In the special café, the Nine Dragon God and Kui Yi sat opposite each other, each drinking coffee and chatting about the sky.

Kui Yi kept staring at the boy opposite, it was hard to imagine why such a person would willingly succumb to others.

As the matter of the Black Dragon being defeated by the Tokyo Swastika continued to ferment, the basic information of the Towan members also circulated.

After all, Dongwan can't always be single-handed, sooner or later he will have to contact other teams and consider expanding the team,

The job information of the Dongwan Seven-person group was also widely publicized by the bad guys.

Towan currently has no general director, only an acting chief general, who is held by Manjiro Sano.

The chief of staff is the ninth dragon god who is also the tenth generation of the black dragon, and the deputy chief is called Ryugu Temple Jian.

Among them, the main combat power to defeat the black dragon, the ninth dragon god is actually not the general commander of Dongwan, which surprised many bad people.

Why such a strong person is willing to succumb to others has become the favorite topic of discussion among bad people during this time.

Although Kuiichi was busy making money to treat Qian Chiyin, he still knew the movements of the bad circles very well.

So this problem has also plagued Kui Kazu for a long time.

Now that he has joined the Black Dragon, he naturally wants to ask the Ninth Dragon God.

The Ninth Dragon God took out a cigarette box and took out a cigarette to light it, ignoring the dissatisfied eyes of the waiter sister who looked around, looked at Kui Yi and said, "Is there anything you want to say?" Look at the tangled look on your face. "

Jiujing said with a puzzled expression: "Chief, I just can't understand one thing, why are you not the commander of Dongshan?" Is that person named Manjiro Sano stronger than you? "

The Ninth Dragon God smiled when he heard this, took a deep breath of cigarettes, slowly exhaled a cloud of smoke, and slowly said: "Coco, what kind of person do you think?" "

Kui paused when he heard this, and after going through the information he had heard about the Ninth Dragon God in the past few days, he opened his mouth and replied: "According to the report of my subordinates, Commander-in-Chief, you just transferred to Tokyo not long ago. When he killed the ninth generation of black dragons, he showed great strength and ruthlessness. He also had an eye for everything, and he could know my situation in such a short time, and recruited me by paying for Chiyin's medical expenses, which proved the financial strength of the general manager. So, I think, Chief, you're a hero. "


"Yes! Just like the **** Cao Mengde! "

"Ha, you're exaggerating."

The Ninth Dragon God chuckled, waved his hand, and continued, "I'm not comparable to that one! However, I did have the idea of 'holding the Son of Heaven to order the princes' at the beginning. I am not only the chief of staff, but also the head of the special forces in charge of internal regulations and punishment. Therefore, it does not matter to me whether it is the commander of the Eastern Swastika or not, what I have is the means to completely control the Eastern Swastika or not. The reason why Manjiro is the chief is just that I want to cherish the friendship. "

"Cherish friendship?"

Kuiichi was a little surprised.

The Ninth Dragon God took a deep breath of the cigarette, his eyes were a little gloomy, and said: "My father is the president of the Kansai Jido Organization [Ninth Society], my mother is also the eldest lady of the Jido family, and the leader of the Machida [Senkai] is my uncle. Have you heard of the Nine-Headed Tiger Society? The nine-headed divine tiger man is my cousin. "

Kui Yi was already shocked by the words of the Ninth Dragon God,

It was as if my throat was stuck with something, and I couldn't say anything.

The Ninth Dragon God himself was already strong enough, and he thought that with the addition of his money bag,

He could help the Ninth Dragon God develop the Black Dragon to the next level in just a few years.

But now after hearing the family background of the Nine Dragon God, Jiui immediately understood,

In the beginning, why did the Ninth Dragon God tell him not to care too much about whether he could make money.

Because the Ninth Dragon God is not short of money at all!

With the two extreme organizations behind the Ninth Dragon God, the Ninth Dragon God was able to build a huge Runaway Empire in a short period of time!

Such an extremely young master will not lack people and money at all!

"So, my future is destined to step into the real polar world and face real bloodshed. My future is destined to have many intimate friends, so now I cherish friendship.

These guys were the first friends I met when I came to Tokyo, so I didn't want to make a decision for them so early.

Now I just want to laugh with them for a few years, and for me, Dongswasti is now a playground.

But my power cannot but develop, and the black dragon is the foundation for my future footing, so I chose you, as well as the Qianqing Sect!" "

Hearing the name of his friend from the mouth of the Ninth Dragon God, Kui Yi was not surprised.

Since the Ninth Dragon God can find him, then the information of the Qianqing Sect will definitely be known by the Ninth Dragon God.

"Actually, you can't tell me this."

Jiui said calmly.

"I say this to you to make you understand what your future goals are, to make you understand who you are fighting for.

Because, from today onwards, you Kuiichi are not only my brother of the Ninth Dragon God, but also my subordinates! Do you understand? "

Kui Yi suddenly looked up at the Nine Dragon God, his eyes burning, he got up from the chair, put his hands behind his back, straightened his chest and raised his head, and shouted: "I Kui Ichi!" Cacao! From today onwards, entrust this life to the hands of the Ninth Dragon God! Please trust me and I will always be by your side!! "

Looking at the gazes that came over because of Kuiichi's sudden oath, the Ninth Dragon God was a little embarrassed.

This group of bad teenagers is actually good everywhere, but sometimes they are too middle two.

"Sit, sit, sit down and say!"

The Ninth Dragon God hurriedly said towards Jiuiichi.


Kui Yi sat down very obediently and stared straight at the Ninth Dragon God.

"Ahem, one more thing. I have already asked people to dredge up relations with the Qianqing Sect, and I should be able to release it from the 'South Kanto Juvenile Institute' in the next few days, and you can go and meet him in advance. Then, tell him that after coming out, he will be the special attack captain of the tenth generation. "

Qianqingzong is the younger brother of Qianchiyin and also a childhood friend of Kuiichi.

In love with Qian Chiyin, he not only regarded Qianqingzong as a brother, but also regarded him as his own family.

So when he heard that his friend could also be released early, Kui Yi couldn't sit still.

He looked at the smiling Ninth Dragon God and smashed his chest heavily with his right fist.

The man who changed his destiny, Kui Ichi swore in his heart,

For the rest of his life, he will be faithful and unwavering in following behind the Ninth Dragon God!

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