Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 101 Sander’s dinner? Xiao Ao's funeral?

It was getting dark, and the carriages of the guests had arrived.

Hanson Wood, the housekeeper of the Wood family, shouted in the kitchen corridor: "Little O? Little O? Who has seen Little O?"

"He's in the toilet!"

The kitchen was bustling with people, and someone responded to the butler, who quickly went to look for Obsward. He came to the bathroom door and knocked on the door - "Xiao Ao, hurry up, pack yourself up, the dinner is about to begin."

The toilet door creaked open, and Obsward walked out with a pale face, and said weakly: "Mr. Hansen, I...I may not be able to go, I have been having diarrhea."

"What did you say?" Butler Hanson was wearing a pair of single-sided glasses and was thin. He looked at Obsward holding the door and walked out, and said sternly, "Oh, I understand - paid toilet time Yeah?"

Steward Hanson grabbed Obsward and pushed him out: "You still want to lie to me? Get your shit together!"

Obsward was pushed forward by Butler Hansen, and he quickly shouted: "Mr. Hansen! I am the young master's personal servant, why do you ask me to serve the meal?!"

The two stopped walking, and Butler Hanson became a little angry. He stepped forward and said sternly: "I tell you! The servants in the entire manor are under my control! No matter which young master or lady of yours brought it! If you don't accept it, you can Get out!"

"Then I'm leaving." The corners of Obsward's mouth turned up, and he was about to stride towards the backyard.

"The servant wants to leave the Wood house, except in death."

Butler Hanson's single eye lens shone with a cold light, and Obsward was so frightened that he walked back. After a moment of silence, Obsward raised his lowered head and said, "Mr. Hansen, let me tell the truth."


"I don't know table manners at all, and I'm afraid of embarrassing the family."

Obsward showed sincerity, which made Butler Hansen's expression soften.

"Oh, Xiao Ao, there's no problem." Hansen gently patted Obsward's shoulder and explained, "As long as you have a heart that is responsible for the family, everything else is trivial - meat and vegetables The first and second male servants will serve the vegetarian dishes, and you will follow me to serve the desserts and wine. You will do whatever I do, do you understand?"

Obsward looked a little surprised and didn't know how to argue.

"But! Mr. Hansen..." Obsward was brewing words in his mouth, "This... this is a very grand banquet. What should I do if something goes wrong?"

"Will be executed."

Obsward was silent.

Hansen waved his hand: "You are right, this banquet is for Sander Hill. It is very grand, but it does not mean that no mistakes can be made. You must know that the master does not like him. Therefore, I sent a new person Waiting for Sander to dine would be a thing that suits the master's liking.

Don't worry, if you make a mistake and offend Xander, the master will be very happy, but Xander Hill may not. So, be smart. "

Hansen felt that he had said enough, and pushed Obsward towards the kitchen.

The Wood family's mansion is splendid and resplendent. Daora Wood firmly believes that the restaurant is the best place to highlight the heritage and glory of a family. Every guest who comes here has to sit down here for two hours to enjoy dinner. During this time , they would have enough eyes to see his wealth and strength, so he spent a lot of money in the restaurant.

Regardless of how expensive the tableware is, the heritage of the Wood family can be seen from the many "braids" hanging on the four walls of the restaurant - these braids are the body parts of many eight-star monsters, such as Yan Fei The dragon's blue hair is so abundant that it is braided into a long braid hanging from the top of the restaurant to the ground. There are also the red braid of Yanwangsaurus, the white braid of Qilin, and the pink braid of Zhanzhanmanjasaurus - among them the most Unique is the cluster of thorns placed on the fireplace in the dining room.

This cluster of thorns is dark and hard. They are as big as a pipe organ and gather like five claws on the wall of the fireplace chimney.

"Is this the thorn of the Nergigante?" Sander Hill, who was wearing a lavender formal suit, sat opposite Daora on the long dining table, and could perfectly appreciate the things placed on the fireplace.

"That's right, Nergigante, the ancient dragon that preys on ancient dragons. Every time I see these thorns, I am always moved by the greatness of our ancestors."

Daora Wood is a short, fat man. His birch-colored clothes are tightly wrapped around his body. His thin black hair is neatly combed back, and he wears a pair of single-sided glasses over his eyes. A long thin golden chain connected the frame of the glasses and the chest pocket, and there was a golden watch chain hanging next to his belly button.

"This set of thorns was cut off from its arms." Daora said proudly.

"Yes, they were chopped off." Sander spoke softly, as if he was chewing a piece of meat that was difficult to swallow.

Daora caught a glimpse of Xander's movement and sneered: "Wow, don't you say this time that this is the thorn that your ancestors desperately chopped off?"

Xander tilted his chin slightly and looked at Daora, his eyes calm and emotionless.

Gilder sat next to Daora, and next to Xander was Daora's real wife. At this time, both of them were a little scared and breathed quickly. The wife quickly changed the subject and said: "Maybe we can start the dinner."

Butler Hanson received the hostess's instructions and began to nod to the male servants to serve the dishes.

Some of the children of the Wood family were sitting on both sides of the long table in the restaurant. They were upright and upright. Even Harvey, who was usually very lazy, sat here with full dignity.

Obsward was second in line, dragging the dinner tray, and he would be responsible for serving the wine, while Butler Hansen would be the first to go up with the starter plate.

"Follow me, Xiao Ao. I'll serve the food on the left side of the guests. You wait on the right side until I finish serving the food and then put the wine on the table." Butler Hansen ordered and then opened the door and entered.

Obsward's calves were trembling. Looking at the bright banquet hall, he felt as if he was seeing his own grave. The back of Sander Hill was not far in front of his sight. The lavender costume stood out among all the other costumes. For Obswald, it was his shroud.

Butler Hansen had already taken several steps, and Obsward should have moved out here, but at this time his hand holding the dinner plate started to shake. He looked back at the passage behind, and there were other things there. Other valets were queuing up, and a spiral staircase led to the kitchen downstairs. After the kitchen, there was a small courtyard. From the small courtyard, you could get out of the Wood family mansion, but he still had to run through a long flower field. It took a long time to get out of the Wood family mansion.

If he could grab a horse, it would shorten the distance to escape, but he couldn't grab the horse, and he couldn't get out of the yard because there were guards blocking his way out, and Butler Hansen in front of him turned his head slightly. head, eagerly indicating that he was heading for a dead end.

He felt that his world began to slow down. He saw Harvey Wood sitting at the end, staring at his plate in a daze. He saw Ayina Wood sitting near Daola, talking softly to the narrator. chat.

He saw Sander Hill's back, and also saw the sadness in Gilder's soft face.

He saw some familiar people, but he didn't see anyone who could save him.

Obswald took a step forward while holding the dinner plate.

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