Marumu Taiji looked at the Ninth Dragon God who shot out, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes, his muscles began to tighten, and after retreating his right foot to make his grip more stable, his right fist began to be pulled behind him, and when the Ninth Dragon God rushed in front of him, he punched out.

The chuckle on the face of the ninth dragon god never disappeared, when Marumu Taiji punched down, his head was slightly tilted to the right, his left shoulder was lifted up, and after picking this punch, his left arm was flat, so that his left elbow was aimed at Marumu Taiji's chest, and the whole person hit it hard.


With a muffled sound, Marume Taiji stepped back a few steps, his face slightly red.

The ninth dragon god did not take advantage of the situation to pursue, standing in place, with a smile on his face, raised his left hand, and hooked his finger towards Marumu Yasuji.

Marumu Taiji made a face, quickly rubbed his chest with his left hand, adjusted his breathing, and then raised his fist to hit the Ninth Dragon God.

The ninth dragon god held the idea of wanting to feel the power of the other party, and this time did not dodge, but stood motionless in place, smiling and looking at Marume Taiji.

After Marumu Taiji saw that the Ninth Dragon God did not dodge, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

But when the fist was thrown, he couldn't help but think more, and he instantly smashed into the left chest of the Ninth Dragon God.


There was a muffled sound after the fist hit the chest, but only that.

After the Ninth Dragon God resisted this punch, he didn't move, not to mention backwards, and even his body shook without appearing.


Mita Minoru, who was guarding the door of the hotel, instantly gasped when he saw this, and his eyes were full of fear.

Although he has not fought with Marume Taiji, since he met Marume Taiji, he has not seen Marume Taiji make a move.

In their city, let alone junior high school students, even college students can't beat Marumu Taiji.

So don't look at Marumu Taiji is now a student of the second year of the country, but his physical fitness and strength have long surpassed his peers and even college students.

Such a "monster" can't even fight back the other party a step ?!

This shocked Minoru Mita to the point that he couldn't even speak.

Although Mita was shocked, the Black Dragon Guards led by Kui Yi did not change color, and stood with their backs without moving.

Their exposed eyes were unfazed, as if the Ninth Dragon God should be so strong.

Marumu Taiji's pupils dilated, and he looked at the grinning Ninth Dragon God with some shock.

Outsiders do not know his strength, can he himself not be clear ?!

With that punch just now, he had already used seventy percent of his strength, and according to normal terms, the Ninth Dragon God at this time should fly out upside down!


This guy is the real monster!

Obviously his figure is relatively slender, and it is simply unreasonable to be able to resist his punch without moving!

Could it be that his muscle density is stronger than mine?!

Marumu Taiji looked confused at this time, and he couldn't understand why.

The ninth dragon god did not give Marumu Taiji time to think, and after resisting this punch, the ninth dragon god had already understood the power of Marumu Taiji's fist at this time, so he directly raised his foot and kicked the abdomen of Marumu Taiji, kicking Marumu Taiji and almost falling.

"Don't be distracted, Maru-ma, we're still fighting!"

The Ninth Dragon God grinned and said with a hook of hands towards Marume Taiji.

Marumu Taiji shook his head, shook off all the mess in his head, and looked straight at the Ninth Dragon God.

That's right, this guy is right, he's still fighting!


Marumu Taiji raised his spirit, roared angrily, and used all his strength to hit the Ninth Dragon God.

The Ninth Dragon God has already felt the power of Marumu Taiji, and naturally he will not resist again.

So the ninth dragon god slipped under his feet, and his body flashed, and he dodged this punch from Marumu Taiji.

Marumu Taiji is a power-type player because of his excessive size, and his sensitivity is naturally a little weak.

So even though the ninth dragon god flashed to the side, Marume Taiji still rushed straight out and slammed a punch on a small cart placed on the side of the road selling local snacks.


With a loud bang, the small cart rose directly off the ground and smashed into the window by the road.

"Ding Zero Dang~"

After the small cart smashed into the window, the two gas canisters in the car rolled out and scattered aside.


This time, the Black Dragon Guards, who had been indifferent, gasped in unison.

They looked at the fist prints dented into the iron plate on the side of the small cart, as well as the two slightly deformed gas canisters, and suddenly froze on the spot.

Although they had besieged Marume Taiji, Marume Taiji at that time did not want to have too much conflict with the local rioters, so he only fought them in the form of dodging.

Even if Marumu Taiji punched the Ninth Dragon God just now, they didn't feel anything.

Until now, Kui Yi and the members of the Black Dragon Guard did not know what kind of monster Marume Taiji really was!

And the Ninth Dragon God, the general commander who can resist this monster with one punch and is indifferent, is even more a monster!


The chief can no longer be described as a monster, it should be used ...


At this moment, Marumu Taiji single-handedly let the Ninth Dragon God directly seal the god in the hearts of the members of the Black Dragon Guard.

If Marume Taiji found out, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

After Marume Taiji smashed the small cart with a punch, he threw his somewhat reddened right fist, turned around and continued to hit the Ninth Dragon God.

The ninth dragon god also flickered slightly after seeing the power of Marume Taiji's blow, and this time he no longer dodged, quickly rushed to Marume Taiji, did not use skills, and began to pound each other with the power of his fist alone.

Neither of them dodged, fisting to flesh, and with each punch landing on the other's body, there was a muffled thumping sound.

This kind of brutal beating with pure strength made all the onlookers feel sour in their mouths and trembling.

After the ninth dragon god and Marume Taiji pounded each other for a few minutes, Marumu Taiji took the lead in exhausting his strength, and the speed of swinging his fists began to slow down, and his strength gradually decreased.

On the other hand, the ninth dragon god had a somewhat maniacal smile on his face, and his fists were pounded harder than the next on Marumu Yasuji's body, and every punch that fell could inflict a heavy blow on Marumu Yasuji.

After the two of them continued for another minute, Marume Taiji felt his arms heavy as lead, and he could no longer lift them.


The ninth dragon god was still radiant, and he threw a punch, hitting Marumu Taiji's chin, hitting Marumu Taiji's whole person and flying upward, and then smashing heavily on the ground, without moving.

"Ahem... Ahem..."

Marume Taiji lay on his back, panting heavily, his eyes began to become confused.

Looking at the dim sky, Marumu Taiji couldn't help but think, it turns out that this is the taste of defeat...

Since the day Marume Taiji started exercising and eating like crazy to replenish his energy, he had never been beaten in strength.

If he was defeated by the tactics of the sea of people, Marumu Taiji would definitely not be convinced.

But the Ninth Dragon God crushed him with his most proud power.

At this moment, Marumu Taiji was full of curiosity about the Ninth Dragon God.

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