Beifei.

“Go to hell!” Li Beifei kicked Xuan Mingzi on the butt.

On the cloud, the Ancient Golden Emperor had a strange look on his face. He said: “Boss, this disciple of yours is really… really weird!” The

Ancient Golden Emperor disappeared for a while. During this time, the Ancient Golden Emperor suffered a lot. , I am forced to fight with the mysterious man in the same realm every day. I was slapped away at the beginning, but now I can finally hold on for dozens of rounds. The progress is not small, but in the end, no matter whether I can hold on for dozens of rounds or hundreds of rounds , I still got beaten in the end.

Every time Huang Guangzi returns to the clan, his body is exhausted. This makes Huang Huangrong extremely worried. Is the prince too intemperate? Although the prince’s bloodline is strong and his cultivation is not weak, the human race has a saying of plowing land and cattle. Yes, there is nothing broken, only tired cows. Should I remind the prince…

The avenue paved with golden light fell on the academy square. Just as the dean was about to speak, a burly figure stepped onto the golden avenue, He went upstream, submerged into the cave entrance, and rushed into the ancient starry sky road.

“As expected of Dongfang Ye’s grandson…” The dean looked at Qin Shaoshang’s figure and couldn’t help but shake her head. Then she said to the remaining students: “This is the ancient starry sky road that opens once every hundred thousand years. Stepping on the ancient road means… You will embark on a road of no return. How you choose depends entirely on you.”

Everyone was silent for a while. The road of no return that the dean said may be a bit serious, but when you step on the ancient road of the starry sky, you can only move forward, not backward. If you want to retreat, you can only become a saint and physically travel across the universe.

Some people choose not to enter the Starry Sky Ancient Path early on. Maybe they will be laughed at for not having ambition, but ambition is something like life, they choose life, and they know the gap between them and the top geniuses.

“Let’s go!”

Everyone was surprised and looked at the speaker. When they saw it, they were surprised again, it turned out to be the sixth person.

Li Beifei took one step forward, headed straight for the Nine Heavens along the Golden Light Avenue, and entered the Ancient Starry Sky Road.

With Li Beifei taking the lead, Bai Yifei, Xuan Mingzi, Xia Wuji, Li Ruoyu, Gu Tianjun, Mu Qingyi, Honghong, Princess Jiuli, Gu Xiruo and others also rushed forward.

For a while, more than a dozen people entered the Starry Sky Ancient Road one after another. Among the remaining people, many had hesitant expressions on their faces. After a while, another person rushed into the Starry Sky Ancient Road, shouting ” The phrase “a real man does something and doesn’t do something” is really inappropriate.

The dean applied to look at these people calmly. Every time the Starry Sky Ancient Road is opened, it will not last too long. If you miss it, you will have to wait for the next one hundred thousand years, but one hundred thousand years? Who can live for so long except Xian? No, the two Immortal Emperors lived together for hundreds of thousands of years, but throughout the ages, there was only one Immortal Emperor.

The golden light gradually dimmed, and the dean sighed, it seemed that was the end of it.


At this moment, a sound of space shattering sounded, and then a young figure walked out with a boy.

Gu Youxian looked at the golden avenue that was about to disappear and said with a smile: “Fortunately, it was almost too late.” Then he threw the young man next to him into it.

The young man staggered, finally stood up, and said to Gu Youxian: “Ancestor Youxian, can you not be so rude next time?”

This person is naturally Gu Xichao, who has been in the small world for the past three years. He was practicing, and Gu Youxian guided him from time to time. He had just come out of seclusion, so Gu Youxian hurriedly carried him through the void to the Humanity Academy.

“Okay, okay, Tianjun and Xiruo have already gone in. If you keep inking, they won’t know how far they have gone.”

Gu Youxian said, while Gu Xichao was startled and hurriedly stumbled towards the entrance of the cave. .

“I’ve never flown before, so I’m not used to it…” Gu Xichao muttered before entering the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

And this scene naturally attracted the attention of others.

Gu Youxian laughed and said, “Sorry, just jump in line. Okay, I’m leaving.”

After that, Gu Youxian left.

“Who is this?”

“I don’t know.”

“He just said that Gu Tianjun and Gu Xiwei are weak, right? They should be the strong men of the Gu family, and that young man should also be a genius of the Gu family, but why haven’t he seen them before? ”

Everyone was talking about Gu Xichao, and the Starry Sky Ancient Road finally completed its once-in-a-hundred-thousand-year mission at this time and was closed.

At the same time, in the endless chaos, several fairy-level magic weapons shuttled through the chaotic void, heading towards the world of mortals.

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