Shibuya No. 3 Junior High School is a public junior high school, and the level of teaching in Tokyo can only be regarded as average.

So there are mixed fish and dragons, and there are all kinds of students.

Not far from Shibuya No. 3 Middle School, there is an open-air park, which was originally a public place for nearby residents and passers-by to rest and play.

But with the rise of "gambling racks", this park was occupied by bad boys from Shibuya No. 3 Middle School.

As a result, ordinary people avoided this place, and gradually became a happy place for bad teenagers to gather.

It was the end of the afternoon, and the open-air park was bustling with people, and the steps and flower beds were filled with junior high school students wearing white shirts and black pants.

Tokyo has a special status, so regardless of the faculty, the uniform style of students is basically very uniform.

So the students gathered in this open-air park are actually people from any middle school.

"Kill him!!"

"Haven't you eaten?!ah!!"



In a certain corner of the garden, on a flat ground surrounded on three sides by flower beds and steps,

Standing opposite each other were two middle school students, and the middle school students around them looked excited and shouted,

It looks even more excited than the two people who are about to fight.

This is the "gambling frame" place organized by the Toswastika Sanban team, and the two people who are opposite each other are the contestants,

The onlookers can choose the contestants to bet on, and if they are lucky, it is not a problem to win a month's living expenses.

Therefore, as soon as the gambling rack appeared, it immediately took Shibuya No. 3 Middle School as the center point, and frantically spread to the surrounding countries, and more and more spectators and people placing bets.

"All right!!"

Amid the urging and cursing of the surrounding audience, a thief-eyed junior high school student burst out and shouted to the surrounding crowd: "Audience friends, I am today's host Akaishi, let me introduce you to today's contestants! First of all, it is Kojima !! in Sakura."


Among the two people standing opposite each other on the flat ground, one of them had a round head, and the junior high school student who hung his child raised his right arm and extended a rock gesture to salute the surrounding audience.


"Kojima!! Come on!!"

"What a ghost of you!!

"Don't be too arrogant, bald!!

The surrounding spectators let out roars of disagreement, representing those who bet on Kojima and those who did not.

"And Hua Heng in the gap!!"

The other person on the opposite side, although his blond hair was extremely dazzling, but the person was full of snoring, his face was pale, and after hearing his name, the whole person nodded to the audience in the stands.


"If you lose, shave your hair!!"

"Yagaya deer!!

The blond middle school student, who was roared by the audience, was so frightened that his legs trembled at this time, he bit his lips, and his eyes gradually turned red, as if he was about to cry in the next second.

Akaishi grinned and shouted again: "The odds are 4 to 6, and Kojima has a slight advantage. "

Akaishi's words immediately made the audience boil, and many people who pressed on the blond middle school student immediately roared excitedly.

"Hua Heng! give me a good fight!!

"I put five hundred dollars to bet you win!! If I lose, I'll be broke! Bastard!!"

Akaishi looked around, his eyes narrowed slightly, and looking at the emotional audience around him, his heart was about to burst out happy.

As the organizers, they not only control the schedule and the players, but also the people who come to watch the competition also need to attach a ticket fee, although the price is not expensive, two hundred yuan per person, but it is also a lot of income.

Although the "gambling rack" was opened by the Sanban team, the person in charge was Masaka Shimizu, who was also the boss of Shibuya Sanjunior High School.

Shimizu Jianggui this person has his own careful thinking, he knows that his captain Lin Tian Haruki and vice captain Lin Liangping are both guys with bad brains, so he deceived the two of them that the income from the gambling rack was actually not much, and after symbolically paying two or three pitiful ticket fees to Lin Tian Haruki, Lin Tian Haruki was very disgusted and completely handed over the gambling rack to Shimizu Jiangui, and any fees did not need Qing Shui to pay Guigui.

So this gambling rack that can earn high wealth completely fell into the hands of Qing Shui Jiangui.

Haruki Hayashida is an idiot!

Can't catch such a profitable business!!

After laughing at his captain in his heart, Akaishi retracted his thoughts, and then fell his gaze on the sitting on the steps, and the clear water in the crowd was expensive.

Qing Shui, who had a scar on his left eyebrow, took a cigarette roll in his mouth, swallowing clouds with a calm face, and nodded slightly after noticing Akaishi's gaze.

"Race!!Start !!"

Akaishi got the order, immediately roared, quickly left the flat ground, stood aside, and looked at the opposing two with the onlookers.

"I'm going to break your finger into three pieces!!"


The round-headed island roared angrily, raising his fist and rushing towards the double-trembling, blond Hua Heng.

"Don't... Don't come here!!"


Hua Heng, who was already about to be frightened, immediately burst out of his eyes when he saw this, and a sense of stimulation gushed out in his lower abdomen,

The faucet opened the floodgates as if out of control, and the wanton flood water roared out.


The island arrived in an instant, and the raised fist fell heavily, and a punch slammed on Hua Heng's left cheek,

With this punch, Hua Heng's face deformed and the whole person fell backwards,

In the process of half-tilting, a splash of water appeared in mid-air, and then splashed on Kojima's face.


After feeling the wetness on his face, Xiaojima was suddenly puzzled, reached out and wiped the water stains on his face, put it to the tip of his nose and sniffed.

A fishy smell suddenly came to the nose, and Xiaojima's face was instantly hideous.

"Your special Hua Heng Martial Dao!! Laozi must slaughter you!!"

The island that felt humiliated was murderous, and rushed to Hua Heng, who fell to the ground with a hideous face, and was teary-eyed,

Then he jumped up and smashed his butt onto Hua Heng's stomach.


Hua Heng, who was crying bitterly, immediately let out a scream.

"You bastard actually dares to humiliate me like this!!

"Huh?! I didn't! I didn't!!"



"Bang bang!"

"Oh! Oh, Mommy!!"

The angry island rode on Hua Heng's belly,

Both fists opened their bows left and right, punching Hua Heng in the face of the screaming Hua Heng one after another.

A moment later, Hua Heng, who had turned a little pale, became unrecognizable,

His cheeks were high and bulging, blue and purple, and bloody.

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