Arrogant Sword Eating

Everyone from the Xuantian Sword Sect and the Splitting Sky Sword Sect couldn’t help but look towards the person who made the sound. They saw Li Beifei’s naked upper body, slowly flying high. He actually flew to the same height as the sword-eating ancestor. No, it seemed to be even higher than the sword-eating ancestor. The ancestor is still taller.

Li Beifei looked at the sword-eating ancestor with disdain and sneered: “A mere quasi-emperor dares to call himself the emperor. Who gave you the courage to call yourself the emperor?” ”

Bold, Li Beifei, who do you think you are? You dare to You are so arrogant when speaking to the Sword-eating Ancestor in such a tone. Are you relying on your master? Otherwise, the Seven Star Sword Sect should have been destroyed ten years ago. But now even if your master appears, there is nothing you can do. Damn it!”

The leader of the Xuantian Sword Sect yelled loudly.

“Ha, you’re just a quasi-emperor!”

Li Beifei was still full of disdain.


The leader of Xuantian Sword Sect still wanted to speak, but was stopped by the sword-eating ancestor.

The sword-eating ancestor looked at Li Beifei and said: “You carry Li Beichen’s inheritance, I will not kill you!”

Li Beifei narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: “You are very arrogant, you dare to call the Sword Emperor by his first name! ”

Haha, they are just ancients who have passed away for 300,000 years. I will use facts to prove that today’s people are no worse than the ancients!” The

sword-eating ancestor was extremely proud and had no respect for the Sword Emperor Li Beichen.

Some people couldn’t help but show dissatisfaction when they heard that the sword-eating ancestor was so arrogant, especially the disciples of the Seven Star Sword Sect. They all knew that their sect master was the descendant of the Sword Emperor. Even in the Demon Suppressing Tower, there were There is a bottomless inheritance. They worship the Sword Emperor very much. Now they hear the words of the Sword Eater Ancestor full of disdain for the Sword Emperor. This makes them very angry. They want to pick up the sword and hack the Sword Eater Ancestor to death with random swords. .

It’s a pity that their cultivation is too weak, so they can only look at the sword-eating ancestor with angry eyes, completely unfazed by the quasi-emperor’s momentum.

After the sword-eating ancestor finished speaking, he no longer looked at Li Beifei. In his opinion, Li Beifei and his Seven-Star Sword Sect were just fish on the chopping board, left to be slaughtered by him. On the contrary, the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect needed him to waste some. hands and feet.

When Yu Bingqing chose to take action against the Xuantian Sword Sect, she controlled the battleship away from the Xuantian Sword Sect’s battleship. Now when she saw the sword-eating ancestor looking towards them, she instantly activated the battleship’s defensive formation. .

“It’s just a holy-level formation, I can break it easily!” The

sword-eating ancestor sneered, and he raised a hand, and then a giant hand appeared in the sky, slowly pressing towards the battleship of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect. .

“Ancestor of the Sword Eater, please speak slowly if you have anything to say, why bother using swords and guns!”

At this time, two figures walked out from the depths of the battleship of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect. They exuded powerful auras, and they turned out to be great saint cultivators. for.

The speaker was an old man with white hair and a smile on his face.

“Oh?” The big hand in the sky stopped, and the sword-eating ancestor said with a smile: “Didn’t this little girl use a knife or a gun just when she attacked the leader of our Xuantian Sword Sect?” The old

man’s face changed, and then He looked at Yu Bingqing and asked, “Is this happening?”

“Yes!” Yu Bingqing said calmly.

“Yu Bingqing, you are so brave. Who asked you to take action against the Xuantian Sword Sect?” the old man scolded loudly.

Yu Bingqing’s face changed slightly. She raised her head and looked at her two great sage ancestors. She had communicated with them before taking action and had obtained their permission. Now she pretended not to know?

Soon, Yu Bingqing understood that they wanted to sacrifice her in exchange for a chance of survival.

As the sect leader, she had the obligation and responsibility to make sacrifices for the sect, but the feeling of being stabbed in the back by her own people still made her feel chilled.

“I made the decision on my own!” Yu Bingqing said with a sad smile, “I know that the master of the Xuantian Sword Sect has always coveted my beauty, so I took action against him. It has nothing to do with the sect. If I want to kill or cut into pieces, I just attack someone. Come on.”


Xu Jiaojiao said anxiously.

Yu Bingqing shook her head at Xu Jiaojiao and said, “There are some things you don’t understand.”

“That’s bullshit. Don’t they just want you to shoulder all the mistakes alone?” Xu Jiaojiao said loudly. Although she saw She looked like a careless female hooligan, but she was careful on the inside. Judging from the master’s words and the changes in his expression just now, she didn’t believe that the master’s move against the pervert had not been approved by the two ancestors.

“Shut up, Yu Bingqing, take care of your disciples!”

The great sage ancestor shouted loudly, his face extremely gloomy.

“Oh, I knew you had to use my master as a shield in order to survive.” Within the sect, Xu Jiaojiao was only afraid of Yu Bingqing, but she was not afraid of others.


“I know, it must be related to Li Beifei, Master, right?” Xu Jiaojiao asked. What does


have to do with me?

Li Beifei felt inexplicably lying on his back.

“Shut up!”

the old man shouted angrily, and slapped Xu Jiaojiao with a palm. Xu Jiaojiao trembled all over, waiting for death to come. At this moment, Yu Bingqing blocked the palm.

“Pfft!” Even though the old man did not use all his strength, but used less than one ten thousandth of his strength, he beat Yu Bingqing until he vomited blood.

“Master!” Xu Jiaojiao exclaimed.

Yu Bingqing looked at Xu Jiaojiao and said, “Stop talking nonsense.” Then she looked at the old man and said, “Ancestor, you actually killed Jiaojiao?”

“Let her talk nonsense!” The old man’s expression changed. livid.


Yu Bingqing felt cold in her heart. The ancestor’s indifferent attitude made her feel cold inside. She just took action to put Jiaojiao to death. It was obviously to cover up the fact that they knew about it. Originally, she thought that for the sake of the sect, It was worth sacrificing herself, but when she saw this scene, she felt that it was worth sacrificing for the sect, but was it worth sacrificing for these two ancestors who were usually aloof?

The answer is no!

“Ancestor, Bingqing just wants to ask you, do you still remember the words left by Ancestor Splitting the Sky?” Yu Bingqing suddenly asked.

The expressions of the two great sage ancestors changed.

“Of course we remember.” The old man said stiffly.

“Well, now that the successor of the Sword Emperor has appeared, should we follow the last words of the ancestor of the Splitting Sky?” Yu Bingqing asked again.

The expressions of the two great sage ancestors changed slightly, and the ancestor who had not spoken until now said: “As the younger generation, we will naturally follow the last words of the ancestor of Splitting Heaven. However, whether that boy is really the descendant of the Sword Emperor? It remains to be discussed.”

“If you are not a descendant of the Sword Emperor, how can you be in the Tianshu Sword Domain?” Yu Bingqing smiled coldly.

“How are you sure he is performing Tianshu Sword Domain? Just because he shouted Tianshu Sword Domain? If I shout Tianshu Sword Domain, am I also a descendant of the Sword Emperor?” The old man responded with a stern face. .

“You…” Yu Bingqing had nothing to say. She didn’t expect that a mighty great sage could be such a rogue. How could you not know whether it was Tianshu Sword Domain?

“You seem to be in trouble!”

At this time, Li Beifei’s voice sounded.

When Xu Jiaojiao heard Li Beifei’s voice, she immediately thought that there was a mysterious master behind Li Beifei, who was called that adult.

“Little man, where is your master? Please ask him to come out quickly!” Xu Jiaojiao shouted loudly.

Li Beifei’s face darkened and he said, “If you call me little man again, believe it or not, I will stab you to death with a sword!”

“What sword?” Xu Jiaojiao asked subconsciously.

Damn it!

Li Beifei almost vomited blood.

Then Li Beifei ignored the crazy woman Xu Jiaojiao. He looked at Yu Bingqing and said, “I wonder if this thing can prove that I am the descendant of the Sword Emperor?”

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