House Witch

Chapter 1093 1092 Fortune Teller

Chapter 1093 1092. Fortune Teller

The next day.

Dorothy arrived at the restaurant a little late, but when she arrived, all the sisters had already arrived.

"Good morning, little fairy, why don't you seem to have had a good rest?"

Senior Mia looked at the listless witch and asked with concern.

Beside the senior, Audrey also cast a concerned look.

Witches can stay awake, so when a witch shows visible fatigue, it often means that there is a big problem.

Seeing the concern of the sisters, Dorothy cheered up.

"No, it's nothing, I'm fine, don't worry, it's just that a lot of things happened last night, which caused me to have insomnia last night."

She replied.

Well, she was pranked by Artie's traitor for the second time, and the more she thought about it, the angrier she got, and then she really didn't sleep all night.

Regret, really regret, there was a chance to play the waist drum in front of her, but she didn't cherish it, and she regretted it until she lost it. This is the most painful thing in the world. If God can give her another chance, Dorothy will definitely show her musical talent without hesitation. If there is a deadline for this performance, she hopes to

beat Artie's ass.

Damn, don't let her catch that traitor in the future, otherwise no one can save her.

It's a pity that there are not many opportunities for the Demon King to have no power to resist. Last night might be her only chance in this life, alas.

Dorothy adjusted her mentality a little. She didn't want to make her sisters worry anymore, and the main reason was that "I'm angry with the Demon King" was really hard to say.

"Oh, by the way, thank you all for the gifts, I like them very much."

She changed the subject and thanked him.

Although Artie tricked her twice, the home witch finally opened the gifts. Now her net worth has skyrocketed and she is rich.

However, compared to the expensive gifts from the big shots she had never met before, the witch of the house still preferred the gifts from her good sisters.

However, when it comes to gifts.

Dorothy's eyes unconsciously glanced at the hat on her head, and then glanced at the elegant pure white witch at the dining table. She felt a little guilty for some reason.

Well, after all, she has lost something important compared to her before, and she is no longer the same.

When the sisters heard the words of the witch of the house, they all smiled.

However, it was just on the surface that everyone laughed. In fact, the only one who was really happy about it was probably Alice, the silly little witch. Everyone else noticed the witch of the house's guilty conscience at that moment, and her eyes wandering on senior sister Fanny and Sophielia.

Not good, maybe something happened last night that they didn't know about.

In this regard, Madeline subconsciously glanced at her sister, and then she saw Audrey's charming fox eyes narrowed slightly.

Obviously, the little fox's vixen radar was activated.

Noticing her sister's gaze, Audrey thought for a moment, and finally shook her head slightly at her sister, indicating that she didn't need to ask.

Then, the two sisters looked at Senior Sister Mia again.

They keenly noticed that the beautiful golden eyebrows of the Witch of the Brilliant Dragon were slightly raised. Obviously, the Golden Princess also found something unusual, which was natural. After all, she was a genius businessman who had been in the business world for many years. In terms of the ability to observe words and expressions, this senior sister was the best among the sisters present, and she would naturally not fail to notice the abnormality.

The two succubus sisters expected that this senior sister, who was always proactive on weekdays, could take the lead and ask what happened last night.

But to their disappointment, Senior Sister Mia's brows soon relaxed. Although she did speak, she did not ask about what happened last night.

"Well, little fairy, what are your plans for the next day?"

The Witch of the Brilliant Dragon asked casually.

"Um, plans?"

Dorothy was stunned by the question.

She really hadn't thought about what to do today.

Although the Dragon King held a seven-day celebration for her birthday, after the main party last night, the remaining days of celebration had nothing to do with her, the birthday girl. It was a holiday carnival for other witches, and she was free all of a sudden. At this moment, she really didn't know what to do.

The home witch just thought about staying at home for a few days, but when she saw her sisters all looking at her, she had to give up this plan. It would not be good to spoil the sisters' fun.

However, she quickly thought of something.

"Uh, the duel competition is not over yet, it's the turn of the youth group finals today, and Madeline, you still have to play the qualifying game, right?"

Dorothy asked.

In response, the succubus witch nodded.

She did have to play a game with the silver princess of the Golden Country today to determine who would be the fourth and fifth in the youth group.

Although this kind of small competition is basically unpopular, it doesn't matter whether there is a fight or not. The highlight of today's duel competition is still the big guys in the youth group.

"Then let's continue to watch the game for a while, and then go around for a few days. After all, we have been in the Kingdom of Dragons for so long, and we haven't really visited Camelot City yet?"

The house witch decided.

The sisters had no objection to this, and they decided on the itinerary.

Only Audrey looked at the smiling senior Mia with some doubts, not understanding what this smart senior was planning. She couldn't be really not in a hurry at all, right?

In this way, the sisters finished their breakfast with their own thoughts, and then prepared to go out together.

"Everyone, do you need a special car for you?"

Just as everyone was about to leave, a maid came up and asked.

Dorothy: "."

Looking at Guinevere, who was wearing a maid's long dress again, the witch's eyes twitched, and she didn't understand what game the queen was playing.

However, the queen obviously cast her fatal curse again to hide her identity. Except for the witch and the thoughtful Sophielia, the other sisters didn't think there was anything special about the maid.

Guinevere blinked at the witch, indicating that she agreed to her.

The witch of the house had no choice. After all, she was the queen. She had to give her face.

At that moment, she had to give up her original idea of ​​driving the White Dragon warship by herself, and nodded.

"Then I'll trouble you."

"I'll be happy to do so."

Seeing Dorothy nod, Guinevere said this happily, and then turned and left.

"Well, what should we do? I always feel that we will be involved in some strange incident later?"

Looking at the cheerful back of the head maid, the witch of the house asked her housekeeper with some uneasiness.

"Miss, are you not used to this kind of development?"

The pure white witch rolled her eyes and asked back.

Dorothy: "."

Damn, you said this as if I were a disaster star, but I have always been very law-abiding.

But thinking about what happened less than a year after she left her hometown on Haiyue Island, she silently shut up.

Okay, that's right, it's time to get used to it, whatever you want.

Soon, Guinevere drove a carriage to the crowd.

What surprised the witch was that the carriage was quite low-key, not at all like the one the Dragon King took her to parade yesterday.

Well, although the griffins pulling the carriage looked quite powerful, and the magic carriage was definitely a luxury car, it was much more restrained than the previous dragon carriage.

Everyone got on the carriage one by one, and the head maid became the coachman skillfully.

This also made Dorothy, who knew her identity, feel a little uneasy for a while. After all, it was a bit too presumptuous to let the queen pull the carriage for them, but seeing that Guinevere seemed to be enjoying it, she couldn't say anything.

Finally, when the carriage was about to arrive at the Dragon Ring Arena, she couldn't help but ask.

"Um, Queen"

"Just call me Verr."

Dorothy's voice transmission was interrupted before it was finished. Guinevere's serious voice came to her ears.

"Okay, then Miss Verr, what are you acting like?"

The house witch obediently changed her words and continued to ask.

"Nothing, I just want to go out of the palace occasionally. You have stayed in the palace before. Isn't it boring? You don't have to care about me. Just treat me as a maid."

Guinevere said so.

But Dorothy would believe such an explanation.

After all, if the queen really wanted to go out of the palace to play, she could just go out directly and openly. Why would she need to come so secretly? She is the queen, and even if she puts aside her identity as the queen, she is also a sage.

But since the queen said so, what else can the weak, pitiful and helpless house witch say? She can only listen to it seriously.

She thought about the reason why the queen did this, and then inspiration flashed, and a sentence from the goddess of wealth Astros yesterday came to her mind.

Damn, it seems that the queen has a lover. Could she be meeting her lover?

Dorothy couldn't help but guess so, otherwise she really couldn't figure out what other things required the mother of a country to act so secretly.

Oh my god, if this kind of thing is exposed, won't we be regarded as accomplices by the Lord Dragon King?

For a while, the witch of the house also became a little nervous.

Fortunately, the Dragon Roar Arena arrived soon.

After the group walked out of the carriage, the head maid waved her hand, and the griffin carriage drove to the parking lot consciously.

Well, it turns out that this car can drive automatically? Then why do we need a driver?

Dorothy complained in her heart.

She feels very insecure now.

But soon, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she walked quickly towards the entrance of the Longming Arena, shouting as she walked.


Well, although there were more spectators at the Longming Arena today because of the sudden long holiday, and the entrance was crowded, Dorothy still spotted her mother at a glance.

After all, the temperament of the dragon mother really stood out among the crowd, and was quite conspicuous.

As soon as she saw her mother, the home witch who was still very uneasy just now immediately felt safe.


Hearing the familiar call, Euphilia turned around in surprise.

However, when she saw the head maid following her daughter, her eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Your Excellency is"

Dorothy was a little confused when she saw this.

After all, her mother is the prince of the Dragon Kingdom and a confidant promoted by the Dragon King himself. There is no reason for her not to know the Queen.

And her mother had clearly seen Guinevere at the party last night.

Oh, maybe the Queen's killing curse is really effective, and it can even affect her mother.

The witch was about to introduce her.

But before she could speak, Guinevere smiled and spoke.

"Lady Euphilia, long time no see, have you forgotten me?"

She looked like a riddler.

This made Dorothy roll her eyes.

Damn, she is worthy of being a witch of the prophecy school, and she speaks in the same tone, making people want to see one and beat one.

But Euphilia's pupils shrank when she heard this familiar voice.

"It's you."

It was impossible for her not to know the guy in front of her. After all, this was the mysterious fortune teller who instructed her to find Adam and give birth to Dorothy.

During that time, this mysterious guy had been fortune-telling for people all over the Dragon Kingdom, and the results of each fortune-telling were very accurate, so he was once famous.

But this guy came and went without a trace, so if she wanted to meet him, she could only let fate take its course and could not force it. Euphilia also met this guy while strolling around.

The domineering Dragon Queen actually did not trust fate very much, and she was always wary of fortune-tellers. So after encountering this so-called "opportunity", she did not ask about the more important future of her career, but after several attempts, she found that this guy really had something, and jokingly asked him to help her calculate her marriage.

Well, it happened that she was a little annoyed by her family and subordinates urging her to get married at that time, so she simply took the opportunity to see if there was really any good way.

Then she actually found Adam according to what this guy said, and gave birth to Dorothy.

Judging from the results, this guy's divination is naturally perfect and impeccable. Dorothy's daughter is far better than she had ever imagined.

But when Adam took Dorothy away, Euphilia also searched for this mysterious fortune teller like crazy in the Dragon Kingdom, but found no trace.

This guy seemed to have evaporated from the world since then, and the Dragon Mother once wondered if it was her own hallucination.

And now, this guy actually appeared again, and he was still next to Dorothy.

Euphilia immediately became alert.

She protected her daughter behind her.

The Dragon Mother is protecting her cub.

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