When Tokugawa Nobuhide returned to the classroom, he felt some pain in his arm.

"What are you discussing?".

As soon as I got back to the classroom, I saw the people gathered together, not knowing what they were talking about.

He just heard something like "beat him up" and "let him know how good we are".

"Who are you going to beat, what's wrong, what's going on?"

Tokugawa Nobuhide looked at a few people suspiciously, thinking that when he went out, something had happened.

"Nothing, nothing, nothing happened. "

When several people heard Tokugawa Nobuhide's voice, they were stunned at first, and then shook their heads in unison and said.

"If nothing happens, then what are you talking about here? Who are you going to fight? "

Tokugawa Nobuhide looked at a few people suspiciously.

"It's nothing, we're just going to say it again, isn't there another brawl tomorrow. A few of us are going to beat up the people who beat us up last time. "

Marcy said with an unchanged expression.

"Yes, that's it. "

Several other people nodded frantically after hearing Tokugawa Nobuhide's words.

"Is this really being discussed?".

Tokugawa Nobuhide was a little unconvinced, and the doggy expression they had just now definitely didn't say this again.

"Of course it's true, but what else can we discuss?"

Yoji Kuniyoshi also spoke.

"It's been three times, and several of us have been besieged by dozens of people, and then we have been beaten and wounded.

Anyway, we are all high-ranking cadres of the Tokugawa faction, and we can't always go on like this, and we also have to be good or not.

Wouldn't it be shameless for us to go on for a long time? "

"That's right, that's it, as senior cadres, if we also want face, we have been beaten by the younger brother below, and we can't get over our face. "

Miyamoto Sanwen also echoed the voice.

And several other people also showed expressions of wanting revenge.

It's just that this revenge is against the younger brothers below, or against Tokugawa Nobuhide, I'm afraid only they know.

"Definitely. "

Tokugawa Nobuhide also nodded when he saw that several people were saying this.

"It's really not very good to be beaten like this all the time. "

Afterwards, Tokugawa Nobuhide also walked up to several people and patted them on the shoulder.

"Go for it, I'm optimistic about you. "

After Tokugawa Nobuhide finished speaking, he also walked back to his place and lay on the table, ready to catch up on sleep.

Miyamoto Sanbun and the others saw Tokugawa Nobuhide lying there resting, and they also frantically interacted with their eyes.

Tokugawa Nobuhide is here now, and they certainly can't say that anymore.

Once he knows, before they can beat Tokugawa Nobuhide, I'm afraid that they will be beaten again.


When I am bored, I always feel that it passes very slowly, but when I turn my head and think about it, I feel that it passes quickly.

In the days that followed, Kuniyoshi and several people contacted the younger brothers of the Tokugawa faction every day.

A lot of people didn't agree with this at first, after all, Tokugawa Nobuhide was their boss.

However, these people were all persuaded by Kuniyoshi Yoji, and except for a few people, everyone else agreed.

And the reason why they agree is nothing more than two points:

First, I want to see the true strength of Tokugawa Nobuhide, and see if he can still be uninjured or slightly injured when he is besieged by hundreds of people, or... Seriously injured.

Of course, they will definitely not beat it to a serious injury, at most they will stop after beating it into a medium injury.

The second is that I want to try the feeling of beating the strong.

They also know their strength and talent, and no matter how they improve in this life, they will not be able to become top powerhouses.

If you don't have anything else, you won't be able to try the feeling of playing against the top powerhouse.

And now, it's an opportunity.

In this way, under the instigation of Kuniji Yoji's group of senior cadres, the younger brothers below also all agreed to this matter.

Now, the entire Tokugawa faction knows that the high-ranking officials are ready to give Tokugawa Nobuhide a "big gift", but only Tokugawa Nobuhide himself does not know.

If he knew, he would have refused the gift.

Friday was a sunny day.

For students from other schools, after today, tomorrow will usher in a two-day holiday.

But for students of Lily of the Valley, nothing is different at all.

In normal times, if they don't want to come, they can not come, so they don't care if it is a weekend or not.

Still, most of the time I will come to school.

All school rules in Lily of the Valley can be violated, classes can not be attended, and teachers can not be seen.

But there is one rule that still needs to be followed, and that is the number of days of attendance.

If you don't have enough days of attendance in a semester, you will really repeat a grade.

For example, the strong man in the second grade, Hoya Harudo.

This guy transferred halfway through last year.

Originally, I could have been promoted to the third grade this year, but because the number of days of attendance was not enough, I was repeated.

It is precisely because of this incident that many people know that this regulation of lily of the valley must be followed.

Today, for the rest of the valley students, it was still an ordinary day.

However, it was a very important day for the Tokugawa faction.

Even the previous fight with the executioner's faction, the boss and Zhedon's contract to fight, is not as important as today's matter.

When the Tokugawa faction arrived at the school, everyone was gearing up and walking towards the gymnasium with excitement on their faces.

Now this place has been occupied by their Tokugawa faction, and if they are okay, no one will come here.

"Hey, are the Tokugawa factions going to make any big moves?"

Someone asked when he saw the excitement on the Tokugawa faction's face and walked towards the gymnasium.

"Big move, can't you, I haven't heard any news. "

The man thought for a moment and said.

In the past two days, I really haven't heard any news.

"So what's going on with these guys? Why are they all dressed and excited and walking towards the gymnasium?".

He pointed to the man next to him.

The man looked at it, and then thought of something.

"Today is another day of chaos for the Tokugawa faction, so I think they want to show themselves in the chaos. "

"It's just a brawl, it can't be like this. "

He also knew about the Tokugawa faction's chaos.

However, it doesn't feel like it now.

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to rush immediately(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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