Resurrection Gu Changsheng is angry (2-in-1)


Gu Changsheng gave her a thumbs up. He liked such decisive people.


Gu Changsheng lightly snapped his fingers. Before Hou Tu could react, he felt something strange coming from his body.


With this thought, Hou Tu was stunned. For countless years, she had long been accustomed to being without a body, and had even forgotten what it felt like to have a body. But now, Gu Changsheng just snapped his fingers, and she Just have that long-lost feeling again.

“Well… although she is not as beautiful as my wife, she is not without her advantages.”

At this time, Gu Changsheng sighed.


Hou Tu came to her senses and found that Gu Changsheng was looking at her, and it was still at her chest.


Hou Tu was about to get angry, but when he saw that Gu Changsheng’s eyes were extremely clear, not even appreciative, as if the scenery he saw was an ordinary thing, Hou Tu was discouraged, and at the same time I also think Gu Changsheng is really weird. He seems to be interested in everything, but he behaves like a rotten salted fish. For

this kind of person, Houtu really doesn’t know how to express his anger, or his anger is like a child having a temper in the eyes of the other person, right?

This feeling is very strange. It is clear that the other party is not even a fraction of her age, but in front of her, I really feel like a little girl. No matter in terms of words, strength, or even attitude, she is obsessed with the other party. of suppression.

“Okay, you should get familiar with your body. Don’t use your strength randomly after you get out. The world of mortals cannot withstand your torment. I’ll deal with the cancer first.” After saying that,

Gu Changsheng disappeared, disappearing together. And the coffin in the sky.

Hou Tu stared blankly at the original position of the coffin, feeling the power coming from her body, with mixed emotions in her heart.

Originally, she thought that even if she was reborn, she would only retain the power of consciousness at most, but now, her rebirth has retained the strength she had at her peak.

In the realm of breaking the Tao, no wonder he just said that he should not use his power indiscriminately. This world really cannot withstand her tossing.

“I don’t know how strong his disciple is, but he actually needs to find a powerful Taoist to be his guardian. If he is going to travel all over the world, he must at least be a true immortal. He is so strong, as his disciple Disciple, obviously you are not weak in strength, at least Immortal King, right?”

Hou Tu was imagining Hong Hong’s strength at this time, but he didn’t know that Hong Hong had just broken through the second level of Nirvana Realm, and was still some way away from the Transcendent Realm. distance, let alone the True Immortal Immortal King.

All we can say is that Gu Changsheng has really found the right person. The person he is looking for all has a common hobby, which is fantasy!

At this time, in the small world outside the ancient land inherited by the ancient gods, battleships full of technology appeared one after another. Each battleship was equivalent to a holy weapon, and the most terrifying thing about these battleships was Only enough source crystals are needed to exert their maximum power. In other words, these battleships are equivalent to a saint holding a holy weapon, and it is only easy to destroy the galaxy.

“Finally back here again!”

On the main ship, the ancestor of Gansheng who transformed his body into a machine sighed with emotion.

“Ancestor, there is a person in front of you.” At this time, someone reported to him.


The ancestor of Qian Sheng said calmly. Every day, he needs to suck the souls of newborn babies to replenish the soul source. Killing people is already a common occurrence.

“Ancestor, I can’t kill you!”

After a while, the man rushed back to report.

“Can’t kill? Don’t you know how to use the Star Destroyer Cannon?”

Ancestor Qian Sheng’s voice was displeased. The Star Destroyer Cannon is the most advanced weapon of the warship. With one shot, the stars can be shattered, which is comparable to a Saint’s blow.

“It was used, but the other party… was unscathed!”

The man almost cried. He had just watched the Star Destroyer Cannon hit the other party’s body, not to mention not even a scratch on the other party’s clothes. get dirty.


The ancestor of Gansheng raised his voice. With his mechanical body, his voice was not pleasant to begin with. If his voice was raised again, it would be like a drake’s voice, sharp and unpleasant.

“Ancestor, you… better go and see for yourself.”


Ancestor Qian Sheng snorted, and disappeared in a flash.

When Saint Ancestor Qian came to the fleet, he saw a young man wearing a green shirt blocking the direction of the fleet.

Ancestor Qian Sheng said coldly: “Who are you? How dare you stand in front of my Ziwei Holy Land.”

Gu Changsheng moved his eyes away from the battleships, and then looked at Ancestor Qian Sheng, his face suddenly turned cold. Come down.

Who is Gu Changsheng? He can see the true nature of the ancestor Qian Sheng at a glance. He doesn’t care if the ancestor Qian Sheng just transforms his body into a machine. But the ancestor Qian Sheng is full of the resentment of a human baby, which makes him Feeling very angry.

“After so many years, you are the first… cancer that made me angry.”

Gu Changsheng’s tone was calm, but underneath the calmness, there was anger. The last time he was angry was hundreds of thousands of years ago. During a dark turmoil before, the result of his anger was that the eight supreme beings who launched the dark turmoil were slapped to death by him.

“Ziwei Holy Land seems to need a good cleanup.”

Gu Changsheng’s eyes showed an inexplicable look. At this moment, he suddenly had the idea of making a comeback.

“How dare you insult our Ziwei Holy Land and seek death.”

The ancestor of Qian Sheng obviously didn’t know the importance of the matter. When he heard Gu Changsheng said that he wanted to liquidate Ziwei Holy Land, he became angry and waved his hand. It explodes completely, and as soon as it strikes, it is with all its strength.

This small world is very strong, and the upper limit of the power it can withstand is very high, so the ancestor of Qian Sheng is not afraid of destroying this small world. On the contrary, he heard before that the Star Destroyer Cannon can’t hurt the opponent at all, so he came up and used all his strength.


The power of the Great Sage’s peak was fully revealed, and the terrifying pressure distorted the space. The warships behind the ancestors of the Qian Saint retreated far away, and built a shield to prevent Chi Yu from being harmed.


Ancestor Qian Sheng roared angrily, and a huge spiritual palm appeared in the sky, carrying the aura of destruction and swatted at Gu Changsheng.

But before the huge spiritual palm could get close to Gu Changsheng, it disappeared without a trace.

“How is it possible?”

The ancestor of Qian Sheng looked horrified. Even if the other party was a strong man, this situation should not happen. But he didn’t know that this was Gu Changsheng’s invulnerability. The life levels of the two sides were so different. How could low-dimensional creatures harm high-dimensional creatures?

The ancestor of Qian Sheng did not give up. He slapped Gu Changsheng several times in succession. The terrifying palm force tore apart the space and attacked Gu Changsheng. However, the result did not change. After reaching a certain distance, he suddenly disappeared without a trace. No trace.

“How could this happen?”

The ancestor of Qian Sheng was confused, and the people in the fleet behind him were also confused when they saw this scene.

“How can a person who only thinks about heresy understand my existence?” Gu Changsheng’s voice was cold.

“Who are you?” Qian Sheng Patriarch asked again.

“Who am I? Hahahaha…”

“A million years ago, the human race called me the Holy Emperor, and all the races in the universe respectfully called me, the Immortal Emperor!”

“The Human Race Holy Emperor, the Immortal Emperor?

” The Holy Ancestor was stunned, and then he shook his head wildly, “Impossible, how could someone live from millions of years ago to now? You can’t even think of lying to me.”

“Lied to you? Are you worthy?”

Gu Changsheng snorted coldly, Then with a big wave of his hand, all the warships that were comparable to holy soldiers behind the ancestor of the Goddess Saint were destroyed. The ancestor of the Goddess Saint simply changed his face. No matter how crazy he was, he now understood that he was no match for the other party.


The ancestor of Qian Sheng was very decisive and ran towards the exit of the secret realm in an instant.

Gu Changsheng just waved his hand and detained the ancestor of Qian Sheng.

“You…Holy Emperor, spare your life!”

Qian Sheng Ancestor knelt down again with a decisive pop, begging Gu Changsheng to let him go. Now he no longer cares whether what Gu Changsheng said is true or false. Anyway, as long as he can survive, He can do anything.

“Oh, what if I ask you to go back and deal with Ziwei Holy Land?”

Gu Changsheng asked.

“As long as the Holy Emperor spares me, let alone Ziwei Holy Land, even if you ask me to deal with the Gu family, I will not hesitate.” Qian Sheng Patriarch said immediately.


Gu Changsheng laughed. This man not only changed his body into a machine, but also changed his will. The meaning of the existence of the Immortal Force is to protect the human race from being bullied by other races. However, the man in front of him came from the Ziwei Holy Land. Not only did he fail to shoulder the important task of protecting the human race, but he continued to harm his own race. In him, Gu Changsheng could feel Countless babies wail in agony.

“The human race has given birth to a beast like you. It’s because I can’t discipline it well.”

After saying that, Gu Changsheng waved his hand, and the body of the ancestor Qian Sheng completely dissipated.


Just after the death of the ancestor of Qian Sheng, a series of eerie wails sounded, and traces of black aura continued to condense around Gu Changsheng. These black auras eventually condensed into the innocent souls of one baby after another. , the faces of babies should originally be the purest faces in the world, but now, their faces are like evil ghosts under the Nine Netherworld, ferocious and terrifying.


Countless screams and wailings filled this secret realm, and countless hideous and terrifying ghosts circulated between heaven and earth. Some of them died more than ten thousand years ago, while some were today.

Gu Changsheng’s face turned pale. These were the innocent souls of newborns. Less than a day after they were born, their souls were devoured and they died in pain. The devoured souls made it impossible to reincarnate.

“I can’t let you die so comfortably.”

As soon as Gu Changsheng thought, the ancestor Qian Sheng who had turned into nothingness was immediately resurrected. And the moment the ancestor Qian Sheng was resurrected, countless innocent babies in the sky seemed to have found an outlet. Tens of millions of wronged souls rushed toward the ancestor of Qian Sheng.

“What is this…ah…my divine sea…don’t, don’t come in…ah…”

As countless wronged souls entered the divine sea of ancestor Qian Sheng, ancestor Qian Sheng screamed in pain, and those The wronged soul was now gnawing at his divine sea, making him miserable.

“Please…kill me, kill me…”

Qian Sheng Ancestor frantically begged Gu Changsheng to kill him. At this time, his divine sea was crowded with countless innocent souls, and he even tried to commit suicide. Not here.

But Gu Changsheng just looked at him coldly, unmoved.

Soon, the Divine Sea of the Ancestor Qian Sheng was chewed up, and the Divine Sea was destroyed. The Ancestor Qian Sheng could not hold on any longer. Only a mechanical body was left, but the breath of life was gone.

“Wow wow wow…”

At this moment, the wails of those innocent babies turned into cries like those of newborn babies. Tens of millions of cries came out at the same time, shaking the heaven and earth, even the sun, moon, mountains and rivers. It’s all bleak at this moment.

Gu Changsheng looked at the innocent soul of the baby wandering in the sky and said softly: “Go and be reincarnated. I promise in the name of the Holy Emperor that you will never encounter this kind of thing again.” The innocent

soul in the sky seemed to hear something. Like guidance, they all flew in a certain direction, and finally disappeared into the sky together.

But things are obviously not over yet.

Gu Changsheng took one step and returned to the Gu family.

At this time, Gu Youxian was studying the Great Dao and felt the familiar aura of Gu Changsheng. He opened his eyes and was about to say hello, but found that his grandfather’s face was very ugly.

“Grandpa? What’s wrong?” Gu Youxian asked cautiously.

“Gu Youxian!” Gu Changsheng said in a deep voice.

“Here!” Gu Youxian’s body trembled. This was the first time that his grandfather called him by his name so formally. It was obvious that something big was about to happen.

“As the Holy Emperor of the human race, I order you to lead the campaign to suppress the Ziwei Holy Land. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed without mercy.”

Gu Changsheng had extraordinary killing intent.


Gu Youxian responded loudly, and at the same time his heart was shaking. He didn’t know what Ziwei Holy Land had done to make his grandfather behave like this, but he didn’t ask any more questions. His grandfather naturally had his reasons for doing this.

“Remember not to hurt innocent babies.”

Gu Changsheng warned.

“Okay, Grandpa!”


Gu Youxian’s face changed slightly, and he immediately changed his words: “I understand, His Majesty the Holy Emperor.”

Gu Changsheng nodded, and then handed a small cauldron to Gu Youxian.

Gu Youxian took the small cauldron with surprised eyes. If he took out this small cauldron, his grandfather’s identity would no longer be hidden.

“Since we are following the orders of the Holy Emperor, we must have a token, and the Eternal Life Cauldron is the best proof.”

Gu Changsheng said calmly.

“I understand!”

Gu Youxian nodded. He understood. Grandpa didn’t know why, but he no longer wanted to stand behind the scenes.

Gu Youxian never thought that Gu Changsheng had this idea because of a great sage ancestor from Ziwei Holy Land.


Gu Changsheng waved his hand.

Gu Youxian nodded and took the Eternal Life Cauldron to Ziwei Holy Land.

On this day, centered on Ziwei Holy Land in the Eastern Territory of Tianhuang Star, the entire universe suddenly fell into a boil.

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