The Forbidden Land of the Ancient Gods

Gu Changsheng and the others walked towards the core forbidden area of the Ancient God Clan.

Along the way, the three of them were able to see some special buildings with various murals carved around the buildings. When passing by these murals, the three of them slowed down slightly.

Gu Wei and Golden Ancient Emperor were curious about the content conveyed on the mural, while Gu Changsheng thought it was simple and beautiful.

“The person who carved this mural is definitely a master. Look at the unicorn, which is so lifelike that it makes people feel like it is about to jump out of the mural. Look at the real dragon, soaring in the nine heavens, swallowing clouds. Fog…”

Every time he passed a mural, Gu Changsheng would comment on it with admiration.

“Boss, we can actually see it ourselves!”

After a long time, the Golden Ancient Emperor finally spoke unbearably. This time, even Gu Wei nodded in agreement.

“Oh, really?” Gu Changsheng said, and saw another mural. The content of this mural was very different from the previous one. The previous murals all depicted some rare and exotic animals, and this one in front of him was very different. The mural is mainly about characters.

There are twelve figures on the mural. They form a circle. Above their heads, there is something like a rectangular parallelepiped, which looks very weird.

“Why does this look like a coffin?” The Golden Ancient Emperor wondered.

Gu Changsheng squinted his eyes and said, “It seems to be a good treasure.”

“Treasure? Grandpa, do you think this coffin is a treasure?”

Gu Wei pointed to the coffin on the mural and asked in surprise.

Gu Changsheng smiled and said, “Some things can’t just be judged by their appearance.”

“Oh.” Gu Wei nodded, but she was still not interested in the coffin treasure that Gu Changsheng said. If it were a sword or halberd, it would definitely be very domineering when danced.

“Let’s go. The entrance should be right ahead. The Ancient God Clan sounds like a very awesome race.” Gu Changsheng said.

“No matter how awesome you are, you are not as awesome as the boss.” The Golden Ancient Emperor flattered him very bluntly.

Gu Changsheng said, “You are right.”

“…” Gu Wei.

The entrance to the forbidden land of the Ancient God Clan is actually a teleportation array that has been abandoned for countless years. It is doubtful whether it can even be used. However, the gatekeeper robot of the Ancient God Clan can be used normally, so this teleportation array should not be bad at all.

“Boss, I’ll go first!”

The Golden Ancient Emperor rushed up, thinking that if there was any danger, he would have a chance to take action, but he had to regain his dignity in front of the juniors.

But unfortunately, when he stepped onto the teleportation array, nothing happened.

“That shouldn’t be the case. The big black man was left as the goalkeeper in front of him. Shouldn’t there be some arrangement here?”

The Golden Ancient Emperor wondered in his heart. He just wanted to show off the majesty of his elders in front of the juniors. Why is it so difficult?

“What are you doing? Activate the teleportation array!”

Gu Changsheng said at this time. He and Gu Wei had already walked to the Golden Ancient Queen.


The Golden Ancient Emperor said a moment later, a divine source sank into a groove, but after a few breaths, the teleportation array did not start at all.

“Is this teleportation array no longer usable?”

The Golden Ancient Emperor wondered.

“Let me take a look.” Gu Changsheng walked to the groove, took a look, then dug out the divine source and threw it to the Golden Ancient Emperor. Then he grabbed it in the void with his big hand, and the aura emanating from it was stronger than the divine source. The more advanced Yuan Jing appeared.

Gu Changsheng put the source crystal into the groove and said: “This teleportation array is an immortal-level formation. It requires an immortal source to activate. Of course you can’t activate it if you put a piece of divine source.” “Immortal


Golden Ancient Emperor The corners of his mouth twitched. Now in the world of mortals, the only one who can gather the source of immortality is you, the boss.

Gu Wei has long been accustomed to Gu Changsheng’s methods of creating things from the void. The Gu family is now like a fairyland because Gu Changsheng has condensed an immortal vein for the Gu family. The immortal vein contains countless fairy sources, and the difference between fairy sources and divine sources is that, Immortal Source emits a special substance all the time. After this substance is mixed with the vitality of heaven and earth, it is called immortality substance.

However, this formation actually requires immortal sources to activate, so the history of the ancient gods is longer than imagined. Gu Wei thought so, and suddenly, the teleportation array emitted a soft light, wrapping the three of them, and suddenly the three of them disappeared into the teleportation array.

It seems that the piece of fairy source that Gu Changsheng condensed has not been used up. The brilliance on the surface of the fairy source has only dimmed a little. It seems that the teleportation array can be activated once or twice. Gu Changsheng does not care about this at all.

At this moment, Gu Changsheng and the others had successfully entered the forbidden area of the Ancient God Clan.

At this time, they appeared in a huge circular square. Around them, stood twelve huge stone statues. These stone statues had different faces, including a human head with a snake body, a human face with an animal body, and an animal head with a human body… …Each of them made a weird gesture with their hands. Each gesture was different and they didn’t know what they meant.

Behind the twelve stone statues, there is a staircase leading to a main hall, and the twelve stone statues correspond to the twelve main halls.

“Look, there’s something up there.” Gu Wei suddenly pointed at the sky above the three of them and said.

Gu Changsheng and Golden Ancient Emperor immediately looked up.

Directly above them, there was a huge coffin suspended, which emitted a faint light. It was made of an unknown material and was mysterious. After careful observation, they found that the eyes of the twelve stone statues were staring at the coffin in the air, and their eyes were full of piety.

“Are their gestures praying? But the prayer gestures should be the same.” Gu Wei said doubtfully. In the mural she saw before, she saw the scene of them praying to the coffin. The gestures at that time were the same. But now the gestures of the twelve stone statues are different. If they are praying, it would be too ungodly.

“They don’t seem to be praying. Instead, they seem to be forming seals. What do you think, boss?”

The Golden Ancient Emperor looked at Gu Changsheng.


“Did you just ask me?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“No, boss, were you distracted just now?” The Golden Ancient Emperor looked at Gu Changsheng in shock. This was the first time he had seen Gu Changsheng distracted.

Gu Wei also looked at her grandfather in surprise. What could make her grandfather distracted? I’m afraid that even if the darkness and turmoil comes, my ancestors won’t be able to curse him on his brow.


Gu Changsheng nodded, “I just remembered something.”

After saying that, Gu Changsheng turned his eyes to the twelve stone statues. These stone statues looked like the legendary twelve ancestral witches!

The ancient gods are the ancestors, are they the twelve stone statues in front of us?

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