The Ninth Dragon God looked at Mei Xing Masaji who was expressionless and could scare the kindergarten imp into insanity, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Then he hurriedly got up from the chair, bowed slightly to Mei Xingzhengsi, and said: "Hello, I am the son of the ninth dragon heart, the president of the Kowloon Group, the ninth dragon god!

"Oh, young master of the Kowloon Group?"

Masashi Mei Xing took off his sunglasses, looked the Ninth Dragon God up and down, and then led the dog to the other side of the dining table, pulled out a chair and sat down.

The corners of the Ninth Dragon God's mouth raised slightly, and he also sat back.

Mei Xing glanced at the Ninth Dragon God again and said, "I'm a small place here, I don't know what the eldest young master of Jiulong is doing here?"

"Kowloon Group is a new organization that has just been established, everything is still groping forward, and naturally you need to join talents like Meixing's predecessors. The father explained that as long as Senior Mei Xing agreed to join Kowloon, then he would be a senior cadre as soon as he joined the association, and he could become a group of his own. "

The Ninth Dragon God put away his smile and said with burning eyes to Mei Xingzhengsi.

This condition opened by the Ninth Dragon Heart can be said to be very rich!

You must know that when the Kowloon Group was established, the polar organizations incorporated into the Ninth Society were like carps crossing the river, and the large and small polar organizations could add up to thirty.

However, in the end, there were only seven bosses who were eligible to retain their own organizations and form independent groups.

You can see how precious the qualification of independent groups is within the Kowloon Group.

But Mei Xingzhengsi was still unmoved after hearing this, and even picked his nose.

Masashi Mei Xing flicked the black mass that came out of his nostrils, and said with an expressionless face: "I am very satisfied with my current living situation, and I don't want to live that kind of life of fighting and killing." "


The Ninth Dragon God was slightly stunned.

In the original work, Mei Xing's work is unknown, but he always goes out to work, and mysteriously no one knows his specific work.

However, in Huariu's extreme path, he is very afraid of him, which makes people think.

Therefore, the ninth dragon god has always thought that Masashi Mei Xing must be doing scavenger and other kinds of work,

Now that his father can give him a richer and more promising job, he should gladly accept it.

But things are always unpredictable, and there will always be unexpected things, such as now.

The Ninth Dragon God frowned slightly, and opened his mouth to ask the question that he had always wanted to get an answer to: "I want to ask, what is Senior Meixing doing now?"

Mei Xing suddenly grinned, looked at the Ninth Dragon God and smiled, "Guess what?"

The corner of the Ninth Dragon God's eyes jumped when he heard this, and said: "Well, since Senior Mei Xing is not willing to join Nine Dragons, Nine Dragons naturally will not force Senior to join. But if the seniors figure it out sometime, the door of Kowloon is open for the seniors at any time. So, I'll take my leave!"

After saying that, the Ninth Dragon God stood up, got up and left without looking back with a cold face.

Arashi Keizan glared viciously at the expressionless Masashi Mei Xing before leaving the restaurant after the Ninth Dragon God.

Masashi Mei Xing did not get up to see off the guests, but only watched the two leave before gently exhaling a turbid breath.

Lao Tzu's head was squeezed by the door, and he would still go to the Mixed Pole Road at this age!

Isn't it fragrant to run the "Meixing family" well and live a stable life?!

Mei Xingzhengsi, who had been tense on his face, rolled his eyes, pursed the corners of his mouth, and complained madly in his heart.

"Huh, what about the little ghost just now?"

Meixing Yasuji walked out of the kitchen with a plate of colorful and fragrant egg fried rice, looked at the restaurant where only his brother was alone, and asked a question.

Finally, someone called him "Marie" as soon as they met, and he was almost happy to fly.

After letting the Ninth Dragon God wait in the living room, he couldn't wait to rush to the kitchen, intending to make a good dish for the Ninth Dragon God.

The meal was ready, but I didn't expect people to leave so quickly.

"Gone, a pretty proud little ghost!"

Thinking of the expression of the Ninth Dragon God before leaving, Mei Xing grinned.

Now the little ghosts are quite temperamental!

When Mei Xing Jingshi heard this, his face suddenly collapsed, and his face was full of unhappiness.


"Big brother, that old guy is too faceless, let me go and kill him!"

Outside the door of the student apartment, Arashi Keizo said to the Ninth Dragon God.

Although he only trained under Master Toshiro for a month, he was dragged out by the Ninth Dragon God,

But now he is very ambitious, feeling that anyone can be killed by his punch.

When the Ninth Dragon God heard this, he turned around and glared at Arashi Keizan, and said: "Are you an idiot, even my father has to give some face, do you think it will be an ordinary person? Anyway, he is also a dispensable talent for Kowloon. "

After saying that, the Ninth Dragon God turned around and looked up at the four big characters of "Meixing Family" above the gate.

The Meixing family!

Let's come to Japan!

After leaving the "Meixing family", Keizo Arashi drove the 9th Dragon God to the best hotel in Toariu City for a short rest.

After sleeping in the room for a while, the ninth dragon god woke up, and then quietly thought,

Without calling Keizo Arashi, he walked out of the hotel alone and walked through the streets of Toariu City.

The ninth dragon god arrived at four o'clock in the afternoon, first went to the home of the hero of Takiya, and then went to the "Meixing family",

Finally, I went back to the hotel and slept, and it was not long after sunset, and the sky began to gradually darken.

At this time, the month is April, the weather is neither hot nor cold, walking on the street, the evening breeze is refreshing.

As he walked, he looked at the shops on the left and right of the street, as if he were a real tourist.


A hint of surprise flashed on the face of the Ninth Dragon God, and he stopped and turned his head to look at a coffee shop across the street.

The coffee shop was probably to attract business, so it was replaced with a huge transparent glass on the wall facing the street,

It allows passers-by to see the situation in the store at a glance.

The store also placed a fish tank by the window very intentionally, and five or six goldfish kept swimming in the bathtub.

Next to the fish tank, there are also various figurines.

But this is not the main reason for attracting the Nine Dragon Gods.

But at this time, in the store behind the glass window, there is a slightly lewd-looking teenager, holding a white marker pen and writing and drawing on the glass window, behind this lewd boy, Genji Takiya, who today has a punch with the ninth dragon god, and a middle-aged man in a white trench coat are sitting on a chair, looking intently at the words written on the glass by the lewd boy.

The ninth dragon god looked at Genji Takiya on the opposite side, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised,

He took a step and walked towards the coffee shop across the street.

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