The high-spirited Li Beifei

Vast stars, desert sea.

Others, including the four sisters of the Sky Snake Tribe, left the Cangbang Star from the Five-Color Altar deep in the Desert Sea and headed to the next level. Only Li Beifei, the sixth oldest, and two beautiful swordsmen remained in the Desert Sea, but their members did not. There is one more snake.

At this time, there were three people, a dog and a turtle standing on the head of the huge Teng Snake. Except for Li Wangba and Heilong, who were in excellent condition, Teng Snake, who had the highest level of cultivation, did the most difficult and tiring work of mounting a mount. The snake was helpless, but it had signed a blood contract with Li Beifei, and from that day on, it became Li Beifei’s mount.

Teng Snake still remembers the day when he passed through the Holy Thunder Tribulation. During the Tribulation, the other three Holy Realm Monsters in the Desert Sea, in order to prevent it from successfully entering the Holy Realm, lurked behind the Thunder Tribulation after the last Thunder Tribulation fell. The three holy beasts outside the range of the calamity attacked it brazenly.

Although it is a pure-blood Soaring Snake with extremely strong natural bloodline, it is a pity that the Desert Sea has a certain suppression on its strength. The magical powers it is good at are all water attributes. The Desert Sea is simply an environment that naturally restrains it, so when crossing During the calamity, it was seriously injured and was attacked by three holy beasts. After a bloody battle, it relied on its powerful bloodline ability to injure both sides of the three holy beasts. At that time, Several streaks of sword energy mixed with powerful sword intent fell from the sky, killing the three demonic beasts that had entered the holy realm in three strokes and five divided by two. It was also forced to sign a blood contract with the master who issued the sword energy.

After signing the contract, its life and death are not up to you but to you.

Li Beifei was very high-spirited at this time, like an emperor patrolling the world, directing Soaring Snake to go to the next place where the Flower of the Other Side is hidden.

The reason why Li Beifei did not kill Soaring Snake was not only that Soaring Snake was a rare monster in the world, but also that Soaring Snake knew where there were flowers of the other side. After subduing Soaring Snake, Li Beifei collected more with Soaring Snake’s help. When it reached the three other shore flowers, it refined another one by itself, and the Divine Sea expanded again, but it also felt that refining two other shore flowers was the limit, and further refining would have no effect on the divine sea.

Li Beifei regretted that he still wanted to use the Flower of the Other Shore to expand the Divine Sea several times or ten times, but the dream was beautiful, but the reality was cruel. But even so, he did not stop looking for the Flower of the Other Side. After the four sisters of the Tian Serpent clan left the Cangmang Star, he continued to take the two sisters Liu Yanran, Li Wangba and Heilong to search for the Flower of the Other Side in the Desert Sea.

If he doesn’t need it himself, he can give it to others!

At this moment, Li Beifei thought of Mu Qingyi, whom he had not seen for a long time. People say that one day is like three autumns. It has been almost two months since he last saw her, which is equivalent to decades.

“Sister, the young master is lovesick again.” Sister Liu Yuran said.

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Liu Yanran scolded.

“I’m not talking nonsense. I’ve seen it in ancient books. The young master must be thinking about his Taoist companion. This means he’s lovesick.” Liu Yuran took out an ancient book, and it looked impressive. As he said, the ancient books looked very old, but to a discerning eye, they would appear to be old. These were skillfully done by street vendors, and they were able to deceive a girl like Liu Yuran who was inexperienced in the world.

The snake at his feet heard the two sisters talking, and his heart was full of disdain. How can we monks be trapped in love and love?

Suddenly, Teng She stopped. Li Beifei, who was thinking about Mu Qingyi, almost fell from Teng She’s hand due to inertia and too much concentration. Li Beifei said angrily: “What’s wrong with you? You almost dropped me.” “Yes.”

Teng She felt aggrieved. You were obviously distracted by your own thoughts, so why do you blame me? But thinking that his life was in the hands of the other party, and for the sake of his own life, Teng She said flatteringly: “I’m sorry, Master, I know I was wrong, and I will stop slowly next time. In fact, this is not my fault, the main reason is A person suddenly appeared in front of me. I followed your instructions to me not to harm the human race easily, so I stopped.” ”

In that case, then I forgive you.” Li Beifei was very satisfied with Teng She’s attitude of admitting his mistake. In fact, he was very proud of being able to subdue Soaring Snake, and wanted to show off to Bai Yifei and the others. Unfortunately, he couldn’t meet them now, so he could only show off when he met them in the future.

“Let me see who dares to block my way!”

Since subduing the Soaring Snake, Li Beifei has been walking sideways in the desert sea. After sensing the aura emanating from the Soaring Snake, those monsters and ferocious beasts all retreated. , which made his treasure hunting journey extremely smooth. Even if someone else appeared occasionally, when they saw Teng Snake’s huge body, they would immediately run away for fear of being eaten by Teng Snake.

Now someone actually stood in front of Teng Snake, which really interested Li Beifei. Li Beifei looked intently, and when he saw what the man in front of him was wearing, his pupils shrank.

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Wearing a green robe, you can tell who he is without even looking at his appearance.

Gu Changsheng slowly walked towards Li Beifei.

“Young Master, be careful!”

Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran blocked their swords in front of Li Beifei. Even though they were not as strong as Li Beifei, they were qualified followers. When encountering an enemy, they must not let the Young Master attack first.

The two women were at war with Gu Changsheng, who was not far away. The sword on his body was extremely cold. Gu Changsheng took a few more steps in the void. The two women said nothing. Before Li Beifei could fully react, the two women waved the swords in their hands with lightning speed. Covering his ears, he launched a combined attack on Gu Changsheng.

During this period, under Li Beifei’s guidance, the two girls have also made great progress in their swordsmanship. The two long swords were like swinging out two cyan sword energies. The sword energies entangled in the air and turned into a giant cyan dragon, heading towards Gu. Immortality strikes.

Gu Changsheng narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand, and gently tapped in front of the giant blue dragon to break through the powerful sword power.

Seeing this, a trace of surprise flashed across the faces of the two girls. This sword energy transforming into a dragon is a magical power of swordsmanship that the two sisters have only recently realized. The two sisters have the same mind and work together to use this move. Even monks at the third level of the extraordinary realm can do it. The attack was suppressed, but unexpectedly it was easily cracked by the other party.

“Sir, the enemy is very strong.” After Liu Yuran finished speaking, he continued to attack.

“Stop…” Li Beifei wanted to stop him, but the two sisters had already raised their swords and rushed in front of Gu Changsheng. Li Beifei was so anxious. You two stinky girls, don’t you think you have a long life if you attack him?

Gu Changsheng was also very interested in playing with the two little girls.

Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran changed their body shapes, left and right, which would be difficult for ordinary people to understand. They swung the swords in their hands and stabbed Gu Changsheng on the shoulder.

Gu Changsheng frowned slightly. These two little girls were too merciful. It was good that he was not an enemy. If they really encountered an enemy, their merciless thinking would be their fatal weakness.

Gu Changsheng hated the fact that iron cannot become steel.

So he wanted to teach the two little girls a lesson.

Gu Changsheng flicked their swords, and two crisp metal cracking sounds were heard. The swords in Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran’s hands were easily broken by Gu Changsheng.


The two women were rebounded by a huge force, spitting out a mouthful of blood as they flew backwards. Their faces were pale and their breaths were weak.

“Little girl, the most taboo when dealing with enemies is to be merciful. Take this as a lesson I give you to avoid future…”

Before Gu Changsheng could finish his words, Li Beifei’s roar could be heard in the distance.

“Damn it, old guy, are you actually serious?”

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