
On the clouds, the Golden Ancient Emperor saw that the Four Seasons Sword Intent on Xu Jiaojiao was able to withstand the Tianshu Sword Domain, and said in surprise: “This little girl’s sword intention can be compared to the Tianshu Sword Domain created by Li Beichen. It’s really strange.” How strange!”

The Golden Ancient Emperor was not familiar with Li Beichen, but he knew that after all, he only proclaimed himself the source of God, rather than completely isolating himself from the world. Whenever someone in the universe is about to become enlightened or has already attained enlightenment, they will learn from the source of God. Wake up in the middle and observe whether the enlightenment will become a threat to the forbidden area.

For Li Beichen’s Tianshu Sword Domain, the Golden Ancient Emperor had no good way to crack it. For him, if he encountered the Tianshu Sword Domain used by Li Beichen, he could only use his tyrannical body to offset the influence of the Tianshu Sword Domain.

Although Li Beifei’s Tianshu Sword Domain is not as good as Li Beichen’s Tianshu Sword Domain, it is essentially the same. Now Xu Jiaojiao’s Four Seasons Sword Intention can actually compete with Tianshu Sword Domain, which surprised the Golden Ancient Emperor.

Gu Changsheng smiled and said: “The Sword Intent of the Four Seasons was originally used to fight against Beichen’s Tianshu Sword Domain.”

The first person to understand the Sword Intent of the Four Seasons was called Fairy Qingyue. She was in the same era as Li Beichen. At the beginning, the two of them were The opponent, Fairy Qingyue, only realized the Sword Intent of the Four Seasons in order to fight against Li Beichen’s Tianshu Sword Domain. However, Li Beichen’s talent in swordsmanship was too strong. Even after comprehending the Sword Intent of the Four Seasons, Qingyue still lost to Li Beichen in the end.

It’s just that Fairy Qingyue not only lost the battle, but also lost her heart to Li Beichen. Since then, Fairy Qingyue has been following Li Beichen, but Li Beichen, a straight man of steel, only focused on the way of the sword, until Qingyue After the fairy passed away, he suddenly woke up, but by then it was already too late.

When Li Beifei faced Xu Jiaojiao, he asked coldly: “Why do you also know the Sword Intent of the Four Seasons?”

Hearing this, Xu Jiaojiao looked at him with strange eyes and said, “The Sword Intent of the Four Seasons belongs to our Sky-Splitting Sword Sect. Not only can I inherit the sword’s will, but my master can also, what’s so strange about that?”

“What?” Li Beifei frowned.

The development of things was far beyond his expectation.

“Stop talking nonsense, Li Beifei, if you want the Sword Intent of the Four Seasons, surrender obediently and marry me, and you will have the opportunity to understand the Sword Intent of the Four Seasons.” Xu Jiaojiao shouted, raising the Wufeng Zhong in her hand Sword, countless sword energy like drizzle formed in the sky, and then flew towards Li Bei.

“This move is called Spring Breeze and Drizzle!”

Spring Breeze and Drizzle should sound like a very gentle name, but the sword rain formed by countless sword qi is full of chilling meaning. The sword qi all over the sky enveloped Li Beifei, making him There is no way to avoid it.

“You can even know this move!”

Li Beifei was a little confused now. He had seen this move before, and he had seen it a long time ago. At that time, his cultivation level had just reached the mortal realm, and he participated in Suppressing Demons at the request of the old guy. Cheng Cheng’s arena competition, and it was at that time that he saw this move from Qing Yi.


Countless sword rain passed through Li Beifei’s body. In an instant, Li Beifei’s clothes turned into powder, revealing his strong muscles. However, when the sword rain fell on his body, it made a “ding-dong-ding-dong” iron stone. The ringing sound was as if the rain of swords had hit not the physical body, but a piece of divine iron.

“Hey, why are you in a daze?”

At this time, Xu Jiaojiao woke up Li Beifei with a loud shout.

When Li Beifei came back to his senses, he realized that all the clothes on his body were gone. He looked down and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was not exposed.

“You can’t tell even though you’re wearing clothes. You’re quite strong. This way, the wedding will take longer!” Xu Jiaojiao’s face turned red and her heart stopped beating, and she actually started to act like a rogue.

After her master Yu Bingqing heard this, her originally cold temperament became even colder now.

Li Beifei’s face darkened. This girl is more unrestrained than Liu Yuran. Can she say this in public?

“Don’t be in a daze anymore. If you get hurt, I will feel bad for you.” Xu Jiaojiao said.

Who is Li Beifei? He is so thick-skinned that he can withstand Gu Changsheng’s slap. How could he be someone who just gets teased and doesn’t fight back?

Li Beifei raised his head and chest, and said, “If you are afraid of getting hurt, why don’t you admit defeat.” ”

Haha, that’s not possible!” Xu Jiaojiao chuckled, and the next moment, she swung the sharp sword again.

“The red sun is scorching!”


A sword cry came from the Wufeng Heavy Sword, and then a sword energy as hot as the scorching sun appeared. As soon as the sword energy came out, the surrounding space instantly became distorted.

Li Beifei also swung out a sword energy. The sword energy was invisible, qualityless and formless. It was a traceless sword.


The two sword energy collided with the air and exploded immediately. The powerful energy aftermath forced the two men back.

“The autumn wind is bleak!”

Xu Jiaojiao shouted softly, and slashed out another sword energy. This sword energy had the meaning of life withering and returning to nature. The flowers, plants and trees in a radius of hundreds of feet instantly withered and withered, taking away their vitality.

Seeing this, the leader of the Xuantian Sword Sect couldn’t help but said to Yu Bingqing: “Your disciple’s Four Seasons Sword Intent is so profound that it is your true inheritance!”

“Yeah!” Yu Bingqing still hummed and did not respond.

The leader of the Xuantian Sword Sect glanced at Yu Bingqing doubtfully. Is he still in a state of shock? That’s right, after all, it is the inheritance of the Seven Star Sword Emperor.

“Li Beifei, this move can swallow up life force. You have to be careful.” Xu Jiaojiao actually spoke to remind Li Beifei.

“She doesn’t really want to marry the boss, does she?” Xuan Mingzi asked in shock on the high platform. How could anyone remind his enemy?

“I’m afraid it’s true!” Duan Fei smiled bitterly. He naturally understood Xu Jiaojiao, so he said this.


Li Beifei did not reply, but instead used Tianxuan Sword. Tianxuan Sword Intent burst out, and Tianxuan Sword Intent has a very strange meaning. This sword is not full of killing intent like Li Beifei’s other sword moves and supernatural powers. , but contains a vitality.

Tianxuan’s sword is among the Seven Star Sword Art, also called the Sword of Life.

Just the opposite of the bleak autumn wind.

When Li Beifei used Tianxuan’s sword, the surrounding flowers, plants and trees that had been devoured by life became full of life again like dead trees coming into spring.

The two swords met in the air. Driven by each other’s powerful sword intentions, neither one could do anything to the other.

A strange scene occurred.

The flowers, plants and trees under Xu Jiaojiao’s position were withered, but the flowers, plants and trees under Li Beifei’s position were full of life.

This is a confrontation between life and death. This scene made everyone watching the battle marvel.

“I have to say that this Li Beifei’s talent is really terrifying. Not only has he reached the peak of Nirvana at such a young age, but his swordsmanship is even more powerful. He can even compete with your apprentice in Nirvana. But it’s a pity that he is on the opposite side of us. , otherwise I would like to accept him as my disciple.” The leader of Xuantian Sword Sect said with a look of regret.


In the end, the two of them once again fought equally.

Xu Jiaojiao’s eyes were bright, and she said excitedly: “Very good, only such a powerful man is qualified to be my wife.”

Li Beifei curled his lips when he heard this, this bitch wants men like crazy.

“You reminded me just now, and I will remind you next, if you can’t take it, surrender, and I will spare your life!”

Li Beifei said.

“Tch, the little man is bragging!” Xu Jiaojiao said disdainfully.


Li Beifei’s eyes narrowed and he said harshly: “You’re saying little if you haven’t seen her before?” ”

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Then come back with me and show me, then I’ll know!” Xu Jiaojiao said with a smile.

“Damn it, you woman… do you have any sense of shame?”

Li Beifei finally became angry. This is not a descendant of a quasi-dild sect. This is simply worse than a local ruffian.

“I will marry you if you marry me!” Xu Jiaojiao said.

Li Beifei stopped talking. Instead, he raised the Tianshu Sword with his left hand and the Tianxuan Sword with his right hand. With both swords in his hands, a sword intent that could tear the heavens and earth apart arose from his body. At the same time, he used thirty-three days of creation magic. It may not be possible to defeat Xu Jiaojiao with just one sword that splits the sky, he still has to show his trump card.

“Split the sky!”

A sword energy appeared across the sky and the earth. Because the surrounding space could not bear the huge tearing force, spider web-like cracks appeared.

Xu Jiaojiao’s face changed slightly, and she felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

On the high platform of the Seven Star Sword Sect, Princess Tianyan showed fighting spirit on her face. She had experienced Li Beifei’s Sky-Splitting Sword, but today’s Sky-Splitting Sword was more than ten times more powerful than when he was sparring with her.

Bai Yifei on the side couldn’t help but murmured: “Is this a secret technique that can’t even be imitated by the Yantian Divine Technique? It’s so terrifying.” ”

Oh my god, the boss’s secret technique is more powerful than my Holy Fighting Technique. I’ll be good.” , this bitch is going to suffer.” Xuan Mingzi said in shock.

The sword intent in Li Beifei’s body had been condensed to its peak state. Just as he was swinging his sword, a cold voice sounded.

“Jiaojiao, admit defeat!”

“But Master, there is still one move I haven’t used yet!” Xu Jiaojiao was unwilling.

“Admit defeat!”

Yu Bingqing’s tone was full of doubt.


Xu Jiaojiao shrank her neck and agreed obediently.

But Xu Jiaojiao agreed, but Li Beifei did not.

“Come if you want, leave if you want. Have you asked me?”

After saying that, Li Beifei waved his swords, and the Sky-Splitting Sword Qi struck Xu Jiaojiao.

“Wow, little man, are you serious!” Xu Jiaojiao was so frightened that she quickly raised her sharp sword to resist, but how could he, who was unprepared, be Li Beifei’s opponent now?

Before the sword energy fell, Xu Jiaojiao’s clothes were torn several times, her fair skin was exposed, and even the roundness of her chest was revealed. Fortunately, everyone’s eyes were fixed on the sky-splitting sword energy. It was blocked and I didn’t see this scene, but Li Beifei was not blocked and actually saw it.

This girl has such a good figure even though she is wearing clothes!

Just when the sword energy fell, Yu Bingqing took a step and came to Xu Jiaojiao. With a wave of her hand, a sword light came out and easily dispersed the sky-splitting sword energy.

The Sky-Splitting Sword Qi was shattered, and Li Beifei also took a few steps back due to the force of the counter-shock. He carefully stared at Yu Bingqing. He struck out with all his strength but was easily dispersed by Yu Bingqing. This made him really… Feeling the difference in the Xiaoyao Realm, if he wanted to fight Yu Bingqing in the Xiaoyao Realm, his cultivation level must at least be upgraded to the Saint Realm, and he must at least reach the seventh level of the Saint Realm or above.

Just when Li Beifei was thinking about whether to cause thunder disaster now, Yu Bingqing took Xu Jiaojiao back to the battleship of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect without saying a word.

“???” Li Beifei was confused. Hey, we are hostile. Is it appropriate that you just left without saying a word?

Even the leader of Xuantian Sword Sect was confused. He originally wanted to remind Yu Bingqing not to kill Li Beifei, but he didn’t expect that this would be the case.

“Okay, let me take it down!”

The leader of the Xuantian Sword Sect narrowed his eyes and waved his hand to attack Li Beifei. When Li Beifei saw the leader of the Xuantian Sword Sect attack him, he immediately wanted to It caused the thunder calamity to fly towards Xuantian Sword Sect’s battleship.


At this moment, a heavy snowfall suddenly fell between the sky and the earth. The temperature dropped sharply. In less than a few breaths, hundreds of miles around turned into ice and snow. Li Beifei, who was still naked, shivered immediately.


A sword light like ice shot out from the battleship of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect. Li Beifei raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of disbelief, because the target who got the ice sword light was not him, nor the one behind him. Shanmen turned out to be the sect leader of Xuantian Sword Sect.


The leader of the Xuantian Sword Sect was shocked. When he reacted, the sword light had already struck him.


A loud noise fell, and the world was shaken.

Everyone, including Xu Jiaojiao, who was pulled back to the battleship by Yu Bingqing, was also stunned. She looked at her master with a puzzled face and asked: “Master, do you also have a crush on Li Bei Pegasus? Ah, Oh my god, my master and I actually fall in love with the same man. This is against the rules of ethics!” ”

You stinky girl, you always say nasty things. When you go back, you can go into seclusion for me. If you don’t make a breakthrough, don’t come out.” Yu Bingqing said with a cold expression.

Unexpectedly, Xu Jiaojiao breathed a sigh of relief and said, “It’s okay, it’s okay. It’s just a retreat. As long as you don’t like the little man.” ”

Hey, that’s not right. Master, why are you going to the Xuantian Sword Sect? The pervert sect leader takes action?”

The other elders and disciples of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect on the battleship looked ashamed, did you realize it now?

Not only Xu Jiaojiao was confused, but others were also confused. Now that they were in alliance with the Xuantian Sword Sect, no matter how much the sect leader hated the pervert, he shouldn’t take action at this time.

Everyone in the Seven Star Sword Sect was also confused.

“Brother Duan, have you bribed the Sky Splitting Sword Sect?” Xuan Mingzi asked.

Duan Fei shook his head in confusion, and then looked at Chen Fan who was not far away. Chen Fan held the financial power of the sect. He asked: “Elder Chen, are you not going to smash countless source crystals to split the sky sword sect?” Did you bribe him?”

“Ah?” Chen Fan was still in shock and didn’t hear what Duan Fei said.

Not to mention them, even a few people on Yun Dun were stunned by this dramatic scene.

The Golden Ancient Emperor asked the divine fortune teller on the side: “Aren’t you a divine fortune teller? Tell me what’s going on?” The

divine fortune teller smiled bitterly and said: “Why do I care about others when I’m bored? But this matter probably has something to do with that kid Li Beifei. .”

“Tsk, tsk, isn’t it because this boy is so lucky that he was attracted by that beautiful sect leader?” Hou Tu said with a smile on his face.

“Oh?” The White Tiger Demon Emperor’s eyes lit up. She supported Xiao Feifei to marry more wives.

In the end, it was Gu Changsheng who spoke. He looked down upon these people who were either immortals or above immortals, and said, “If you try hard to calculate, you wouldn’t say such a thing.”

“You know?”

Hou Tu asked. .

“Well… let me do the math!” Gu Changsheng said.

“Cut!” Everyone!

Of course Gu Changsheng didn’t forget it, and it had no impact on him.

However, this sudden change was within his expectation.

Fairy Qingyue, who understood the Four Seasons Sword Intent back then, left behind a legacy.

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