Ancient Demon Resurrection Ceremony

Just when the mortals were being evacuated from the Demon Suppressing City in an emergency, countless monsters gathered in the core of the Demon Suppressing Land. They moved slowly, but all the various monsters made the same move and spoke out The voice that I don’t know how to describe seems to be whispering or chanting in sacrifice.

Over the demon-suppressing land, the demonic cloud rolled, like a glutton that chose people to devour, exuding an eerie and terrifying aura that made people shudder.

Suddenly, a crack appeared in the space, and several golden figures walked out of the crack.

“Master, is this the Jiuyou area? It’s pitch black, so scary!” Ah Wu was shocked when she saw the demon-suppressing place with rolling demon clouds below. This was the first time she had seen such a place. , just like the legendary Nine Nether Hells.

“This is the place where demons are suppressed that I told you before.” said the Golden Ancient Emperor.

“Hey, Master, you’re not lying to us, are you? We were in Central China just a moment ago, and now we’re in the demon-suppressing place in the Eastern Region?” Ah San’s mouth was wide open, and he was so surprised that he could stuff a few pills in his mouth. Source crystal.

“It is said that my master is the Ancient Golden Emperor. Does the Ancient Emperor understand? He is equivalent to the great emperor of the human race.” The Ancient Golden Emperor repeatedly emphasized his identity angrily. It was just a space move, wasn’t it just a matter of a thought?

“I don’t understand!”

The three apprentices shook their heads. They had embarked on the path of cultivation, but they were not talented enough. It took them several years of cultivation to reach the level where they could fly. The Golden Ancient Emperor was afraid to tell them about their cultivation. There are too many realms, so I didn’t tell them all the realms of practice, only the last three realms of the current realm.

Now they only know about the realm of life and death. As for the Great Emperor, the Ancient Emperor, they have no idea.

“Forget it, it’s important to rescue Ah Xiong and Aaron first.” said the Golden Ancient Emperor.

But just when the Golden Ancient Emperor was about to take action, a cyan figure came out to stop him.


The Golden Ancient Emperor said in surprise.

Now the only person who can stop him on the Tianhuang Star is Gu Changsheng. Hou Tu is in retreat, and the Old Supreme and the others are not on the Tianhuang Star. Except for him, no one can stop the current Golden Ancient Emperor, not even the old one. The Supreme and the others are not necessarily the opponents of the Golden Ancient Emperor.

Today’s Golden Ancient Emperor is in a strange state. He has surpassed the Supreme Realm, but he is not an immortal. It seems that he has forcibly carved out a realm between the Supreme Realm and the True Immortal.

This is like Gu Changsheng reaching the extreme state. At this time, the Golden Ancient Emperor’s combat power is probably close to the middle stage of True Immortal.

Gu Changsheng could tell the Golden Ancient Emperor’s state at a glance, so when he was about to take action, he stopped him.

“Not bad, he’s much stronger.” Gu Changsheng said with a smile.

“Hehe, but it’s still far behind you, the boss.” The Golden Ancient Emperor chuckled.

Gu Changsheng shook his head slightly and said, “Aren’t you humiliating yourself by comparing yourself to me?”

The Golden Ancient Emperor’s smile faltered, and he said with a wry smile: “Boss, at least give me some face in front of my apprentice!”

Gu Changsheng heard this. , then looked at Ah Wu and the other three, who also stared at Gu Changsheng curiously. For some reason, they felt that the man in front of them, whom their master called the boss, had a strange sense of familiarity. This feeling was very strange. It’s like a mortal worshiping a god. The god appears in front of the mortal. The mortal doesn’t know who he is, but he feels inexplicably friendly.

Gu Changsheng looked at the three people, and the three people looked at Gu Changsheng. After looking at each other for a few breaths, Gu Changsheng suddenly slapped the Golden Ancient Emperor.

“Ouch, boss, why did you hit me? I didn’t say anything and didn’t do anything wrong!” The Golden Ancient Emperor looked at Gu Changsheng resentfully. If you want to fight, just find a place where no one is around. I am wise in the heart of my apprentice. Shenwu’s glorious image may not be preserved.

“It’s easy to beat you. What have you been doing these past few years? Your disciples don’t even know me as their uncle. Do you think it’s their fault or yours?” Gu Changsheng glared at the Golden Ancient Emperor.

“Boss, it’s not my fault!” The Golden Ancient Emperor shouted unjustly.

“If you don’t blame me, who do you blame?” Gu Changsheng sneered. As your boss, you didn’t even introduce me to your apprentice after you accepted him. Can’t I help you?

“Boss, you can see for yourself!”

After saying that, the Golden Ancient Emperor said to Ah Wu and the others, “I said I am the brother of the Human Saint Emperor. Do you believe it?”

“Believe it!”

The three people nodded and said in unison.

“Boss, you heard it, right? They didn’t…what, didn’t you say you didn’t believe it before?” The Golden Ancient Emperor suddenly reacted and looked at his three apprentices in surprise.

“The past was the past, and the present is the present. Master, you often tell us not to cling to the past, but to look to the future.”

Ah Wu said with a smile.

“You…” The Ancient Golden Emperor was dumbfounded. Little girl, you actually educated me in return?

Before the ancient emperor could speak, Ah Wu and the others kowtowed to Gu Changsheng in the air.

“Disciple Ah San.”

“Disciple Ah Si.”

“Disciple Ah Wu!”

“I have met the Holy Emperor, Uncle.”

Holy Emperor is the honorific title given to Gu Changsheng by all tribes, and Master is their close relationship.

“Okay, okay, everyone, get up. If your master dares to bully you in the future, just tell me and see if I beat him.” Gu Changsheng laughed.

“Hehe, thank you, uncle!”

Ah Wu and the other three stood up with a smile.

But the Golden Ancient Emperor said, “Boss, pampering them like this will make them learn to be bad.”

“Huh? Are you saying that I will let them learn to be bad?” Gu Changsheng squinted at the Golden Ancient Emperor.

The Golden Ancient Emperor was shocked. When there is danger, the boss is the safest. When it is safe, the boss is the most dangerous. Especially when the boss squints his eyes, he may fly to several or even dozens of star fields accidentally. of distance.

“Boss, why did you stop me from saving Ah Xiong and Aaron just now?” In order not to fly, the Golden Ancient Emperor decisively used the topic change method.

This method was quite successful.

Gu Changsheng waved his hand, and a picture appeared in the void.

When several people looked at it, Ah Wu and the other three didn’t react at all, but when the Golden Ancient Emperor saw countless monsters heading toward the place of demon suppression like pilgrims, a trace of surprise appeared on his face.

“The Pilgrimage of Ten Thousand Demons is about to give birth to a peerless demon!”

said the Golden Ancient Emperor.

Gu Changsheng nodded, the Ancient Golden Emperor was right, a peerless demon would indeed be born in the Demon Suppressing Land.

“But boss, even if a peerless demon is born, it’s just something we can kill with just a thought. Is it worth coming in person?” The Golden Ancient Emperor asked speechlessly.

“Ha, I can kill him in one thought, but you can’t!” Gu Changsheng chuckled.

“Isn’t it? Is it possible that a fairy-level demon can be born?” The Golden Ancient Emperor said in disbelief.

“It’s better to say resuscitation than birth!”

“Resuscitation?” The Golden Ancient Emperor frowned.

“You’ll find out after you read it,” Gu Changsheng said.

“But my disciple is still inside.” The Golden Ancient Emperor said worriedly. He would not be afraid of ordinary peerless demons, but if the Demon Suppressing Place really suppressed a peerless demon like the legend, this demon would arrive Still alive now, he must have surpassed the Supreme Realm, which made him worry about Ah Xiong and Aaron.

“Don’t worry, could I still harm my nephew?” Gu Changsheng said.

“That’s not necessarily the case. Boss, you are so cruel to your apprentice!” The Ancient Golden Emperor thought of Li Beifei and couldn’t help but murmur.

“Ah!” The Golden Ancient Emperor suddenly turned into a burst of light and flew out of the Tianhuang Star.

“Looking for a fight!” Gu Changsheng shook his right foot.

“Uncle, will my master be okay?” Ah Wu asked.

“No, I just gave him a free one-way ticket to the wilderness of the universe. He will be back soon.” Gu Changsheng shook his head and smiled.

“That’s good!”

Ah Wu and the other three breathed a sigh of relief.


Suddenly, the three of them noticed something. Ah San quietly said to Ah Si and Ah Wu, “Did Master fall from the sky like this back then?”

“It’s very possible!”

The two nodded, but they didn’t. I feel sorry for my master. If my master hadn’t said that, I wouldn’t have had to take a one-way ticket to the outer reaches of the universe.

However, this changed their impression of Gu Changsheng a lot. At first, they thought that His Majesty the Holy Emperor should be aloof, but now it seems that he thinks like them, gets angry and hits people, but this does not make them think that Gu Changsheng is very powerful. Difficult to get along with, on the contrary, they found Gu Changsheng easy to get along with.

“Uncle, do you like to eat?” Ah Si asked.

“Eat? Of course, food is the most important thing for people. How can we do without eating?” Gu Changsheng said with a smile.

Ah Si’s eyes lit up and he said, “I didn’t expect you, uncle, to know this sentence. Humph, Ah Wu, Asan, before you guys, I said I was looking for excuses to eat. Did you hear that? Master uncle also knows this sentence.”

Ah Si’s eyes lit up. Si looked at Ah San and Ah Wu with great pride.

“Damn it, I’m your third senior brother!” Ah San pouted.

“Tch, uncle, you are just eating for the sake of your appetite. You are eating just for gluttony. How can it be the same?” Ah Wu retorted.

“Don’t worry about it. Anyway, my uncle likes to eat, and I like to eat too, so that’s right.” Ah Si looked a bit like a rogue.

Gu Changsheng couldn’t help but smile as he watched these little guys playing and playing.

Unsurprisingly, he was the first person in the world to say that food is the most important thing for the people.

At this time, tens of billions of monsters have gathered in the core area of the Demon Suppression Land. They are surrounding a mountain of unknown height. At the foot of the mountain, thousands of humans are trapped here. Their older ones are teenagers and the youngest are even babies less than a few months old.

Their vitality was stable, but they just fainted.

At this time, a huge humanoid black shadow appeared. It exuded an extremely terrifying aura. Looking at the countless monsters around it, it raised a black scepter in its hand, like an ancient god whispering, and then it spoke human words!

“The ancient demon’s resurrection ceremony has officially begun!”

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