House Witch

Chapter 1103 1102 Happy to be a father

Chapter 1103 1102. Happy to be a father

"No, isn't Miss Morgan a ship girl? Can a ship girl still have children?"

This was actually what shocked Dorothy.

She had something to say, and suddenly she had a bold idea, but she didn't know whether to talk about it or not.

In short, her enthusiasm for the profession of shipbuilder suddenly reached a climax, and she had the urge to go back and continue building ships immediately.

Fortunately, she finally controlled this delusion and quietly waited for what the Moon Rabbit Knight would say.

Well, the other party suddenly brought someone here and introduced him to her. This was not just about letting her get to know him. There must be something to say next.

Sure enough, Lancelot soon continued to speak.

"Dorothy, I need you to do me a favor."

In response to this, the otaku witch looked as expected, but she did not object and nodded.

"You said."

Lancelot was not polite either.

"You've also met that guy Arthur, what do you think of her?"

She asked rhetorically.

"It's very good. I think Master Arthur is a very good person and easy to get along with."

Dorothy answered without hesitation.

This was also what she said sincerely. Although she had only met the head of the Knights of the Round Table a few times, she could feel that this big boss was a good person who looked and behaved well and had always been very nice to her. She I quite like that big guy.

Lancelot: "."

Guinevere: "."

The two dragon heads looked at each other, and then the corners of their mouths twitched.

You're such a good guy, Arthur. Thanks to your thick eyebrows and big eyes, you actually ran away?

They recalled what Arthur said about how getting along with Dorothy after blocking the memory would be as beautiful as first love, but they didn't expect that this trick would be so effective.

This made both of them a little bit eager to move, wondering whether they should give it a try too.

However, as soon as such thoughts came to their minds, they were crushed to death by the two of them. They were self-aware and knew that neither of their personalities were very likable. One was always getting into trouble when he got carried away, and the other was extremely defensive and annoying. .

If they had memories, they would naturally side with Dorothy, but if they had no memories, they would naturally side with Dorothy.

Well, probably Guinevere fell in love with Dorothy at first sight. The queen wanted to rob a common girl and keep her as a concubine, but she held a grudge after she failed to rob her. Lancelot thoughtlessly helped his best friend and decided to stand up for his best friend. , and then both became villains.

This is pretty much what the script will look like.

Sure enough, forget it, you can’t learn this kind of operation.

However, they do not deny that Arthur is indeed a good person and excellent. She can be regarded as the closest to perfection among the dragon heads except Nidhogg.

It’s just that Arthur is easy to get along with?


The two scoffed at this.

There is an old saying in the Eastern Universe: When the water is clear, there will be no fish, and when people are careful, there will be no disciples.

If a person is too strict, he will have no friends.

Arthur is such a person. She is a perfectionist, has late-stage obsessive-compulsive disorder, and can't tolerate sand in her eyes. She always unconsciously has high demands on others, although she has higher demands on herself.

From a rational point of view, such people are actually quite good and excellent people, but humans are emotional animals, and being friends with such people would be too stressful.

Therefore, even they, the dragon heads, were a little stressed out by Arthur and would always subconsciously stay away from her.

This is already a kind of behavior that I can't stand even myself, let alone others.

Really, if the main core members of the Knights of the Round Table are not other dragon heads, then Arthur will not be the leader for a long time. Sooner or later, she will be backstabbed by other knights, which will lead to the destruction of the Knights of the Round Table.

After all, it's not really for the chivalry that everyone wants to follow you. What they want is power, privilege, wealth, beauty, etc.

If you bring the big guys to enjoy the blessings, then you are a good leader. If you bring the big guys to practice hard together, then I am sorry. I will never see you again.

And such a personality is not only a disaster in the workplace, but also a disaster in the family. After all, if anyone is involved in such a parent who has excessive demands on you, the psychological shadow of the child can be imagined. .

Unfortunately, Mordred had such a father (father and mother).

Well, this child is not a dragon head, she is really a second generation, although her birth was just an accident.

Longshan City, this is a city that should not exist in the official history (first chapter).

But since the God King Teacher reversed history with the forbidden technique, it has turned from fantasy into reality.

The original intention of this city's design was based on battleships. However, in the world line of Witch Night, the Mechanicum, which had not mastered the original magic power at that time, was unable to build a real witch battleship, so it finally built this one. A city with special wonders that rivals the performance of a battleship.

However, as the world line closes, things that should not exist must also perish. After all, the interaction points of the first and second weeks need to coincide.

So even though Longshan City, Dorothy's relic, was frantically strengthened, transformed and upgraded by Nidhogg and the Knights of the Round Table in the next two weeks, it still couldn't be saved in the end.

In the final battle with the Dragon Realm, the Dragon Mountain City, which was already armed with the ultimate weapon of destruction, was still destroyed by the concentrated fire of the Dragon Gods.

Even the Dragon King Nidhogg was helpless about this.

After all, she was not an omniscient and omnipotent true god, and she could not change the trend of fate.

So, although everyone was very sorry that they could not preserve their sister's relics, fortunately there was a backup plan, that is, to imitate Denise and turn another wonder city left by Dorothy, the Holy City Pandora, into the underworld, and transform Dragon Mountain City into the Land of the Dead.

So, Nibelungen was born.

However, what none of them expected was that after the Nibelungen was reborn on the remains of Dragon Mountain City, an accident happened.

This fortress city, which they had never been able to successfully summon spirits no matter how hard they tried, was inexplicably awakened after rebirth.

Well, it gave birth to spiritual intelligence and gave birth to the ship soul? Or should it be called the city spirit.

Anyway, this thing really came back to life after dying once.

For this special situation, even Nidhogg was confused, and everyone called the God King to help check.

And Denise just remembered a sentence Dorothy once said in the Witch Night.

"Keep working hard. Although my Dragon Mountain is successful, I hope that when I come again next time, I can see your own Dragon Mountain." (Chapter 550)

Think about it, a warship can only be awakened in the hands of a real shipbuilder, and this Dragon Mountain City is Dorothy's work, so Nidhogg and the Knights of the Round Table cannot give it spirituality no matter how hard they try to upgrade it.

But after the destruction of the original Dragon Mountain City, the new Nibelungen is their own work, and this is the real birth of spiritual intelligence.

But no matter what, everyone is still very happy about the birth of Nibelungen.

After all, this child is just like the child they created with Dorothy, and is loved by all the dragon heads.

It was a bit cruel to let such a child grow up in the cold and silent underworld, so the Knights of the Round Table finally decided to "revive" him.

After a round-table vote, Morgan was finally chosen as the mother of the child. After all, Morgan was a ship girl, and she was the same kind as the city spirit of Nibelungen. Moreover, Sister Morgan was the most gentle and steady among the dragon heads, so it would definitely be good for her to be the mother.

As for the role of "father", the dragon heads looked at each other and finally had to choose Arthur.

There was no way, the other dragon heads were all bad spirits, and they were very self-aware. If they became fathers, they would definitely lead their children astray.

As for the dragon king Nidhogg, forget it. Arthur was still a human being after all, and that guy was already half a god.

God loves the world, but will not favor one person, unless that person is Dorothy, Denise or Adam.

However, now the facts have proved that these bad guys are really not suitable for raising children. I thought Arthur would be a little strict, but at least the child would not grow up crooked. But now it seems that it is better to let it grow up crooked.

Arthur is the one who is least suitable to be a father.

Mordred is a good child. She has always been an excellent and hardworking person. She has always longed to be recognized by her "father", but every time she achieved a certain achievement and went to her father happily to seek recognition and praise, the result was always a sentence "You should not be proud of this. You are my child. These achievements are natural. Your goals and vision should be longer-term."

In fact, the fact that Arthur, a perfectionist, can say such words instead of criticism has already proved Mordred's excellence.

If you want this guy to praise you directly, you have to really surpass her achievements.

But it would be too difficult to surpass her. After all, although Arthur's strength seems to be only fourth among the dragon heads, not as good as Nidhogg, Guinevere and Morgan, you have to know that this guy was once the weakest dragon head.

Most of the dragon heads are born strong. Let's not talk about Nidhogg. Guinevere was also born as a witch noble, and Morgan is a spiritual creature. Even though Lancelot himself started as a slave and it was miserable, his race was still the Moon Lionheart Rabbit among the Moon Rabbit species.

But Arthur started as a human.

When Nidhogg summoned many dragon heads, the other dragon heads were all extraordinary species, you elves, I goblins, she giants and so on, only Arthur, a chicken human knight, was out of tune with everyone.

But now you look at it again, this guy has climbed to the fourth place by relying on abnormal self-discipline, and her growth history is a real counterattack legend.

Even until now, she is still making progress. After tens of thousands of years, everyone has no doubt that she can grow into the strongest dragon head under Nidhogg.

After all, Nidhogg is only the Dragon King in name only. In fact, the entire Knights of the Round Table are the real Dragon King, and all the dragon heads are kings.

And Mordred is just a child. Even though she was born as a city spirit, she is just an ordinary sage. There is still a distance between her and the king. It is really too much for Arthur to criticize the child with her own standards.

But this can't be blamed entirely on Arthur. After all, this guy really raised Mordred as his own daughter. Everyone has seen her efforts and teachings over the years. If you ask yourself, other dragon heads can't do what she did, even self-taught a whole set of parenting teaching in order to better raise children.

But perfectionism is her innate nature and the basis of her existence. This is not something she can change if she wants to.

So, seeing that the contradiction between "father and son" is getting bigger and bigger, Mordred has become more and more inferior and more and more extreme because of the lack of recognition for a long time. The round table meeting unanimously decided that this can't go on, and the child has to change a father.

As for the choice of the new father.

Well, there is no one more suitable than Dorothy. After all, Longshan City is the creation of this sister. Arthur and Morgan only gave the child a physical body. They are the parents in the flesh, but the biological father in existence can only be Dorothy.

It's time to take the child to recognize his relatives.

"Dorothy, take a good look at this child, Mordred."

Lancelot pulled the blonde girl who had been looking down with a melancholy expression forward, and then forcibly lifted her head with his hands, and then pushed aside the hair that always blocked her face, so that her face could be better revealed.

Dorothy, who didn't understand, really obediently looked at the face of the ultimate weapon girl.

"Well, she's pretty, what's wrong?"

She still asked in confusion.

To be honest, this Miss Mordred is really beautiful, and her appearance is only slightly worse than that of the little junior sister Audrey, which is close to the ceiling of natural appearance.

But in Dorothy's opinion, it's just like that. Although she likes to look at beautiful women on weekdays, she looks shy, but in fact, she just talks about it and won't be really misled by beauty. After all, no one is as beautiful as her.

But her inability to see it doesn't mean that others can't see it.

As soon as they saw Mordred's appearance, the expressions of the sisters around them all changed. Sophielia frowned, senior Mia widened her eyes, Madeline and Audrey narrowed their eyes, and only Alice was heartless.

So, the straightforward little witch exclaimed directly.

"Oh my god, sister, this sister looks a bit like you."

Dorothy: "."

"Go, go, don't talk nonsense, I don't look like this"

The witch subconsciously scolded her sister, but fortunately she suppressed the last word "ugly" in time.

Then she looked at the final weapon lady carefully.

Oh my god, how come this eyebrow is really similar to mine when you look closely, no wonder it can be close to the peak of appearance.

But this child has nothing to do with me, I swear, I didn't cheat on Arthur or Morgan, and I, a little witch who just turned sixteen, how can I have such a child who is hundreds of years old.


The witch was about to pass the buck, but Guinevere couldn't stand Lancelot's beating around the bush.

"Mordred is actually the soul of the Nibelung, Dorothy, you didn't fail to recognize what the Nibelung was before, did you? This child is actually the child of you and Arthur Morgan."

The Queen came clean.

Dorothy: "."


When she said this, everyone present was stunned, including Mordred himself.

Only Lancelot covered his face with a slap.

Damn, Guinevere, you are such a bad teammate, it's not time to come clean.

The witch is happy to be a father.

Sibo, do you know that there is a sword that is very filial?

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