Purple muscle sports cars roaring forward in the busy streets,

Because of the half-open window, there was a constant strong wind blowing into the car, making the woman's purple hair flutter in the wind.


"What a comfortable feeling!!"

The woman with a wanton posture seems to enjoy the pleasure of this drag racing, and the accelerator has almost been stepped on by the woman,

The hideous purple steel beast let out a heart-palpitating roar in the night.

The car sped all the way, and soon it drove up the national highway, heading in a certain direction.

The Ninth Dragon God, who has not experienced speed and passion for a long time, slightly felt the adrenaline rush,

Looking sideways at the woman who was laughing, there was a strange guess in his heart.

Purple hair, purple car...

It always feels a little familiar...

"You, what's your name?"

This was the first time that the Ninth Dragon God had spoken to a woman tonight.

"You louder!"

"I can't hear clearly!"

Because the howling wind was wantonly in the car, the words of the Ninth Dragon God did not reach the woman's ears very clearly.

Mad woman!

The Ninth Dragon God frowned in displeasure and continued to keep silent.

It may be because the ninth dragon god took the initiative to speak, and the madness of the purple-haired woman began to subside,

The speed of the car slowly decreased, and she even moved to close the window.

The moment the window closed, the noise in the car immediately disappeared and tranquility was restored.

"Sorry, I can't control myself as soon as I drive!"

"What did you just say?"

The woman tilted her head slightly, squinting her eyes at the Ninth Dragon God and smiling sweetly, which was the same as when she was racing just now.

"What's your name. "

The Ninth Dragon God had no choice but to ask again because he wanted to confirm a certain conjecture.

"Wow~ your voice is so good!"

The purple-haired woman answered the question, as if she heard the sound of heaven, and her eyes shone brightly as she looked at the Ninth Dragon God.

Found a treasure tonight!

This man is not only tall and handsome, but even has such a good voice!

"Look at the way!"

Seeing the woman's entire head turned towards herself, the Ninth Dragon God who cherished her life immediately reprimanded.

When the woman heard this, she showed a look of indifference, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm an old driver~"

Although the purple-haired woman said that she was an old driver, she still turned her head back obediently, and said casually while looking at the road intently:

"By the way, you just asked my name, right?"

"My name is Kadena Nanfeng, little brother, what is your name?"

Kadena South Wind?!

Sure enough, it's her!

In the blind area of Kadena's line of sight that Nanfeng could not notice, a trace of surprise and relief quickly flashed on the face of the Ninth Dragon God.

Women who can be so unscrupulous in their mouths to men, and their car skills are still stable,

I am afraid that only the former female mob boss in "Shonan Pure Love Group", and now a teacher, Kadenan Wind Energy meets these conditions.

I just don't know if Kadena Nanfeng is teaching in Shonan or in Chiba now.

But no matter where she taught, both places are not far from Tokyo.

It's no surprise to meet Kadena Nankaze at a bar in Tokyo.

"Little brother, what I told you is my real name~ Don't you plan to tell me your name?"

After waiting for a long time and not waiting for the Ninth Dragon God to introduce himself, Kadena Nanfeng pouted and said.

The Ninth Dragon God ignored Kasho Nanfeng's posture of a light mature girl pretending to be a little girl, and asked rhetorically: "Where are we going now?"

As the car traveled farther and farther, it was clear that the ninth dragon god had left Tokyo by now.

Isn't this woman trying to kidnap him?!

Kadena Nanfeng smiled when he heard this, and replied, "Don't you want to feel the excitement?"

"It just so happens that tonight there is a performance of the band [VEBEJAIL] at the old seventh warehouse in Yokohama Honmaku, where all the punks of Yokohama gather. This is an unprecedented, very grand gathering!"

"How about it, such an occasion, it's exciting enough, right?"

What the heck?!

After listening to the "stimulation" said by Kadena Nanfeng, the ninth dragon god just wanted to open the door and jump out of the car.

Speaking of punk, the first impression of the ninth dragon god is those grotesque hair with a hedgehog head and dyed bright colors, as well as incomprehensible nose rings and bold costumes.

Punk culture is a street culture that emerged from London and gradually spread around the world.

Because it contains hairstyles, makeup, clothing accessories, and even punk music, punk thought, etc.

And because it is loved by young people, and the people who proposed the punk style are a band in London, most of the members of some rock bands are also punk groups until now.

Such a group of devils and monsters with nose rings and colorful dyes gathered together, which can be regarded as a psychological stimulation!

Because it's so scary!

Although the ninth dragon god smokes, drinks, picks girls, fights and kills people, he is not a deviant teenager, and his aesthetics are still very in line with the popularity.

Like what non-mainstream and punk, he really can't accept it.

But now that the purple muscle sports car has driven into the territory of Kanagawa Prefecture, it is estimated that it will not be long before it reaches Yokohama, what else can the Ninth Dragon God do?

It's time to open your eyes...

The Ninth Dragon God comforted himself in his heart.

Kadena Nanfeng saw that the Ninth Dragon God kept silent, and even closed her eyes to raise her mind, she was slightly unhappy, as soon as she was unhappy, she naturally wanted to use drag racing to vent the unhappiness in her heart.

So the speed of the car, which was not slow, soared again, galloping like purple lightning on the wide road, because the whole high-speed driving, the remaining distance was quickly completed under the drag race of Kadena Nanfeng.

Yokohama Honmaku, the old seventh warehouse near the sea.

At this time, the crowd was full of people.

Because of the large number of bad boys, rioters and punks gathered, the open space outside the warehouse was also full of people, and this group of people shouted in their mouths and desperately wanted to rush to the warehouse.

Even if there are special guards at the door of the warehouse, they still can't control this group of hot-tempered guys.

When the purple muscle sports car arrived at the old seventh warehouse, what was presented to the Ninth Dragon God was such a scene of constant shouting and crowding.

I was crazy at night to come here!

The corners of the Ninth Dragon God's eyes jumped slightly, and his face gradually darkened.

"Oh, there are so many people here?"

"How to get in~"

Kadena Nanfeng half-leaned on the car door, tilted his head and said with a smile at the Ninth Dragon God.

That expression seemed to be saying to let the Ninth Dragon God find a way.

The Ninth Dragon God took a deep breath, intending to save up a lot of anger tonight,

Vent on the unlucky bastards crowded in front of him.

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