Outside an abandoned warehouse in Tokyo's Nakano district, the ninth dragon god sits on an oil drum, silently smoking.

The surroundings were empty and the silence was terrifying.

Looking back from where the Ninth Dragon God is sitting, you can cross the empty warehouse,

I saw a pile of broken wooden boxes piled up in the deepest part, and a corpse that had been dead for a long time and had dried up was lying on it.

That was the ninth generation of the chief of the black dragon, Madara Shiyin.

After the tragic death of Madara Shiyin, the members of the black dragon scattered, and even those who had broken hands and feet were supported by companions,

As if there was a demon chasing behind him, he didn't dare to turn his head and ran away.

Because of the loss of human life, the six people who were not deeply involved in the world were confused, and they did not know what to do.

But this kind of thing has long been strange for the Ninth Dragon God.

He looked at the scarred appearance of the six people, and then persuaded them to go to the hospital first and leave the finishing touches themselves.

Although the six small strong are strong, they will inevitably suffer some injuries in the face of several times their own strength.

But how could the six small strongmen leave the Ninth Dragon God here alone?

Everyone was noisy for a long time, all arguing to take the pot for the ninth dragon god, making the ninth dragon god cry and laugh.

The Ninth Dragon God said that he used his family background to persuade the six people to leave first.

After Sano Manjiro and the others left, the ninth dragon god casually circled the warehouse,

Then he picked up the cigarette box and lighter from the wooden box used by the Black Dragon members to play cards somewhere, and walked out of the warehouse staggeringly.

Then the ninth dragon god found a place to sit, smoked a cigarette, took out his mobile phone, and called his uncle in Machida City.

The leader of the nine-headed god who received the call from the Ninth Dragon God first looked confused, and then turned into a bitter smile.

This nephew of his own, Zhente Niang, is a natural talent of mixed polar Dao!

How big is that?!

There is blood in my hands that cannot be washed off...

The leader of the nine-headed god first appeased the nine-headed dragon god according to the general parents,

Then ask him to wait where he is, trying not to let unrelated people near the warehouse.

This brings us to the opening scene.

Just when the cigarette box in the hand of the Ninth Dragon God was about to be emptied, a roar of cars sounded from far and near,

In the blink of an eye, three black Mercedes Benz cars lined up and slowly stopped in front of the Ninth Dragon God.


The door opened, and a sad-faced Koshiro Maki walked out from the back of the middle sedan.

After seeing that it was Mamu who came this time, the Ninth Dragon God grinned.

"I said Young Master Nine, can your old man be stable for a few days! I have been here to help you deliver compensation and hush money to the families of the victims! "

Before Mamu reached the Ninth Dragon God, he chattered and began to complain about the woman.

As the money bag of the Senkai, the maintenance of the various layers of relations and the compensation afterwards is naturally the responsibility of Koshiro Maki.

"Oops, oh, hard work, Koshiro-kun~"

The ninth dragon god smiled and raised his right hand and waved at Koshiro Maki.

"Alas! Headache! Shabu! "

Looking at the hippie smiling Ninth Dragon God, Maki Koshiro only felt that he was an idiot who had planned to give the Ninth Dragon God a beautiful woman before.

"Big brother!"

Following behind Maki Koshiro, a man in a suit with a tall horse and a stiff expression bowed his head slightly after hearing Maki's call.

Maki opened his mouth and explained to Shabu: "Go inside to see the situation, and then clean up." "


Shabu nodded yes and walked towards the warehouse with the members of the Thousand Attendants who got off one after another.

"Cleaning" is naturally the responsibility of professionals, and this time Maki not only came by himself, but also brought professional cleaners from within the Senjokai.

Looking at the people wearing white protective suits and carrying bottles containing organic solvents, the ninth dragon god just wanted to give a thumbs up.

"So, Young Master Nine, have many people seen that guy inside?"

Maki asked a question that cared about him the most at the moment.

The Ninth Dragon God touched his chin and said a number that made Maki very broken: "Almost three hundred? "

"Come someone, send the ninth young master home!!!"


After handing over the cleaning to Maki, the ninth dragon god got into a Mercedes like no one,

After telling the driver the name of a certain hospital, he began to close his eyes.

Of course, it is impossible to go home.

Today he and his friends did such an exciting feat, defeating the nine-generation black dragon with hundreds of members with only seven people,

What a celebration!

Now he is going to rush to the hospital to see how the six small qiangs are bandaged, and then go to hi the skin together.

"Young Master Nine, the hospital has arrived."

Just when the Ninth Dragon God was about to fall asleep in the car, the driver's voice sounded.

"Oh? Okay, you go back to find Maki, leave me alone. "


The Ninth Dragon God got out of the car and walked into the hospital.

When he first walked to the emergency department, the conversation between the two doctors standing in the corner immediately attracted him.

"If that child named Qian Chiyin doesn't get healed, I'm afraid he won't last long!"

"I know, but her family doesn't have the money to pay for the high transplant." That's just an ordinary family. So all I can do now is barely keep her alive, and that girl is also strangely pitiful. "



How does it feel a little familiar?

The Ninth Dragon God stopped, frowned and thought, constantly rummaging through the origin of this name in his mind.

Qianchiyin... Qianchiyin... Qianqing Sect!!

The Qianqing Sect of the eighth, tenth, and eleventh generation members of the Black Dragon!!

The Ninth Dragon God glared slightly, feeling a little incredible.

Because, in the original world, according to the current timeline,

The elder Qianqing Sect's five-year-old sister, Qian Chiyin should have died already!

Sure enough, the timeline of the comprehensive world is a bit messy...

The Ninth Dragon God sighed slightly, put away his thoughts, changed direction and walked in front of the two talking doctors.

"Huh? Little friend, do you have something going on? "

One of the hospitals looked at the Ninth Dragon God who walked in front of him and asked.

The Ninth Dragon God looked at the faces of the two doctors, and then turned his head to look at the slightly older man who looked like Qian Chiyin's attending physician and said, "I am Qian Chiyin's friend, I heard your conversation just now, I just want to ask if she can survive if the treatment fee is enough!" "

The young doctor who asked at the beginning looked at the Ninth Dragon God, frowned slightly, and opened his mouth to say: "Little friend, this kind of thing should not be..."

"Shut up! Didn't talk to you! "

The Ninth Dragon God's body suddenly changed, and his body exuded a fierce momentum that no one should enter,

The young doctor couldn't help but close his mouth, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

The older doctor looked at the Ninth Dragon God with some surprise, and immediately understood in his heart that this was a young man with a prominent family, so he hurriedly said: "This, Qian Chiyin is a severe burn, as long as the cost is enough, the transplant can be performed immediately, that is, it may be in appearance after the operation..."

"It doesn't matter if that's it, take me to swipe the card."

The Ninth Dragon God pulled out his wallet from his back and said bluntly.

"Uh... Please come with me..."

After looking at the two figures of one big and one small and one far away, the young doctor who remained in place turned livid,

Turning his head and taking a sip, he cursed in a low voice: "Bah! Evil rich dog!! "

However, such a dog, I also want to be ah...

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