"Slaughter them!!"

"Go and die!!"


The shouts of killing sounded in front of a remote coffee shop at the end of the street.

Looking at the crowd in red like a tide, Ryuji Bomba and Katsuyuki Tsumoto, as well as more than a dozen members of the KT unit, were panting and jealous.

This group of rioters is different from the ordinary goods they have encountered in the past, and although the strength of the individual is not strong, it is extremely difficult.

Even if you are knocked to the ground, it will not take long to get back up and continue to join the fight.

Coupled with the disproportionate number, soon more than a dozen members of the KT unit completely lost their combat effectiveness, were beaten to the ground by the red-clothed rioters, and could not get up.

At this time, the melee gradually stopped, in addition to Onizuka Hidekichi and the strong man of the mob clan were still dueling, Ryuji Shotama and Jun Kamada and Toshiyuki Toshiyuki Toshiyuki were surrounded by several times their own, and the three of them were back to back, relying on each other, and facing hundreds of rioters with difficulty.

Tsugen Katsuyuki was lying on the ground stubbornly lifting his head, full of reluctance to stand up, but the pain of his body constantly hitting his brain made him have to face reality, lying on the ground like a compromise and gasping for air.

"Buzz ~ boom!"

At this time, suddenly from a distance, the roar of the exhaust pipe of the locomotive sounded again.

In the blink of an eye, another group of red-clothed thugs with hundreds of people came quickly on motorcycles and stopped on the periphery.

After seeing that the other party still had reinforcements, the hearts of Fujisaki Shino and other women completely fell into the abyss.

Lying on the ground, Tsugen Katsuyuki rekindled his fighting spirit, trembling and struggling, looking at the new red-clothed thug with a hideous face.

Just when everyone in Tsujitaka thought that the other party would join the war without saying a word, a boy with a round head, a small braid on the back of his head, and a hideous scar from the top of his head to his forehead walked out from the new crowd of rioters, looked at the strong man of the runaway who was fighting against Hidekichi Onizuka, and yelled, "Mochizuki!

After hearing this, the strong man of the Runaway Clan threw a punch to force back Onizuka Hideyoshi, stopped the attack and turned his head to look at the shouting boy, grinned, and said in a loud voice: "Tsuru Butterfly, are you blind?!

The young man named Crane Butterfly strode towards the strong man with an expressionless face, and the red-clothed thugs along the road nodded and saluted him.


"Don't be distracted!!"

Onizuka Hideyoshi saw that the strong man dared to stop talking to others when he was fighting him, so he immediately roared angrily and swung his fist towards the strong man.


After a muffled sound, I saw that the boy who was still far away had rushed to the strong man at some point, and his left hand was a little trembling and caught Onizuka Hideyoshi's fist.

Onizuka Eikichi raised his eyebrows in surprise, and glanced deeply at the boy who was between him and the strong man.

"Enough already. "

The young man looked at Onizuka Hideyoshi coldly and said, "We have no time to conflict with you, so let's end this matter." "

As soon as his words fell, Onizuka Eikichi had not responded, but the strong man standing behind the boy took the lead in not doing it.

"Tsurudie, it's not your turn to meddle in my business!!"

The strong man roared angrily, saying that he was about to raise his hand to pull the boy's arm.

The young man did not turn his head, and when the strong man's big hand was about to touch his arm, he said leisurely: "This is the commander's order!"

As soon as these words came out, the strong man's big hand instantly froze in the air, and the anger on his face stopped abruptly.

Obviously, the total length of the teenager's mouth brought him great pressure.

"You said if you don't fight, you won't fight?!"

Onizuka Eikichi glared angrily at the boy and said sharply.

When the young man heard this, he looked straight at Onizuka Eikichi, and the corners of his mouth picked: "Do you think, if you continue to fight, can you win?

After hearing this, Onizuka Eikichi's pupils dilated slightly, and he squinted his eyes to look around, and found that the open space in front of the coffee shop was already full of rioters wearing red special attack suits.

With his mathematical skills that he could only understand addition and subtraction within ten, Onizuka Eikichi roughly estimated that there were no less than two hundred thugs gathered here.

Then he looked at the KT troop members lying on the ground and the bullet room Ryuji and others with obvious injuries, and had to admit that this very unpleasant teenager was reasonable.

If he fights again, even if he can kill the strong man, Tsujitaka's people are estimated to be not far from hospitalization.

Moreover, there are a few girls around, no matter how you look at it, their own side is at a disadvantage.

But forget it, it's obviously not his Onizuka Hidekichi's style!

The boy saw Onizuka Eikichi's hesitation, so he directly released Onizuka Eikichi's fist, stopped talking nonsense with him, and turned and walked towards his team.

The strong man glared fiercely at Onizuka Hideyoshi, and shouted at the top of his voice: "Team Mochizuki!

With the strong man's order, the riot clan that surrounded Ryuji Shotama, Jun Kamada, and Toshiyuki Toshiyuki Hima instantly dispersed like a low tide, picked up his companion who was knocked to the ground by Ryuji Gunma, and returned to the side of his locomotive.

Don't look at Ryuji and Jun Kamada, and Toshiyuki Toshiyuki Toshijima being surrounded and beaten, but the combat effectiveness of the three should not be underestimated.

There were more than twenty people in the Runaway clan who were killed by Ryuji Bomb alone.

Jun Kamada and Toshiyuki Toshiyuki Toshijima combined their efforts to kill more than thirty people.

But even if they are strong, they can't hold up the other party's many people.

Not counting the new Rambs, there were more than one hundred and fifty people in the beginning alone, and the three of them were able to kill fifty people in the melee, which was enough to prove their strength.


Onizuka Eikichi suddenly roared, staring at the strong man with anger and said, "Leave your name behind!

The strong man had already returned to his locomotive at this time, and while lighting the fire, he showed a disdainful smile at Onizuka Hideyoshi, and Weng Sheng said: "Tenzhu!


Clusters of locomotives converged into a long dragon, driving away from the open space in front of the coffee shop and gradually moving away into the distance.

After the rioters dispersed, the three girls of Fujisaki Shino hurriedly stepped forward to check everyone's injuries.

Onizuka Eikichi stood in place, looking coldly at the distant back of the Rambster, his face full of anger.

As he just said, this matter is not over yet!

Today's field, he must go to find it back!

"Hiss~ what kind of Tianzhu is that, does anyone know where the team is?"

Ryuuji rubbed his somewhat aching left arm and gasped at Tsujitaka and asked.

Everyone shook their heads when they heard this, saying that they had never heard of this team.

Ryuuji came to Onizuka's side with the help of Nagase Nagisa, frowned and asked, "Eikichi, it seems that the other party should be a foreign team, what should I do?"

"No matter where the team comes from, this is Shonan! It's our territory!"

Onizuka Eikichi's eyes flashed with fierce light, and he said in a deep voice: "Since you dare to come looking for trouble, then slaughter them!"

"Katshan, is it dead?!"

"Big brother, I'm not dead yet!"

"Go find out the details of those bastards for me!


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