: Former feud with Gu Changsheng

“Who are you? I have no enmity with you. Why do you want to attack me?” Long Wushuang couldn’t move and could only shout with difficulty.

“No injustice or enmity?” Gu Changsheng’s face turned cold. He waved his hand and the surrounding scene changed. At this moment, they returned to Qingcheng again.

At this time, the vision in Qingcheng had dissipated, and the deathly silence was restored.

When Long Wushuang saw the other party, he just waved his hand and was brought to this place that he was very familiar with. He was so shocked that he couldn’t think.

“These people have no enmity or enmity against you, but because of you, they have become like this, neither human nor ghosts.” Gu Changsheng’s tone was cold.

After Long Wushuang heard this, he looked around, his pupils changed again, and what came into view were the failed products that he regarded as waste. Now they have become corpses, but what were their expressions before they died?

It’s relief!

There are hundreds of thousands of living beings in Qingcheng, and almost all of them have expressions of relief before they die.

“Now that you have seen them, I will let you experience their feelings.” Gu Changsheng said indifferently.

Long Wushuang’s body was shaken. He looked down and felt that his body was growing fiery red scales that were visible to the naked eye. He had seen such scales before. Although the size was different, the shape was similar to the dragon scales on the dragon corpse. Exactly the same.

“No… I don’t want to be like this, I don’t want… ah…” Long Wushuang twisted his body crazily, and kept grabbing the places where the dragon scales grew out with his hands, trying to take off the dragon scales on his body, but When he pressed hard, he felt excruciating pain. These dragon scales had become one with him. Trying to remove them was like self-mutilation.

“No… I know I was wrong, please, let it go, I don’t want to be like this, I don’t want to… roar…” Long Wushuang begged for mercy, and suddenly a dragon roar came from his mouth.

Gu Changsheng looked at him indifferently, and then left Qingcheng with Ye Hongyi and Prince Tianpenggu.

After they left, Long Wushuang had completely transformed into a fiery red giant dragon, but his body was still expanding and expanding.


The painful roar echoed through the sky.

After a while, only a loud “boom” was heard between heaven and earth. Long Wushuang exploded, and Qingcheng also disappeared in the explosion.

After dealing with Long Wushuang, Gu Changsheng and the others returned to the secret realm again.

They appeared above the cell without concealing their presence, and were quickly discovered by patrollers.

“There are enemies!”

A cry came out, and then dozens of terrifying energy rushed towards Gu Changsheng and the others.

But all the attacks disappeared in mid-air.

“How is that possible?” The expression of a patrol leader changed drastically, and he shouted decisively: “The enemy is very strong, please call the city lord.”

After saying that, he took out a jade slip and crushed it to pieces. Come and inform Long Wushuang.

But what they didn’t know was that their city lord had already passed away before them.

“It’s not a pity to die if you help the tyrants to commit evil!” Gu Changsheng snorted coldly, and all the patrols present exploded to death in an instant.

The battle only lasted for less than a few breaths, but it attracted the attention of the creatures in the cell.

“Help, help, let us out!”

“Let us out!”

“Please, let us out.”

For a time, countless voices calling for help sounded.

Ye Hongyi couldn’t help but look at Gu Changsheng after hearing these voices.

“Master, can these… people be saved?” Ye Hongyi’s tone was a little hesitant, but in the end, she still believed that these were still people.

Gu Changsheng shook his head and said: “Their physical bodies have been completely corroded.”

Ye Hongyi nodded and said: “Does that mean we have to send them to reincarnation as well?”

Gu Changsheng nodded, then waved his hand, and these The human soul breaks through the shackles of the physical body, breaks out of the secret realm, breaks out of the ancient starry sky, and goes to other big worlds for reincarnation.

“Let’s go and see that dragon.” After saying everything, Gu Changsheng took the two of them back to the Dragon Palace again.

In addition to the dragon corpse, there are also many books stored in the hall. Some books exude the atmosphere of ancient times and are extremely old, while some are brand new, as if they were written not long ago.

Ye Hongyi came to the books, picked up a new book, opened it, and frowned slightly.

“Master, this records what happened after that person discovered the dragon corpse.” Ye Hongyi handed the book to Gu Changsheng.

“Look, you don’t need it as a teacher.” Gu Changsheng said.

Ye Hongyi suddenly realized, yes, what does his master want to know that he can’t know? He probably already knew everything that happened here.

Ye Hongyi flipped through this book by herself.

From the book, Ye Hongyi also learned that the man was called Long Wushuang.

After he met the dragon corpse, in order to successfully absorb the blood of the dragon corpse, he conducted experiments on living people, monsters and beasts, and merged the blood of monsters and beasts with living people. Finally, after countless experiments After that, he created a way to absorb the blood of the dragon corpse, but in the process, he also created these creatures in Qingcheng who were neither human, demon nor beast. These creatures were tortured by other races in the ancient planet of Huoyun. Discrimination can only hide in Qingcheng.

Originally, people like Qingcheng were also detained in the secret realm by Long Wushuang, but during an experiment, he captured a saint monk and merged it with the blood of a Moon-Watching Rhinoceros, a ferocious beast in the Saint realm. , everything went smoothly during the experiment, but in the end, the experiment failed.

Although the bloodline fusion was successful, and the monk’s realm broke through from the Saint Realm to the Holy King Realm, he still retained some of Mochizuki’s fierce appearance and racial characteristics.

Its appearance is that it has a horn on its head.

As for the racial characteristics, that is, the moon-watching rhinoceros is a ferocious beast that makes the whole body feel uncomfortable every day. In other words, the monk becomes extremely lustful.

Seeing this, Ye Hongyi narrowed her eyes and couldn’t help but think of Holy King Wangxi. The monk recorded above was obviously the Holy King Wangxi whom she had met before.

Regarding the fate of Holy King Wangxi, Ye Hongyi expressed that she felt pity for him, but she only felt pity for what happened to him. As for Holy King Wangxi, he would just kill him without any regret.

The reason why Holy King Wangxi was able to leave here is because during a certain experiment, he broke through his seal and left with almost all the failed experiments. He took root in Qingcheng, which stands opposite the Flame City. After reproduction, in just a few hundred years, the number of living creatures increased from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands.

Long Wushuang doesn’t take these failed experiments seriously. He can eradicate Qingcheng at any time if he wants, but he wants to keep the lives of Qingcheng and witness the moment when he dominates the universe to satisfy him. That perverted psychology.

What was written in the book afterwards were some of Long Wushuang’s fantasies after he became the overlord of the universe.

Seeing the end, Ye Hongyi felt angry and amused. She looked at Gu Changsheng and said: “Master, this Long Wushuang not only said that he would surpass you, but also suppressed the Gu family, which was the first family in ancient times. Could it be that he was manipulated by you in his previous life? He was suppressed, so he wants to seek revenge from you in this life?”

“…” Gu Changsheng!

However, what Honghong said is not impossible. After all, reincarnation has wonderful causes and effects. If the hatred towards someone in the previous life reaches a certain critical point, after death, even if you are reincarnated, you will have inexplicable disgust towards someone. .

Out of curiosity, Gu Changsheng deduced Long Wushuang’s past life.

Through this deduction, he discovered something very interesting.

The past life of Long Wushuang was half a million years ago. During that period, Yao Ji, as the most beautiful woman in the universe, had countless suitors. Well, Long Wushuang’s past life was also one of them, but she was transformed into a mortal by him. The incarnation was destroyed.

They say they have a grudge, but they really do!

Ye Hongyi saw the wonderful change in Gu Changsheng’s expression, her beautiful eyes showed surprise, and said, “No, Master, am I right?”

Gu Changsheng nodded with a wry smile.

The ancient Prince Tianpeng stumbled and almost fell down. This man was so unlucky. In his previous life, he had enmity with His Majesty the Holy Emperor, and he died at the hands of His Majesty the Holy Emperor in this life. His fate was really unpredictable.

“Will he be reincarnated again in the future? Will it cause trouble to you, Master?” Ye Hongyi asked curiously.

Gu Changsheng shook his head and said: “My master beat him to the point where his soul was knocked out. The chance of reincarnation is gone. How can he be reincarnated?” ”

Really? What a pity!” Ye Hongyi looked regretful, thinking that he could see only Zhi Zhi. It’s a plot that can only be found in novels. The villain and the hero have been enemies for life. The villain will be defeated by the protagonist every time, and the cycle repeats.

But now it is invisible.

“Little girl, what are you thinking about?” Gu Changsheng flicked Ye Hongyi’s head.

“Ouch, it hurts!” Ye Hongyi said coquettishly.

“I didn’t even try hard as a teacher!” Gu Changsheng laughed.

“It just hurts!” Ye Hongyi said.

“Okay, okay, it hurts. I really can’t do anything to you. These people are already in their twenties, and they still look like children.” Gu Changsheng shook his head helplessly.

“Hehe, I am only in my twenties, am I just a child in front of you, Master?” Ye Hongyi said with a smile.

Gu Changsheng was startled, and then said: “You mean you are a master?”

Ye Hongyi shook his head quickly and said: “Master is young and handsome, how can he be old?”

“Then why does your junior brother call me old guy all the time? Gu Changsheng asked.

“That’s why he gets beaten every day!”


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