Ming Hai Dawo carefully looked at the Ninth Dragon God with a curious look, as if he wanted to see through him.

Seeing this, the Ninth Dragon God gently moved his body, and after getting some distance from Ming Hai Dawo, he said,"Although I am only in the second grade of junior high school, I still like women! But don't worry, I won't discriminate against you!"


I was a little confused when I saw the Ninth Dragon God moving, but after listening to the Ninth Dragon God's words, I slipped and almost fell off the flower bed. After quickly stabilizing myself, I shouted at the Ninth Dragon God:"I also like women!!!" What on earth is this kid thinking!

Are junior high school students nowadays so happy?!

Ming Haida glared at the Ninth Dragon God angrily, swallowed the rice ball in his hand, and then calmed down his fluctuating mood, and continued:"What do you want to do by asking about Fengxian?" The

Ninth Dragon God put the cigarette in his mouth, took out the cigarette box from his jacket pocket, and handed it to Ming Haida while saying:"Oh, although it's still early for me to graduate from junior high school, there's nothing wrong with getting to know the two famous schools in Toyalu in advance?"

Although the Ninth Dragon God didn't have to chat with Ming Haida so calmly, his current age determined that his opponents would not be these"seniors" who were much older than him.

Besides, after he graduated from junior high school, he had not yet decided whether to go to high school in Tokyo, go home to Oniya High School, or come to Toari.

So now, he had no direct conflict of interest with the strong men in Toari.

Except for those few strong men who were worth fighting, the rest, the Ninth Dragon God either ignored them or wanted to trick them into being his subordinates.

As for the power of the local biker gangs in Toari, he did not plan to intervene and conquer them now.

After all, he did not have any subordinates in Toari. If he conquered those biker gangs, who would manage them for him? Would he still use the original people?

The Ninth Dragon God would not be at ease.

Therefore, the original intention of the Ninth Dragon God to come to Toari this time was not only to meet with the veteran strong men of the 23rd class, such as Takiya Genji and Narumi Daigo, and get to know each other, but also to target those future strong men who were still in junior high school and would be active in the front line in the future.

Ming Hai looked at the Ninth Dragon God, sat down cross-legged on the flower bed, and then reached out to take the cigarette box handed over by the Ninth Dragon God.

"Oh, you like to smoke Seven Stars too?"

Looking at the white cigarette box in his hand, Ming Haida raised his lips and said.

At this point, a trace of nostalgia flashed in Ming Haida's eyes.

Brother Makixiong also likes to smoke this kind of cigarette the most...

The nostalgia flashed by, Ming Haida took a cigarette out of the cigarette box, lit it and started to smoke.

"Fengxian College, also known as the Killer Corps】……"

After exhaling the smoke, Narumi-sama opened his mouth to talk about the history and traditions of Fengxian.

After all, the kid next to him said that he wanted to know about the two famous schools in Toaru.

In addition to Fengxian, the other one is naturally"Liulan"!

Narumi-sama actually arrived at this small flower bed earlier than the Ninth Dragon God and the bald guy just now. He originally planned to have a quiet breakfast before entering the academy, but he didn't expect him to see a very interesting scene.

Although the bald guy was a miscellaneous soldier, his age and strength should be much stronger than that of a junior high school student. However, the bald guy was like a ball of dough in the hands of the Ninth Dragon God, and was kneaded at will by the kid.

Later, he was able to press the bald guy to the ground with a marker pen, which further proved that there was a powerful force in the body of this kid.

How could such a talent be obtained by Liulan!

So Narumi-sama planned to brainwash the Ninth Dragon God and let him feel the power of Fengxian first.

But before he could say two words, he was interrupted by the Ninth Dragon God.

"Okay, tell me something I don't know. I'm very familiar with Fengxian traditions and stuff! Can you tell me something useful? For example, who is the boss of Fengxian now?"The

Ninth Dragon God squinted at Ming Haida, his face full of impatience.

I just want to know what stage the plot of Fengxian is at now. Do you have to talk to me so much?

Then why don't you start from the founding of Fengxian!

Ming Haida was a little stuffy in the chest after being confronted by the Ninth Dragon God. He took a few deep puffs of cigarettes and continued,"Okay, then I'll tell you something you want to know. The previous strong man of Fengxian was named Mito Makio. He was a big brother who was respected by everyone! After the death of that big brother two years ago, Fengxian no longer had a real ruler. Now, I can barely be called the official leader of Fengxian."

At the end, Narumi Daiga showed a hint of self-mockery on his face.

As someone who has always followed in the footsteps of his elder brother Makio, he has worked hard for two years but has not yet unified Fengxian. He is really a bit of a failure.

The Ninth Dragon God nodded thoughtfully. Now he finally knew where Fengxian's plot was going.

According to the original plot, during the period when Suzuran's transfer student Takiya Genji defeated Serizawa Tamao, Narumi Daiga would also start a war of unification within Fengxian.

Then, the unified Fengxian launched an offensive against Suzuran because Takiya Genji broke the truce agreement.

In the end, Suzuran and Fengxian The two schools are facing off, and the destined transfer student Genji Takiya will successfully lead Suzuran to defeat the Phoenix Killer Corps.

In the end, Genji Takiya will continue to challenge Suzuran's final boss, Hayashida Kei, and will never truly dominate Suzuran until graduation.

But now, with the addition of the troublemaker Ninth Dragon God to the original plot, the direction of the story has suddenly changed.

Although Genji Takiya's father has a good relationship with Ninth Dragon God's father, sorry, Ninth Dragon God came here to recruit Serizawa Tamao.

So, can Genji Takiya still defeat the Serizawa Corps like before?

"I heard that Fengxian also has the same Four Heavenly Kings as the Armed Front?"

The Ninth Dragon God exhaled a puff of smoke and asked.

After hearing the Four Heavenly Kings' statement, Ming Hai Daiwo grinned and said as if mockingly:"Humph! The Four Heavenly Kings of the Armed Front are just a title they forced themselves to give. What else can the armed forces do now except fighting with numbers? And the Four Heavenly Kings of Fengxian were really fought out with fists!"

"So, who is the strongest among you?"

The Ninth Dragon God delivered a critical blow.

Narumi-sama flicked away the cigarette butt that he had smoked to the bottom, stood up from the flower bed, and said proudly in a loud voice:"Numi-sama!!"

Then, Narumi-sama pointed to the roof of the Fengxian teaching building that could be seen from outside the wall, and there was a huge"Feng" character on it, and said with high spirits:"It won't be long before I will stand there and overlook the entire Fengxian!!!"

What a proud man!

The Ninth Dragon God chuckled and commented in his heart.

In this case, I am looking forward to seeing who will win between you and Serizawa!

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