"Da Shannu, when I was in the middle of the kingdom, I challenged you three times, and I lost three times.

And now, now that I've come to Lily of the Valley, I'm going to challenge you one last time. "

The gray-haired man looked at Da Shannu and said.

It seems that he came out of the same school as Da Shannu.

"And me!".

"And me!".

Then, two more people also shouted loudly.

The three of them stood very close.

The fact that they were able to survive the chaotic battle just now was also because of the fact that these three people helped each other.

"Nakamura Ginji, Akaike Yuji, Koji Aoyama, you just lost when you were in junior high school, and it's still the same now.

No matter how many times you try it, the result will still be the same. "

Da Shannu looked at the three of them and said.

"Hmph! Even if you lose, you have to fight first!".

Nakamura Ginji shouted, and then rushed towards Daizennu.


Nakamura Ginji flew and kicked at Daizennu.

Da Zen Nu looked at Nakamura Ginji who flew over, and instead of retreating, he advanced.

Take two steps forward and make a fist with your right hand.

While dodging Nakamura's flying kick sideways, he punched Nakamura Ginji in the abdomen.


Nakamura Ginji rushed over quickly, however, he flew out faster.

"And the two of you, let's go up together. "

Dazen Nu exuded a tyrannical aura and looked at Yuji Akaike and Koji Aoyama and said.

Yuji Akaike and Koji Aoyama also glanced at each other when they heard Daizennu's words.

They came out of the same kingdom as the Great Shannu, and they fought with him.

But when did they see Da Shannu like this?

If the Great Shannu was like a beast before, then now, this beast is about to go berserk.

They couldn't even defeat the beasts in a calm state before, let alone the beasts that have gone berserk now.

However, this is Lily of the Valley, they have also gone through a chaotic battle, if they don't do anything and admit defeat directly, then they will not be able to mix up at all in Lily of the Valley.

At that time, they had only one way to drop out.

However, they don't want to drop out of Lily of the Valley.


The two also made their own choice in an instant.

"Bang, bang!".

The three of them fought together in an instant.

However, the strength of Yuji Akaike and Koji Aoyama is still too bad compared to Daizenno.

It took less than five minutes for Da Shannu to solve the two of them on the ground.

"Bang Bang Bang!".

At this moment, the sound of clapping hands rang out in the auditorium.

"It was a great game and a lot of quality. "

Tokugawa Nobuhide looked at Dazen Nu and said.

He glanced around at the people who were still standing in the auditorium.

"Guys, those who can still stand here are already first-year powerhouses.

If nothing else, the first grade should be our competition.

Well, don't mind revealing your name. "

In addition to Daizennu and Yosuke Sajima, he also wants to know the names of other people.

He wants to participate in the battle for supremacy in Lily of the Valley, and he needs people with strength very much.

And these people, since they can stand up to now, it means that they have strength, and since they have strength, then Tokugawa Nobuhide wants to subdue them.

"Great Shannu. "

Daizennu watched as Tokugawa Nobuhide said his name.

He was very unhappy with Tokugawa Nobuhide's calm appearance, and his expression as if he was in control.

From the moment this guy came to power, everything that happened in the auditorium was carried out at the will of this guy.

The previous chaos was a war, and now I introduce my own name as well.

He really wanted to snatch the initiative from the other party's hands, but he never found a chance.

In that case, let's talk with our fists. ’

Dazennu looked at Tokugawa Nobuhide and thought secretly in his heart.

Da Shannu, who has been invincible in the country for nearly two years, is still very inflated at this time.

He felt that he could beat anyone now, even the second-year ones, who had already become famous, he could also defeat them.

"Yosuke Sashima. "

"Miyamoto Sanwen. "

"Yoji Kuniyoshi. "

"Tyrone. "

"Misaki Mario. "

"Yamaguchi Sunroku. "

"Yuhiko Mashii. "

"Kozo Miyauchi. "

The remaining people also said their names.

When Tokugawa Nobuhide heard the first two names, he didn't think there was anything wrong.

When I heard the names "Kuniyoshi" and "Tyrone", my brows furrowed slightly.

And when I heard the names of Misaki Mario, Yamaguchi Sunroku, Mashii Yuhiko and Miyauchi Kozo, a big question mark had already risen in my heart.

"What's wrong?

Yuhiko Mashii, who had long hair and sunglasses, saw that Tokugawa Nobuhide had been looking at a few people on their side, and he didn't just ask.

"Nothing, just a little surprised. "

Tokugawa Nobuhide shook his head.

Although there are many doubts in my heart, now is not the time to answer them.

Among these people, in addition to him, the two strongest people should be Miyamoto Sanfumi and Rao.

After that, it should be Yosuke Sajima, Daizennu, Kuniyoshi, Tailong, Yamaguchi Sunroku, Mashii Yuhiko and Miyauchi Kozo.

"Now it's just a few of us. "

Tokugawa Nobuhide said as he moved his body.

Before, I started to beat those miscellaneous soldiers, and I couldn't even warm up.

"Let's keep it simple, whoever can walk out of the auditorium standing in the end will be the winner. "


As soon as Tokugawa Nobuhide's words were finished, before the others could react, Daizen Nu shouted and rushed towards Tokugawa Nobuhide.


Daizen Nu swung his fist at Tokugawa Nobuhide.

As early as at the school gate, with the power of that kick, he knew that the person in front of him should not be underestimated.

Therefore, this punch, he used all his strength.


A loud bang rang out in the auditorium.

"You guy..."

Da Shannu looked at the person in front of him who had the potential to become a little white face.

This person actually directly took down the full punch he threw with the help of his speed.

And he only slid backwards about five paces.

"The strength is okay. "

Tokugawa Nobuhide looked up at Daizennu and said with a smile.

"But that's not enough. "

Nobuhide Tokugawa closed his fist and kicked out.


A strong wind is blowing.

Da Shannu relied on his instincts and bent his arm in front of him.



(ps: Bigwigs, urging changes, rewarding don't dare to hope, but, free flowers, evaluation votes are all voted on, !!).

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