House Witch

Chapter 1138 1137 Weighing Anchor and Setting Sail

Chapter 1138 1137. Anchors raised and sailed

Well, strictly speaking, the Golden Princess is the second work of Dorothy's shipbuilding workshop, and this workshop itself is the real zero-ship.

When Dorothy designed these workshops, she had already thought that these workshops should not be the kind of fixed immovable property that cannot be moved. After all, she will soon go to the Intelligent Wasteland, and there is a high probability that she will not be able to return in a short time. So it is not good to let this wonder workshop that has been built with great difficulty be left in the Territory of Glory to gather dust all the time, right?

So, her workshop should be movable.

If this requirement is made to architects of other schools, then the architects may have been so angry that they would start to send guests away with a broom, but fortunately Dorothy is from the Noel Rose school, and the Spider teacher taught her the construction technology of giant war puppets, so it is not difficult for her to build a movable workshop.

However, although they are the same master and apprentice, there are some small differences between Dorothy and Spider.

If Spider built these workshops, then these workshops would probably be built into giant spider-shaped fortresses. When they want to be stationed, the spider legs will be rooted in place, and when they want to move, the spider legs will stretch out to support the huge workshop and start moving.

Well, Spider is still a traditional architect after all. She is down-to-earth. Even if her architecture and puppetry are integrated to a certain extent, the pattern is still limited.

But Dorothy is not only a shipbuilder who inherited Spider's mantle, so how can shipbuilding be so inconvenient?

Giant war fortresses are buildings, so can't my giant base mothership be a building?

In many games that Dorothy played in her previous life, there were those cool mothership bases. When moving, they were fleet flagships, and when stationed, they were the center of the base, and they could produce all kinds of war materials at any time.

Although the setting in the game is unreal, the witch of the house thinks that this function can be turned into reality.

So, she gave it a try, and it was successful as expected.

Well, it was not completely successful.

Originally, she wanted to build only one transformable super-giant workshop, but she found that if all the desired functions were put into one building at the same time, the structure would be too complicated, and she was not capable of building it at that time.

So she had no choice but to simplify it, splitting one workshop into the current six, and letting these six workshops take on different functions, and finally combining them into one.

Well, that is, you will form the engine, she will form the radar, and I will form the magic furnace.

Facts have proved that this has indeed reduced the difficulty of construction a lot, and the final product has basically met Dorothy's design expectations.

The only regret is that this structure that often splits and then merges also means that this workshop mothership cannot complete the final infusion of spirits, which means that the Nephthys is destined not to become a true legendary warship, even though the hardware parameters of this thing are definitely far ahead of many legendary warships.

But it doesn't matter. Although there is no innate ship girl, we can still have acquired ship girls.

"Master, the Nephthys has completed the preparations for sailing."

A beautiful maid who looks three or four points like the witch of the house, but is already beautiful beyond description, suddenly projected out of the huge pyramid-shaped metal warship.

This is Dorothy's intelligent mechanical familiar Zero.

Well, in fact, the Nephthys is not only the six workshops, but also Dorothy's small sky island-the witch's home, which also participated in the merger, and she also formed the "head".

Of course, this head is naturally not the top of the pyramid, but the meaning of the brain.

As early as when the witch built the witch's house, she had already integrated Zero's intelligent heart into the sky island, making the witch's house the "body" of Zero.

Now, she has built the Nephthys for Zero again. As long as the six workshops are combined with the witch's house as the core when they merge and transform, it is equivalent to the "driver" sitting in the "mech cockpit".

In this way, the Nephthys naturally has a ship spirit in disguise

What, you said that this kind of ship girl is simply evil, without a soul, and the driver mode is ultimately not as good as the soul-ship integration of a true legendary battleship.

But who told you that this is a ship girl?

I am a nerd, okay, it's not okay that the house has become a spirit?

The witch's house is a building, and the six wonder workshops are undoubtedly buildings. After the seven buildings merge, it is just an expansion of the house. Who can say that the expanded house is not my home?

We nerds are not as precious as ship girls, we are easy to support.


In short, although the Nephthys looks like a battleship, it has all the functions that a battleship should have, and it also has functions that a battleship does not have, but it is still essentially a house.

When it disintegrated and unfolded, it was the shipbuilding workshop Star Industries. Now after the fusion, we are the Civil Society Witch House.

Star Industries is an arms dealer. What does it have to do with my Witch House?

Dorothy looked at the huge pyramid battleship that covered the sky and the sun above her head, and she thought so in her heart.

Although she was the only one who thought so.

After all, whether it was the sisters around her or the onlookers on the dock, they were all stunned by the scene of the fusion and transformation.

Ah? No, can warships be played like this?

The witches opened the door to a new world.

But this had nothing to do with Dorothy. After the Nephthys was fused, Dorothy began to call people.

She snapped her fingers again,

"The moon is coming."

The witch whispered.

However, she was not the Black Impermanence who borrowed the body of Senior Fanny before, so she naturally did not have the ability to support the power of saying what she wanted.

So, she was just pretending to be cool.

But as soon as she finished speaking, there was a flash of starlight in the sky, but soon the starlight expanded rapidly, getting bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a bright moon.

However, this was not the native moon of the witch world, but an alien moon world.

The Moon Rabbit World came in response to the call.

"Wow, what a beautiful moon, it looks like it's made of crystal."

"You're ignorant, it's not crystal, it's actually jade, which is said to be a special gem loved by the immortals in the East."

"Hey, there's a sea on this moon, but the water is a bit strange, I wonder if it's mercury? But it's pretty."

"Not only is there a sea, there are also palaces and people, wow, the lady standing at the top of the palace with two pairs of wings on her waist is so beautiful."

"It's really super beautiful, but why does it feel a bit like a young lady? A young lady with rabbit ears?"

"That's the Moon Rabbit, okay? I heard that there is a Moon Rabbit World under the command of the young lady, but I didn't expect it to be true?"

"Of course it's true. When the young lady reshaped the Moon Rabbit World, she also did a live broadcast. Old fans know it?"

"Oh my god, no way, could this beautiful moon be the broken dead moon?"

The moonlight was like water, and everyone looked up at the bright moon and talked about it again. Some old fans did recognize the origin of this moon world, but they were even more shocked.

But it's no wonder that everyone was so surprised, after all, the moon that was once on the verge of death has been completely resurrected.

This is all thanks to the gift of the squid evil god who had already eaten in the food warehouse of the Dragon King's Palace.

At that time, the squid evil god tried to lure Dorothy with the heart of the world in the deep sea world, and the witch of the house naturally accepted the generous gift of the evil god.

It just so happened that the Moon Rabbit World was still missing a key heart of the world from its true rebirth.

Originally, Dorothy was thinking about going to the auction house after making money to see if she could buy a heart of the world for the Moon Rabbits, but thanks to the kind-hearted evil god who did good things without hesitation and did not leave his name, she now saved money.

Although the Ocean Heart of the Deep Sea World and the Moon Heart of the Moon Rabbit World are not perfectly comparable, they can still be used.

After all, according to the logic of the immortals in the Eastern Universe, both are pure yin treasures with a certain degree of interoperability, and the moon has a certain power connection with the ocean, and the rise and fall of the tide is related to the moon.

So, Dorothy thought that maybe it could be installed, and then she installed it.

It turned out that it could be installed. After installing the Heart of the Ocean, the Moon Rabbit World was indeed fully restored. However, due to the characteristics of the Heart of the Ocean, this new Moon Rabbit World was somewhat different from the original one. For example, there was an additional layer of mercury sea around the moon. This narrow ocean surrounding the world was like a streamer of the Moon Palace Fairy, lingering around the Moon Rabbit World.

As the Moon God, the streamer that Xiao Wu had originally had on his body, who was standing at the top of the attic of the Moon Rabbit Palace and guiding the entire Moon Rabbit World, was also made of mercury, which made him look more sacred and cold.

"My Lord, the Moon Rabbit Knights are ready to be your sharp blade at any time."

The beautiful Moon Rabbit Knights came in the moonlight, and the leader, Miss Zhaoyue Lionheart Rabbit, said this to Dorothy fanatically and devoutly.

In response, Dorothy nodded to Sidwell, and then continued to wave people.


She whispered again.

Then, the sky suddenly brightened, and a sun broke through the boundary between illusion and reality, and she rose from the spirit world to reality.

This was not the fourth sun in the witch world, but also an external sun.

If you stare at the sun, you can find that the core of the sun is a three-legged crow, and in the body of this huge illusory golden crow there is a beautiful island full of oriental charm.

Dongying Island, this fairy island that has only existed in legends in the past, has appeared in the world again.

This once again made the surrounding witches stare at the golden crow fairy island in the sun. Even though staring at the sun all the time can easily blind you, they still stared at the golden crow fairy island in the sun with their eyes wide open.

Some witches with magic eyes or special pupil skills can also see that there is a majestic shrine palace on the highest peak of the fairy island. In the square of the temple, a beautiful woman wearing strange and luxurious red and white priest costumes is dancing an ancient and sacred dance.

From the terrifying pressure around him, one can sense that he is a sage-level strongman, and the Great Sun Golden Crow is the manifestation of her power.

And under the high mountain there is a magnificent city, and in the city there are countless witches wearing swords and armor who are ready to go, with amazing momentum, as if the whole city is full of soldiers.

If you look closely, you will find that the quality of witches in this city is a bit scary. There are almost great witches everywhere. The leaders standing on the city wall seem to have peak momentum.

On the opposite side of the mountain, there is another strange and gloomy mountain. There are many demons dancing on the mountain, but there are also many foxes. There is a luxurious restaurant on the top of the mountain. Countless beauties are singing and dancing in the building, and all kinds of evil monsters are enjoying the banquet.

As if she noticed the curious eyes of the witches outside, the drunken courtesan lying on the main seat of the banquet raised the wine bowl in her hand high and smiled, as if inviting everyone to drink together.

"Wow, the Japanese island, the young lady really went there and conquered the island, and the demon shadow before was actually real?"

"The dancing lady's profession is called a witch, right? She is so beautiful. I like that dress."

"I still like the oiran lady on the monster mountain."

"Aren't the Yin-Yang masters in the city attractive?"

"Damn it, I envy the young lady every day, she can always enjoy this exotic style."

"Girls, I want to eat Western food."

The eyes of the passers-by who were eating melons were all sour at this time.

However, the more sour they were, the more proud Dorothy was.

Hehehe, this is the kingdom that I have worked so hard to build.

At this point, the sun and the moon appeared in the sky above the golden pyramid spaceship, and all living beings bowed down.

Dorothy finally shook everyone.

However, her mother thought she was not finished yet.

The huge dragon and snake martial spirit behind Euphilia emerged and issued a loud dragon roar.

This majestic roar resounded through the sky and was soon responded to.

"Roar, roar, roar"

There were dragon roars coming from not far away, and then the sky was covered by continuous shadows again.

However, this time it was not a warship, but it was better than a warship.

The wings of the huge ancient dragons covered the sky. These huge beasts, which were obviously flesh and blood, were the pinnacle of physical evolution, and each had a strong physique comparable to a warship.

The dragons never rode on warships when fighting, and their dragon bodies were natural biological warships.

No matter how hard the warship armor is, it can't compare to the perfect dragon body that has been tempered for thousands of times. This is not the self-praise of the dragons, but the reality.

Not to mention that there are knights wearing gorgeous battle robes standing on these ancient dragons.

In the stagnation of the crowd, the ancient dragon cavalry came again.

"Miss, the dragon cavalry corps is assembled, and our dragon roar will be the horn of your victory."

Standing on the back of the huge ancient power dragon, the time dragon Mavis said so.

"Then, all troops, weigh anchor. There are no enemies ahead of us."

Dorothy is giving the order

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