House Witch

Chapter 398 Fleet 397 returns

Chapter 398 397. Fleet returns

Because there is no unified concept of time and space in the spiritual world, everything here is very abstract, so it is quite difficult to jump and navigate in the spiritual world. After all, you may not even know where the road is.

And everything around is also changing. Except for the sun incarnated by the three kings and the starry sky incarnated by the sage peaks and other big guys, everything else is constantly changing. Naturally, there are no signposts or anything like that. Identify the direction and position yourself.

Generally speaking, if you want to accurately go to a certain place or find a certain person in the spirit world, it is best to have a token as a location. If not, you have to remember the other person's breath or something, so that you can be between the two. Build a connection between them, and then navigate through this connection.

Well, the early spiritual world jumps were like this, but since the Demon King built the epoch-making miracle of the Demon Network, everything has become much more convenient.

Even if it is a place you have never been to, and there is no token or aura to guide you, but the other party has disclosed its location on the magic network, then you can follow it along the network line, which would be much easier.

The place Dorothy and others want to go today is a prosperous witch territory near the Witch Academy called Glory City.

This is a first-tier large city in the Kingdom of Angels. The founder of the territory is a loyal and powerful ancient angel witch who has been following the God King in his early years.

Of course, the ancient angel witch had long since passed on her throne to future generations, and she herself had long since entered the divine kingdom of the God King. She was too lazy to bother with those tedious affairs, and was focused on studying her own path to becoming a god.

But unlike most other families of angels and witches who are inferior to each other, this City of Glory lives up to its name. It is one of the few heterogeneous families who are striving to make progress among the generally depressed angels and witches.

Even if the heirs of the past generations cannot say that each generation is better than the previous generation, at least they are not satisfactory, and a genius or something will often appear every few generations, and after hundreds of thousands of years of development, it has become a country of angels and witches. The most prosperous territorial city in the country.

Well, it is even more prosperous than Witch Academy. After all, although Witch Academy is the capital and central territory of the Kingdom of Angels, it is also the ancestral land and has a special status.

However, the overall development of the college is still biased towards academic inheritance and cultural inheritance. At the same time, it is also worried that students will patronize and enjoy and affect their learning, so business and other things are basically in a similar state.

Therefore, if we only look at economic development, the Witch Academy may actually be in the middle or upper reaches of the Angel Kingdom, but this City of Glory is the economic center of the entire Angel Kingdom and is extremely prosperous.

After all, we were out for fun today, so naturally we had to go see a real big city, so Dorothy chose this glorious territory as her destination.

"Yeah, I understand, senior sister, just leave the navigation task to me."

Audrey was quite confident about this. She held her head high and controlled the fox puppet to ensure this.

"Yes, yes, our lives are all in your hands. Don't lead us into a ditch."

Seeing her junior sister like this, Dorothy didn't want to dampen the little fox's confidence, but she was actually a little panicked. After all, this socially fearful junior sister always gave people the impression that she was not very reliable.

"No way, I've been to that City of Glory before."

The little fox was questioned and glared at the bad senior sister again, and then angrily took out his spell book.

"Magic Network Access"

As the pages of the exquisite spell book in Audrey's hand turned, the power of the magic net was also drawn down.

Dorothy and others raised their heads and looked out from the hut on the back of the dragon, and saw the tip of the iceberg of the huge monster that spread all over the spiritual world.

There is no trace of the Magic Network in reality, just like mortals cannot sense mobile phone signals. However, in the spiritual world, this illusory network has an entity. In other words, the Magic Network was originally set up through the spiritual world. Those virtual networks The function of the magic network in reality is essentially to connect the human soul into the dream world that has been edited long ago in the spiritual world.

Now if Dorothy is willing, she can actually find the true form of games such as "Magic Network Duel" or "Battleship Collection" in the spirit world. Even though generally such magic network associations will hide their own spiritual worlds, but This is not a problem for the otaku witch.

It's possible to look for it, but it's not necessary. Moreover, there must be guards hired by game companies around this kind of artificial fantasy world. If you suddenly come to the door, you will easily be taken as a troublemaker.

"It's so beautiful."

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the manifested magic net outside, sighing with emotion.

At this time, an aurora-like celestial phenomenon suddenly appeared above everyone's heads. Those colorful lights were constantly changing, like a dream, but this endless aurora was like a huge spider web all over the entire spiritual world. The area covered may not even be the tip of the iceberg.

And as Audrey connected to the magic network, a rainbow suddenly formed in the aurora and fell from the sky. The bridge turned into a rainbow pointed the way for everyone.

The pure white beautiful dragon spreads its wings and soars between the rainbow and the aurora. There are seven colors on its head and seven colors below its body. Only the illusory dreams that are rapidly reversed around it are still unfettered and unpredictable.

No one knew exactly how long they had been flying. After all, time was meaningless in the dream-like spiritual world. A moment might be eternity, and eternity was just a moment.

Dorothy and others just saw that the rainbow bridge suddenly came to an end, and they understood that they had arrived at their destination.

So, the reality turns again.

The lifelike white dragon seemed to have hit a water mirror. The mirror surface rippled, the dragon crashed into it, and the battleship came out.

When the witches opened their eyes again and looked forward, the outline of a huge thing was already vaguely visible in the sea of ​​clouds in the distance.

It was a huge territory composed of countless large and small islands. At first glance, it was at least four to five times the size of Witch Academy.

It is so huge that even if it is far away, people still cannot completely take the entire city into their sight.

"I'll go, is it that big?"

Dorothy couldn't help but be a little stunned.

After all, she is a country girl who came from a small place in the 18th tier. She originally thought that the Witch Academy was spectacular enough, but now she understands what a real witch city is.

Even though she had actually seen photos and images of big cities in the Magic Network, those false images were not as shocking as seeing the real thing with her own eyes now.

And her embarrassing look also made Sophilia next to her speechless.

"Miss, Glory City can only barely squeeze into the top ten in the entire witch world based on its size. You don't have to be so surprised. After all, the future owner of the truly number one private domain is right next to you."

The pure white witch pointed at senior Mia next to her and said this.

Well, after all, purely in terms of prosperity, who can compare with the Golden Land of the Astros family, which is truly the largest city in the witch world and the economic center of the entire world.


When Dorothy heard this, she remembered the Golden Princess beside her, and then she remembered what everyone on the Magic Network had said about the Golden Country, the City of Fortune.

Well, the other nine of the ten giant cities together are about half the size of Golden Township.

Ah this

The otaku witch suddenly had a new understanding of the value of the richest man in the witch world.

"It's not that exaggerated. The only thing my family has is money. Shopping is fine, but there is nothing else interesting. If I have to say the most beautiful city, I have to go to Venus, the city of literature and art. There is A temple of beauty and art.”

Facing everyone's gaze, Senior Mia waved her hands modestly, and then looked at Audrey aside.

Well, due to special circumstances, that art capital is not a lord system, but an alliance system. However, the families of Audrey's two mothers have always had a high say in that alliance.

Back then, the two families of Succubus and Nine-tailed Fox had been fighting fiercely, and could even be said to be incompatible. But God knows what happened in this generation. The leaders of the two families looked at each other while fighting, and then at the speed of light... Married and had two children in a row.

"Hey, do you want to come to my house to play during the holidays? I have never brought friends back in my life. If I see you, the mothers will be very happy."

Seeing everyone looking at her again, Audrey was a little shy, but she still had the courage to send out such an invitation.

The mothers have been worried about her being bullied at school, but if she can introduce her friends to the mothers, I believe the family will finally be able to feel at ease with her.

This is what the little fox thought.

And Dorothy: "."

The otaku witch fell silent slightly.

She finally realized that everyone in her club was from an unusual family background, but she was the only one.

emmmm, wait a minute, what does my family do?

Dorothy suddenly realized that she didn't seem to know what her family did.

At this moment, she cast her doubtful eyes on Sophilia.

The pure white witch understood her eldest lady's doubts instantly. She was silent for a moment, and then turned her head.

"Teacher, she is better at hitting."

"Well, I know this, but what next?"

Dorothy nodded. She already knew that her mother was very powerful in fighting.

"Then his followers are also very capable of fighting."

The angel witch hesitated for a moment and had no choice but to say this.

"Yeah, I know this too, is there anything else?"

The otaku witch blinked and continued to ask.

"Also, the servant army has strict military discipline and all members are capable of fighting."

Sophilia also blinked and replied.

The two started staring at each other.

Dorothy: "."

The otaku witch was silent. Although this was in line with her mother's character, wasn't it a bit too reckless?

Could it be that other people’s families have money and good looks, but my family has guns?


After flashing through her mind, the peculiar painting style of her family's heroes and villains, Dorothy suddenly felt that it might not be convenient for her in this life to invite friends to her home like a little fox.

Oh my god, the eldest daughter of the underworld is actually me.

Sent it, no wonder my mother always wants her to be an armed witch. With such a family tradition, she really can't do anything but be armed.

In this way, the White Dragon Battleship flew towards the city gate in normal flight mode at the speed of light, and they were not the only ones entering the city.

There are various types of vehicles appearing around them after their transition, including carriages, spaceships, various rare and exotic animals, and so on.

However, even among so many strange vehicles, Dorothy and others' White Dragon Battleship is still unique, and its turnaround rate is astonishing, as if a supercar suddenly appeared on the road in a previous life. Most people would take a second look.

Especially as the city gate got closer and closer and the battleship had to slow down, everyone could see it more clearly.

And this also greatly satisfied the otaku witch's little vanity.

Although my mother's Pegasus carriage was very popular when school started, this White Dragon Battleship was made by myself after all, so it felt very different.


"Miss, if, um, I mean if, you really inherit the teacher's family business in the future, maybe you can really consider working with Senior Mia to add an arms business to the family. This is much more profitable than your real estate. .”

Sophilia saw the extremely high rate of return, and then thought about her eldest daughter's ability to build a ship alone, she spoke so sincerely.

Dorothy: "."

Is arms trafficking more social here? Good guy, co-authoring is asking me to carry forward my ancestral business and strive to take it to the next level to become a military-industrial complex, right?

As a scientific research witch who is harmless to humans and animals and does not like violence, the otaku witch is very angry.

Fortunately, her anger did not last long because she had already arrived at her destination.

Because the White Dragon Battleship has not been registered in the City of Glory, it cannot fly around the city casually. So after parking the ship at the port, Dorothy took out the empty wine bottle and put the battleship away. Of course, such a cool operation is also It caused people to exclaim. After all, vehicles with built-in space storage functions are more high-end.

It's just that you can't drive the White Dragon Battleship, but Dorothy and others don't have to queue up to go through the portal, because there is already a luxurious fleet waiting there for a long time at the port.

"Well, this is your arrangement, senior sister."

Dorothy looked at the Golden Township emblem on the motorcade, then turned to look at Senior Sister Mia.

The Golden Princess also nodded generously.

"The Golden Township Chamber of Commerce has a pretty good influence in the City of Glory, and it has all the basic necessities, food, housing and transportation industries. Naturally, I will arrange these. Everyone, get in the car."

The car has already arrived, and naturally we can't make the trip in vain. Under the eyes of the melon-eating crowd looking up to the big boss, everyone got on the car and prepared to go to the resort hotel opened by the Golden Township Chamber of Commerce.


Before the convoy had gone far, suddenly, the giant portal in the port suddenly expanded several times. Then, the bow of a huge giant battleship emerged from the portal. Then, ripples continued in the portal, and in Behind this huge flagship, countless large and small warships began to sail into the port.

Compared with these real battleships, the previous White Dragon Battleship of Dorothy and others seemed very inconspicuous.

"Wow, it's the Apocalypse Fleet."

"Really, good guy, what happened? Why is the Apocalypse battleship returning?"

"Yes, what are they doing in the City of Glory? Are they going to attack the city?"

"You didn't know this, right? My neighbor's aunt's god-sister is from the City Lord's Mansion. I heard that the deputy admiral of the Apocalypse Fleet is actually the mysterious young City Lord of the City of Glory."

"Ah, there is such a thing? Sister, aren't you afraid of knowing too much?"

"Don't worry, this was a secret before, but the City Lord's Mansion prepared an official announcement a few days ago, otherwise the Apocalypse Fleet would not have come in directly now."

"Good guy, I'm just a good guy."

This time, the entire port was completely boiling, and the melon-eaters were satisfied.

In the Golden Township convoy, Sophilia looked at the huge convoy sailing into the port with mixed emotions.

This witch group actually returned because of her words? And is Maria the young city lord of the City of Glory?

The pure white witch was surprised.

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