: Gu Changsheng

Hou Tu was stunned, and then she reached out to touch the tea cup. The real touch that had been missing for countless millions of years was transmitted from her hand to her brain. The reason why she was able to knock the Golden Ancient Emperor away just now was nothing more than using the power of heaven and earth. , not really in contact with the Golden Ancient Emperor.

But now, she is very clear that she is just a consciousness, but this real touch is not fake. This weird feeling simply goes against the principles of heaven and earth.

Feeling the heat of the hot tea in your hands is really good!

Now if Hou Tu didn’t know the terror of the man in front of him, it would be unreasonable.

“Thank you!” Hou Tu said.

“Huh? Thank you for what?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“You don’t know?” Hou Tu also asked, the other party should know his inner thoughts.

“I’m not a pervert, and I won’t stare at others and read their minds all the time.” Gu Changsheng said.

“…” But you just read the mind of a stranger!

“Your Excellency is so noble and honorable!” Hou Tu said.

“You have good taste!”

Gu Changsheng naturally accepted Hou Tu’s compliment, but this made Hou Tu very uncomfortable. He thought Gu Changsheng would be a little more modest, but he didn’t expect…

“Let’s talk about that. I just calculated the origin of the coffin, and all the messy things are involved, which makes my head hurt.”

Gu Changsheng brought the topic back to the coffin. He had just calculated the coffin, and it involved too many things. Many, if you want him to sort it out, it will take at least a few hours. In this case, it is better to ask Hou Tu, the person involved.

Seeing that Gu Changsheng was paying so much attention to the coffin, Hou Tu put down her tea cup and said, “I don’t actually know much about that coffin.”

“Just pick what you know.” Gu Changsheng didn’t mind.

Hou Tu nodded and said: “This coffin can withstand the catastrophe of the era. It is like a mortal coffin, isolating the world inside it from the outside world, and even the cause and effect fate cannot enter.” ”

In it. With the help of the ancient gods, the ancient land inherited by our ancient gods has continued for eight chaotic eras, but it is a pity that we have been able to enter here since eight chaotic eras. Including you, there are only four groups of people in total.”

Having said this, after Tu’s tone was very depressing. Each era of chaos lasted for countless millions of years. Since the eight eras of chaos, only four groups of people have entered here. You must know that the Black God robot they set up is only quasi-supreme in strength.

Tough luck, so unlucky. Gu Changsheng sighed inwardly, there were even ten people in the four groups in total. Maybe only one per batch?

Hou Tu was depressed for a moment, and then continued: “There were four people in the first and second batches, but they all died in the great catastrophe of the era. Let’s not mention it. However, not long after the beginning of this era, a man named Ye A young man named Hongchen broke in with the strength of a saint, and finally he understood the twelve laws alone. His understanding was really terrifying…” ”

Stop, stop, stop!” Gu Changsheng interrupted her, “This It has nothing to do with that coffin, right?”

“I’m done talking about that coffin!” Hou Tu blinked and looked at Gu Changsheng innocently.

“I… Nima!”

Gu Changsheng almost spit out the tea in his mouth, but he still held it back. He looked at Hou Tu with wide eyes and said, “No more?”

“I told you before. I’ve told you, I don’t know much.” Hou Tu’s tone was innocent, but his slightly hollow eyes revealed cunning, asking you to read my mind. I really only know this much, and I’m not afraid of you reading my mind.

“Then don’t drink it!”

Gu Changsheng immediately put away the stone bench and the hot tea in front of Hou Tu.

“…” Hou Tu.

Are you too stingy? If you don’t drink, don’t drink, huh.

But Hou Tu looked at the tea cup reluctantly, and the real touch made her feel like she was alive again.

“Forget it, my wife told me before that a man shouldn’t be so stingy.” Gu Changsheng handed the tea cup to Hou Tu. Hou Tu was stunned for a moment. It’s his wife again. It’s hard to imagine that such a powerful man could actually do this. If he listens to his wife’s words, does he mean that his wife is a Taoist monk?

It should be.

Hou Tu took the tea cup, fearing that Gu Changsheng would snatch it back, and drank the hot tea in one gulp.

“Tsk, tsk, what a waste of natural resources, this is the Enlightenment Tea, you are so good at drinking it.” Gu Changsheng was amazed. The current Enlightenment Tea is not the previous Enlightenment Tea. The Enlightenment Tea rooted in the Gu family has returned to the level of an elixir. , the Immortal Medicine level Enlightenment Tea has a certain effect even on the Immortal Lord. It is indeed a waste of natural resources to be drunk by Hou Tu like this.

Then Hou Tu was also embarrassed by Gu Changsheng’s comment. His appearance just now was detrimental to his image.

Gu Changsheng ignored Hou Tu and walked towards the coffin.

“Be careful…”

Hou Tu stopped talking before he finished speaking.

“Huh? What are you careful about?” Gu Changsheng, who was already close to the coffin, looked back and asked.

“Nothing!” Hou Tu shook his head, and his heart was once again shocked. This coffin was discovered by them and other brothers and sisters in the interlayer between chaos and chaos when they and other brothers and sisters were escaping from their own world. At that time, none of them could They couldn’t get close to the coffin. When they left in disappointment, the coffin actually left the Mezzanine of Chaos with them. Since then, it has become a treasure that has protected the ancient gods for eight epochs. It’s a pity that they can’t understand the coffin. , if they could control that coffin, they might not have perished.

But I didn’t expect that a stranger I met today would approach the coffin so easily.

“By the way, your consciousness has been able to exist until now because of the power of this coffin, right?” Gu Changsheng asked at this time.

“Yes!” Hou Tu nodded. She was just a consciousness that would have disappeared between heaven and earth as time went by. However, because of this coffin, her consciousness has always existed to this day.

“Tsk tsk!”

Gu Changsheng suddenly looked at Hou Tu.

“What’s wrong?” Hou Tu noticed that his eyes were strange and asked.

“As long as this coffin is immortal, your consciousness will remain forever. In addition to having no vital signs, your current state has achieved immortality.” Gu Changsheng said with a smile.

“Yes, but so what, living forever trapped in one place is worse than death.” A bitter smile appeared on Hou Tu’s face. Her consciousness has existed for eight chaotic eras, which means that she has endured Eight chaotic eras of loneliness.

“Want to go out?”


Hou Tu looked at Gu Changsheng because he was confused.

“I can help you!”

“But you have to promise me one thing!”

Gu Changsheng looked at Hou Tu with a smile, like a strange worm.

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