House Witch

Chapter 1115 1114 The Hunt Begins

Chapter 1115 1114. The hunting begins

"Lady Euphelia."

Mavis saluted her master very respectfully.

"Sorry, Mavis, have I disturbed your vacation? You don't need to worry about us, I will bring these children here to hunt."

Euphilia waved her hand, signaling to her confidant that there was no need to be polite.

"How can this be an interruption? Lady Euphilia, your will is the meaning of our legion's existence, and it is our duty to manage this ranch for you. Please allow me to assist you in your hunting as a servant."

The petite Time Dragon Witch raised her head and looked at the Dragon Queen with burning eyes. Her big, beautiful silver eyes revealed unabashed longing and expectation.

"It's really unnecessary, Mavis. The protagonists this time are the children, and I'm just accompanying them. And I've also said that at work we are monarchs, but in private we are friends. This is private time. You really It doesn’t have to be like this.”

Euphilia warned again with a sincere look.

Although she was strict in running the army, she was not the kind of bastard boss who didn't distinguish between public and private matters. She never liked to use her subordinates on vacation to deal with personal matters.

Especially since Mavis in front of her is not only her subordinate, but also her former school girl. This school girl used to be a famous genius. With her strength and talent, she should have been able to join a more famous battle group, but In the end, he resolutely chose to join the Legion of Destruction, which had not yet emerged at that time, amid everyone's confusion and doubts.

What a deep friendship between schoolmates.

Although she did take good care of this elementary school girl when she was in the academy, Euphilia didn't feel that her little effort at the beginning could compare with the support and help Mavis received in the years after.

Therefore, Euphilia was really grateful to this school girl who helped her in times of need. She had never really regarded him as a subordinate who could be manipulated at will. She had always shown her full respect and truly treated her as a younger sister.

Even among the Legion of Destruction, Mavis is the chief of staff second only to her.

"No, no, no, Lady Euphilia, this is really not troublesome. I just want to hunt. I like hunting the most. Please let me accompany you."

The exquisite doll-like Time Dragon Witch shook her head repeatedly, and then said this with some clumsiness.

"Um, is that right?"

Euphilia tilted her head in confusion.

"Yeah, yeah, that's true."

Mavis nodded wildly.

"Then let's go together, but today I am mainly accompanying Dorothy to find materials for the evolution potion. Is it okay if I can't just choose my prey?"

Long Ma asked still a little worried.

"It's okay, it's all okay, Lady Euphilia, I won't choose."

The Time Dragon Witch said happily.

The dragon's tail under her magic robe was slapping the ground.

Dorothy: "."

I stare

The otaku witch watched the conversation between her mother and the Time Dragon aunt, and then blinked.

Ah this

She turned her head and looked at her naive Dragon Mother, and then at Mavis, who almost had her thoughts written directly on her face, and then her smile slowly turned to Aniya.

Hehe, I got a big melon.

But think about it, my mother is so outstanding, beautiful and rich, so it would be strange if she doesn't have any suitors around her.

It's a pity that Long Ma's character is all naive except for her strong ambition. This is really a piece of wood.

Thinking of this, Dorothy shook her head, feeling that Aunt Mavis felt uncomfortable.

But she had no intention of meddling in other people's business.

Although she had matched Adam and Annie in the past, they were in love at that time, and the concubine was willing to be in love with each other, so she just went along with the flow. But the current situation of Long Ma is completely due to Mavis' unrequited love, and her mother is obviously You really treat each other as your sister.

Alas, the poor loser heroine can't win at all.

However, while she was busy eating the melon, Long Ma also looked at her, as if she wanted to ask her opinion.

Naturally, the house witch has no objection to this. After all, although Mother Long has no idea about Miss Mavis, she does. She is greedy for this young aunt.


At that moment, she took a step forward and greeted the Time Dragon Witch politely.

"Lord Mavis, please give me your advice."

However, the Time Dragon Witch opposite looked at her with a somewhat complicated expression.

There is disgust, appreciation, jealousy, regret, and love.

It's very complicated anyway.

In the end, Mavis was neither distant nor close, as if he was just a retainer giving a formal salute to the lady of the house.

"Miss, it is my duty to take care of you, you don't need to be polite."

Dorothy didn't care much about this, and she didn't expect the other party to be very enthusiastic about her love rival's daughter.

Oh, although Adam is not a love rival at all, poor dad has always been a tool in Ma Long's heart, at most a partner.

In this way, the hunting team expanded again.

After that, everyone took a short rest in the outpost castle.

Well, it’s mainly to let Dorothy and other little witches who come to this ranch world for the first time adapt to the rules here. They also need to adapt to their slightly suppressed strength before hunting, so as not to make mistakes due to this discomfort when hunting later.

The house witch adapted to this very quickly. She found that the suppression of this ranch world on her was not really that great. After all, she was originally a dragon witch, and her abilities were all biased towards dragons. She was almost adapted after a little habit.

She even found that if she cast spells in dragon language here, it seemed to be able to gain a certain degree of enhancement.

In addition, she found that it seemed more suitable to use some physical abilities here, such as combat or transformation abilities. It can only be said that dragons are worthy of being a race with the peak of physical development, and even the world rules of the dragon world are more inclined to this aspect.

And senior sister Mia felt similar to her. Both of them were dragon witches and were not greatly damaged.

Madeline, as a succubus witch, was originally a physical system, so she was fine.

It was Alice, Audrey, and Sophielia who were greatly affected.

After all, Sophielia was not the first time to come to this ranch world, and she had adapted to it long ago, but the two sisters were really miserable and bitter.

During the rest time, the dragon mother also told them the hunting targets for today.

"Today our main prey is two kinds, one is the cockatrice and the other is the rock snake dragon."

Euphilia snapped her fingers and used magic to construct the appearance of two dragon beasts.

"In fact, the best choice is the true dragon species of the snake king dragon or the snake emperor dragon, but unfortunately these two ancient dragons are rare species even in the dragon world, and they are not common. We don't have them in the ranch world, or we don't have them now."

"But there is a cemetery of the snake king dragon in the ranch world a long time ago. Its power after death has nourished many sub-dragons or dragon beasts with dragon and snake power."

"Among them, the most useful for the Eye of Deterrence specialty are the cockatrice and the rock snake dragon."

Dorothy looked at the appearance of the two dragon beasts constructed by the dragon mother.

Well, the names of these two dragon beasts are appropriate.

The cockatrice looks like a chicken with a snake tail, but it only looks a few dozen meters tall. And according to the story of the dragon mother, the body that looks like a chicken is actually the tail, and the real body is the snake body that looks like the tail.

The eyes of the cockatrice have the ability to make people fall into fear at a glance, which is indeed similar to the ability of the Eye of Deterrence.

The rock snake looks like a big snake made of stone. It is huge, but it usually moves underground and likes to burrow. Its snake eyes are similar to Medusa's petrifying magic eyes, both of which can petrify people.

To be honest, these two dragon beasts are not very powerful, but they are not easy to catch.

"Among them, cockatrices are very timid and live in groups. You can only try to sneak attack them. Otherwise, once they discover you, a cock crows, and then the heads of the entire group of dragons will look at you together. Then even the peak witch will fall into fear and be unable to extricate herself. And once they are startled, they will be on high alert for several days. It is difficult for you to have a second chance."

"Rock snakes live alone, but these guys usually move underground and rarely show their heads. You can try to lure them up with bait, but this kind of dragon beast is very sensitive to the movement on the ground, so even after setting up the trap, you can only hide farther and observe, and the attack can only be long-range sniping. Similarly, if you make a mistake, it will immediately dive underground and not come out for several days."

Mavis also took the initiative to take over the words of the dragon mother and began to explain the difficulties of hunting to everyone.

Dorothy couldn't help but look at her mother after hearing this.

Good guy, this is a sneak attack and a sniper, isn't it clear that I have to test the accuracy of the bow?

The witch of the house felt that the mother of dragons had chosen these two dragon beasts to test herself, or to dissuade her dream of bombardment.

But she was not the kind of person who would give up when faced with difficulties.

A little difficulty makes it challenging, and she was a little motivated.

Soon, the rest was over, and the group began their hunting journey.

This time, the mother of dragons did not summon the dragon and snake spirit to take them flying, because it would make too much noise and scare away all the dragon beasts, and there would be no hunting.

So, everyone chose to ride on brooms and fly slowly and low-key.

Dorothy took out the birthday gift that Alice had just given her from her pocket, the light chaser that looked like a heavy motorcycle.

Well, although the little witch obviously gave her her favorite thing as a gift, it must be said that she really gave the right gift this time. The witch of the house felt that the ordinary broom she bought at the beginning of the school was a little insufficient, and just wanted to change one, but Alice gave her such a top-grade broom.

Of course, if possible, the witch of the house doesn't really like this kind of broom with too flashy a shape, which doesn't fit her usual low-key personality, but since it's a birthday gift from her lovely sister, Dorothy doesn't mind being high-profile occasionally.

Hehehe, how do you know this is a gift from my lovely sister? How about it, has your sister ever given you any gifts? Oh, sorry, I forgot that most witches are only children. Sorry, it turns out you don't have a lovely sister.

Well, the Fairy King really likes this Light Chaser. When Dorothy first received the broom, she tried to let this guy go for a ride, but the bastard still had a full mouth of sarcasm and laughed at everyone he saw.

It's really abominable. Sometimes Dorothy really can't imagine how a socially anxious otaku like her can have such a "socially anxious" incarnation. Where did this thing inherit its twisted personality from?

However, this new broom does feel good, and it also comes with a soft and comfortable cushion. Finally, she doesn't have to use magic to build a cushion every time she flies, especially Dorothy is still a traditional riding school, not a side-sitting school. If she doesn't use magic to build a cushion, the broom will easily flip over in various senses.

The only problem is that the speed of this Light Chaser is really too fast. If Dorothy is not careful, the "magic gate" may increase and leave her companions behind. She needs to brake appropriately to suppress the speed.

However, Dragon Mother and Mavis only brought everyone to the valley entrance filled with miasma and poisonous fog and stopped.

"Okay, this is the cemetery of the ancient snake king dragon. We will not give you any hints next. After all, hunting is more interesting if you find prey by yourself."

Euphilia said to everyone.

"Well, then mother, you just wait and see. It's just hunting, watch us easily catch it."

Dorothy didn't have any opinion on this.

It's just for better performance next time, so she switched to the fairy king, so she seemed a little arrogant at this time.

It's just that the fairy king only needs to talk, and the witch of the house needs to consider more things.

She looked at the miasma and poisonous things that blocked her vision around her, and she felt a little overwhelmed.

The difficulty of the game has increased again. Mother, you didn't say before that the vision in this place is so bad. Playing sniping in this ghost place is really tormenting.

The mark of the magic talisman flashed in the eyes of the witch. She tried to use the Qi-seeing technique to enhance her vision, but it was still useless.

The miasma and poison in this valley are the remains of the ancient dragon's corpse, which contains powerful dragon magic. Therefore, it is not something that can be seen through by ordinary pupil techniques. Even if she uses the Qi-seeing technique to enhance it, she can still only see the range of less than 100 meters nearby.

Fortunately, she is not fighting alone.

At this moment, Dorothy looked at Sophielia and Audrey beside her.

These two sisters have high-level magic eyes, and their vision is definitely better than hers in this environment.

Sure enough, the pure white witch was still very calm. She wanted to point the way, but after thinking about it, she glanced at the eager little fox beside her, and she finally didn't speak.

"Senior sister, I will show the way."

Audrey looked at the angel witch gratefully, and then took the initiative to say happily.

The fox is pointing the way.

Audrey, please show some courage, wuwuwu, the vixen is being ruthlessly crushed by the queen

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