House Witch

Chapter 402 401 The horror of fate

Chapter 402 401. The horror of fate

At this time, the arena space had turned into a tragic scene like an abyss and hell.

What the sun in the sky pours out now is not sunlight, but sky fire. The original desert scene on the ground has been permanently changed by the scorching dragon's breath, turning into a land of lava. The scorching magma is like It's like the blood of the earth flowing freely.

The angel is still high in the sky, his figure is consistent with the sun, like a god, and his power is like the sea.

The golden dragon stands in the lava, roaring to the sky, and the dragon is so powerful that it is unparalleled.

"Good guy, thanks to the simulated world in the arena, if there was a real fight in reality, the losses would be huge."

In the auditorium, Dorothy had French fries in one hand and Happy Water in the other. She was having a great time watching it. The scene just now was much more exciting than the special effects blockbusters in the cinema in her previous life.

However, this duel is coming to an end.

"Tsk, it's true that destiny is the master. How can others fight with this bug-level power?"

Dorothy looked at Senior Mia who was standing on top of the huge dragon in the arena, and then at Sophilia hanging high in the sky, and shook her head helplessly.

"Wow, Senior Sister Mia is so powerful. The destructive power of this dragon's breath is really terrifying. Even the president will probably find it very difficult."

Audrey next to her was holding potato chips in one hand and happy water in the other. The little fox controlled the puppet and said with emotion.

"No, the outcome of this duel has been decided. Sophilia has already won."

The otaku witch shook her head and said to her junior sister.

"What, Senior Sister, don't talk nonsense. The battle situation is obviously tense now, and Senior Sister Mia still has the advantage. The President just had nowhere to hide in the dragon's breath, and he took the damage."

Audrey carefully looked at the situation on the field below, and looked at the senior sister next to her with some confusion. She didn't understand why the senior sister said that.

Obviously, Senior Mia's momentum is stronger at this time, but she has not suffered any damage so far. The president's attacks are like scraping her, but cannot break her defense.

On the contrary, the president himself had just taken a shot of Dragon's Breath. At this time, his shirt was completely torn, and he looked somewhat embarrassed.

The scorching breath that Senior Mia used just now was really terrifying. It was definitely a forbidden spell level breath. It was a terrifying move that could directly burn a small world into a magic ball.

Therefore, the billowing heat wave formed by the dragon's breath spread directly across the entire arena, causing full-screen damage. The president had no choice but to take advantage of it.

Although Senior Mia seemed to have consumed a lot after the blow just now, the golden armor on the golden dragon under her feet melted and turned into golden water flowing into the dragon's mouth. As a result, the fading magic power was very strong. Soon he became excited again.

Mia-senpai is regaining her strength by swallowing gold.

No matter how you look at it, the balance of victory is already a bit tilted towards Senior Mia.

"So Audrey, you are too naive. If you can't see the performance, forget it. The laws of fate are indeed too profound and far away for ordinary witches. Let me lend you my vision."

Dorothy shook her head, then rubbed the little junior sister's head with care, took the opportunity to touch the two fox ears, and then before Audrey went crazy, she tapped the little fox between the eyebrows with a finger.

"Senior sister, you."

Audrey was just about to glare at the senior sister Furikong and loudly reprimand the senior sister for her meanness, but before she could finish her words, a strange perspective appeared in her mind.

The little fox was not too panicked. She understood that this should be the vision shared by her senior sister. When Audrey scanned the picture in this vision, she stood up in surprise, her eyes widened. It was so big that the hair all over his body exploded again like a frightened cat.

"Although my understanding of the destiny of the prophecy school is only at the theoretical stage, and I have never been able to influence destiny, but if it is just observation such as divination and fortune telling, I can still do it. I will give You have specially marked the fates of both parties. Now you understand what it means to be a terrible person who controls destiny."

Dorothy looked at the fried little junior sister and explained like this.

But Audrey couldn't care about it at this time. Her attention was completely attracted by the shared vision from the senior sister.

In the eyes of the senior sister, the scene in the arena is still the scene of the confrontation, except that both sides of the duel are like puppets on strings at this time, with a bunch of messy silk threads falling from the sky, which will tie up both adults and senior Mia. Strictly.

In addition to those messy strange threads, the president and senior sister Mia were also surrounded by colorful halos.

Among them, the president's body was shining with golden light, which was so dazzling that it was hard to look directly at it. On the contrary, at this time, the halo around senior Mia was quickly being swallowed up by the darkness. The black light looked creepy and very scary. Unknown.

"Ah, is this the perspective of fate observation that the witches of the prophecy school often talk about?"

As a genius witch, Audrey is not as versatile as her senior sister, but compared to other witches, she is still considered a top student. The little fox just thought about it for a moment and understood the abnormality in this strange sight. What's going on.

"Those threads are probably the legendary threads of fate. Those guys from the prophecy school rely on observing the changes in the threads of fate to predict fate. But what are those haloes? They seem to be a manifestation of fate, hiss. Could it be? Is it the Qi-gazing technique that the immortals of the Eastern Universe call it? Good guy, can Senior Sister even know this?"

Audrey thought in surprise.

But as a layperson who knows only a little about the school of prophecy, even if she is given the perspective of a destiny observer, the little fox can't actually see anything. After all, these changes in the threads of destiny or the aura of destiny require professional expertise. It was interpreted based on knowledge, and she knew nothing about it.

Fortunately, the senior sister also took this into consideration, so she directly marked the fate of the two people at this time, and the lines of text were suspended above the heads of both parties as if they were ID titles in the game.

Audrey first looked at the president, because there was a large piece of text floating above the president's head.

[Dragon Slayer] [The One Who Passes Fire] [Invincible] [The One Beloved by Heaven] [The Beloved of the God of Light].

[Dragon Slayer: As the destined dragon nemesis, your damage to dragon-type enemies will be greatly increased, and the damage caused by dragons to you will be reduced. 】

[The Fire Bearer: As the favored one of the flame, all fire damage you receive will be greatly reduced. 】

[Invincible: As a victorious person, you are favored by victory. 】

[Beloved of heaven, as the darling of fate, your luck will be greatly increased, and your enemies will suffer misfortune. 】

[Blessed of the God of Light: You are a dependent of the light. When you are under the sun, your attributes will be greatly increased. 】

Audrey was dumbfounded by the dozens of strange fates, large and small. After thinking for a long time, she could only think of two words to describe the terror of the president: That's "hanging up".

Each of these fates is not much weaker than the witch's talent and expertise. Now that there are so many more fates to deepen, others still give them a hammer.

At this moment, the little fox finally understood why the senior sister said the winner was decided, and when she looked at the top of senior sister Mia's head without believing it, she became even more speechless.

[Enemy of God] [The star of death is bright] [The fate of Tai Sui] [Evil Dragon] [Loss of money (offset by the Golden Rule, crossed out)].

[Enemy of God: As an enemy of God, you are spurned by fate and your luck is reduced. 】

[The death omen star is bright: Your death omen star is hanging high, your life is not long, and the probability of being killed is greatly increased. 】

[Ming Tai Sui: If you provoke someone you shouldn't provoke, there will be disasters and everything will go wrong in the near future. 】

[Evil Dragon: As an evil dragon, you will one day be attacked by a righteous dragon slayer. When attacked by a dragon slayer, you will suffer increased damage. 】

Good guy, they are all filled with all kinds of negative fortunes, and as senior Mia's luck is constantly being dyed black, all kinds of weird and terrible fates are still being added.

Audrey had no doubt that if things continued like this, there might be no need for the president to take action. Sister Mia might slip and fall to the ground and die.

Although it is outrageous for a big witch to fall to her death on the spot, her fate is so fierce that it is reasonable for her to be unlucky.

"How about it, now you know how terrifying the power of fate is."

Looking at the little fox's suddenly enlightened look, Dorothy asked with a smile.

"Yeah, it's too scary. I must stay away from the witches from the prophecy school in the future."

Audrey closed her eyes, no longer daring to see what would happen to Senior Mia. The little fox said this with a scared look on her face.

"That's not necessary. Not all witches of the prophecy school can play like this. As far as I know, it is normally very difficult to modify the fate of a powerful witch. I don't know about Sophie. How did Liya do it so easily? She may have special talents and expertise."

Dorothy also looked curiously at her roommate who was like a god in the arena with his wings spread out and his back to the sun, with some confusion in his eyes.

Obviously the prophecy books she had read in the past said that it was very difficult to change the fate of others, and that the person who changed the fate needed to pay a certain price. The more severe the change, the greater the price. After all, the backlash of fate never meant For play.

Therefore, there are often news that prophets and soothsayers risk their own lives and cripple themselves in order to help others change their destiny.

And generally speaking, the fate of a strong person is quite stable. After all, if you don't have that kind of luck, you can't become a strong person. Those who can become strong are themselves favored by heaven. If you want to change the fate of these people, It's even more difficult. You have to have a higher destiny than the other party to be able to do it.

In short, it is very difficult to help people change their lives, and now Sofilia is just changing senior Mia's life like a toy. This is outrageous.

Not to mention that she also casually added a bunch of fates to herself that looked very bad. Is it such an easy thing to change one's fate against the will of heaven?

For a moment, Dorothy wondered if the prophecy books she had read in the past were all wrong or exaggerated.

But she quickly shook her head and rejected such an idea.

No matter how you think about it, the problem must be with Sophilia, otherwise the prophecy school would be too strong to destroy the balance.

You know, even if there are a lot of restrictions on life-changing, the prophecy school is already one of the most powerful among the nine sects, and is recognized as the boss faction. If everyone is as buggy as the pure white witch If so, then what else are the others going to do, just lie down and forget about it.

Dorothy thought of the Lord of Glory, the powerful King of Angels whose authority was destiny. She had almost become the spokesperson of destiny. Every move, word and deed was full of divine power, and she was infinitely closer to the power of the gods. territory.

So as the daughter of the Lord of Glory, Sophilia is indeed the true daughter of destiny. She may have inherited some power over destiny, so she can change her destiny so easily.

And while the otaku witch was thinking here, the winner of the battle below had indeed been decided.

Even in terms of sheer destructive power, Senior Mia can defeat Sophilia, but the constraints of the invisible and intangible power of fate make her powerless.

Even though Senior Mia noticed that the scorching dragon's breath had limited damage to Sophilia and knew that the other party might have a way to avoid the flames, she immediately adjusted her scorching breath to ice breath, but this still had no effect. use.

Dorothy turned around and saw that the fate of the Pure White Witch's [Bringer of Fire] had been switched to [Child of the Pole], which now directly reduced the freezing damage.

Senior Mia gave up breathing and began to use those metal weapons made by alchemy to attack. However, Sophilia switched to the [Zhi Ge] destiny, which greatly reduced the threat to her from cold weapons such as swords.

And when the Golden Princess tried all kinds of methods, she finally got so angry that she started to fight in close combat. However, both of them were taught the combat arts by the same master. After fighting each other for a long time, they found that no one could break the move, but Sophie. Liya's various fate blessings are getting stronger and stronger, but senior Mia makes mistakes repeatedly, just like being possessed by the god of mold.

In the end, Sophilia cast an instant death spell, and Senior Mia was just about to cast a spell to defend herself, but an unlucky spell failed and she was hit directly.

This is not a big deal at first. After all, even if there is no defensive spell, Sister Mia still has that legendary robe, and as the Dragon Witch, she has high magic resistance, and the pure white witch's instant death magic is not What kind of high-level magic is just a three-ring low-level magic spell casually cast. The probability of instant death of that thing is extremely low. Even a mortal with a long life may be saved, let alone a witch.

However, fate wants you to die, and you have to die. Senior Mia, whose death star had been shining for a long time, fell into this low-level curse and died with her eyes open.

In short, Mia-senpai is miserable.

Rich woman is incompetent and furious

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