House Witch

Chapter 1141 1140 The future natural disaster that is stillborn

Chapter 1141 1140. Stillborn future natural disaster

In fact, it was not Dorothy who discovered this talent, but Senior Sister Fanny above her. The Otaku Witch was about to leave, but Senior Sister suddenly pulled her hair.

"Xianbao, do you see the corner of the cage over there? I always feel that the alien squatting in the corner is a little different."

Hat-senpai said this in Dorothy's ear.

Regarding this, the otaku witch also narrowed her eyes. She followed the senior sister's reminder and looked towards a huge cage not far away.

It was a quite messy cage, and the cage contained a group of dirty-dressed aliens. Their appearance was even more ugly according to human aesthetics. Each of them looked like an enlarged version of anthropomorphic bugs.

There is a saying that "exiled talents" with this kind of appearance are considered to be the lowest, and it is difficult to be "adopted". There is no way, most witches are a little ugly, the more in line with human aesthetics, the more beautiful they are." The more popular "Exile Talent" is, ahem, the easier it is to be redeemed.

For example, the Elf Clan, the Moon Rabbit Clan, the Mermaid Clan, etc.

But bugs

Most human girls are afraid of bugs. Although witches are already evolved humans, most witches still inherit some of the traits of human women, including their fear of bugs.

Well, it can't be said that they are afraid. After all, after forcing them to panic, all the bugs were gone after a round of magic bombardment. The witches just have a physiological aversion to bugs and other creatures.

Of course, this is just the case for most witches, and it does not represent all witches. There will always be exceptions if there are too many witches. Some witches not only don't hate bugs, but may also be bug addicts.

Because of this, the "insect people" in this cage were not directly destroyed, but became so-called exiled talents, and were brought to this market specially. The shop owner may just want to try his luck and see if he can meet them. With a few heavy-tasting customers, she could still make a small profit from the rare items.

But obviously, the shop owner's luck was not very good. Judging from the poor environment in the cage, it was obvious that these "exile talents" had been detained for a long time.

Dorothy didn't hate bugs, although she couldn't say she liked them much. She just thought a few bugs were quite handsome, such as hornworms, praying mantises, and spiders.

And she squinted her eyes and looked at the insect men, but she didn't find anything worthy of special attention.

To be honest, the quality of this group of insect-men is really average. They are not a powerful race. Their physical fitness is relatively excellent among the bronze species, but their magical ability does not seem to be very good. The demons in these insect-men are They are not very powerful, and they are obviously not a race that is good at using magic.

Therefore, in a comprehensive evaluation, it is just an ordinary middle-to-upper-level bronze species. Calculating the world strength from the race, if these insect people are considered the dominant race in their hometown, then their home world is probably just a stronger small one. Just the world.

In short, from the perspective of cost performance, this group of insect men is completely uncompetitive. Except for fanatical insect lovers, no other witch would be willing to take over such a group of ugly servants without strength and beauty.

However, when Dorothy followed Sister Fanny's reminder and looked at the corner of the huge cage, she was also stunned when she saw the slender figure curled up with his arms wrapped around his knees.

Judging from the figure, this bug-man is probably a female. Because her head is buried in her arms, she can't see her face clearly, but judging from the "terrifying" looks of the fellow bug-men around her, Look, it's better not to be too curious about this. Appearance has nothing to do with these bugs. They are all protagonists who can directly participate in horror movies without makeup.

But I have to say that if you ignore the many insect-like characteristics of this female insect man, such as carapace, bone spurs, tentacles, etc., this guy still has a very good figure, with a standard good figure with bulging front and back.

Although it was difficult for Dorothy to understand why these insect people still need lordosis. Are these insect people also mammals, so they need lactation organs?

Well, forget it, this is not biology class time. There are so many strange-looking alien species in the Western Universe. Besides, who stipulates that two water bags hanging on the chest must be mammals? Some particularly weird races have What's involved is actually energy storage organs, attack organs, and even excretion organs.

Living organisms are amazing, right?

Anyway, according to idealism, most intelligent creatures in the Western Universe have a certain degree of "human form". This is simply because the Creator looks like this. Creatures always look forward to the Creator and will unnaturally imitate and get closer to his form.

This can be regarded as a kind of convergent evolution.

In short, it doesn't matter what this female insect-man looks like, what matters is.

"Um, senior sister, I didn't see anything."

Dorothy scratched the hat on her head and said this awkwardly.

Well, she really didn’t see what was special about this female bug-man. No matter how you looked at it, this female bug-man was considered an underdeveloped existence among the bug-people. Both her physical fitness and magic power were far inferior to those around her. Those of the same race.

But the Otaku Witch failed to see that the problem was already a problem in itself, and even this strangeness directly alarmed her inspiration, making her inspiration jump wildly, and she seemed to be in a hurry to tell Dorothy something.

So, the otaku witch's mind instantly emerged with the plots of movies she had seen in her previous life, such as insect plagues, Zerg wars, and aliens.

In fact, there was no need for inspiration to remind her. As an otaku with a rich imagination, Dorothy had already thought of this kind of development when she turned around and saw such a group of insect people after being reminded by her senior.

It's just that she couldn't believe that she could encounter potential seeds of natural disasters just by strolling around. Could it be that someone was arranging this for her?

But now that the inspiration has been moved, Dorothy can only believe it even if she doesn't want to believe it.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot that Xibao you are an idiot about fate. You can ask your little housekeeper what she can see."

Hearing Dorothy's words, Senior Fanny was silent for a while, and then said so.

Dorothy: "."

Damn, although the senior sister said the reality, she always felt that she seemed to be despised.

So, the shivering witch turned around and pulled the corner of Sophielia's clothes beside her, and then sent a voice message to ask her to help take a look, while she wanted to take a look herself.

Well, who said that her fate was stupid? My prediction was 100% accurate, so awesome that I was afraid of it myself.

So, she took out a gold coin from her pocket and flicked her finger.

The witch's coin game started.

She didn't believe it. Could it be such a coincidence?

Although she regretted it a little after the impulse, after all, her divination was really weird, and she was about to go to the battlefield. Don't wait to see something she didn't want to see like last time.

"Tails, tails."

But the magic has been activated, and the prophecy magic can't be stopped casually once it is activated, otherwise it is easy to suffer the backlash of fate, and she will be unlucky for a while, so Dorothy can only pray that her divination failed.

But the gold yuan obviously knew how to turn against the milk, so when the gold yuan fell, Dorothy fell into deep thought as she looked at her good sister wearing armor and holding the Holy Fire Sword.

"Denisa, you really don't have to favor me so much."

She complained silently in her heart, and then closed her eyes resignedly.

Even with her eyes closed, pictures still appeared in front of her.

She saw the endless swarms of insects sweeping across the entire Western Universe, saw

saw the magnificent scene of billions of insect armies collectively becoming civil insects at the construction site, saw the spectacular buildings rising from the ground at an incredible speed, saw the beautiful and enchanting queen in the center of the insect swarm construction team holding the architectural drawings and commanding the world, and naturally saw this beautiful and dreamy insect queen looking at a familiar figure wearing a safety helmet in front of her with longing and piety

She meowed, how could this not be familiar?

"Then she meowed is me, okay."

The witch of the house roared in her heart and opened her eyes.

Bad news, she did meet the future Zerg queen.

Good news, there is no Zerg natural disaster that symbolizes destruction and despair, only the Zerg construction team that represents progress and construction.

"Damn, how come I look at myself from a third-party perspective, why do I feel that my style is so funny?"

Dorothy couldn't help complaining about herself.

At this time, the pure white witch next to her just took her eyes off the female Zerg.

"Miss, I originally saw countless futures in this Zerg, most of which were bad fates that symbolized destruction and fighting. This guy's life and future were destined to be full of tragedies, but suddenly all the fates collapsed, leaving only a fate that looked strange, but it was a good ending after all. Do you have anything to say about this?"

Sophieliya blinked and asked expressionlessly.

Well, her Destiny Magic Eye can observe the fate of all beings, and can even judge the fate at will, guiding the other party's fate from an uncertain future to a predetermined fate.

But even so, with her current strength, she is far from being able to be so domineering and strong to directly decide her fate.

Well, don't doubt it, this insect girl was just directly decided. She was supposed to experience endless suffering and eventually turn evil and embark on a life path of destruction. She just left the novice village and was kicked away to another path that was a bit ridiculous, but at least it was definitely a happy path.

So the question is, who has the ability to decide fate?

It's really hard to guess, after all, there are three people who have this ability?

But first of all, the two mothers in her family can be directly ruled out.



Dorothy: "."

The home witch, who was stared at and felt a little guilty, bowed directly.

"Red Bean Mud Private Marseille."

The Japanese Island Master used the second Japanese trick.

However, in fact, after hearing Sophielia's words, she was glad for her impulsiveness just now. She saved countless worlds inadvertently, right? This is so awesome.

However, compared to the somewhat exaggerated concept of saving the world, the witch of the house is more certain that you seem to have inadvertently saved the miserable life of this poor insect girl.

This is really great.

Dorothy thought with relief.

Although she has no ability to save everyone in this so-called talent market, it is good that her power can help others, even if it is just one person.

She is already very satisfied.

Just when she was about to go to the shop owner to "adopt" this cage of "exiled talents", someone around her had already stepped forward faster than her.

"Boss, we want these insects."

Senior Mia said to the shop owner who was about to close the stall.

Well, it's not a day or two since she got along with her sweetheart. When Dorothy stopped and looked back at the cage of insects, the Golden Princess had already thought of the next bargaining purchase plan, and now she is just implementing it.

She will contract anything the little fairy likes.

So, in Dorothy's astonishment, Senior Mia used her superb bargaining and negotiation skills to persuade the shop owner who was already prepared to lose money.

The skill effect is outstanding.

This whole cage of hundreds of various insects was sold to Dorothy, an insect lover, at a bargaining price.

To be precise, she only spent the money for the iron cage, and these unsalable insects were all gifts.

Dorothy: "."

Girls, I went out to buy an iron cage today, and someone gave me a natural disaster seed as a gift. Natural disasters are really worthless these days.

However, since the insects have been captured, the group did not stay any longer. They carried the cage directly back to the fleet.

"Sister, why did you buy so many insects? They are so ugly. Oh, well, some of them are quite handsome."

After returning to the Nephthys, Alice, who had been holding back questions all the way, finally spoke and asked.

Audrey was unexpectedly bold on the side. She was curiously lying beside the cage and looking at these strange insects.

The little fox's social phobia target seems to be limited to witches. When it comes to other races, she immediately becomes super brave.

"Where are they ugly? These insects are obviously beautiful. Every kind of life is a miracle of evolution. Their shells, barbs, tentacles, and elytra are obviously full of the beauty of life."

She muttered in a low voice.

Well, this is what you learn from studying art. This aesthetic is indeed unique.

Madeline was watching her sister nervously, fearing that her sister would be hurt by the insect man in the cage.

As for the newcomers Wendy and Mordred, they also looked at the witch curiously. They were also very confused as to why the eldest lady bought these weak insect men.

In response, Dorothy directly waved to open the iron cage and then walked in.

"Hehehe, little bug, let your sister check your body."

She rubbed her hands and said this with a little expectation.

The witch is undergoing a physical examination.

For the sake of the swarm, we build, the swarm heavy industry, and are trustworthy.

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