Fangya Harudo squatted down with a heavy heart, took out a cigarette case from his jacket pocket, took out a cigarette and put it to his mouth, lit it and began to swallow clouds without saying a word.

The three of Beruk looked at the suddenly depressed Fangya Chundao very confused, not knowing which one this was playing.

"Brother Beruk, do I still say?" asked Tateishiden.

Hearing this, Beruk withdrew his gaze on Fangya Harudo and nodded.

"Okay, then I'll continue. Tateishi cleared his throat and continued to tell everyone about the situation of the Ten Thousand Servants Empire: "At the beginning of the establishment of the Ten Thousand Servants Empire, there were only the [Nine-Headed Tiger Society] of the Nine-Headed Divine Tiger Male Big Brother and the [Tokyo Swastika Society] of our general leader. However, after defeating Hakone's "Sino-Kyo Alliance", the Mansai Empire expanded rapidly, integrating forces to continuously launch conquests against other forces. Under the overwhelming offensive of the Wanshu Empire, the surrounding forces surrendered to the White Banner of Wanshi. In this way, in less than two years, Wan Gong has twenty-three branches in the country, becoming the largest and most violent walking clan that deserves to be!"

Speaking of this, Tachiishi Noboru had a proud look on his face.

Telling outsiders, especially to the former predecessors, about the deeds of the Ten Thousand Servants Empire made Tatesukiden, who is now a member of the Ten Thousand Servants, very stunned.

As soon as the man began to sigh, there was no door on his mouth, he squinted at the Beluk Wada who listened to him with his ears up, and continued with his mouth chattering: "The organizational structure of the Wanshu Empire is pyramid-shaped, and standing at the apex of this huge empire is the [Tokyo Swastika Society] of our chief Ninth Dragon God; the second level is the [Nine-Headed Tiger Society] and [Nine-headed Ryu Society] of the two nine-headed god big brothers; the third level is the [Edogawa Society] and [Wado Association] where I am located; and the fourth level is [Oda Kenkai] and [Oro Kenkai], [ Quandouhui], [Jinchenghui], [Shoudonghui]; the rest are the lowest branches, spread all over the country. The huge Ten Thousand Attendants Empire was formed by these large and small chapters. As long as the Ninth Dragon God of the General Commander gives an order, the more than six thousand members of the 'Ten Thousand Attendants' scattered throughout the country will immediately dispatch and tear the Commander Commander's enemies to pieces!"

The last sentence Tachiishi Noboru accentuated his tone, and his eyes showed unconcealable adoration and pride.

"Si Guoyi..."

Tian Zeng's expression was woody, and his mouth was wide open and he could stuff three eggs.

Although he knew that the Ten Thousand Servants Empire was very powerful, he didn't expect it to be so huge!

Six thousand people!

There are actually six thousand members of the Ten Thousand Servants Empire!!

What a horrible number!

The Ten Thousand Servants Empire can completely dominate the whole country with this force, and it is even comparable to the real Extreme Dao Organization!

Beruk's expression was no better, and when he thought that he and Fangya Harudo had beaten fifteen members of the [Kuzuryu Society] not long ago, he couldn't help but feel a little hairy in his heart.

After seeing that the atmosphere was a little delicate, Tateishi Bent down and saluted Beruk, who was smoking silently, and said, "Brother Beruk, seeing that you have taken care of my friendship, I will not report you." But you'd better not stay in Tokyo and go back overnight! The dragon man big brother of the [Kuzuryu Club] is not very good-tempered, especially when I heard that he was found in trouble by a third-grade guy today, maybe he will personally lead someone to hunt you down after learning the news!

After quickly saying this long sentence, Tateishiden did not wait for Beruk to reply, directly turned his head and ran, and disappeared from the sight of the three of Beruk in the blink of an eye.

"This, this, this, why did he run!?"

Tian Zheng said stunnedly.

Beruk exhaled a breath of smoke and sighed, "Alas, I can understand Ardennes' concerns. The president of the [Nine-headed Ryu Society] is called the nine-headed divine dragon man, I heard that he is a very terrifying fellow, and the Ten Thousand Servants Empire can quickly capture so many territories, almost all relying on his bravery. Such a man, no wonder Ardennes is afraid. "

"Is it so terrifying?" the corner of Tian Zheng's mouth twitched, and he said with a weak heart: "Such a man is actually only the number three person of ten thousand servants, so how powerful should the number one person of the ninth dragon god be?!"

Beruk was silent when he heard this, and took a sharp puff of his cigarette, not knowing how to answer Tian Zengzheng's question.

As a result, at this time, Fangya Chundao, who had been squatting on the ground smoking, coldly said a sentence: "That little ghost is only in the first grade this year." "

As soon as these words came out, Beruk and Tian Zhengqiang were both stunned, and they both looked at the depressed Fangya Chundao in surprise.


"Brother Chundao, how do you know?

Fanya Harudo raised his head and spewed out a cloud of smoke, his eyes showed a solemnity that had never appeared in his eyes, and replied: "I don't know about Mansai, but I know the Nine Dragon God! "

Beruk and Tian Zheng did not answer, and looked straight at Fangya Harudao, knowing that his words were not finished.

Sure enough, after taking a puff of his cigarette, Fanya Haruichi continued: "You also know that Mito used to be the head of Toyaru Phoenixen, right?"

"Ah, you know, it's the group of imposing bald heads that appeared in the 'Snakehead War'. Tian Zengzheng answered the question very positively.

Fangya Harudao nodded, and his tone was a little heavy: "The head of that college is the first-year Ninth Dragon God. Before a few of us went to the south of the county, the little devil of the ninth dragon god had already killed Meiteng and became the new head of the phoenix immortal. "


"I remembered the man who came out in a fancy sedan!!"

In the words of Fangya Harudo, Tian Zhen recalled the scene that he will never forget in his life, and recalled the noble prince who appeared in a high-end car amid hundreds of bald heads and saluting uniforms wearing white trench coats!

"Whew, that's right, it's him. Fangya Harudao looked a little bitter, lowered his head and looked at the ground and continued: "Remember those guys in white special attack suits, those people are from a violent clan called [Black Dragon], and the ninth dragon god is the commander..."

"Black Dragon ?!!"

Beruk suddenly exclaimed, drawing the gaze of Fanya Harudo and Wada.

Ignoring the gazes of the two, Beruk said with a strange and serious face: "If the Ten Thousand Dragons are a huge empire, then the Black Dragon is undoubtedly a team of sharp knives like special forces! In Tokyo and the Tokyo metropolitan area, the prestige of the Black Dragon is actually stronger than that of the Ten Thousand Servants!

Beruk's words made Tian Zengzheng stunned, unable to speak for a long time.

"Alas, the more I understand, the less confident I am that I can win that stinky little ghost~"

Fangya Harudo sighed leisurely, but the words that came out made Beruk and Tian Zhen jump on the spot.


"You're going to fight with the Ninth Dragon God?!"

"Brother Chun Dao, have you lived enough??"

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