Outside the gymnasium, a few people were looking inside through the crack in the door.

"How's it going? What's going on inside?".

The person next to him asked.

"I can't see it clearly. "

The man who was looking through the crack in the door turned his head and said.

"I could only see a lot of people lying on the ground, and I could hear the sound of fighting.

The rest, I can't see it clearly. "

"You're such a waste, get up, let me see, I've got a good look. "

One of the people next to him pulled away from the other, and then leaned down on the crack in the door to watch.

"I can't see anything in the first place. "

The person who was pulled away was still a little aggrieved.

"How's that, how's that, do you see that?".

The other companions around him also asked.

"No, I can't see it. "

The man who picked the crack in the door shook his head.

After he looked at it, he realized that the crack in the door was too small, and he really couldn't see much.

"I'll just say I can't see it, you still blame me. "

The person who was picked up before looked at the others and said.

Look at these people still say that they are blind.

"Well, I don't know what's going on inside, it's been almost two hours in there. "

A few people also muttered quietly.

"It's almost two hours. "

One of them said after looking at the time.

"You say, can the boss win?".

A man with a short flat head looked at the others and said.

"How is it possible? "

Said a man with the head of an airplane.

"Although the boss is very strong, there are two hundred and fifty people in it, and there are also those senior cadres, such a lineup, let alone the boss.

Even if Huamu Jiuli Tiger and Fangwu Chundao come, they can't win. "

"Indeed, there are so many people in there, that's two hundred and fifty people. "

A yellow hair also echoed the voice.

"Then how many people do you think the boss can defeat?"

Xiao Pingtou asked again.

"Hmmm... I think that with the strength of the boss, he should be able to defeat sixty people. "

Said a man with a tattoo on his arm.

He felt that it was already strong enough to be able to defeat sixty people, and moreover, he still defeated sixty people under this kind of siege.

"I think there should be eighty people, that's the boss, the boss who defeated Jedun, how can it be only sixty. "

The people around me also put forward different opinions.

"I think it's eighty, too. "

"I think it's seventy. "

"Then I'll say a little bit of an exaggerated number, ninety people. "

Several people also talked about their own speculations.

However, no matter what they say, the number did not exceed a hundred.

They subconsciously felt in their hearts that no one could defeat a hundred people alone.

At this time, Tokugawa Nobuhide, who was in the gymnasium, didn't know at all that the people outside were guessing about his battle situation.


Tokugawa Nobuhide braced himself and punched at Marcy.


The punch hit Marcy in the face.

Marcy took the punch, but her body shook slightly.

Marcy then punched her in the same way.

At this time, the gymnasium was already full of people.

The two hundred and fifty little brothers had all fallen to the ground.

And those high-ranking cadres, at this time, there are only three people left: Miyamoto Sanwen, Rao and Marcy.

As for the others, they have followed in the footsteps of those little brothers.

Now these three are not in very good shape.

His face was covered in blood, and his clothes were a little messy.

The legs that support the whole body are constantly trembling, and the fists that are thrown out are also weak.

It's not just Miyamoto Sanfumi and the others, Tokugawa Nobuhide's state at this time is not much better than them, and even worse.

The clothes on his body had been torn into strips of cloth, and his face was blue and swollen, and he was covered with blood.

On his body and legs, he was also covered with shoe prints and fist prints.

If you look closely at this time, you will find that Tokugawa Nobuhide is no different from a coma, and it is not certain whether he is conscious or not.

But even so, he still stood there, waving his arms mechanically, and struck at the three of them.

Of the four, only Marcy, who came on the pitch last, was in better shape.

However, at this time, he was also exhausted.

"You guy, aren't you down yet?".

Marcy threw another punch at Tokugawa Nobuhide and hit Tokugawa in the face.

Now, he feels more and more that this guy is a monster, he has become like this, and he hasn't fallen yet.

In the previous two hours, he had seen with his own eyes that Tokugawa Nobuhide had hammered the Tokugawa faction one by one.

It was also seen with his own eyes that after he was exhausted, he still held his body to fight with others.

Even Binzo was dragged unconscious by Tokugawa Nobuhide.

"No... Don't knock it down... You guys... Three, I'm ... No... Falling. "

Nobuhide Tokugawa said, throwing another punch at Marcy.

Miyamoto Sanfumi and Rao moved their steps and leaned towards Tokugawa Nobuhide.

After getting closer, Miyamoto Sanfumi, Rao and Marcy also punched at the same time.

"Nobuhide, it's time for you to fall!".

"Bang!" x3

The three fists landed on Tokugawa Nobuhide's body together.

Tokugawa Nobuhide, who was already exhausted and a little untenable, also went directly under these three punches.


Tokugawa Nobuhide, lying on the ground, gasped and looked at the ceiling overhead.

He hadn't tried this feeling for at least two and a half years, this feeling of being beaten and not being able to get up.

Last time, when his mother had just died, he was in a bad mood and hit a bad student at school.

Then the other party found his eldest brother who was a mixed pole, and they beat him up in fifteen or sixteen adult ways.

Tokugawa Nobuhide still clearly remembers that it was Kitagawa Umimu who helped him back at that time.

After being helped back to her home, the little girl who looked like a hot girl cried and medicated herself.

And, how to cry and tell yourself that I hope he won't fight anymore.

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to rush immediately(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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