The Holy Emperor Sect and the “Zhi”


A red dragon the size of a hundred feet was swallowing clouds and spitting mist in the sky, traveling for nine days. The aura on her body is gradually getting stronger, breaking through the void, the realm of life and death, the nirvana realm, the transcendent realm… the peak of the free realm, and the aura is still rising.

“My dear, is she rushing to become a saint?”

Honghong felt the rapidly rising aura, and was extremely shocked. She had seen a lot of saints, but witnessing the process of others becoming saints, this was her the first time.

“Xiaopeng, watch carefully, this will be the only way for us to pass in the future.” Prince Hong Tianpeng said.

“Okay, miss.” The ancient prince Tianpeng, who transformed into a golden-winged roc, raised his head and looked carefully at the hundred-foot dragon in the sky.

The elders of the Snake People all showed extremely excited expressions. The hundred-foot-long dragon in the sky was the supreme princess of their Snake People. Ever since the king of the Snake People died, the Snake People had been relying on the princess alone to support them.

Now, as long as the princess successfully breaks through to the saint realm, then the snake people can return to their heyday.

However, the breath of the hundred-foot-long dragon in the sky stopped abruptly when it reached the semi-holy realm. It was like walking alone on a ladder. When you were about to reach the top, you found that the road ahead was cut off, and the peaks so close were as endless as the ends of the earth. distance.

“How could this happen?”

The melodious female voice sounded, and Jiaolong’s lantern-like eyes were full of disbelief. She had clearly sensed that the way of the saint was right in front of her, but it seemed that there was a chasm between her and the saint. No matter what she did, she couldn’t take this step.

She couldn’t help but think of her father’s last words.

“The Holy Road is broken!”

She didn’t understand her father’s words at that time, but she understands them now, but there is nothing she can do about it.

“Why is this happening? Doesn’t God allow sainthood?”

She Ji was extremely confused.

“It seems to have failed!” Honghong saw this scene, her face full of regret.

But she didn’t know that the reason why She Ji couldn’t become a saint was that she had to bear half of the responsibility, because the ancient stars on the Starry Sky Ancient Road all had restrictions set by Gu Changsheng. As Gu Changsheng’s eldest disciple, she naturally had to bear some responsibility.

The first thirty levels of the Starry Sky Ancient Path do not allow the ancient star natives of the Starry Sky Ancient Path to become saints. Some people may think that Gu Changsheng is too cruel, but these ancient stars were all lifeless when he built the Starry Sky Ancient Path. The abandoned ancient star, and the creatures on the ancient star at this time were all the races that had made big mistakes in the past. Gu Changsheng did not exterminate them, but placed them on the ancient star on the ancient starry sky road and imprisoned them. In this way, these races can atone for their sins.

These creatures include human races, ancient races, and demon races.

After tens of millions of years of evolution, these races have spread out and have completely taken root on these ancient stars, becoming indigenous people.

The snake people are also one of them.

This ancient star is called Baiye Star, and it is one of the ancient stars at the fourth level of the Starry Sky Ancient Road. Since it is an ancient star on the Starry Sky Ancient Road, there will naturally be gatekeepers.

At this time, in Baiye City, which was a million miles away from the Snake Tribe’s territory, the gatekeeper and the Lord of Baiye City sensed Snake Ji’s aura and had already rushed in the direction of Snake Ji.

As the only strong saint on Baiye Star, the Lord of Baiye City can be said to be the strongest person on Baiye Star. At the same time, as the gatekeeper of the Starry Sky Ancient Road, he naturally knows clearly why His Majesty the Holy Emperor set up such a thing on Baiye Star millions of years ago. Powerful prohibition. As a solid member of the Holy Emperor Sect, Lord Baiye rushed over as soon as he realized that someone was about to break through to the Saint Realm. He even spent a large amount of source crystals to activate the teleportation circle, just to nip the threat in the bud. between.


The space exploded, and the Lord of Baiye City came to She Ji with the help of the teleportation array. When he saw She Ji, he frowned.

“Snake Princess, you have violated His Majesty the Holy Emperor’s prohibition. According to the rules, I will cultivate you into a seal until you die of old age!” The

Lord of Baiye City said coldly. As a solid Holy Emperor sect, he is a guard on Baiye Star. At that time, it had already taken action several times, and the last target was Snake Ji’s father, the king of the snake people.

“Why? Why is His Majesty the Holy Emperor so cruel?” She Ji shouted in confusion.

“Shut up, can you understand His Majesty the Holy Emperor’s decision? If you are to blame, blame the ancestors of your Snake Tribe.” The Lord of Baiye City said coldly.

After saying that, the Lord of Baiye City was about to seal Snake Princess. At this time, a red figure rushed in front of the Lord of Baiye City.


Honghong changed her clothes at this time. Although the style was the same as before, the clothes were emitting a powerful red light. It was precisely because of this clothes that Honghong could bear the aura of a saint. In front of the Lord of Baiye City, otherwise, as a monk at the fifth level of Nirvana, the aura emanating from the saint would be enough to kill her.

This treasured garment was refined for her by the master using red blood fairy gold. Normally she would not wear it, because this treasured garment, well… the master said that no one can break it except him. .

So under normal circumstances, Honghong would not wear it, because otherwise, others would not be able to defeat her, and she did not want to lose the meaning of experience.

But now facing a saint, she had to wear it.

When the Lord of Baiye City saw the treasured clothes on Hong Hong’s body, his eyes flashed with surprise, but that was all. He asked, “Are you a trespasser?”

Hong Hong nodded.

Knowing that Honghong was a trespasser, the Lord of Baiye City calmed down and asked: “Why did you stop me?”

Honghong asked: “The princess did not make any mistakes, why did you seal her?”

The Lord of Baiye City replied: “This is the Holy Spirit of the year. The rule set by His Majesty the Emperor is that the ancient stars in the first thirty stages of the Starry Sky Ancient Road will not be allowed to become saints except those who break through the stages. I have the right to deal with those who disobey at will.”

“What kind of breaking of the rules is this?” Hong Hong was dissatisfied. said.

“Bold! How dare you question His Majesty the Holy Emperor? Do you know that you were able to walk on the Starry Sky Ancient Road only because His Majesty the Holy Emperor built the Starry Sky Ancient Road with great magic power and supernatural powers, so that all races can compete on the same stage.” Baiye City Lord frowned. He frowned. If Honghong hadn’t been the trespasser, he would have already taken action. Their family was a loyal Holy Emperor sect and they would never allow others to insult His Majesty the Holy Emperor.

“Of course I know this, but I don’t understand. It’s obvious that the princess did nothing wrong, why do you insist on sealing her?” Honghong asked.

“It seems that too much time has passed, and you have all forgotten…”

The Lord of Baiye City used a divine thought to roughly tell the past history of the Snake People and other races in the Starry Sky Ancient Path and Ancient Star. This divine thought did not block other people. , even several elders of the Snake Tribe received the message.

“How is it possible? We are actually the descendants of sinners?” The elder of the Snake Tribe turned pale. He never thought that the Snake Tribe, who is now on good terms with the human race, was suppressed here because it devoured many human races a long time ago. , thinking about what he said to Miss Honghong just now, the elder of the snake people felt extremely blushing. He was really ashamed. He did not expect that the ancestors of the snake people had committed such a big mistake. If they were not to be exterminated, it would be the opening of the Holy Emperor’s network. One side.

She Ji also turned into a human form at this time. She was tall and wearing a fiery red dress, but her face was extremely ugly. Her thoughts were the same as those of the great elder, and she did not expect that the snake people had such a bad past.

Honghong said, “I think this rule needs to be changed. It’s been hundreds of thousands of years, and all those damned ones are dead. Even if the sins are passed down to future generations, it’s been hundreds of thousands of years, so the Queen Mother is still here.”

” Shut up, the rules left by His Majesty the Holy Emperor, are you going to change them as soon as you ask? If you continue to talk nonsense, I will take you down together.” Baiye City Lord said coldly, as a loyal Holy Emperor sect, the Holy Emperor All of His Majesty’s decisions are right. Even if they are wrong, they are just at a lower level and cannot understand them.

“You…” Honghong was speechless, but she couldn’t say anything. The other party was just abiding by the rules left by the master. She should be happy for this, but the other party wanted to take action against She Ji again. This made her She was not happy anymore.

“Miss Honghong, get out of the way!” At this time, She Ji spoke.

“Princess!” The great elder below was anxious.

“Since our ancestors made a big mistake, I am willing to be punished!” She Ji’s face was full of bitterness.

“Princess, you don’t have to do this.” Honghong said.

She Ji looked at Hong Hong and said, “Miss Hong Hong, thank you for saving my life. She Ji may not be able to repay you in the future.” ”

Huh?” Hong Hong wondered, when did she save you?

But obviously now is not the time to think about this. She has a good impression of She Ji, so she said: “Princess, wait, I will find a way.” ”

No, since it is the rule set by the Holy Emperor, unless it is the Holy Emperor, The emperor is here, otherwise who can break it?” She Ji said with a bitter smile.

“Oh, you should just listen to me.” Honghong said, then looked at Baiye City Lord and said, “Don’t make random moves, otherwise you will regret it later.” ”

Regret?” Baiye City Lord smiled scornfully. The restriction on the star was placed by His Majesty the Holy Emperor. Unless His Majesty the Holy Emperor comes in person, even if the Emperor is alive, it is impossible to break His Majesty the Holy Emperor’s restriction. His Majesty the Holy Emperor is known as the most powerful emperor in history. That is not a wasted reputation. of.

Honghong didn’t care about Baiye City Lord, she shouted to the sky: “Master, Master, are you here? If you are, please say something!”


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