Over the next few days, the whole lily of the valley seemed to be quiet.

Except for some daily entertainment programs (fights), the whole lily of the valley is very quiet.

It's completely gone a few days ago, when school first started, the lively look.

However, underneath this apparent calm, there is an undercurrent.

First of all, Genji Takiya, who was in the third grade, didn't know what method he used, and actually subdued the boss of the third grade D class.

This is also the weakest of the original three forces, the GPS Legion, and its power has risen sharply.

Originally, some people who were not optimistic about Takiya Genji are now also somewhat optimistic about Takiya Genji.

Among the three major factions in the third grade now, the largest number of people is Serizawa Tamoo's Serizawa Army, followed by Genji Takiya's GPS.

For his own reasons, Hideto Hando almost didn't accept people in the school, and his subordinates were all people he brought out of the armed front.

However, don't look at the Hando Hideto, although they are very small in number, their personal strength is very strong.

His faction can be regarded as a representative of the few but fine.

In addition to the changes in the third grade, there are also big changes in the second grade.

Tsukishima Hana, a second-year student, is another person since Tokugawa Nobuhide who has made it clear that he wants to participate in the third-year battle for supremacy.

And his flower group was also expanding rapidly during this time.

Yosuke Sashima, a first-year student, also led a lot of first-graders to join the flower group.

In addition to the flower group, the executioner faction of Kobe Yoshikatsu, the Hideyoshi faction of Kato Hideyoshi, and the military division faction of Shioyan Chengjunji, have also been expanding during this time.

However, unlike Tsukishima Hana, these three did not indicate that they would participate in the battle for supremacy in the third grade.

The three factions looked as if they were simply gathering manpower.

As for whether they will participate in it later, no one knows.

And in the first grade, after experiencing the madness of the beginning of the school year, the first grade seems to be calm now.

Even Tokugawa Nobuhide, who was engaged in wind and rain before, was particularly quiet during this time.

Every day, like other students, go to school, eat, and go home from school.

However, these leaders seem to be fine, but the others are not.

According to the intelligence that Marcy secretly collected, in the past half a month, there have been more and more conflicts between the first and second grades, the second and third grades, and the first and third grades.

It's just that because their respective bosses told them not to cause trouble for the time being, everyone is still more restrained for the time being.

When there is a conflict, it is just a few shouts to each other, and then people pull them away.

However, this restraint will not last long.

It's the lily of the valley here, everyone is the kind of hot-blooded young man who does not agree with each other, restraint? They don't do anything at all, what is called restraint.

They only know that if I don't obey you, then I will challenge you and beat you.

As for what to do if you can't beat it?

They didn't think about this kind of thing at all, they couldn't beat it if they couldn't beat it, the big deal was that they were beaten by the other party this time, and when their strength increased in the future, they just had to fight back.

Many people in Lily of the Valley know that this calm appearance won't last long.

"Stay here, I'll go back first. "

Tokugawa Nobuhide saw that the time was almost up, and he was ready to go home from school.

"Uh... It's only been long since you finished lunch, and you're leaving?".

Yoji Kuniyoshi looked at Tokugawa Nobuhide speechlessly.

These days, this Tokugawa guy has been leaving early.

For others, it's a day's study, but he's only half a day.

"Do you have a girlfriend? "

Miyamoto Sanwen also said teasingly.

"What's so fun about having a girlfriend, Tokugawa come and fight with me, after these days of fighting Sanwen, I feel like I'm a lot stronger again. "

Binzo also invited Tokugawa to fight with him, which can be regarded as his daily repertoire.

Because Tokugawa said that he was much worse in terms of skills before, so, since that day, this guy has been fighting with Rao, Daizennu and Miyamoto Sanfumi.

Because this guy's physique is really strong, the three of them don't mind practicing their hands when they are fine.

And when Kuniyoshi Yoji, Yamaguchi Sunroku and Tai Long saw it, they also challenged the three of them.

Now, in the Tokugawa faction, if you don't count Tokugawa Nobuhide, the strength can be divided into two grades.

One is Da Zennu, Miyamoto Sanfumi and Rao, and then Yamaguchi Sunroku, Kuniyoshi Yoji, Tairyu and Miyauchi Shinzo are in the first gear.

Among them, the strongest is Miyamoto Sanwen.

And he is also the second master of the Tokugawa faction.

As for Marcy, this guy said that he was a military advisor, and his strength was enough, and he didn't need too much practice.

However, although he said so, his strength should not be underestimated.

"What kind of girlfriend are you looking for, I'm just looking for a part-time job. "

Tokugawa pushed away Binzo, who was leaning up.

Although he has an inheritance in his hand, it is a reserve fund, and he will not use it until he has to use it.

As for the expenses of daily life, he earns it by his own part-time job.

"Okay, you guys are watching at school, I have a feeling that the first and second graders are about to take it anymore, and they can do it at any time.

And once they do, it's time for us to act. "

Tokugawa Nobuhide looked at a few people and admonished.

"Don't worry, I'll be watching from school.

But which of the second-year factions are you going to deal with first?"

Marcy asked.

"The executioners are a faction. "

Tokugawa Nobuhide said lightly.

"However, it depends on which faction is in conflict with the first grade, and if it is someone from another faction, then it will fight another faction. "

Although this is the case, according to the intelligence, the person who wants to do it the most in the second year is the executioner faction of Kobe Yoshika.

Moreover, Kobe Yoshika himself is not a good-natured person.

Therefore, there is a high probability that they will be in line with the executioner.

"Executioners? "

Marcy nodded and said.

What Tokugawa Nobuhide didn't know was that shortly after he left school, in the first grade, people belonging to his Tokugawa faction and the second-year executioner faction had a skirmish.

(PS: Yuzo Miyauchi, the 33rd student of Lily of the Valley).

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