: Surpassing the boss in recruiting disciples (two-in-one)

Firelight flashed in the dilapidated courtyard, and several children gathered around, staring intently at the shiny wolf meat in front of the Golden Ancient Emperor. Smelling the alluring aroma of the meat, they were all Keep swallowing saliva.

“When can we eat it?” said the gluttonous Ah Si.

“Idiot Ah Si, of course you have to bake it before you can eat it. Your saliva is dripping on the ground.” said the little girl Ah Wu.

When Ah Si heard this, he quickly wiped his mouth. Where there was saliva, the laughter of several friends could be heard next to him, and he knew that he had been deceived by Ah Wu.

“Damn Ah Wu, wait a minute, I’ll eat faster and eat more, and I’ll eat your share too.” Ah Si said his revenge plan viciously.

“Tch!” Ah Wu hissed. She didn’t believe that Ah Si could finish it. The uncle had beaten several wolves.

The Golden Ancient Emperor calmly watched them playing and playing, and then Axiong came over and asked: “Uncle, are you a cultivator?”

The Golden Ancient Emperor nodded.

“That’s right. If it weren’t for cultivating immortals, it wouldn’t have fallen from the sky and smashed the ground into a big pit, but no one would be fine, nor would it have been able to kill so many wild wolves.”

Axiong said to himself, but did not notice. The corner of the Golden Ancient Emperor’s mouth twitched slightly. A majestic Ancient Emperor actually fell from the sky. It didn’t matter, it was seen by a few secular children.

However, the Golden Ancient Emperor noticed the scars on Ah Xiong Lai’s face, and said, “Did you fight with someone?” ”

Yeah!” Ah Xiong nodded, “Those guys in the east of the city bullied us too much. They actually took our place to beg. , blatantly breaking the rules, so I fought with them, but I was no match for them, and I got a few blows on the face.” When

Axiong said he was beaten, his face was calm, and it felt like he was used to it. If he is a person who has experienced many vicissitudes of life, The adult Golden Ancient Emperor wouldn’t have any ideas, but he had seen Axiong’s bone age, and he was only ten years old this year. He must have felt this calm because he had often fought with people since he was a child.

When he was as young as him, he was already a strong man in the Concentration Realm. He defeated the invincible opponents of his generation from the ancient clan. Until he reached the peak of the quasi-emperor, he never encountered an inferior opponent until he met that perverted boss!

Now I don’t even know what level the boss’s strength has reached. I’m still stuck in the supreme realm. I fought with him for three months, wouldn’t he have let me do it? Damn it, wouldn’t he?

The more the Ancient Golden Emperor thought about it, the more likely it became. When he and the boss fought for the Tianxin Seal, they fought non-stop for three months. Now thinking about it, it was probably because the boss couldn’t find an opponent, and then finally found someone who could be called an opponent. , so he let go. Otherwise, with the boss’s ability to conquer ten thousand people with his own way and become an emperor against the will of heaven, how could he have lasted for three months.

Damn, this is not letting water go. I’m afraid I’ve already released a few Endless Seas.

“Uncle, I’m confused…”

Just as the Golden Ancient Emperor was looking back on the past prosperous years, anxious shouts came from next to him, and then he smelled a burning smell.

“I’ll go!”

The Golden Ancient Emperor came to his senses instantly, but it was too late. Most of the wolf’s meat had been burnt black, and some of its skin had even been carbonized.

Fortunately, this wolf is big enough. The surface is a little burnt, but there is still meat inside. Eating meat does not mean just eating the skin.

So the Golden Ancient Emperor took out a sharp knife, peeled off the burnt meat, and then wanted to throw it away, but Axiong stopped him.

“Uncle, why did you throw them away? It’s not like they are inedible.” Axiong said.

“You also eat it if it’s burnt?” the Golden Ancient Emperor said in surprise.

“Of course, the meat we’ve eaten before was even more burnt than these, but the restaurant patrons in town didn’t want it, and then we’ll be in for a treat, hehe.”

Agou showed a look of aftertaste. The Ancient Golden Emperor was startled. He looked at several other people and saw that they looked like dogs, but they felt something inside. Slowly, he entered the state of enlightenment unknowingly, entering the state of enlightenment twice a day. I’d be scared to death if I told you.

“Uncle, uncle…”

Several people shouted around the Golden Ancient Emperor, but found that although the Golden Ancient Emperor had his eyes open, he didn’t seem to hear their words. A Xiong couldn’t help but explore the Golden Ancient Emperor’s chest. After snoring, they found that they were in the same “asleep” state as before. They had experienced it once, so it was not surprising to them.

“Uncle, we’re ready to eat!”

The gluttonous Ghost Ah Si said. Seeing that the Golden Ancient Emperor didn’t answer, he took it as his tacit agreement, so he took the lead in picking up the roasted wolf meat and started to devour it. Several others Seeing this, they couldn’t wait to pick up the wolf meat and start eating it. However, the five of them picked some burnt ones to eat first, and those that were not burnt took out the ones they usually used to make steamed buns. It was wrapped in dry leaves. These leaves were washed and dried by themselves, but they were cleaner than themselves.

After several people had eaten, they wrapped the remaining wolf meat by the light of firewood and placed it in a ventilated and dry place so that it would not go bad easily. This was their own life experience, and then they Together they worked together to move the Golden Ancient Emperor into the half-remaining house, placed him on a wooden board, and then came to the corpses of several wolves.

“There are still five wolves. If left for a long time, they will definitely rot. We won’t disembowel them, peel them off and cramp them like uncle, so what should we do?” Ah San said.

“Brother Xiong, what do you want to do?”

At this time, everyone else looked at Xiong. In their small family, Xiong had the final say on all major events.

Ah Xiong said, “Uncle Jin gave it to him. Let’s ask him when he wakes up tomorrow.” ”

That’s it. I’m full and sleepy. Let’s go to bed.” Ah Si touched his bulging belly and smiled. road.

No one said anything about Ah Si now, because they were also sleepy. This was the first time they had eaten so much, and it was also the first time they had felt so sleepy.

A few people slept until dawn, but when they got up, they found that the Golden Ancient Emperor was still sitting on the wooden board motionless. They became worried. Those wolf carcasses had been left all night, and if they were not dealt with, they would die. smelly.

“What should I do, Brother Axiong?”

Ah Wu asked.

Axiong looked at the wolf corpse outside, and then at the Golden Ancient Emperor who was sleeping with his eyes open, then walked over and asked: “Uncle Golden, wake up, wake up!”

But the Golden Ancient Emperor had already entered a deep state of enlightenment. , the six senses are closed, and they will only wake up unless their lives are in danger. Obviously, A Xiong and others are not a threat to the Golden Ancient Emperor, so naturally they cannot wake up the Golden Ancient Emperor.

Seeing that he couldn’t wake up the Ancient Golden Emperor, Axiong said to a few people: “Let’s go sell the wolf. The money will be handed over to Uncle Golden when he wakes up.”

Naturally, the people agreed, so They worked together to move the five wolf carcasses onto a wooden board, and then tied them to the wooden board with the vines that dragged the Golden Ancient Emperor yesterday. After eating some of the meat roasted last night, they worked together to pull the five wolf carcasses towards the town. go.

Mojia Town is a remote town in the Southern Wilderness Zhou Kingdom. The strongest monk here is Mo Fan, the mayor of Mojia Town. In the early stage of the Concentration Realm, he was just a rookie in the world of immortality, but in Mo Fan In Jiazhen, he is indeed a high-ranking immortal master and is worshiped by countless people in Mojia Town.

There are no guards in Mojia Town. The five Axiongs walked into Mojia Town dragging five wolf carcasses. However, they, five little beggars, dragged five wolf carcasses, which naturally attracted the attention of others. Fortunately, most of these people were mortals who had worked hard all their lives. , although they were curious about why Ah Xiong and the beggars were dragging five wolf corpses, they did not have any evil intentions, or they did not dare to do anything untoward. Although the mayor of Mojia Town, Mo Fan, had a low cultivation level, he He is also a mayor who works hard to govern. Under his jurisdiction, there has been no murder case in Mojia Town for many years. After all, ordinary people who commit crimes will be spotted by him, an immortal master in the Concentration Realm, at a glance.

The benefits are too small and the risks are too great, so it’s not worth it.

Although Ah Xiong and the others are young, they often hang out in the market, and they still understand some principles. Because they know that the public security in Mojia Town is good, they dare to bring five wolf corpses here.

After several people had eaten, they pulled the wolf carcass to a butcher who was selling meat. The butcher was naked to the waist and covered in sinews. He looked so fierce that Ah Wu was so scared that he hid behind him.

Butcher Zhang knew these little beggars like A Xiong, because sometimes when he had to throw away the stinky meat that he couldn’t sell, they would come and pick it up. Although they had not spoken to each other, they would go back and forth and mingle. A familiar face.

“Where did you get the wolves?” asked Butcher Zhang in a loud voice.

It was also the first time for A-Xiong to talk to Butcher Zhang. Even though he looked familiar before, he still felt very nervous now. Especially when he saw the knife in front of Butcher Zhang that was bigger than his head, he couldn’t help but tremble in his heart. He pretended to be calm and said: “This… we dug a trap to catch this and then stoned it to death.”

Naturally, Butcher Zhang didn’t believe it. He looked at the corpses of the wolves, although they were hit by heavy objects. However, based on his many years of butchering experience, these wounds were caused after the wolves died, which means that these wolves were not crushed to death.

“It wasn’t stolen, was it?” Butcher Zhang confirmed.

“Of course not!”

Ah Xiong and the others stared at Butcher Zhang stubbornly, as if they had been greatly wronged. They were beggars, but not thieves. To say they stole would be an insult to them.

“Okay!” Butcher Zhang believed it, because when he went out to deliver meat to customers, these little guys were right opposite his stall. When he came back, there was nothing missing. On the contrary, these few A little guy sat next to his stall, as if looking at the stall for him. Although he asked Widow Li next to him to help look at it, he felt that what these little guys did was quite good.

“Really, how much is it?” Axiong asked quickly, but he no longer pretended to be calm. After all, he was just a ten-year-old child.

“I have to see this before I can put a price on it.”

As he said that, Butcher Zhang walked over to the wolf corpse, looked down at the wolf corpse, and said, “The corpse is very complete, but unfortunately, the wolf hair was knocked off in some places and stained. It took a lot of blood. If it had not been smashed, the price would have been higher if it were made into a wolf fur coat. It’s a pity.”

Axiong showed an embarrassed look on his face. The idea of smashing the wolf carcass was naturally his, because he found a little bit of it on the wolf carcass. There were no scars, so in order to make people think that he was stoned to death, he was stoned several times on the way here. Unexpectedly, this time it was self-defeating.

“But these wolves are big. A little bit of fur is no big deal. Five wolves, fifty taels,” said Butcher Zhang.

“Fifty taels!”

Ah Xiong and others’ eyes lit up. This was a huge sum of money for them.

In the ordinary world, although low-grade source crystals are also circulated, ordinary people usually use gold and silver for daily transactions. In this world, gold and silver are very devalued.

But this depreciation is only relative to monks. Gold and silver are useless to them, only Source Crystal is useful. But for ordinary people, especially little beggars like A Xiong, fifty taels is enough for them to live frugally. Half a year has passed.

After Ah Xiong took the bag of money from Butcher Zhang, he counted it carefully, and after confirming fifty taels, he left with Ah Wu and others, heading back to his home.

Fortunately, the journey was uneventful and no one was following them, which made them relieved.

When they returned, the Golden Ancient Emperor was still in the same state.

Axiong put the money bag containing fifty taels in front of the Golden Ancient Emperor and said, “Uncle Huang, those wolves sold for fifty taels, but I put them all here.” Axiong didn’t care whether the

Golden Ancient Emperor could Unable to hear it, he took a few people out to beg.

Although they have wolf meat at home, they will eventually finish it, so they still need to beg.

At noon, the Golden Ancient Emperor woke up from his epiphany again. This time his eyes were clear and he seemed to understand something. As soon as he moved, he touched the money bag in front of him. He picked it up and looked at it. He was stunned for a moment, then looked at the wolf corpse that had disappeared in the yard, and then he knew what had happened.

“These children are really pure and kind. It’s a pity that their bodies are not suitable for cultivation. That’s right. If they were suitable for cultivation, they would have been accepted by the human sect long ago. How could they be reduced to beggars.”

“But since we met, it’s fate.”

“The boss has already accepted two disciples. My strength is not as good as the boss, but I can have more disciples than him, hahaha!”

I thought about surpassing Gu Changsheng in recruiting disciples. , the Golden Ancient Emperor couldn’t help laughing.

“Uncle Jin, are you stupid? Although fifty taels is a lot, you won’t laugh like this, right?”

At this time, Ah Xiong and the others came back. When they came back, they found the Ancient Emperor Huang laughing up to the sky, and there was something in his hand. Holding the money bag he gave, Axiong thought that the Golden Ancient Emperor smiled like this because he saw the money. This made them think that the Golden Ancient Emperor was not doing well in the world of immortality.

The Golden Ancient Emperor’s laughter stopped abruptly, but he quickly regained his composure.

“Come back?”

asked the Golden Ancient Emperor.

“Yeah, I’m so lucky today, I got three steamed buns.”

Axiong smiled and took out three steamed buns to show off to the Golden Ancient Emperor.

“Hey, I grabbed half a chicken drumstick that the restaurant guest didn’t want.” Greedy Ah Si’s mouth was full of greasy food, and it was obvious that half of the drumstick had already entered his stomach.

“I only have two steamed buns.” Ah Wu said sadly.

Ah Gou and Ah San looked at each other and both shrugged. It was obvious that they had gained nothing.

The Golden Ancient Emperor’s mouth twitched when he saw them as if they were showing off their achievements to him. Why did he feel like he was the leader of these little brats, and he went begging under his instructions?

The Golden Ancient Emperor shook his head, and then said: “Do you want to live a life with endless source crystals in the future?”

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