Behind the flower bed not far from the Fengxian School Gate, the Ninth Dragon God sat on the edge of the flower bed with Erlang's legs up, holding a cigarette in his left hand and holding a black marker in his right hand.

The bald student of Fengxian squatting on the ground had a purple blue left eye socket at this time, his cheeks were high and swollen, and his eyes showed humiliating grievance, but because he had suffered inhuman abuse, he had to endure not letting his tears fall, obediently did not dare to move, and let this little devil who suddenly kidnapped him draw circles on his head.

"Hey! Don't be idle! Tell me about the Phoenix Immortal. "

The Ninth Dragon God raised his left hand, took a deep breath of the cigarette, sprayed the smoke onto the bald head's face, and spoke.

"This, uh... Well... What do you want to know? "

The bald head looked up at the handsome Ninth Dragon God, and he really didn't know what to call him.

The Ninth Dragon God took another puff of his cigarette and asked, "Who are those guys at the door just now?" A guy with hair but a particularly disgusting guy. "

After thinking back to who the people were at the school gate, he suddenly realized: "Ah, they, they are second-grade cadres." The black hedgehog head in the middle, the thick-lipped one called Machida Victory, the one dyed golden in the middle of the head is called Kikuchi Toshishang, and the one with the peach heart hairstyle is Kunimoto Masa, they are all subordinates of the second-year leader Ling Urushihara. "

The Ninth Dragon God's action of drawing circles paused for a moment, and he asked, "Since they are cadres, then why do some people salute them and some ignore them?" "

When the bald head heard this, he looked at the Ninth Dragon God and found that he really didn't understand, so he said, "Those who salute are all first-year freshmen just like me. Although they are cadres, they are second-grade cadres, so those who do not salute them are naturally third-grade students. "

After listening to the bald head's explanation, the Ninth Dragon God was slightly stunned, and then a little embarrassed.

Such a simple truth, he actually didn't think of it just now!

He thought it was because of other deep meanings!

Think too much, think too much...

Sometimes people are too smart and not good, and it is always easy to complicate simple things ...

"Cough, go ahead, tell me about the internal situation of Fengxian now."

The Ninth Dragon God coughed lightly, using it to cover up his embarrassment.

But this time, the bald head did not speak.

If it's something that doesn't matter, the bald head must have a question and answer.

But when it comes to the intelligence inside the Phoenix Immortal, the bald head is killed and does not dare to say.

In case this violent imp is a spy arranged by another academy or force, and he tells the information of Feng Xian, then he will not want to stay in Feng Xian in the future.

What's more, he is only a first-year freshman, and he doesn't know much!

This has only been a long time since the start of school, and he has only recognized the cadres of Fengxian in the past few days.

Looking at the bald head who looked nervous and kept silent, the eyes of the Ninth Dragon God began to become dangerous.

Cold sweat began to break out on the bald head's forehead, and his mood suddenly became uneasy.

"Little ghost! It's too much! Don't draw circles on my heads! "

At this moment, a deep voice saved this Phoenix Immortal bald head.

The ninth dragon god turned back with the bald head, and saw a young man with a long split head and a delicate mustache on his lips, standing up from the other side of the flower bed, still eating rice balls in his hand.

After seeing this person, the bald head squatting on the ground instantly became excited.

He didn't feel saved.

But because this man is the biggest cadre of Feng Xian now!

Narumi Dai in the third grade!

"Brother Narumi!!"

The bald head shouted excitedly and was about to stand up.

"Eh, I let you up!"

The Ninth Dragon God took the marker and smashed it heavily on the bare head, and then pressed the marker hard and forced the bald head back to the ground.

Narumi, who was eating rice balls, when I saw this scene, my eyes suddenly brightened slightly, and I sighed secretly in my heart.

What a lot of power!

"He's just a first-year freshman, even if you beat him again, he doesn't know much, let him go." Want to know what, I'll tell you. "

Narumi Dai I was full of interest in the Ninth Dragon God at this time, plus the Ninth Dragon God was a little ghost, Narumi Dai I slightly loved talent.

After hearing this, the Ninth Dragon God turned his head and glanced at Narumi, then turned his head back, continued to draw circles on the bald head with a black marker, and said: "Don't worry, you say yours, I'll draw mine." "

Narumi raised the corners of my mouth slightly, strode around the flower bed, came to the side of the Ninth Dragon God, squatted, ate rice balls and said, "Why are you drawing such a circle on my head?" "

Without raising his head, the Ninth Dragon God replied, "Obsession! "


A big question mark popped up on my head, not understanding what the Ninth Dragon God meant.

The Ninth Dragon God did not take Narumi Daigo, and continued to draw circles with his pen until his bald head was covered with six ring scars, and then he stopped.

The Ninth Dragon God withdrew the black marker into his pocket and looked at the six bald heads similar to ring scars in front of him, but nodded with satisfaction.

Painting a ring scar on the head of the Fengxian monk is something he wants to do when he watches a movie.

Now, the idea is finally clear!

After appreciating it, the Ninth Dragon God waved his hand and said to the bald head. "It's none of your business~"

The bald head was suddenly overjoyed, quickly stood up, and looked towards Narumi.

Narumi waved my hand, and the bald head turned and ran, disappearing without a trace after a puff of smoke.

"Okay, it's your turn."

The Ninth Dragon God turned his head to look at Narumi.

Narumi's face changed when he heard this, and he twisted his eyebrows and said, "I'm not bald!" "

"I'm asking you to tell me the information of the Phoenix Immortal! If you want to keep your head bald, I can satisfy you when you finish speaking!" "

The Ninth Dragon God rolled his eyes and said angrily.

Am I stupid with this Narumi-dai?!

When Narumi Dai appeared, the Ninth Dragon God recognized him.

This is also the reason why the Ninth Dragon God would let go of his bald head very happily.

Although the current Ming Hai Dai I has not completely unified the Phoenix Immortals, he is also the boss of the largest and strongest faction of the Phoenix Immortals, and it is naturally better to have him as an explanation.

After listening to the words of the Ninth Dragon God, Narumi smiled awkwardly and touched his hair, he was not braindead enough to want to push off the hair he had kept for more than ten years.

He was promoted from middle school to Feng Xian as a cadre, and his brain convulsed before he became bald in the third grade!

Looking at such a spontaneous Ninth Dragon God, Narumi Dai's curiosity about the Ninth Dragon God increased a lot.

Dare to kidnap a Phoenix Immortal student at the gate of the Phoenix Immortal School, this kind of thing, even Serizawa Tamao of the Lily of the Valley does not dare to do it, what confidence does this little devil have to let him do such a thing?

Narumi-dai, I was very curious about this.

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