The young master said that he was in seclusion to heal his wounds

When Li Beifei woke up quietly, he found that he had already dressed and was lying in his room. He frowned slightly, and suddenly there was a memory in his mind that did not belong to him.

In this memory, there are only two people.

One was his previous life Li Beichen, whose cultivation was similar to his current one, and the other was a beautiful woman named Qingyue. What shocked Li Beifei the most was that Qingyue looked exactly like Mu Qingyi.

And this memory records the two people’s first meeting, fighting, and acquaintance on the Starry Sky Ancient Road, and Qingyue following Li Beichen until the end of her life, never leaving him.

Qingyue died lying in Li Beichen’s arms. Before she died, Qingyue said: “It would be great if there was an afterlife. I am pursuing you in this life, and I hope you can pursue me in the next life.” After saying

that, Qingyue lay in Li Beichen’s arms . It left in the middle of the Hua Dao and turned into countless starlights, scattered on the land of the Big Dipper that had not yet been renamed.

This is her and Li Beichen’s hometown.

The memory stopped here, but there was another piece of information in Li Beifei’s mind. Specifically, there was one more sentence, what Li Beichen left for him.

“This sword is called the Heaven and Earth Sword. It was originally reserved to help you when you became an immortal. However, due to your deep luck, you can no longer use it.” If you can’t

use it, you will naturally have to use it for something useful. At that time, the sword-eating ancestor was not only full of disrespect for Li Beichen in his words, but even the fourth level quasi-emperor dared to call himself the sword emperor, so the Seven-Star Sword Box awakened the sword, and with one strike, all enemies were destroyed.

At this time, Li Beifei had mixed emotions. At first, he thought Li Beichen had really disappeared, but he didn’t expect that there was still a sword left on the Seven-Star Sword Box. If he had known it earlier…

“Damn, if I had known it earlier, I wouldn’t have bothered. You have worked so hard to design so many things!”

Li Beifei muttered. For this ten-year agreement, he had tricked and deceived Xuan Mingzi, Bai Yifei, Xia Wuji and Li Ruoyu into his side, and even invited Yan Chuan, a super strong man at the pinnacle of quasi-emperor, has made countless calculations in the past ten years, and even his own reputation is on the line, but what is the result?

The ten-year agreement was all settled by him alone.

It only took less than half a day for Xuantian Sword Sect and Splitting Sky Sword Sect to attack. He… well, Li Beichen was also him. Anyway, no one else took action, so he understood the matter.

He had thought that Aunt Bai would take action, he had thought that the Ancient Golden Emperor would help him for the sake of the old guy’s face, he had also thought that the Divine Fortune Teller would take action, and he even imagined that the old guy couldn’t bear to see his disciples and grandsons in their hands. He wiped out two major sects with one slap, but he never thought that the ten-year agreement would be ended by his sword.

Isn’t this ending too childish?

“Let me in, I want to see if the little man is okay!” At this time, a voice came from outside. Hearing this voice, Li Beifei suddenly came back to his senses.

“This voice… Damn it, isn’t this the voice of a female gangster?” Li Beifei was immediately shocked and quickly sent a message to stop Xu Jiaojiao’s two sisters outside.

“No matter what, we can’t let her in. Just say that I am in retreat to heal my wounds and cannot be disturbed.” Li Beifei said in a message.

After the two women received Li Beifei’s message, their efforts to stop him became even stronger.

“Why don’t you let me in? We are not enemies now!” Xu Jiaojiao asked dissatisfied.

Just as Liu Yanran was about to speak, Liu Yuran on the side spoke first.

“The young master said that he is in seclusion to heal his wounds and cannot be disturbed by others.” Liu Yuran said.


Both Liu Yanran and Li Beifei who were eavesdropping in the room were speechless.

Xu Jiaojiao was also stunned, and then said, “Did he say that?”

“Yes, the young master said it.” Liu Yuran hadn’t realized his problem yet.


The door opened and Li Beifei walked out with a dark face.

“Ah, sir, why did you come out?” Liu Yuran asked in surprise. Didn’t he say that he didn’t want to see Xu Jiaojiao? Why did you come out suddenly?

“It’s not like you, a stupid girl, are talking nonsense.” Li Beifei glared at Liu Yuran. He would have known that Liu Yanran was alone. This Liu Yuran’s head is always unclear. If I hadn’t been here, I wouldn’t have known what would happen. How many times have I been deceived by others?

“How can the slave family talk nonsense? You told the slave family and asked the slave family to say this.” Liu Yuran looked aggrieved.

“You…” Li Beifei was extremely angry, but looking at Liu Yuran’s aggrieved look, he thought, forget it, holding on to such a trivial matter will damage the prestige of my sect master.

Li Beifei looked at Xu Jiaojiao and said, “Why are you in our Seven Star Sword Sect?” ”

Master, I, and the remaining elders joined our sect half a month ago. We don’t want to stay here.” Where else can we go?” Xu Jiaojiao said, with a smile on her face when she saw Li Beifei coming out.

“Half a month ago? Joined our Seven Star Sword Sect?” Li Beifei was a little confused.

“Yes, you have been lying in the room for half a month. During this time, I have been trying to take care of you, but they have always blocked me.” Xu Jiaojiao said dissatisfied.

After hearing this, Li Beifei couldn’t help but feel grateful that he had accepted Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran as sword attendants. Otherwise, if I had to be taken care of by you for half a month at this time, how could I still maintain my innocence?

“Well done!” Li Beidou expressed his full approval of what the two sisters had done on the spot.

“Why did you join the Seven Star Sword Sect?” Li Beifei asked.

After Xu Jiaojiao heard this, she looked at Li Beifei with wide eyes and said, “It’s not because of you. Not only did you destroy the Xuantian Sword Sect with one sword, but apart from me and the master and a few elders, Split The people of the Tianjian Sect are also dead, and even the disciples who stayed at the mountain gate are dead. Our Sky Splitting Sword Sect has ceased to exist in name only, and Master took us to join the Seven Star Sword Sect.” ”


Li Beifei was shocked. , he thought that Li Beichen’s sword only killed the invading enemy, but he didn’t expect to kill all the people of the two sects across a distance of hundreds of millions of miles.

“You drew the sword yourself, don’t you know it?” Xu Jiaojiao said.

“Well… I’m just worried that the treasures of your sect will be destroyed by this sword.” Li Beifei said lightly. Apart from being surprised by the power of Li Beichen’s sword, his biggest worry was that With one strike, the treasures of the two sects were destroyed, which was a huge loss.

“The strange thing is that all the buildings in the sect are intact, but the people are dead.” Xu Jiaojiao said.

“In this case, it’ll be fine.” Li Beifei said with a smile.

Suddenly, Li Beifei’s expression changed. He looked at Xu Jiaojiao and asked, “What did you call me just now?”

“Little man, what’s wrong? You used to call me that.” Xu Jiaojiao said.

“Hmph, now you are a disciple of my Seven Star Sword Sect. Why don’t you kneel down and show the disciple’s courtesy when you see my sect master?” Li Beifei’s expression was so serious that Xu Jiaojiao’s body trembled.

“I…I don’t!” Xu Jiaojiao said stubbornly.

“Do you know that being disrespectful to the sect master is against the sect’s rules.” Li Beifei looked at Xu Jiaojiao.

“I don’t believe it. I read all the rules when I joined the sect, and there is no one like this.” Xu Jiaojiao said.

“Then I will add this now. I am the sect leader and I have the final say.” Li Beifei said lightly.


Li Beifei ignored him, but his voice spread throughout the sect.

“From now on, there is a new sect rule. Disciples of the sect are not allowed to be disrespectful to the elders of the sect. Anyone who violates the rules will be punished according to the circumstances, ranging from being deprived of salary for three years to being expelled from the sect.”

“Obey the order!”

“Obey.” Order!”

The top leaders of the sect responded one after another, and this sect rule was finally implemented.

“You are not polite when you see my sect master, and you call me a little man. This sect master has the right to expel you from the sect.” Li Beifei smiled and said to Xu Jiaojiao, “Grandma, I have always been taken advantage of by you, a female gangster. Today I must cure you.

Unexpectedly, Xu Jiaojiao didn’t agree with him. Xu Jiaojiao said stubbornly: “I don’t want to. You can expel me from the school, so that I can be legitimate in marrying you in the future.” ”

I’m sorry…”

Li Beifei stumbled and almost fell down.

Li Beifei looked cold and said, “I don’t have any feelings for you, and I already have a wife. It’s impossible for me to marry you.” ”

Then you marry me, you can do it as a child!” Xu Jiaojiao thought very clearly.



Li Beifei immediately turned into a sword light and flew towards the back mountain. That was the old guy’s residence and it was an absolutely forbidden area for the sect. No one could approach without his permission. Originally, he used I came here to serve as a place of peace for the old guy, but I didn’t expect that one day it would become my own refuge.

I can’t afford to offend him, can I just hide?

Facing the female hooligan Xu Jiaojiao, he could only run away.

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