House Witch

Chapter 1100 1099 Teeth to Give Birth to a Child

Chapter 1100 1099. Dental Implantation and Pregnancy

Dorothy covered her eyes.

Because the scene on the field below is a bit too bloody and cruel, and a peaceful person like her cannot bear to see it.

However, as a judge, she felt that she had the responsibility and obligation to observe the duel between the two contestants, so that she could be responsible for the result of the subsequent competition, so she took another sneak peek between her fingers.

Huh~~~ (third sound)

At this sight, she immediately closed her eyes again, and then shook her head.

Okay, there is no suspense in this game. After all, the beholder lady who seems to be very good at arousing the anger of others has no eyes at this time.

Well, my eyes literally fell to the floor.

Then, the two eyeballs were crushed mercilessly by a dragon claw, making a chirping sound, and the last hypnotic eye was penetrated by a sharp claw, just like a grape pierced with a fork.

The sharp claws slowly raised to bring the grapes to the mouth, and then the sharp teeth opened and closed, and there was a creepy chewing sound.

After tasting the smell of blood, the owner of the dragon claws, who was originally quite delicate and cute, but was now covered in dragon scales, showed a pleasant and cruel smile on his face.

Inanna now went berserk and turned into a wild beast.

At this moment, the tyrannical lady's rationality faded away, leaving only the instinct of the evil dragon controlling her body. Her fierce dragon eyes were burning with eternal anger, and the last remaining thought in her mind was to use the most cruel means to ravage the people in front of her. The enemy must make her realize how serious the consequences of provoking her are.

On the opposite side, Mathilian was shocked and angry at the same time.

She was shocked because she didn't know what means Inanna had just used to break free from her hypnosis and mental suppression, and she was angry because the other party regarded her as a prey with contempt and arrogance.

Although she is indeed in a bad situation now.

Just now she thought she had a chance to win, so she was too close to Inanna.

It goes without saying what the consequences will be if a person from the spiritual school gets too close to a person from the combat school. The three bloody holes on her face are a lesson.

If you are careless, you will lose your magic eye.

Fortunately, for a beholder, everything else may be lacking, except eyes.

Mathilian put her hand into her pocket, then took out three eyes and pressed them into the empty eye sockets on her face.

Then, the pupils of the three originally empty eyes began to shrink. They first rotated in different directions for several times, and finally became unified, and their eyes became bright.

The beholder's secret eye technique is plug-and-play, and everyone who has used it says it's good.

Mathilian regained her sight.

But this doesn't seem to be a good thing.

After all, as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a huge dragon's mouth opening right in front of her.

It's Elena.

However, Miss Beholder is not too panicked, after all, this was within her expectation.

Although she was temporarily blind just now, as a witch of the spiritual school, her perception never relies solely on her eyes. Mental power can also help her perceive everything around her. In terms of pure observation, mental power is better than eyesight. Much more.

Therefore, Madilian already knew that her opponent was close at hand.

The next moment, the left eye among her three newly installed eyes lit up.

The imprisoned evil eye.

Glaze, crystal, brilliant diamond, gold, and jade, these are the five levels of the magic eye.

The Imprisoning Demonic Eye is a diamond-level Demonic Eye.

Although it sounds like the level is not high, it is actually quite powerful. After all, the number of gold-level magic eyes is very rare, and the jade-level ones basically only exist in legends. .

Even the most common glazed-level magic eye's ability is far more powerful than ordinary similar magic, let alone the diamond-level magic eye.

Therefore, the restraining power of the Confining Demonic Eye instantly pinned the opponent who almost hit her head in one blow.

Well, the other party was like frozen amber, just hanging in mid-air, motionless.

The beholder witch originally wanted to take the opportunity to counterattack, but suddenly she frowned, quickly retreated, and distanced herself.

Inanna's magic resistance is so high that even the Imprisoning Eye can only control her for less than two seconds.

This is still a case of not attacking but only controlling. Once she launches an attack, the rampaging beast will escape almost the next moment.

And with the average blood volume of the combat magic system, Matilian didn't feel that she could kill him with one hit, so she had better distance herself in time and replay the game.

What she did was undoubtedly correct.

The moment she dodged and retreated, the confinement had already failed. The escaped beast followed its previous inertia and took a bite of the air. The sound of the teeth clashing could still be heard even from a long distance away, but You can only imagine how harsh this bite was.

At this time, Miss Beholder's right eye also lit up. It was a magic eye with a pink heart pupil.

The evil eye of lust.

It is also a dazzling diamond-level magic eye. Its function is as simple and direct as its name. It can make the target go into heat with just one glance.

Madilian didn't know what the violent secret technique Inanna was using at the moment, but judging from the performance, it seemed to be driven by anger. So if you want to crack the secret technique, you should naturally focus on calming the opponent's anger.

And lust can dispel anger.

It's just that the theory is true, but in fact

Miss Beholder's right eye burned.

Although the demonic eye of lust was already burning, now it is literally burning.

Invisible flames burst out from her right eye, and then expanded. It actually looked cool from a distance, but it was a pity that the flames were not special effects added by Matilian herself.

Therefore, Miss Beholder cried out in pain.

Her mental power just followed the action of the Demonic Eye of Lust and attacked, but before entering Inanna's sea of ​​consciousness, she was ignited by the terrifying sea of ​​fire.

The flame burning in the right eye is the backlash.

She should have dug out the right eye immediately, thrown it away, and cut it off as soon as possible to prevent the backlash from getting worse.

But when she was burned by the flames, the first thought that came to Madilian's mind was not to heal herself, but to make her angry and want to break up with him.

The anger was so fierce that almost instantly all three of her eyes ignited with flames, and then she really charged forward.


Then there is no more.

The crispy spiritual school goes head-to-head with the barbaric warfare school? What kind of witch joke is this?

Bang bang bang.

Miss Beast shattered Miss Beholder's dream of close combat with three punches.

And then the scene of having a good time is too violent. Little Witch can't watch it and skip it because the screen is black.

"Well, the effect of this furious fire is stronger than I thought."

On the stage, Dorothy nodded with satisfaction.

She didn't expect Inanna to win so easily, and Miss Mathilian to be so immediately overcome by anger that she sent her away. You must know that she is the pinnacle of the spiritual school, and she must have no shortage of spiritual defense methods. As a result It turned out to be a trick.

Although this is mainly due to the first encounter, if the two fight again and Miss Mathilian is prepared, it may not be so effective, but even so, this still shows how useful the "Volume Killing Curse" is. , it is true that Dorothy incorporated some understanding of original sin rage into this spell.

"What? It turns out that this is how the development of combat spells is done."

The house witch thought as lonely as snow.

Of course she was already dancing with the dragon witch in her mind, feeling triumphant.

At this time, she heard that the judges around her were also rationally analyzing the situation just now.

"What spell did Miss Inanna use just now?"

"I don't know. I've never seen such a cruel curse before. She went crazy and was completely dominated by animal nature. It's a bit scary."

"But that spell is really suitable for little Inanna. She has always been weak in mental defense. She used to rely on taking drugs, but in the higher-end games, there is almost no time for taking drugs. Now it seems She has solved this weakness.”

"Well, I don't know which spell master she found to customize the exclusive spell, which perfectly matches her own template of Brilliant Fury and Dragon Slaying. I'll ask her for the master's contact information later."

"Yeah, let's go together."

"Okay, stop being greedy and judge first."

"What's the point of judging this? Inanna is obviously the winner."

Soon, the other judges all gave their own conclusions, but Dorothy did not move.

So, everyone focused their attention on the puppet dragon in front of the otaku witch.

"Master Witch, is there any problem with this duel?"

Someone asked a little cautiously.

In response, Puppet Dragon smiled shyly.

Well, when the otaku witch had nothing to do, she added an expression function to this puppet dragon puppet.

"I'm abstaining this time. After all, I am Inanna's magic coach, so as not to be unfair."

She replied.

As soon as these words came out, the judges were stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, and then their eyes burned.

Good guy, just now they were thinking about which master was so powerful, but now they see that the master is right next to them.

Then, Dorothy felt that her spell book was shaking wildly. Miss Witch of the Forest received a large number of friend applications, and the notes on those applications stated that they were all the judges around her.

If this happened before, the otaku witch would definitely not add any friends, but now, after thinking about it, she agreed to these friends.

Well, now that she has the ability to protect herself, she doesn't need to be as cautious as before, and more friends lead to more paths.

In short, it is definitely not because the judges and sisters here are all top duel stars. Not only are they powerful, but they are also more beautiful than the other, so she is greedy.

Hmm, absolutely not, she had no intention of building a circle of friends full of beautiful ladies to look good on.

She mainly wants to learn. After all, the combat experience of these top duelists is a huge asset. In the future, when she has time to help them customize a few magic spells, she will ask them to show their fighting style and fighting skills as much as possible. This is also reasonable.

What are you stealing? This is high-end customization, which means fully understanding the characteristics of the customer. Don’t talk nonsense if you don’t understand.


Sir Lancelot, why are you joining in the fun?

Dorothy glanced at the Moon Rabbit Knight beside her and rolled her eyes.

At her current level, the most she can do is design a magic spell for the Peak Witches. The main scope is only ten to eleven rings. Twelve rings would be too strenuous and not suitable for the time being.

So, sage-level bosses, please don’t come here to touch me. If I had the ability, I would have honored my mother as soon as possible.

However, the Moon Rabbit Knight didn't care about the witch's eyes. She just looked at the notification that her friend had passed and nodded with satisfaction.

Well, I'll go to the round table and show off when I get back, and envy the other heads to death.

"Well, the next game should be quite interesting, you should take a good look."

Lancelot reminded.


Dorothy was stunned when she heard this, and she looked down at the battle table.

Nibelungen vs. Adela.


The witch of the house immediately perked up.

She has known this mysterious lady of the final weapon for a long time. They worked together for a while when building the Golden Princess, but when building the ship, this lady of Nibelungen behaved very low-key, not eye-catching nor mediocre.

She seemed to be quite capable in the step of summoning the spirit of the battleship. All the battleship modules assembled by her were summoned successfully at one time, with almost no mistakes.

But there was nothing else.

Dorothy was so busy at that time that she didn't have the time to pay attention to the situation of Miss Nibelungen. However, she seemed to be alone when she saw her a few times. She didn't seem to have many friends. Even the people of the Deathwings were not very close to Miss Jinchūriki.

In the previous match where they almost fought, the Nine-Headed Dragon Witch Belgara had said that Miss Nibelungen was a strong opponent. Now even big guys like Lancelot are paying special attention to the duel competition. So Miss Jinchūriki's strength must be really strong.

Dorothy became interested.

However, after she flipped through the information casually, she frowned again.

It's not that there is anything wrong with Miss Nibelungen's information. After all, there is nothing in the opponent's information except that she is from the Deathwings. It's blank.

What really surprised the witch of the house was the information of her opponent this time, Miss Adela.

There is no need to say much about the other things. The four words "previous champion" alone are already full of gold.

Another thing is that Miss Adela's last name is Jörmungandr.

Wow, my relative?

Dorothy first looked down at the dragon and snake necklace on her neck.

"Hey, sister, do you know her?"

She asked Jörmungandr curiously.

Miss Dragon Snake didn't even bother to open her eyes.


She replied lazily.

This made the witch of the house speechless. Forget it, you can't expect the ancestors to know every younger generation.

Although she wanted to complain about how the ancestors and sisters were so lazy every day, how could they still have descendants, after all, she might not even find it troublesome to have children.

"Well, to have a child, isn't it just burying the replaced dragon teeth and dragon scales in the soil, and then pouring a little dragon blood, and a child will grow after a while? That's what my mother taught me when she asked me to have a few children for fun. It feels quite simple."

Jörmungandr asked with some doubts.

Dorothy: "."

Damn, I feel like I know something incredible. Is this how the Jörmungandr family came about?

Although I have been in the witch world for so many years, the house witch is still often shocked by the magic.

Wow, it turns out that there are really children who grow out of the ground.

Forget it, the boss's high-end operation, I can't learn it, I can't learn it.

The house witch is shocked

How is everyone's tiger pioneer's appetite? I fed him for more than three hours before he was full to death.

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