Junya Akuzu's body was found three days later by a homeless man on a dark path.

When the inspectors arrived at the scene, they found that not so much a corpse had been found, but a broken skeleton that had been eaten clean by the blood and flesh of half of the torso by an unknown animal.

Even the old inspectors who have served for many years have been made to vomit by this scene, not to mention those newcomers and junior inspectors.

It was unrecognizable, only the skeleton of a skull remained, and of course it was not immediately recognizable as Junya Akuzu. In the end, the Kanagawa Metropolitan Police Department confirmed that the body was the fugitive Junya Akuzu through DNA testing.

Because he was a fugitive who escaped from the juvenile home, the death of Junya Akuzu did not attract the attention and in-depth investigation of the Metropolitan Police Department, which classified Junya Akuzuya as an accidental death and hurriedly closed the case.

Junya Akuzu's death did not cause any waves, but the death of another caused a violent earthquake in Tokyo.

The young master of the top polar organization [Nandi Group] in the Kanto region was twisted and thrown at the entrance of the headquarters of the Nandi Group, which was undoubtedly a resounding slap in the face to the Nandi Group in public.

Tokyo's large and small polar organizations were full of discussions, and at the same time began to shrink their own forces to prevent the Nandi group from blindly retaliating and venting their anger on them.


In a mansion, the leader of the [Nandi Group] who is more than half a hundred years old and has seven out of sixty angrily threw his cane forward, and the tumbling cane lost its accuracy because of anger, deviated from the original trajectory, and smashed into a wine cabinet in the living room, several bottles of expensive famous wine suddenly shattered, flowing along the wine cabinet, and the living room was suddenly full of fragrant.

"It's been three days!"

"It's been three days!!"

"You guys still haven't found anything!!

After all, Team Leader Anzo was old, and the violent roar made him almost not catch his breath, and his chest fell violently on the sofa, panting.

Seeing this, the dozen or so Southern Emperor group cadres standing in front of Team Leader An Zuo immediately knelt down and pressed their heads deeply to the carpet, not daring to breathe.

Among the kneeling cadres, a tall man in a white suit and combed his back stood out from the crowd, with a straight back and a proud independence.

"Team leader, we have used all our relationships in the past three days, and even called up the traffic video on the day of the incident, but except for a man wearing a black sportswear and a cap, carrying the young master and appearing at the entrance of the headquarters, nothing else was found. "

The man on his back said to the panting leader Anzo without humility.

When Team Leader An Zuo heard this, a trace of fierceness flashed on his face, and he looked at the man on his back viciously, gritting his teeth and saying: "Yu Yi! Now my son is dead! Do you understand the particularity of this matter!!

After roaring loudly, Team Leader Anzo still did not feel relieved, and picked up the wine glass on the coffee table in front of him and smashed it at the man named Yu Yi.

Yu Yi did not dodge or dodge, still standing straight, even if the wine glass shattered on his forehead, and blood flowed down his forehead to his chin, he did not move.

"I see!"

Yu Yi waited until Captain Anzo calmed down a little before bending down to salute, and then turned to leave.

Yu Yi left on the front foot, and several cadres on the back foot got up and bent down to leave, and followed Yu Yi out of the living room.

After Yu Yi and the others completely disappeared into the living room, a cadre kneeling on the ground with a mustache looked a little treacherous, and the cadre wearing tan-colored sunglasses opened his mouth and said to Team Leader Anzo: "Team leader, even if Yu Yi is the head of the department, he is a little too arrogant, right?"

"Vigorously. "

Team leader Anzo ignored the words of this cadre, but instead opened his mouth and shouted a name.

One of the five or six strong men in black standing behind Team Leader An Zuo walked out when he heard the sound, came to Team Leader Anzo's side, and bent down slightly to wait for the next order.

"Help me up. "

Team leader Anzo raised his right arm and spoke.

Vigorously and hurriedly helped the elderly Anzo team leader up from the sofa, and then took the initiative to drag the Anzo team leader to the talking mustache cadre.

The old face of the leader of Anzo suddenly became gloomy, pushed away the strong support, looked at the mustachioed cadre condescendingly and said: "Leech River, I agree that you were transferred back from the west to let you take care of the young lord, so why is the young master killed now?"

After listening to the words of Team Leader Anzo, Leech Chuanhuang's pupils suddenly dilated, and just now he only cared about stepping on the trend of the script minister Yu Yi, and actually forgot himself!

Anzo Ichimo's death may not have much impact on other cadres, but it is indeed a fatal blow to Leech Chuanhuang.

Leech Chuanhuang, who has always been far away from the power center of the Southern Emperor Group, in order to go one step further,

He spent a lot of money on internal activities of the organization, and tried everything he could to transfer back to Tokyo from abroad.

When he returned to Tokyo, he immediately set his sights on Anzo Kazuma.

Team leader Anzo is already old, and sooner or later he will abdicate to make way for Xian.

If there is any shortcut that can make Leech Chuanhuang ascend to the sky in one step now, it is undoubtedly to assist An Zuo Ichimo to become the new leader of the Southern Emperor Group.

So Chuanhuang directed himself and became a young master advisor that no one was willing to serve.

Said to be a consultant, in fact, it is equivalent to a guardian, helping to deal with the trouble caused by Anzo.

Originally, this kind of position was not the turn of Leech Chuanhuang, but who let Anzo Ichimo be a pervert.

The last old man who took care of Anzo Yimo for sixteen years, was tortured by Anzo Yimo in those sixteen years,

Not only was his right arm amputated, but he didn't even have the right half of his face.

If it weren't for the fact that Team Leader Anzo had let him retire because he was an old man who had followed him for many years, I am afraid that even his life would have to be lost in the hands of Anzo Ichimo in the end.

Leech Chuanhuang is a person who will do anything to get to the top, and for him, Anzo Ichimo, a child who is spoiled and grows up, is better controlled,

So even if he was persuaded by his former eldest brother, the crippled old man, he didn't think he was in trouble with Anzuo.

But now, the trouble that Anzo Ichimo has caused him has finally been revealed.

Leech Chuanhuang's whole person almost fell to the ground, his body couldn't stop shaking, and he said in a hushed voice: "I... I was supposed to follow the Young Lord, but that day the Young Lord asked me to do something, which made the Young Lord out of my sight! Team leader, I will definitely find the person who killed the Young Lord! Please give me a chance!!

Although Team Leader An Zuo really wanted to beat Leech Chuanhuang with his own hands, his body no longer allowed him to make such violent movements.

So he waved his hand vigorously, and said in a cold tone: "Go to hell and ask Ichimo." "

Apparently Captain Anzo is also very clear, as far as his son's virtues are concerned,

You can't go to heaven after death...

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