Taoist Priest Shows His Power

“Boss, I’d better dress up in disguise, it’s scary.”

At the door of Changsheng Tavern, Feng Chen was too shy to go out.

Inside the tavern, he could feel the malice of those people. Outside the tavern, even though it was already dark, he could still see many figures staring at him on the street. Just walk out like this, even if there is a boss next to him. , is also very dangerous. As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. No matter how strong the boss is, he can’t be a saint, right?

There is only one strong person above a saint in the city owner of Flame City, and I have not heard of any other strong saints.

If a strong man from the Xiaoyao Realm takes action and the boss is unable to do anything else, why won’t he just let others take advantage of him?

Little did he know that the city lord he knew had died in the hands of Gu Changsheng.

“Come, stand here.” Gu Changsheng waved to Feng Chen and asked him to stand in front of the threshold.

Feng Chen came to the threshold in confusion. Just when he was about to ask a question, he felt a pain in his butt, and then his whole body turned into a stream of light and flew out.


Feng Chen’s shout was extremely loud in the black night sky.

“Mother-in-law, what a virtue!”

Gu Changsheng said lightly, and then said to the people in the tavern: “It closes early today, you can leave.”

Everyone recovered from the shock, and after hearing Gu Changsheng’s words , quickly paid for the drinks and hurriedly left the tavern, and the direction they left was exactly the direction Feng Chen flew out.

Soon, Taoist Wu Liang was the only one left in the tavern.

“Aren’t you leaving?” Gu Changsheng looked at Wu Liang calmly.

Wu Liang trembled, feeling that he had been seen through by the other party, but he quickly denied it. He didn’t even know his origins, so how could Gu Changsheng know.

Taoist Wu Liang laughed and said: “Boss, I will not take action against the little benefactor. Please show mercy later!”

Gu Changsheng did not speak, but looked out the door, his meaning was very clear.

Seeing this, Taoist Wu Liang bowed to Gu Changsheng, and then left, turning into a stream of light and flying in the direction where Feng Chen flew out.


The door of the tavern closed automatically, and Gu Changsheng had disappeared.

There is a flat dense forest in the west of Flame City. Some couples who like excitement in the city come here for trysts at night. At this time, there is a pair of mandarin ducks making love here. Just when the man wants to get involved, something strange happens.


A deep pit suddenly opened in front of them. Both of them screamed in fright, not daring to look at what it was and hurriedly fled towards the city.

“Bah, bah, bah!”

Feng Chen jumped out of the pit and kept spitting out dirt from his mouth. Just now, he had eaten a lot of dirt.

Feng Chen also noticed the pair of night ducks escaping in a hurry. His cultivation was enough to ignore the night. When he saw the woman’s white thighs, he couldn’t help but smile.

“It’s so white and so long!”

“Boy, if you want to survive, quickly hand over the treasure map of the real dragon treasure you have on you.”

At this time, a fierce voice sounded, and then a figure appeared, it was a man, The aura emanating from him shocked Feng Chen’s heart.

A monk who has entered the holy realm.

This is a monk who has entered the holy realm, and his cultivation level is two realms higher than him. He is no match, and he will definitely not be able to escape.

“Don’t come over here. I’m the only employee of Changsheng Tavern. If you attack me, my boss won’t let you go.” Feng Chen said calmly.

When the man heard this, he laughed and said: “Boy, you are too naive. Now everyone in the Flame City knows that you have the treasure map. Do you know how many people there are in the Flame City? And you know the Flame City How many old monsters are there in the Happy Realm and above? Don’t you understand? The owner of the Immortality Tavern sent you here to show everyone that you have nothing to do with him. To put it simply, the owner of the Eternal Life Tavern can’t save you. .”

Feng Chen’s face changed slightly when he heard this, but he soon regained his composure. He said: “I believe my boss!” ”

Haha, you believe it? What a big joke. As far as I know, you became the Changsheng Tavern. The employees haven’t even finished their day, so why do you trust your boss? Hahaha…”

The man laughed loudly, as if he had heard the biggest joke in the world.

After he finished laughing, the man looked at Feng Chen coldly and said, “I’ll give you one last chance. Hand over the treasure map and I’ll spare your life.”

Feng Chen laughed when he heard this. He smiled and said: ” The treasure map has been refined by me and is in my body. If you had the guts, you would take action against me. If you had the guts, you wouldn’t talk so much nonsense to me. After all, you are still afraid of my boss. You coward!”

At the end of his sentence, Feng Chen gave him a mocking middle finger.

The man’s face changed, his eyes were full of anger, and his aura became more intense, but he did not make a move against Feng Chen.

Because Feng Chen was right, he was really afraid of Gu Changsheng, so he didn’t take action against Feng Chen immediately. Otherwise, he would have slapped Feng Chen to death and taken away the treasure map.

But if he doesn’t take action now, it will be even more difficult when other people who want to snatch the treasure map arrive. After thinking about it, the man finally made up his mind.

He said to Feng Chen in a stern tone, “Boy, since you are seeking death, don’t blame me!”

After saying that, he clapped out one hand and grabbed Feng Chen. The powerful momentum suppressed Feng Chen, and Feng Chen could only watch. He looked at the big hands grabbing for him, but he kept praying in his heart that Gu Changsheng would come out quickly.


At this moment, a copper coin appeared and instantly knocked the man back.

“Who is it?” The man looked around with a horrified expression. At this moment, a fat figure appeared with a smile on his lips and said, “Wu Liang, a poor man, has seen this donor.” ”

You are here to steal the treasure too. Pictured?” the man asked coldly.

Wu Liang shook his head and said, “Donor Feng Chen and I are friends. If a friend is in trouble, I will naturally help him.”

When Wu Liang said this, not only the man didn’t believe it, but even Feng Chen looked at Wu Liang with wide eyes. , when did I become your friend?

Hearing this, the man sneered and said, “You fat man is so scheming. In this way, you can get the treasure map without offending the owner of the Changsheng Tavern.”

Wu Liang’s face darkened when he heard “Fat Man” and he said solemnly “What did you call Pindao just now?”

“Haha, Fatty, you and I are similar in cultivation, how can you still kill me instantly?” the man sneered.

“Ami’s fucking Buddha, the god of immeasurable fathers, what I hate most in my life is when people say I’m fat, so die!”

Taoist Wu Liang roared angrily, and a dark stove appeared in front of him, and only the stove was visible Opening his mouth like a giant mouth of an abyss, the man who had reached the holy realm was swallowed up by the pitch-black furnace before he could react, and he didn’t even let out a scream.

“If you don’t show off your power, you really think I’m a vegetarian!”

Wu Liang spat viciously.

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