House Witch

Chapter 428 427 Wonder Riding on the Face

Chapter 428 427. Wonderful Face Riding

"Eight Formation Diagram? That's correct. It's definitely Eight Formation Diagram. Isn't this impossible?"

In the Angel Temple, Michael was also sitting high on the throne. She also used magical means to remotely observe the situation of the subordinates she had sent before.

However, it didn't matter if she didn't look at it. She was so frightened that she stood up from the throne with disbelief on her face.

It is unmistakable. As a loyal fan of Zhuge Guigu, Michael’s research on the Eight Formation Diagrams can be regarded as one of the top ones in the entire Demon Network. Therefore, she is very sure that the incident just now caused heavy losses to several of her subordinates. The formation method is definitely the eight formation diagram.

Although this formation composed of only eight people is far less majestic than the formation composed of millions of troops in the original Demon Network video, it feels right.

"But I haven't heard that anyone on the magic network has learned the Eight Formation Diagram. Currently, the Eight Formation Diagram is a unique skill that only belongs to Zhuge Guigu. Could it be..."

After being shocked, Michael was immediately ecstatic.

She had realized that the arrogant clown opposite her who was fighting against her might be the idol she had always admired.

Although such a sudden encounter made her a little unbelievable that the world was so small, it actually didn't matter if she thought about it carefully.

After all, first of all, it has been confirmed that Boss Zhuge of Guigu is a witch. He has never concealed it. And with such outstanding military commanding talents, she will definitely not be an unknown person. She must be A relatively famous character among witches.

Among the current guesses about the identity of Guigu Zhuge's boss on the magic network, there are two most recognized ones. One is that she may be a certain sage. It is natural for a sage to have such means.

It’s just that Michael doesn’t really believe in this speculation. After all, there is a saying. Although she admires the boss Zhuge of Guigu, if you look at the boss’s initial game, you will find that she really has some problems.

It is impossible for the witch sage, who is always known for his almightiness, to have such a low starting point. Compared to the boss Guigu Zhuge, the other boss Destiny Apocalypse who has been crushing him from beginning to end is actually more sage-like.

Michael personally is actually more inclined to the second guess, which is that the boss Zhuge of Guigu may be a knowledgeable and top-level peak witch, and may not be an armed witch, but a scientific research witch who is ready to switch to arms.

In this way, it can be explained a little bit why the boss was so bad at the beginning. It was because he had just started to come into contact with the field of armed warfare, and it was inevitable that he was not very proficient in the battlefield for the first time.

And the terrifying progress speed of Guigu Boss Zhuge can also be explained. After all, different paths lead to the same goal. With the profound knowledge gained from many years of scientific research and the strong learning ability as the backing, it is not impossible to accumulate military strategies to that extent in a period of time. impossible.

No, this should be the only possibility. After all, a masterpiece of military art and strategy like the Eight Formations can only be compiled by a knowledgeable senior scholar. Otherwise, it would be impossible for a newcomer witch to casually translate it. You can easily figure it out with a few military books and a few games.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

In short, Michael originally thought that in search of idols, he might go to the various battle groups of the Witch Military to see if there were any strong newcomers who had suddenly emerged in the past ten years. However, she did not expect that the original boss Zhuge of Guigu was not A newcomer to the Witch Military, but a newcomer to the Witch Tribunal.

Miss Seraph recalled what the clown Grand Inquisitor mentioned before. She had just become the Grand Inquisitor recently, and she had not even had time to form the forces under her command.

And the other party even asked her about the Bagua Picture before.

Thinking about it this way, doesn’t this make everything right?

At this point, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it made sense. Michael was really excited. After all, for fans, being able to play against their idols is a dream.

As for the dissatisfaction or even hostility that was originally caused by the arrogant attitude of the clown Grand Inquisitor, all of it disappeared at this time.

Isn't it natural for Guigu Zhuge to be disdainful? If I were that good, I would look directly at people through my nostrils.

Anyway, the boss's arrogance is not called arrogance, it's called saying one thing and being straightforward.

It's just that after the ecstasy, Michael inevitably felt a little uncomfortable. She finally met her idol. She actually hoped to fight with her idol with all her strength, but because of her misjudgment of her opponent's strength, she suffered a loss at the beginning. Disastrous, directly from a big advantage to a big disadvantage, then the next game will be a bit difficult to play.

No matter how much she worships idols, Michael is not the kind of fool who can ignore anything in order to chase stars. She actually regards Guigu Zhuge as a future goal and strives to catch up, rather than truly respecting him as a god. Don't dare to resist.

As the race that is best at manipulating the power of faith, angels have always been very clear about emotions such as reverence and worship. After all, if they don't do it right, they may turn themselves into madmen or become believers of others.

Therefore, even if she is playing against an idol, Miss Seraph still wants to win. It is true that she respects and even a little admires Mr. Zhuge Guigu, but this does not prevent her from wanting to win, even though she also understands that now let’s look at this Hope is already slim, but we must not give up until the last moment.

This is the quality that a strategic game player and a qualified commander should have.

This is also what Michael likes most about Boss Zhuge of Guigu. In the past battles, Boss has faced desperate situations many times. If it were another player, he might have simply raised the white flag and surrendered, but Boss But he can always persevere until the end, and then perform miracles such as a desperate comeback and a bloody counterattack.

Anyway, in Miss Seraph's eyes, such a commander who never gives up is so handsome, perfectly in line with what she thinks a military god should look like.

It was precisely because of this that she took Guigu Zhuge as her idol, instead of liking another Destiny Apocalypse boss who seemed stronger and more popular.

"Since the strong attack failed, let's start defensive development. The servant army on my side is stronger, and as long as the resurrection altar is built, the fallen teammates can be revived again. The advantage in the later stage is still with me, I can do it of."

Michael quickly regained his composure and then started a new round of arrangements.

Under the temple, the three angels who went to support before came back with five scarred angels. The five survivors didn't look very good, and they were also very worried, for fear of being punished by Lord Michael.

After all, they had a huge advantage of nine against eight, and four of them were counter-killed, and the other five were also disabled. They themselves felt ashamed of such a record, and were embarrassed to report it. They all deserved to be punished.

However, when they came back uneasily, having been prepared to welcome Lord Michael's thunderous wrath, the expected anger did not come, and Lord Michael even gently comforted them that they should not be too sad. , it’s not that they are incompetent, it’s just that their opponents are really strong or something.

For a moment, this moved all the angels to the point of tears.

A scholar dies for a confidant.

At that moment, the remaining eight angels, as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood, took the mission and turned around to explore the map and mine.

"The next step is to develop. I hope you can give me some development time."

Looking at the subordinates leaving, Michael thought so on the throne.

If it is an ordinary game, the resource collection efficiency is fixed, so she cannot develop against the opponent with a small number of people. However, war chess has a relatively high degree of freedom, except for some steps that are time-consuming and have no technical content have been simplified. Except for that, other places are almost indistinguishable from reality.

"If we don't have enough people, let's use technology to make up for it. Fortunately, Xi Luer, who is best at alchemy, is still there. If she is responsible for making resource collection equipment, it should be enough to make up for my lack of people. And the follow-up arsenal and other With her guidance in the construction of important facilities, the efficiency of the facilities produced will be better than that of ordinary facilities."

Miss Seraph is so happy.

The gameplay of war chess is very diversified, and it can even be said that there are no taboos. Different players have different playing styles. For example, Michael prefers frontal combat, while all other players, such as players who are good at alchemy, Players who can play the resource explosion flow, players who are good at potions can play the poisoning or biochemical flow, and players who are good at technology can also take the technology farming route, etc.

Anyway, most of the war methods that can be used in reality can be realized here, everything depends on the areas of advantage of each player.

And her lineup of players in this game is very luxurious. In addition to her own good at arranging troops, the several angels who appear as "heroes" also have their own strengths, and each one can stand alone, so This also gives Michael the possibility of transforming into other ways of playing.

For example, at this time, she is preparing to follow the violent troop style that focuses on collecting resources. After she has resurrected all the servants, the army will suddenly show up.

Although the Eight Formation Diagram is powerful, this formation is not invincible. After all, once the enemy does not enter the formation, it will not be able to fully exert its power. The defense is sufficient, but the offense is insufficient.

As long as the time comes when her army presses forward, and she does not deal with the opponent, but directly relies on hard power to overwhelm them openly, no matter how powerful her tactics are, it will be in vain in the face of the absolute difference in strength.

In this way, time passed little by little while Michael was always wary of the opponent's surprise attack due to their superiority.

An hour later, Miss Seraph built the arsenal.

Two hours later, Miss Seraph built the resurrection altar.

Three hours later, Miss Seraph used a large amount of resources to resurrect the four angels who had died in the battle.

Four hours later, Miss Seraph used one of the four resurrected angels who was good at potions to start farming at an accelerated pace and began to make various supplies.

Five hours later.

Eight hours later, Miss Seraph completed all the preparation work. She had assembled all the angel army, not even just the bare army. She equipped the army with all the equipment, including high-level armor per capita, holding alchemical weapons, and waists. Hang a full supply of potions just in case.

In addition to the army, all necessary war facilities have been built in her territory, such as wall-breaking vehicles for breaking through the city, siege guns and so on.

In short, her army is armed to the teeth.

However, Michael, who was sitting on the throne, was not happy about this. She even felt more and more uneasy because it had been so long and she had not been attacked from the opposite side at all.

This is very wrong. She obviously sent the idol boss so aggressively in the early stage just to seize the advantage. Why did she just disappear after taking the advantage? Shouldn't she find a way to further expand her advantage?

"Hey, has Boss Zhuge of Guigu changed his gender? It was obvious that her fighting style was very aggressive in the past."

Miss Seraph was very confused, and there was always a faint uneasiness in her heart.

It's not like she hasn't tried sending people over to investigate, but those sent there never return.

And when she asked again after she spent resources to resurrect the person, the result was still unclear. These investigators didn't have time to investigate at all. They were instantly killed as soon as they entered the enemy's range. They didn't even know how they died. clear.

"No, we can't wait any longer. I'm fully prepared. No matter what the other side does, I have no reason to be afraid. The advantage is mine."

Michael carefully checked her army again, and after making sure that everything was in place and nothing was missing, she waved her hand and directly ordered the entire army to attack.

"Go, my brave warriors, crush all enemies that stand in your way and bring victory to me."

As her words fell, the divine power of war had begun to operate.

The huge divine power fell and turned into a halo of blessings falling on the 12 angel legions led by 12 angels.

For a time, the already powerful army became highly morale, and its powerful power even soared into the sky, causing the surrounding fog of war to suddenly dissipate.

However, when the Angel Legion crossed the central river and officially entered the territory of the witches, the entire army was stunned.

Because as soon as they crossed the river, a huge towering city wall stopped them.

Of course, angels can fly after all, and ordinary city walls are not an obstacle to them. But the problem is that this is not an ordinary city wall. After all, there is an invisible no-fly zone on the city wall that goes straight into the sky.

"Ah, this is a wonder building - the Wall of Sighs of Despair?"

Michael, who relied on magical means to see this scene, once again stood up in shock.

She naturally knew that wonder buildings could be built in War Chess, but the problem was that the game didn't last long, and she didn't waste a moment. Normally, even if she didn't do anything in such a small amount of time, just building wonders wouldn't be enough. Create the strongest defensive wonder among this war chess.

Are you kidding? The defense of this thing is comparable to a level 12 forbidden spell. If I break it with my head, the other side will be cheating.

Miss Seraph said she couldn't accept it.

What was even more unacceptable to her was that they probably saw them coming, and the witches were also preparing for war, and then they drove a floating city suspended behind the city wall.

Well, that's right, it's another wonder building, the ultimate and strongest war fortress of War Chess - the City in the Sky.

And this was not over yet, another green light rose from behind the Wall of Sighs, directly breaking through all the fog of war, revealing the huge oak tree that blocked the sky and the sun.

Good guys, the most powerful medical miracle in War Chess - the World Tree.

Then, the Altar of the Sun, the Colossus Statue, the Tomb of Death, and the Eternal Garden

Looking at the majestic spectacles towering over each other, everyone in the Angel Legion was dumbfounded.

Even Miss Seraph was a little doubtful whether she was dreaming.

Is this really reasonable?

Although the resource points on the war chessboard can theoretically produce unlimited resources, there is no such thing as hollowing out, but to create so many wonders, you have to have a high mining speed, and even if the resources are available, where is the productivity? Wonders require a lot of productivity, and it's not enough to just rely on the witches' army of servants to move bricks at the construction site.

This is completely unreasonable.

Michael is confused

I'm thinking that it makes sense for Xibao, as a soul from Lao Qin, to have some talent for accelerating wonder construction, right?

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