A team of fifty people lined up in a row can already create a great visual impact.

What's more, two hundred people wearing uniform uniforms, carrying wooden swords, steel pipes and other weapons, riding motorcycles in groups and rushing towards you.

If it were an ordinary person, being approached by hundreds of people with such murderous intent, I'm afraid your calves would be spinning.

But which of the three sitting in front of the barbecue grill is an ordinary person?

Although the Ninth Dragon God is the youngest of the three, his brutality is not comparable to that of Serizawa Tamao and Hayashida Megumi combined.

The legend of Hayashida Megumi's murder is a rumor.

But the hands of the Ninth Dragon God are really stained with blood.

The figure of Jiu Neng Yisheng appeared from the dark corner, and his eyes flashed with complexity as he looked at the approaching convoy.

A year ago, he had just entered the profession of scavenger when he found a high bounty.

He was in urgent need of money to support his two younger brothers. When he saw that the people who were wanted for the bounty were just a mother and son, the younger one was just in sixth grade, and the location was a city next to Toyaru, he immediately went to the nearby city with high spirits.

On the way there, Jiu Neng Yi Sheng even imagined how he would spend the bounty after he got it.

But what he didn't expect was that this trip would change his entire life.

That dark night, that terrifying boy who was like the sixth-day devil, became his eternal nightmare.

After that night, that terrifying boy handed him over to an even more terrifying man.

Because he was just a shadow, the man had been extremely strict with him in training him during the year, so strict that Jiu Neng Yi Sheng wanted to end his life with a knife a few times.

But every time he tried to commit suicide, Jiu Neng Yi Sheng would be stopped by the man named Toshiro.

"Your life has long ceased to be yours. You are the shadow of the Ninth Dragon God. If you die, you will die around those who protect him!"


He swore an oath to hand over his life.

If he broke the contract, would his two younger brothers be implicated...

With this idea in mind, Jiuneng Yisheng survived the subsequent training, no matter how difficult or harsh it was.

Slowly, during the training, he gradually developed two beliefs.

One, to die for the Ninth Dragon God!

Two, for his younger brothers Kunou Hideomi and Kunou Ryushin!

Just as Jiuneng Yisheng was numbly accepting the killer training every day, the Ninth Dragon God came back.

The return of the Ninth Dragon God also meant that Jiuneng Yisheng could crawl out of hell.

Jiuneng Yisheng was very happy!

He felt that he finally didn't have to suffer the torture of hell.

But this happiness didn't last for a few days before it was ruined by his own brother!

Looking at the motorcycle crashing into the abandoned gas station Kunou Ichisei, a member of the armed front at the outer barbed wire fence, hoped that Kunou Hideomi would not be among the group of people.

In this way, even if he had to sacrifice his life, he would still ask the demon king to spare Kunou Hideomi's life.

However, this hope was soon shattered.

Even more desperate.

Because among those arrogant and domineering members of the armed front, several people came out, led by Kunou Hideomi

, the second son of the Kunou family. And the ponytail who was one step behind Kunou Hideomi was the third son of their Kunou family, Kunou Ryushin!

Now, Kunou Hideomi was not only courting death, but he was also taking his younger brother Ryushin with him!

Kunou Ichisei's face turned pale and weak in an instant, and his hands began to tremble slightly.

Because before Kunou Hideomi and the armed front came, Kunou... The Dragon God of the Ninth World made a bet with him.

He bet that after hearing the name of Jiuneng Yisheng, Jiuneng Hideomi would come alone, or ignore family ties and attack with a large armed front force.

As the elder brother, Jiuneng Yisheng naturally chose the former. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then, the Dragon God of the Ninth World said: Don't regret it.

At this time, Jiuneng Hideomi actually really ignored his brother and resolutely led a large armed front force of 200 people to attack, which completely made Jiuneng Yisheng's heart fall into an ice cave.

His impression of the Dragon God of the Ninth World still remains on that dark night a year ago.

How could such a bloody and brutal demon king let go of Jiuneng Hideomi who provoked him so much! ?

Tonight, is it possible that he will have to witness his two younger brothers bleeding on the spot with his own eyes?! []

Thinking of this, Jiuneng Yisheng once again He couldn't stay any longer, so he moved his feet and rushed out.

The abandoned gas station was not big, so the two hundred murderous armed front members completely blocked the entire gas station in three directions.

With their chins raised, holding weapons, they looked at the three people of the Nine Dragon Gods who were still sitting in their original positions with their noses, and their arrogance was extremely arrogant.

At this time, this group of mixed people had no idea what kind of people they would face next.

Although Kunou Hideomi knew that this abandoned gas station was the territory of Suzuran Serizawa Tamao before coming here, he never thought that Hayashida Hui, whom he least wanted to face now, was actually here!

The legend of Hayashida Hui is not only circulated within Suzuran, but also in the entire Toari!

It can be said that Hayashida Hui is completely equivalent to the pinnacle of Toari!

Kunou Hideomi's ambition is very big.

He has never been satisfied with the status quo. According to his idea, after one year of development, he will continue to expand the number of armed fronts and train a group of special attack teams for top strongmen like Hayashida Hui, and then launch a general attack on the entire Toari.

Kunou Hideomi's goal has always been the pinnacle of Toaru!

A person's reputation is like a tree's shadow.

Hayashida Hui didn't need to speak, he just sat there and looked at Kunou Hideomi with a cold face. Kunou Hideomi felt that his legs were a little weak.

But at this time, there were two hundred subordinates watching behind him, and he absolutely couldn't admit defeat!

So Kunou Hideomi pretended to be calm, tried to squeeze out a trace of fierceness, and shouted loudly:".~ Who broke the left leg of my armed cadre Mito?! Stand up!"

Kunou Hideomi with a tough face made the Nine-generation Dragon God look at him more in surprise.

I thought it was the butterfly effect brought about by my rebirth, causing the cowardly Kunou Hideomi who only knew how to plot (get money) to become a tough guy.

But when the Nine-generation Dragon God's eyes swept over Kunou Hideomi's legs, he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Damn it!

It turns out that this guy is the same as Bando Hideto!

They are both pretenders who can only swell their faces and pretend to be fat!

Is this a tradition left by the second generation of armed forces?

But by doing this, are you worthy of the spirit of the second generation of the armed forces, Sugata Kazushi!

After madly complaining in his heart, the Ninth Dragon God no longer looked at Kunou Hideomi, and moved his sight to Kunou Ryushin behind him.

Seeing Kunou Ryushin wearing black fingerless boxing gloves on both hands, the Ninth Dragon God knew that the other party had recovered from the blow not long ago.

If Kunou Ryushin was given another year of development time, he would probably grow to the point where he could be on par with Hayashida Kei.

Just as the Ninth Dragon God was secretly pondering, a black shadow suddenly rushed out from the corner and went straight to Kunou Hideomi..

Transcript: Chỉ Nhớ Về Quá khứ

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