But Yuhiko Mashii was so surprised, it was really Tokugawa Nobuhide who was too inhuman.

In the battle just now, in the face of the siege of the three people, Tokugawa Nobuhide took the initiative to make some defensive moves, and the three of them basically couldn't beat him.

This made all three of them lose confidence a little.

On the other hand, the three of them, each of them had injuries on their bodies and blood on the corners of their mouths.

This was all beaten by Tokugawa Nobuhide.

Now after his punch hit Tokugawa Nobuhide in the face, he still couldn't believe it.

"The strength is okay, but this kind of strength is still too bad. "

Tokugawa Nobuhide rubbed the position where he was beaten, looked at Yuhiko Mashii and said.

"Since you can get the first punch, you can get the second punch, the third punch... Until, will defeat you. "

Kozo Miyauchi stood up again, looked at Tokugawa Nobuhide and said.

Now he can't go crazy anymore.

Even if his physique is relatively strong, he can't stand being beaten all the time.

Da Shannu also quietly walked to the other side, and the three of them formed a triangle, surrounding Tokugawa Nobuhide in the middle.

"What gives you such a strong self-confidence that makes you feel that you can beat me on your own?

Is it because of that punch?"

Tokugawa Nobuhide looked around at the three of them and said.

"If that's all there is to it, then the three of you... It's already time to exit. "

Tokugawa Nobuhide's voice also became extremely cold when he said the last few words.

Yuhiko Mashii was facing Tokugawa Nobuhide head-on, and he also saw Tokugawa Nobuhide's eyes.

At that moment, Yuhiko Mashii, who was being watched by Tokugawa Nobuhide, actually had a hint of wanting to escape.

Don't blame him for being timid, it's really Tokugawa Nobuhide at that moment, it's too scary.

"I think it's you who are leaving!"

Kozo Miyauchi roared, and as before, he hit Tokugawa Nobuhide again.


Kozo Miyauchi, who jumped up and swung his fist, saw that Tokugawa Nobuhide was still facing him sideways at this time, and thought that this guy couldn't hold on anymore.

"It's me who wins..."

Before Kozo Miyauchi's declaration of victory was finished, he saw Tokugawa Nobuhide suddenly move.

Turn, whip the leg, side kick, and finally return to the previous standing position. (Refer to Kamen Rider Kabuto's kick to force the king).

The whole set of movements is done in one go, and it looks very silky.

Kozo Miyauchi, who was kicked, was also very silky and flew out upside down again.


Kozo Miyauchi, who flew out, fell heavily on the floor of the auditorium, just like before.

He didn't know how many times he had been kicked out by Tokugawa Nobuhide, and he didn't know how many times he had gotten up from the ground, once, twice, or five, six.

This time, as before, he wanted to get up again, and wanted to fight Tokugawa Nobuhide again.

It's just that after a few attempts, he still couldn't get up again.

With a "poof" sound, Kozo Miyauchi, who had just supported his upper body, lay on the ground again.

And his lie also means that he withdrew from this first-grade battle.

Daizen Nu and Mashii Yuhiko stood there, not making any movement or saying anything.

What just happened a little fast.

Before they could react, Kozo Miyauchi was kicked by a silky turn from Tokugawa Nobuhide and flew out.

I didn't even manage to get up from the ground again.

However, the two of them were stunned, but Tokugawa Nobuhide was not stunned.

I saw him move quickly in front of Yuhiko Mashii and swing his fist at the other party.

Just as the fist was about to fall, Yuhiko Mashii also reacted and also punched Tokugawa Nobuhide.



Two thumps rang out.

Both fists slammed into each other's faces.

The two of them just stood there with their arms crossed.

After about five or six seconds, I saw that Yuhiko Mashii's body slowly softened, and then collapsed to the ground.

Tokugawa Nobuhide withdrew his fist and looked at the only remaining of the three.

"One move, after taking my move, you can still stand up, I'll quit. "

Tokugawa Nobuhide looked at Dazen Nu and said.

In the words, there is a lot of confidence.

"Good. "

Da Shannu also directly agreed.

After fighting, he already knew that the opponent's strength was much stronger than his own.

Tokugawa Nobuhide also walked towards him after hearing that Daizen Nu had agreed to his proposal.

"Da! da!".

The sound of slow footsteps echoed throughout the auditorium.

On the other side, Yosuke Sajima, Miyamoto Sanfumi and Rao, who were still standing at this time, also looked at the two of them.

Looking at Tokugawa Nobuhide, who was getting closer and closer to him, Dazennu's head was also sweating.

He'd never been so nervous.

Now he feels like Louis XVI who has been tied to the guillotine, and Tokugawa Nobuhide is the guillotine that may fall at any time.


In the end, the nervous Daizen Nu decided to control his fate by himself, so he punched Tokugawa Nobuhide.


A strong wind struck, and Tokugawa Nobuhide's whip leg also kicked towards Dazennu.


The burly figure of Dazen Nu flew out directly, just like the previous Kozo Miyauchi.

Da Shannu, who fell to the ground, didn't even have a chance to struggle to get up, so he passed out directly.

"Now, it's a matter for a few of us. "

Tokugawa Nobuhide turned his head to look at Yosuke Sajima, Miyamoto Sanfumi, and Misaki Mario.

Among them, Yosuke Sashima was the most seriously injured.

He is stronger than Yamaguchi Sun Roku, but he is not much stronger, and he is no longer qualified to participate in the next round of battles after defeating Yamaguchi Sun Roku with a serious injury.

Yosuke Sajima was very clear about this, and the other three were also very clear, so he directly chose to quit.

"I quit. "

After Yosuke Sashima finished speaking, he took a few steps back and handed the ring to the remaining three.

And these three will also be the strongest three first-year freshmen.

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