"Five-Power Truce Agreement"

It refers to the peace treaty signed between the five riot groups in the city of Toariu.

In addition to the armed front, there are four riot teams.


When Jiuneng Longxin took over the fourth-generation armed front, these five teams fought almost every day,

Countless people were arrested by patrolmen, so serious that they were even published in newspapers.

A year ago, the third generation commander of Madya and Qiyang City proposed a truce to the remaining four teams, because each of them suffered serious losses, and the commanders of the other three teams were in favor, so the deputy of each team met in one place and established the "Truce Agreement of the Five Nations".

Since that day, the teams have adhered to the agreement until now.

Originally, the truce agreement was supposed to be in place, but with the retirement of the third generation governor of Madya and Kiyo City a month ago due to a traffic accident, and the invasion of the black dragon from Tokyo, this agreement began to faintly waver.

Last night, the newly succeeded fourth generation chief of Madhouse invited the deputies of various teams to gather on the grounds of succession celebration and discussion of the black dragon.

Although the location was chosen in a place in the mad house, because of the truce, the deputies of each team did not think much and went alone.

It turned out to be a trap!

A declaration of war plus take the opportunity to clear the traps of the senior commanders of the teams!

Except for Murata XIII, who fled when he saw that the situation was not good at first, the deputies of the other three teams were seriously injured and lost their mobility.

"Hiroyuki Takayama, Masa Hashimoto of the skeleton, and Goichi Matsuo of Bakudilia are all now in the intensive care room, and they have not come to their senses until now..."

Murata Thirteen's eyes were sharp, and he said in a faint tone.


Yoshiichi Sawashima, who had a fiery temper and was known as a "nuclear warhead", stood up from his seat with a curly-haired nose, smashed his fist on the wall, and said with anger on his face: "Okay! This is exactly what I want! I was very dissatisfied with the truce agreement or something! Didn't Mad House want war, then fight !!."

"Sajima is right, Mad House doesn't pose any threat to that level!"

Kagetsu Ken nodded, very much in recognition of Yoshiichi Sawashima's remarks.

Don't look at the fourth generation of the armed front only a dozen people, and the mad house may be hundreds of people, but the armed front is all strong people who can become cadres or even senior cadres in other teams.

The attitude of Ken Kagetsu and Yoshiichi Sajima is the voice of the armed members here, and they really haven't put Mad House in their eyes.

But Murata XIII shook his head lightly, and said with a solemn face: "The mad house itself is not worth mentioning, the question is what are they hiding in the mad house?

Shingo Fujinaga, who did not wear a jacket with armed markings like the others, had hair like instant noodles, and had a mustache on his chin, was stunned after listening to Murata's words, and held a cigarette and asked, "Hide?

"Hidden hole cards!"

Murata Thirteen's eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice: "What kind of hole card can make Madya fight against four teams at the same time! Among them, what role does the black dragon who suddenly came to Toariu play?!"

The armed members who originally had no concern on their faces changed their faces after hearing the word black dragon, and their hearts tightened.

The remaining four teams in Huariu City are old opponents and old fellows for the armed front, and the two sides have been fighting for so many years, and they have long been very familiar with each other, especially after more than a year of peaceful coexistence, the members of the five teams have come and gone, and many of them have become friends who can sit and drink together.

But the black dragon is different, the black dragon is not only a foreign team, but also an extremely strong fighting team.

If all the members of the armed front are elite, then the combat power that the black dragon realized some time ago is enough to be called the elite of the elite.

The elite of the elite is not the key, the key is that there are enough one hundred and fifty such elites!

Such a team is absolutely confident in its ability to fight the five rioters at the same time, and is likely to remain undefeated and become the ultimate winner.

So when Murata XIII mentioned the black dragon, everyone on the armed front had to pay attention to this matter and began to think about this issue separately.

Black Dragon, did he participate in attacking the deputies of various teams?!

Murata XIII saw that everyone began to get serious, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, he was most afraid that this group of brats who were not afraid of the sky and the earth would be reckless and brainless, and they would be negligent in treating the matter of the crazy house.

These are all a group of guys who he regards as his younger brother and takes good care of. He didn't want to see anyone accidentally in this incident.

After breathing a sigh of relief, Murata XIII's mood relaxed slightly, he turned his head to look at Jiuneng Longxin, who had been silent, and said: "Actually, I didn't intend to involve you in this matter, after all, the threat level of Mad House is not your turn as the chief of the house." But I thought about it all night, and I was afraid that the hidden hole card in the mad house was really a black dragon, which called you over. After all, you should have some understanding of the Ninth Dragon God, the chief of the Black Dragon, right?"

The grudge between the two of Nine Energy Dragon Shin and the Ninth Dragon God, Murata XIII still knows a little.

As the deputy leader of the fourth-generation armed front, he is still very clear about the process of the demise of the third-generation armed front.

It can be said that if it were not for the fact that the ninth dragon god had not taken Megumi Hayashida and Serizawa Tamao to defeat most of the forces of the three generations of armed forces and let the nine able hidemons retire in advance, then the three generations would definitely be stronger under the leadership of the nine able hidemons.

So even if Murata XIII is very unimpressed with Jiuneng Hidetomi, he has to admit that Jiuneng Hidetomi is a person who can make the three generations of armed forces of the martial arts school go to a higher level.

But it was such a huge third generation that was almost destroyed by the ninth dragon god who was still born in the country. And now, the ninth dragon god has returned to Huariu with an elite team, which makes Murata XIII's vigilance against the ninth dragon god directly pulled to the top.

Regarding the ninth dragon god, about the black dragon, Murata XIII must be treated with caution and caution!

After hearing Murata's inquiry, Jiuneng Longxin was silent at first, then reached out and took out a cigarette box and lit it, and waited until the cigarette was half burned, then slowly said: "I don't know much about the Ninth Dragon God." He is not from this city, and his family is rich, and he can defeat Megumi Hayashida when he is in junior high school, and that's it. "


After hearing this, Murata XIII sighed and said, "It seems that we can only find a way to solve it ourselves. "



Tetsuya Nakachi, an armed member with a Mohican hairstyle, looked up at Murata XIII.

"You send a few people to monitor the maniac's every move, pay attention to concealment. "


"Mitomi, you go and investigate Masashi Leeda, the fourth generation chief of Mad House, and Kakimura, the deputy chief of Madhouse. "

Wearing glasses, a short beard, and looking like an uncle, Mifufeng exhaled a puff of smoke and nodded.

After Murata's explanation of the main tasks, Murata looked at the rest of the people with a straight face and continued: "Others, before I give an order, do not act without permission!

I will quietly wait for your order!"

"Murata, shall I go to the head office of the cabaret after I cross dress?"

Ken Kagetsu and Yoshiichi Sajima said one after the other.


"Tetsuya, send a few more people to keep an eye on these two guys!"


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