"The clothes worn by those people who were beaten by the armed front, how can I look like the uniforms of the phoenixes?"

Some people also saw Narumi Daigo and others who were besieged by the armed front.

The unique white uniform of the phoenix fairy will be easy to distinguish.

The white uniform of the phoenix, the black uniform of the lily of the valley, as long as it is the bad of Toyaru City, there is no one who does not ~ know.

As long as you see it, you can recognize it at a glance.

"It seems to be eh, and it's also a cadre of the phoenix. "

The cadres of Fengxian are simply not too easy to recognize, just look at whether there is hair or not.

"The cadres of Fengxian and the people of the armed front have fought!!!"

When the two thought of this, they also looked at each other in horror.

If this news gets out, it will be no less than an earth-shattering explosion.

"I'm going, why do I still seem to see our people from Lily of the Valley?"

At this time, a third-grader from Lily of the Valley next to them also saw Tokugawa Nobuhide.

Tokugawa Nobuhide is now a celebrity in Lily of the Valley, so many people know what Tokugawa Nobuhide looks like.

It's just that Tokugawa Nobuhide's face now has the wound he was beaten yesterday, so it's a little hard to recognize.

"And the people of Lily of the Valley!!"

The people around were even more surprised.

If there is anything more exciting than the fight between Fengxian and the armed front, I am afraid it is to add Lily of the Valley.

"If this news gets out, it will definitely explode, no, I'm going to tell my good friend and ask him to come over and take a look. "

Some people have already taken out their mobile phones and sent messages to their good friends.

"Oh~~~ Wait, I mean, maybe it's not from our lily of the valley. "

The lily of the valley student who shouted that sentence just now,.

"Moreover, we are Lily of the Valley, those people are Fengxian, how can the people of Lily of the Valley fight side by side with the people of Fengxian. "

"Well, indeed. "

When those people heard this, their hands were also stunned.

Indeed, how could the people of Lily of the Valley fight side by side with the people of Fengxian, they are already very restrained if they don't fight.

It's nothing to have a lily of the valley, it's enough to have a phoenix and an armed front.

"No, it seems that there are really our people from Lily of the Valley over there. "

The companion next to the student of the lily of the valley had a frightened expression on his face after looking at it carefully for a while.


Several people also turned their heads to look at him, no, they all said no just now, and now they say yes again.

In the end, whether it is or not, give me a quasi-word, you are like this, it is not easy for us to spread the news.

"Look at that, doesn't it look like Genji Takiya, the boss of the GPS Legion?"

The man patted his companion and pointed to the man leaning against the wall.

They are also third-year students, and they are quite familiar with Genji Takiya.

After all, as members of the Serizawa Legion, they also recognized who the enemy was.

"It seems to be. "

The companion also took a closer look and found that the person seemed to be really Genji Takiya.

It's just that his face is blue and purple, and he is still leaning against the wall, looking like he has been beaten, and he really doesn't look like the boss of the high-spirited GPS regiment in school.

"And that, the person who was surrounded by the armed front, don't you look like the one in the first grade, the strong man who defeated Zheden a few days ago, Tokugawa Nobuhide?"

The companion looked again in the direction he was pointing, and the more he looked, the more he felt that it was Tokugawa Nobuhide.

He felt like it before, but because of the wound on his face, he couldn't be sure.

Now that he has the statement of his companion, he is also sure at once.

"I'll go!

After he confirmed, he was also instantly shocked.

"What do we do now? Do you want to get on?"

The two looked at each other, and for a moment they were a little uncertain.

"Why don't you ask our boss?"

One man proposed.

"But the boss doesn't have a cell phone. "

The companion wept and mourned.

Serizawa Tamo is most famous for two things in Lily of the Valley, one is that he fights bravely and has the style of a king.

And then there is poverty.

He doesn't have a mobile phone, which others always have.

"What then?"

He couldn't help it.

"I'll call Brother Tatsukawa, you call Brother Tomast and ask them, they should be able to contact the boss. "

The companion said after thinking for a moment.


Subsequently, the two also started talking on the phone.

It's confirmed, Fengxian, Lily of the Valley and the armed front have started a war, and moreover, Fengxian and Lily of the Valley have united!

This news, as everyone spreads, is also spreading outward frantically.


"Are you sure it's true? I know, I'm going to find Serizawa, if you can, just help out, after all, we are all from Lily of the Valley. "

After Tatsukawa Shisheng finished speaking, he also hung up the phone directly, then got up and put on his clothes, and ran out, not even responding to the shouts of his family.

On the other side, Yuji Toji also received a call.

It's just that unlike Tatsukawa Shisheng's response to asking them to help, he asked them not to help.

After all, they are now fighting for the apex position, and they are enemies. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Did you also inform Shi Sheng? I know, I'll go back and inform Serizawa. "

Yuji Toji also hung up the phone.

"Shi Sheng also knows? According to his character, he will definitely let Serizawa go."

Yuji Toji lit a cigarette and sat there not knowing what he was thinking.

After a cigarette burned out, he got up and prepared to go to Serizawa.

Just when Yuji Togami and Toshio Tatsukawa went to look for Serizawa, Tokugawa Nobuhide and their side were also caught in a bitter battle.


Tokugawa Nobuhide punched down and knocked a man down again.

However, Tokugawa Nobuhide could clearly feel that the power of his punch was much smaller than before.

But fortunately, even if the strength becomes smaller, you can still fight this kind of miscellaneous soldier one at a time.

It's just that Tokugawa Nobuhide can still punch one, but Narumi Daime and others can't.

At this time, Narumi and I have already begun to wear colors on their faces.

The worst Mei Teng Xiuxin no longer knows how many punches he has been beaten.

If it weren't for his obvious hair, Tokugawa Nobuhide wouldn't have been able to recognize him by now.

0 begging for flowers


Mito Ryu also kicked a person, and before he could catch his breath, he was punched in the face by another person.

On the other side, another person had already lifted his foot and kicked it.


Nobuhide Tokugawa knocked out the man who had raised his foot with a single punch, then reflexively kicked the other rushing up into the air.

Tokugawa Nobuhide's punch and kick can be regarded as helping Mito Ryuya to relieve it, so that he can have a chance to breathe.

"Thank you. "

Mei Tenglong also looked at Tokugawa Nobuhide and said.

Although he didn't want to say thank you to the people of Lily of the Valley, Tokugawa Nobuhide helped him after all.

"You're welcome, after all, we're in the same group now, and I'm not having a good time when you fall. "

Tokugawa Shinsu waved his hand and said.

If they want to survive until reinforcements arrive, they must help each other.

Once one falls, it is very likely to affect the others, and thus destroy several people.

"Then why don't you help me?"

Mei Teng Xiuxin also came over at this time, no, it should be said that he was kicked over.

"You, you can't be counted as combat power, and it's useless to help you. "

Although Tokugawa Nobuhide said this, he still helped Mito Hideshin defeat the person in front of him.

"When will your reinforcements arrive? I feel that if your people don't come again, I'm afraid we won't be able to support it, and our Fengxian people have arrived. "

Mei Teng Xiuxin was finally able to take a break at this time.

Tokugawa Nobuhide they were beaten, and he was beaten.

When Tokugawa Nobuhide heard his words, he also looked around, and in addition to the people on the armed front, he only saw those on the periphery who were watching the excitement.

"I don't know, but I think they're here. "

Looking at the group of crows in the distance who seemed to merge with the night and walked towards this side, Tokugawa Nobuhide also laughed.

"Coming here?"

Whether it was Mito Hideshin or Narumi Daishi, after hearing these words, they also looked at Tokugawa Nobuhide's gaze in surprise.

Then, too, smiles appeared on their faces.

Finally here.

Although it is said that it is a person from Lily of the Valley, it is very good to be able to come at this time.

If they don't come, they don't know if they can hold on.

"Nobu-sui, hold on, we're coming!!"

Binzo, who still had a wound on his face, shouted loudly.

With his shout, those who were walking also began to run.

The black crowd is very oppressive when you look at it.

Soon, the black oppressive person collided with the people on the armed front.


Binzo takes the lead, kicks a guy to the canvas with a kick, and then immediately goes looking for another opponent.

The others leaned towards Tokugawa Nobuhide while fighting.

"Are you alright?"

After coming to Tokugawa Nobuhide's side, several people also looked at Tokugawa Nobuhide with concern and asked.

"It's fine. "

Tokugawa Nobuhide said with a smile, at this moment, he really felt the concern of these people.

As Miyamoto Sanfumi said yesterday in the gymnasium, you can hand over your back to them without worrying about people.

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