As a small remote city, Toariu does not have an airport, so the final destination of the flight of the 9th Ryujin can only be Osaka International Airport.

Because he informed his family before returning, when the Ninth Dragon God walked out of the second floor of the airport terminal, dozens of black-clothed men had gathered in front of the exit.

These strong men in black suits, sunglasses, and straddling their backs each wore a golden round 'nine' collar on their left collar.

The surrounding passengers and pedestrians who picked up people were retreating like snakes and scorpions, away from this group of black-clothed men, with fearful faces.

And the reason why passers-by have this reaction is not only because of the bloody aura and terrifying momentum exuded by these people, but also because of the golden collar on their necklines.

Because the "nine" character engraved on that collar represents the [Kowloon Group] that dominates the Kansai region!

When the Ninth Dragon God walked out from the arrival exit with a small black satchel in his pockets and hands in his pockets, dozens of black-clothed men from the [Ninth Society] under the Kowloon Group suddenly bent down to salute, shouting: "Young Lord, you have worked hard!"

The faces of the passengers who walked out of the exit changed drastically, and they hurriedly carried their suitcases and dodged left and right, and then looked at the handsome young man standing still with strange faces.

The Ninth Dragon God looked at the black-haired young man standing in front of the members of the Ninth Society with his back straight, the corners of his mouth raised, and said with a smile: "I just asked the old man to send a car to pick me up, why did you come over in person?"

The black-haired young man standing with his hands in his hands showed a gentle smile on his face, and his eyes were full of tenderness when he looked at the Ninth Dragon God.

"There was a meeting today, and my father said that you just came back, so let's go together. "

The half-brother of the Ninth Dragon God, Liu Longren, said with a smile.

"What meeting?"

The Ninth Dragon God withdrew his right hand from his pocket and pulled out his ears, with a hint of surprise on his face.

The affairs of the Nine Dragon Group were rarely directly involved, and he really couldn't think of any discussion that he needed to participate in.

"Let's go, said on the road. "

Liu Longren stepped forward and took the black satchel on the Ninth Dragon God with a smile.

Then, escorted by a group of members of the Ninth Society, they boarded the car in the parking lot, and the huge black convoy left Osaka International Airport and headed for the national highway.

On the way, Liu Longren explained the content of this Nine Dragon Conference to the Ninth Dragon God.

"Kowloon's domestic development has reached a bottleneck, and without the support of political figures, it is difficult for Kowloon to launch a war to unify the country. So my father set his sights on the other side of the sea. "


The Ninth Dragon God was stunned for a moment and asked, "The opposite side of the sea?!

"That's right, Peninsula!"

Liu Longren did not let the Ninth Dragon God continue to guess, and answered directly.

"The peninsula has been the first step for Sakurajima's external development since ancient times, whether it is Toyonari Hideyoshi or Showa, they are the first to take the peninsula. Now, it's our father's turn. "

"Speaking of which, this matter is not my father's proposal, but the peninsula took the initiative to find the door." "

"Today's meeting will be attended by representatives of the Peninsula Polar Organization. "

Cut, what is there to talk about with some shameless sticks!

Hearing this, a trace of disdain flashed in the heart of the Ninth Dragon God.

During the conversation between the Ninth Dragon God and Liu Longren, the convoy sped on the national highway, ignored the speed limit and rushed back to the Kowloon headquarters in a very short time. That is, the [Ninth Garden] that the Ninth Dragon Heart spent a lot of money to build in the suburbs.

This is not only the courtyard where the Nine Dragon God family lives, but also the core of the Kowloon Group.

The meeting to be held today will be held on this land covering tens of acres.

Although the convoy was galloping all the way, there was a gap between the two places after all, so when the convoy that greeted the Ninth Dragon God drove into the Ninth Courtyard, the meeting had already been held on time for a while.


Footsteps sounded outside the door of the large conference room specially built by the Ninth Dragon Heart, followed by the sound of the door opening interrupting the conversation of everyone in the large conference room.

As the gate opened, the bright light from the outside shone in, and everyone's eyes were all over.

The sound of footsteps came from far to near, and the Ninth Dragon God, who was as handsome as a ghost god, wore a handmade casual suit in a well-fitting navy blue, and walked in alone from outside with a light smile.

This kind of decision-making meeting involving the future development of Kowloon is not yet possible for Liu Longren, who has not officially held any position.

The decoration style of the large conference room is very much in line with the love of silence, loneliness and death in Sakurajima people, and the empty conference room is only lit with faint candles, which looks dark and desolate.

The Ninth Dragon God stood still, and a pair of sharp Danfeng eyes swept over the senior cadres of Jiulong sitting in two rows.

All familiar faces!

The large conference room involved in the Ninth Dragon Heart is not like a modern conference room in a high-rise building, but like an ancient class meeting hall.

The wall in the center of the conference room is carved with a circling dragon relief, with a glittering Kowloon emblem above the dragon's head, and a small high platform below the badge with a wooden chair that can be pushed horizontally, in which the Ninth Dragon Heart is sitting.

Below the small high platform, eight red strips of cloth with cryptic writing hang symmetrically from the roof, and the strips of cloth that hang to the ground are flattened, and futons and small coffee tables are laid on top.

At this time, each futon was filled with senior cadres of the Kowloon Group of different shapes.

When they saw the Ninth Dragon God walk in, the eight senior cadres all frowned and wondered, not knowing what they meant.

Only the senior cadre at the bottom of the futon on the left, wearing a white suit, showed joy on his face, hurriedly got up and bent slightly towards the Ninth Dragon God, and said with a smile: "Young Lord! Long time no see! How are you doing?"

The Ninth Dragon God withdrew his gaze from the senior cadres and landed on the faces of the white-suited cadres, and after seeing who it was, he smiled, nodded towards the other party, and said: "Thank you for the concern of President Shangyuan, I am doing well." "

The rest of the senior cadres of Kowloon also got up and saluted slightly towards the Ninth Dragon God after seeing that Shangyuan Longchen, who was the head of the first meeting, and feared that his continued sitting would cause the dissatisfaction of the President Ninth Dragon God.

"Young Lord!"

"Young Lord, long time no see!"

"The young master seems to be handsome again!"

The Ninth Dragon God listened to the false greetings of the senior cadres of Nine Dragons and disdained, and walked straight towards the Ninth Dragon Heart, who was in the first place.

Although the Ninth Dragon God is the young master of the Kowloon Group, he did not officially join Kowloon for one day,

Then it will not be fully supported by the senior cadres of Kowloon.

The Kowloon Group is not a dictatorial organization completely controlled by the Nine Dragon Heart.

In order to grow, Nine Dragon Heart absorbed and integrated many other organizations, which led to the current Kowloon Group.

At this time, the senior cadres of Kowloon in this large conference room are the branch presidents of the various branches of the Kowloon Group over the years.

The Ninth Dragon God came to stand beside the Ninth Dragon Heart, and once again fell his gaze on the faces of the various senior cadres below.

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