Gu Wei’s punching bag

Just when Gu Changsheng went to have a close contact with Li Beifei, the Holy Master of the Immortal Holy Land and the head of the Huanggu Family were like a group of country people entering the city for the first time, and the Gu family experienced various shocks.

“Master Gu, are all the things recorded on this true?”

In front of the Zhu Jiuyin stone statue, when they approached, the stone tablet under the stone statue impressed Zhu Jiuyin’s life story into their minds. , their brains accepted countless messages at once without feeling any abnormality, which made them marvel at the magic of this method. Those extra memories, as if they had been exposed to them since childhood, have been deeply imprinted in the depths of their minds. Not a bit abrupt.

The person who asked the question was the leader of the Dao Sheng Sect. He was Li Ruoyu’s master. He was an old Taoist wearing a Taoist robe. He held a piece of Buddha dust and an immortal Taoist bone in his hand. If you put it outside, you would think that he is a master who has attained Taoism and become an immortal. Where are the people.

But only they, the holy masters or family heads who are also immortal forces, know that the old Taoist in front of them is simply an old magic stick. If they hadn’t known that he was not from Tianji Pavilion, everyone would have thought that he was Tianjizi, the head of Tianji Pavilion.

Everyone here is basically the same age, only this old magician is a generation older than them. When they first took charge of their own power, they were often tricked by this old magician. Although the loss was not big, it was embarrassing!

Now that the old master is so shocked, the others are obviously not much better.

Gu Wei smiled and said, “Didn’t you try just now?”

Everyone was silent. They all tried to leave traces on the stone statue, but no matter what methods they used, even if they attacked together, they could not shake the stone statue at all. They couldn’t even knock off a speck of dust from the stone statue. They were all half-steps into the realm of saints. A dozen people working together could not shake a stone statue. If this was spread, it would be enough to shock the world.

But the facts are in front of them. They really can’t shake the stone statue, but the things described on the stone tablet are too fantasy. If it is true, it is enough to subvert their current world view.

They received a lot of information in front of this stone statue called Zhuo Jiuyin, but the most critical one was about the title of Zhuo Jiuyin.

The Lord of Time, the ancestral god who controls the laws of time.

In the world of mortals, time is the biggest enemy of monks. Even the Forbidden City Supreme who launches dark turmoil cannot resist the erosion of time. In the end, he can only kill himself to save his life.

And Zhuo Jiuyin actually claims to be the Lord of Time, the being who controls time. What is that? Is it invincible?

It’s too hard to imagine. They want to believe it, but they can’t believe it either.

Seeing this, Gu Wei smiled and said: “Since you still don’t believe it, why not enter the Temple of Time Inheritance? Oh, by the way, each person can only enter each temple once in a lifetime, and it is not easy to accept the inheritance. Everyone is here for the first time today, even if This is a benefit for everyone.”

“Master Gu, are you really confident that we can enter and receive the inheritance?” Holy Lord Taishi asked.

Gu Wei chuckled and said, “Please!”

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but none of them chose to enter immediately.

“Haha, since you are so humble, I will thank you little lady!” The

only woman present, the Holy Master of Yaochi, walked lightly on the lotus steps, stepped onto the steps leading to the Temple of Time Heritage, and soon entered the Temple of Time Heritage.

Seeing that the Holy Master of Yaochi had walked in, the other Holy Master family heads no longer hesitated and walked towards the Temple of Time Inheritance.

Gu Wei smiled and said: “If you don’t like it, you can also choose other inheritance temples.”

But everyone just smiled and didn’t say anything. In their opinion, the inheritance of Zhuo Jiuyin, which controls time, is the most tempting to them. Humans, because their lifelong practice is just to become immortals and live forever.

At the end, Qin Xianlong, the head of the Qin family in Qinling, slowed down. He quietly came to Gu Wei and asked in a low voice: “Old Gu, tell me everything. His Majesty the Holy Emperor is the ancestor of your Gu family. Is it true?”

Gu Wei was startled, then smiled and said: “Old Qin, you said these twelve stone statues and twelve inheritance temples, apart from the Holy Emperor himself, who else in the world can do this? How capable?”

Gu Wei did not directly answer Qin Xianlong’s question, but Qin Xianlong was already very satisfied. He already knew the answer, and he was mentally prepared for whatever he encountered next.

“Thank you, Lao Gu.” Qin Xianlong said and entered the Temple of Time Inheritance.

“This old fox.” Gu Wei shook his head. Qin Shaoshang is the son of Qin Xianlong and the previous generation of the Immortal Mountain Saint. Qin Shaoshang is a carefree person and has not inherited Qin Xianlong’s cunningness at all. It is also possible that Qin Shaoshang’s grandfather Dongfang Ye can see it. Qin Xianlong’s character was not suitable for cultivating a person who competed for status, so Qin Shaoshang had lived in the Immortal Mountain since he was a child and received education from Dongfang Ye.

As the name suggests, Dongfang Ye is a very barbaric person. He is from the same era as his great-aunt Gu Wei. In the group of academy students three thousand years ago, only his great aunt could surpass Dongfang Ye. This made Dongfang Ye hate Gu Wei. Worried about it.

Gu Wei was still thinking about his great-aunt Gu Wei, when Gu Wei came over.

“Guzu!” Gu Wei said respectfully.

Gu Wei nodded and looked at the other eleven temples. She had already entered the Temple of Time, and now she could not enter it a second time. She could only choose other temples, but… “If I had known better, I

wouldn’t have been a gatekeeper. We’re gone.” Gu Wei complained.

When Gu Wei heard this, he couldn’t help but feel ashamed. Guzu, you and your ancestors were so coquettish that you wanted to be the gatekeeper. Now it’s too late to regret.

Suddenly, Gu Wei turned to look at Gu Wei and asked, “That kid just now was Qin Xianlong, right?”

Gu Wei nodded.

“Very good. I remember that his father-in-law is from Dongfang Ye. I haven’t seen this guy for three thousand years. Go and see him before going to guard the gate.”

After saying that, Gu Wei used the Gu family’s teleportation array to teleport to the Southern Wilderness.

When Gu Wei saw this, he couldn’t help but feel pity for Dongfang Ye. Guzu obviously didn’t go to see his old classmates, but to vent his anger.

Poor Dongfangye!

Southern Wasteland, Immortal Mountain.

“Dongfangye, come out, my aunt is here to see you.”

Gu Wei’s voice was like thunder, shaking away the clouds in the sky.

“Damn it, you crazy woman, what are you doing here?”

A rough voice sounded, and then Dongfang Ye walked out. He actually also had the realm of the Holy King, but after he felt Gu Wei’s cultivation, his face turned pale. Change.

“What the hell, when did you become the Great Sage?”

Dongfang Ye looked shocked. He and Gu Wei were the two top students at the academy three thousand years ago. They were constantly competing with each other, but he always lost more than he won. Young Master, I didn’t expect that Gu Wei would also pull away his cultivation level now.

“Stop talking nonsense and watch the fists.”

Without saying a word, Gu Wei directly hit Dongfang Ye with her fists.

“Crazy woman, don’t think that I’m afraid of you because of the Great Sage Breakthrough!”

Dongfang Ye was not a coward and went straight to meet him.

A long time later, Dongfang Yebi was lying on the mountain with a bruised face, and Gu Wei had already left Tianhuang Star with satisfaction and went to Tiangu Star to continue being a gatekeeper.

“Damn it, Gu Wei, it’s none of my business if you’re unhappy, take it out on me, oh…”

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