Attacking Gu Youxian

Hou Tu has not been idle during the past half month. She is like a human emperor who is working hard to govern, giving orders to the Gu family. She is happy, but Gu Wei is frightened every day because of the five hundred thousand years of accumulation of the Gu family. It is being consumed at an extremely fast rate, especially the immortal gold. In order to build a Holy Emperor’s Palace, Hou Tu has used up all the immortal gold in the Gu family’s inventory. This shocked everyone in the Gu family. At the same time, Some Gu family members were also thinking about the relationship between Hou Tu and their ancestors, so many people surprisingly came to the conclusion that Hou Tu might be the beauty of their ancestors, otherwise why would they let her go through so much trouble.

Of course, these words cannot be said out loud. Didn’t you know that one time, an immortal ancestor said something wrong and was thrown out of the Tianhuang Star by the ancestor?

In seven days, just seven days, Hou Tu built a magnificent Holy Emperor’s Palace. The Holy Emperor’s Palace stood above the Gu family, giving people an aura that suppressed the heavens.

Hou Tu looked at him with a smile on his face and said: “Now this Holy Emperor’s Palace is only an ordinary immortal weapon. This is also because the time is too short. If you give me tens of thousands of years, I will definitely be able to build it into a Immortal Emperor Artifact, but if I want to break through the category of Immortal Artifact, unless I imprint my own Dao into it and nurture it in my own way, the best I can do is reach the level of Immortal Emperor Artifact.” “But

this Holy Emperor’s Palace was built for you. , it would be bad if I used my own way to nurture it.”

Hou Tu obviously meant that the remaining steps would be left to Gu Changsheng.

Gu Changsheng was speechless in the Heavenly Holy Emperor’s Palace. He said, “I said you can create fairy gold yourself. Why do you have to use my Gu family’s inventory? Is it easy for my family to save that amount?”

Hou Tu’s smile faltered. She looked at Gu Changsheng strangely.

“What are you looking at? I have a wife.” Gu Changsheng said.

“It’s unreasonable for you… to be so strong.” Hou Tu complained. Not only was this person thick-skinned, but he was also narcissistic and even stingy. Didn’t he just use fairy gold? Besides, you can also make fairy gold. Ah, it sounds like I used some rare treasure. I am so angry.

Hou Tu discovered that since she met Gu Changsheng, her blood pressure had not fluctuated for countless years. Recently, it had spiked abnormally. If this were an ordinary person, her blood vessels would have burst and she would have died eight hundred times.

I’m so angry.

“See for yourself!”

After she left in a huff, Gu Changsheng looked at her leaving back, shook his head, and muttered: “I have such a bad temper, which means I am generous. No wonder I have been single for countless years. It’s not without reason. “Yes.”

Hou Tu’s footsteps stagnated, and then he hurriedly walked away, fearing that he would be unable to resist taking action against Gu Changsheng if he was a little later.

After Hou Tu left, Gu Changsheng set his sights on the Holy Emperor’s Palace. He naturally understood what Hou Tu meant by building this Holy Emperor’s Palace. Hou Tu was adhering to his will to manage and even unify the human race, so no matter what, he must Borrowing the name of the Holy Emperor from another race, otherwise even if she is powerful, the human race will not obey her. Sometimes strong strength may not be able to unify a race, and although the human race also has many cancerous borers like the ancestors of Qian Sheng, However, the human race has not lacked people who have given up their lives since ancient times.

In the human race a million years ago, Gu Changsheng had not yet risen. Although the human race was weak at that time, it could even be said that it was slaughtered by ten thousand races, but so what, the human race at that time did not surrender to the ten thousand races. As long as the human race at that time showed any It would not be too difficult to become a vassal of a powerful race, but no one chooses to surrender. The human race has relied on this unyielding will to reach the present.

Hou Tu also knew this characteristic of the human race, so even if he wanted to unify the human race in the world of mortals, he would need to rely on the title of Gu Changsheng, the Holy Emperor of the Human Race, to proceed smoothly.

“A girl is struggling so hard. Am I being too much?”

“With immortal weapons, it’s easy to suppress the world of mortals, but if you want to suppress all worlds, it’s far from enough!”

Gu Changsheng said , then he flicked his finger at the Holy Emperor’s Palace in the sky, and a divine rainbow appeared, then entered the Holy Emperor’s Palace and merged with the Holy Emperor’s Palace.

“Huh?” Hou

Tu felt something in her heart after not walking far. She looked up at the Holy Emperor’s Palace in the sky. Although the appearance and atmosphere of the Holy Emperor’s Palace had not changed in any way, as the founder of the Holy Emperor’s Palace, she could clearly see that She could sense the changes in the nature of the Holy Emperor’s Palace. It wouldn’t take long for the Holy Emperor’s Palace to surpass the immortal weapon and become an existence comparable to hers.

“You can create a Dao-breaking level with just a flick of your hand. What level has his strength reached? Controller? Impossible, and it is impossible for a controller to do it. The existence beyond the controller is the legendary other side. “?”

Many thoughts flashed through Hou Tu’s heart. She was extremely curious about Gu Changsheng’s strength, but she did not ask. She felt that asking others about their strength was an extremely unfriendly thing. Even in the world of immortality, many conflicts are caused by curiosity about others. It was caused by cultivation. As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat. Houtu had just been resurrected not long ago, and she didn’t want to die.

Then Hou Tu’s face turned ugly.

“Why is this guy so lazy despite his terrifying strength? It’s so unreasonable for such a lazy person to be so strong.” Hou Tu has always been worried about Gu Changsheng’s lazy attitude. If he could be more If we put in a little effort, not to mention unifying the human race in all the heavens and all the worlds, even unifying all the heavens and all the worlds, and even unifying other chaotic worlds, is within easy reach, but this person is just lazy and has no ambition… The more Hou

Tu thinks about it, the more distressed he becomes. , so much so that when Gu Youxian, who was looking for Gu Changsheng for something, saw her on the street, she didn’t even respond to his greetings.

After Gu Youxian was frustrated, he muttered: “Isn’t it because grandpa is messing with senior Houtu again? Forget it, I won’t get involved in grandpa’s affairs.” Gu Youxian shook his head quickly and extinguished the flames of gossip.

Gu Youxian looked at the Holy Emperor’s Palace in the sky, with a look of pain in his eyes. The Gu family’s half-million-year savings were almost all used up in these seven days just to build the Holy Emperor’s Palace in the sky, but thinking of the Holy Emperor The emperor wanted to suppress the existence of the heavens, so Gu Youxian gritted his teeth and accepted it.

Except for Gu Changsheng, everyone in the Gu family was excited about Hou Tu’s plan. Gu Youxian was no exception, but he was still weak and could not help Hou Tu much. He was also anxious, so he thought I asked my grandpa for help.

After Gu Youxian arrived at Gu Changsheng’s courtyard, he found that his grandfather was indeed drinking, so he came in and said hello respectfully.

“Youxian, what’s the matter?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“Grandpa, I came here this time to ask you to help me leave the world of mortals and go to other worlds.”

Gu Youxian said.

“Oh? Why do you have this idea?” Gu Changsheng asked.

So Gu Youxian said that he wanted to help and assist Senior Hou Tu to unify the human race in all the worlds.

“Grandpa, I am still at the peak of Quasi-Emperor. Although my strength is comparable to that of ordinary Supreme Realm experts, I am still too weak, so I want to go to other worlds to experience and enhance my strength.”

Hearing this, Gu Changsheng nodded. He understood that Gu Youxian It means that because Gu Youxian has been a self-proclaimed god for too long, his own way is incompatible with the world of heaven. It will take hundreds of years to eliminate this barrier. But obviously Gu Youxian can’t wait any longer. With his current power, he has long been in other worlds. He could realize the Supreme Dao, and he didn’t want to waste hundreds of years.

Other worlds with complete avenues will obviously not target a person who only has the cultivation level of a quasi-emperor. Only those in the world of mortals who lack the origin of the avenue will suppress the monks severely.

Gu Changsheng thought for a while, nodded in agreement, and said, “That’s fine.”

After saying that, Gu Changsheng took Gu Youxian to leave the world of mortals and go to the world he wanted.

Hou Tu noticed that the grandfather and grandson had left the world of mortals, and snorted: “You lazy man, you blame everything on me, but you take your grandson out for a wander, haha!”

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