House Dad’s Literary Life

Chapter 905: The scale can also be (4/4, for the lord of the East and North, plus more)

The filming of "Shawshank Redemption" was filmed in September. After Guo Ziyi finished filming, he returned to school. Of course, he also talked with Ding Xiang about the love of yanghuan.

However, Guo Ziyi is not eager to pick up a new play, although he has raised his popularity because of the "Extreme Challenge" and the video of the previous seve dance, many film companies are still happy to send the script, ask him to audition.

Guo Ziyi didn't go to the audition. It wasn't that he was floating, but he was waiting, waiting for Du Yuanlei, who was still editing with Wu Yi'an, to edit the TV series. The main role of the supporting mouse was already given to Guo Ziyi. Reserved.

Of course, in order to play this role, Guo Ziyi also found the relationship of the police, and helped him "please" a master who would go out and teach him to play cards.

Now that Du Yuanlei is back, she can't take it anymore. She immediately started to set up her own crew, most of whom are the original classmates, her royal photographer Wang Chao, the lighting engineer Zhu Liyang, the makeup artist Long Ni and so on.

However, this time because it is no longer a student work, Du Yuanlei also hired some experienced professionals, some of whom are borrowed from the "Extreme Challenge" crew to the field, the radio, the props, the costumer and so on.

What I have to mention here is that after the end of the first season of Extreme Challenge, although most of the personnel were transferred to the "Chinese Good Voice" crew, there are still differences between the reality show and the indoor music variety show. Many people are temporarily I am free.

The production of Zhongxing is still a little worse than other production companies and TV stations. They don't have much programs, so everyone can't stop.

It is good to have a holiday, but if this holiday lasts for a few months, it is easy to get into trouble.

At the end of September, there was a turmoil in the production of Zhongxing. A total of seven photographers and executive directors were dug away by the peers. One of the executive directors and two photographers went to Xingyao and was said to have joined the trip. The recording of the Great Challenge.

Although the production of Zhongxing is not lacking photographers and executive directors, they are constantly recruiting artificial blood. As long as the major directors and screenwriters have not been dug up, the production of Zhongxing will not be hurt.

However, after the incident of being digbed, Yang Lan and Yun Yangfeng, as well as several senior executives of the China Star, including several directors, opened a meeting to develop strategies to prevent this from happening again!

On the one hand, Yang Lan spent a lot of money and signed a non-competition agreement with the key figures in the company. On the one hand, it was also arranged for the cloud to be arranged, and the personnel who were still on vacation were rented to familiar TV stations to do some Outsourced work companies are rarely used, they are used only for day-to-day operations, and the remaining undistributed benefits are considered to be some of the benefits for them.

These unpleasant things don’t need to be discussed in detail for the time being, or they return to Du Yuanlei’s "The Sin" crew.

While preparing for the shooting arrangement of this TV series, Du Yuanlei also began to face a wide range of castings across the country, including the protagonist's remaining sins, and many roles are now waiting for nothing.

When I filmed "Fairy Tale" two years ago and filmed "Fugitive", whether it was Du Yuanlei or Yang Lan, it was still unknown in the film and television circles. Du Yuanlei had to dig into the search for suitable actors, and even some actors would refuse to look down on her. An audition invitation.

If it wasn’t for Du Yuanlei’s film school at Jiangcheng Communication University, she was very much valued by some teachers. She invited some actors who had good acting skills to join us. Even Professor Jiang Lei, the old man personally squatted on the sleeves, maybe the "Fugitive" was not filmed. So smooth!

The situation is completely different now!

Du Yuanlei itself is also a director of the box office of 100 million yuan. Many young actors who want to be famous cannot dare to marry her!

Even some actor who already has a reputation, some brokerage companies with a lot of actor resources may not see Du Yuanlei, they can not ignore the Yang Lan standing behind this TV series!

"Yu Sin" was written by Yang Lan!

Yang Lan can be said that in the past few years, the most bugs in the entertainment industry existed?

As long as the person who has a relationship with him, whether he played his movie, sang his song, or went to his show, there is no unpopular skyrocketing!

Of course, what's more important is that Yang Lan's works are not unsuccessful!

"Fairy Tale" as the "first ancestor" of micro-movies, although in recent years, the proliferation of micro-film contests and good works are endless, but it is still the benchmark of micro-movies, and countless film colleges, as long as the teacher mentions micro-movies, Get around this micro movie like mv!

"Fugitive Offender" broke out in the off-season of the film this year, and also got hundreds of millions of box office. Its unique witty story won the audience's praise.

"Soldier Assault" was broadcasted earlier this year, and the results need not be detailed. By October, there is still no TV series to break its ratings record. Obviously, it has almost reserved the seat of the best TV show of the year.

Even if it hasn't aired yet, as the "Bright Sword" of the next year's big show, it is now unsold, and fans of countless "Soldiers" are now waiting for this TV series.

With so many successful works, Yang Lan, as a new TV drama project for scriptwriters, naturally received strong attention from the industry at the beginning!

When Du Yuanlei’s news was released, he received numerous audition requests.

They haven't started to officially arrange for the actors to come to audition. Du Yuanlei and the crew of the crew have been busy with these requests, and they have been so dizzy.

This evening, Du Yuanlei, who was tired for a day, decided to go for a cup of coffee and relax, so she came to the familiar street corner coffee shop.

Ding Xiang is not in the coffee shop, she and Guo Ziyi went to exercise, leaving Yang Huan alone lonely and lonely, Yang Huan did not intend to form a single shadow in the room, she went down to the coffee shop, looking for a sugar chat on duty.

Yang Huan and Du Yuanlei are also relatively familiar. When she was in the film school, she also received some performance trainings from Du Yuanlei and some of her sisters who helped find them.

Two lonely people chatted, Du Yuanlei also went to gossip about Guo Ziyi and Ding Xiang's love.

At the beginning, Guo Ziyi chased Du Yuanlei, but it has been a long time since, and, in Du Yuanlei's opinion, she is much bigger than Guo Zi. Now I think of it, and I don't even think about it. She only wants Guozi to be too young. The problem is not mature.

However, Du Yuanlei chatted with Yang Huan, she looked at Yang Huan, and suddenly she moved.

Yang Huan is a man of skill!

Du Yuanlei's minds in these days are all the roles of "Yu Sin" and their plots. When I saw Yang Huan, Du Yuanlei thought of Lin Yuxi, the female police officer of the vicious squad, and the heroine who had complex emotional entanglements with the sins.

The role of this heroine is also that many actors cast their resumes and hope to audition, but Du Yuanlei looked at them, including some of their video materials. She found that most of them are all flowers and embroidered legs... one by one, how to play well, this character is pungent and unpretentious. Female police officer?

Yang Huan is different. She will work hard. This is the advantage. In the "Extreme Challenge", Yang Huan is also very pungent and not very delicate. This is very similar to Lin Yuxi.

And Yang Huan is also very tall, and the value is still decent.

Finally, Du Yuanlei also gave a meaningful look at the chest of Yang Huan's sac.

Well, the scale is OK, and stuffing something, it should be enough!

Du Yuanlei suddenly silenced, Yang Huan also noticed Du Yuanlei's attention to her. At the last glance, Yang Huan was stunned by Du Yuanlei. She pulled the jacket and asked strangely: "Dr. Du, how do you look at me like this?"

Du Yuanlei smiled and did not explain her own actions. Instead, she said bluntly: "Huanhuan, are you interested, come to my crew to try a role? Try it first."

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