House Witch

Chapter 443 442 The Oath of the Heart

Chapter 443 442. The Oath of the Heart

Although they were reluctant to admit it, when the witches carefully studied this seemingly ordinary witch engineering hammer, they were shocked to find that this thing was actually the legendary extremely precious and rare treasure of faith - the Book of Destiny.

Well, in fact, the others are just messing around and joining in the fun. How do they know how to appraise treasures? The most important thing is to rely on Senior Sister Mia. When it comes to treasure appraisal and valuation, you can always trust the experts in Golden Township.

However, even Senior Sister Mia, the princess of the Golden Land who is used to seeing all kinds of treasures, her hands were shaking a little when she held the hammer in her hand.

She didn't believe it at first and just picked up the engineering hammer casually. But after she carefully identified the various strange inscriptions on the hammer body, beads of sweat continued to appear on her forehead, bulging. His chest was also rising and falling, and his breathing became a little heavy.

Oh my god, the little fairy really wasn't bragging, this thing seems to be the real thing.

After confirming the authenticity of this destiny teaching, even the golden princess, who has no interest in money and treats expensive items as she pleases, has become cautious.

There's nothing she can do about it. Normally, she does whatever she wants because she's confident and knows that she can afford to pay for it even if it's broken. But this hammer

I really can’t afford to pay for this.

Counting this hammer, there are currently only three scriptures of destiny in the entire Western Universe. These are truly priceless treasures and are the foundation for building a kingdom of faith in God.

It was obvious that the little fairy had been digging and digging all the time and was in all kinds of poverty. Who would have thought that she would create such a big treasure as soon as she took action.

In short, even if you know in your heart that this hammer is very strong and durable, let alone the mortal self now, even the witch self may not be able to destroy it even if she tries her best, but when something is really valuable to a certain level , people can't help but become cautious.

Senior Mia didn't dare to put the hammer directly back on the table where Dorothy had made a hole. She took off her coat directly, revealing her particularly eye-catching and beautiful figure, and then put the coat on As a bedding, he put it on the table and then put down the hammer.

Looking at the hole on the table again, the golden princess's eyelids jumped.

If the little goblin hadn't been her sweetheart, she would have been tempted to curse at this moment. The scriptures of destiny are so precious. Although I don't know why this "Genesis" is actually carried by an engineering hammer, you can't use it like this. People really use it as a hammer. What a waste of natural resources. Such desecration of sacred objects will lead to retribution.

Seeing such a big reaction from Senior Mia, the other witches immediately understood that the hammer was genuine. Their eyes widened and they all looked at Dorothy, who usually cried about poverty every day.

Xibao, do you call this poverty?

Of course, they just expressed their thoughts in their eyes. Only Alice, the silly little sister, lit up.

"Ah, sister, are we rich now? If you sell this thing, can you buy a witch's collar and realize your dreams in life?"

The little witch knew that her sister had always had a dream to save up money to buy a witch collar and then lay it down and smash it. Now that she heard that the hammer seemed to be very valuable, her first reaction was to sell the hammer for money.

Witches: "."

Now everyone looked at this silly vampire loli, and even Dorothy was speechless by the brain circuits of her silly sister.

Well, she is indeed the sister I brought up since childhood. She really understands me. I have wanted to sell it for a long time, but I just couldn't.

Alas, this thing is bound equipment, cannot be traded, and cannot be discarded.

Even though everyone was in a dream copy of Witch Night, her body was knocked back to a mortal, and her magical memory was sealed, it still could not block her connection with the "Genesis".

As long as she wanted to, then whenever and wherever she could, she would just reach out and hold it directly in her hand.

Of course, she actually knows how to give up. As long as she fundamentally denies the content of "Genesis" recorded on this engineering hammer, she can cut off her connection with this destiny scripture.

In layman's terms, it means abandoning one's faith.

However, this is the only thing that the otaku witch really can't do. This red color is not only a mark of her existence in her previous life, but also the cornerstone of her three views. To abandon this belief is to self-destroy her three views, let's not talk about it for now. Can a person go crazy? Even if she is not crazy, will she still be herself when the time comes?

In the godless world of the previous life, there was a dispute over whether the concept of "I" represented the physical entity of the body, or the illusory concept of the soul.

Dorothy, who was just a happy homebody in her previous life, naturally would not think about the ultimate philosophical question of "who am I, who am I?"

But in this life, the otaku witch who is familiar with the extraordinary power of magic has determined that what I represent is neither the body nor the soul. Both are bodies. Only the "heart" or "consciousness" and "will" can It's the real me.

The heart that believes is your magic. Even if the body of the powerful witch is destroyed and the soul dies, she can still return from death with her immortal will.

But similarly, once the heart is shaken, the problem will be big, ranging from losing strength to truly falling.

The so-called growth is actually the process of constantly killing the immature self. Many people look back on the past and always feel that the past self was very stupid. But have you ever thought about a question, are you really different between you now and you then? Can they be considered the same person?

Mortals call this process growth, and they don't care about it, and they are even quite happy about it.

But the immortals are very taboo about this, because the secret of immortality lies in it, and they prefer to call it "wear and tear" or "inner demons" than "growth".

I started chasing power in order to protect my family, but in the end I killed my family because of my pursuit of power. Tragedies like this are very common. This is the horror of "wear and tear". It can subtly and completely change a person, making you no longer the same person. It's you.

Dorothy's magic enlightenment was taught to her by her father Adam. Although Adam, a mortal mage, was quickly drained of all his wealth by the witch, Adam was very serious in the last lesson he taught his daughter. The horror of "wear and tear" is emphasized on Dorothy.

"Dorothy, if you want to truly master the power of magic, you must first understand your own heart, and then protect her well. If your heart is still intact after hundreds of thousands of years, then you will be a What a great mage."

"You don't need to care about what other people think of you. You don't need to become good to cater to others because of others' disparagement. Don't distort yourself and become bad because of others' praise. You just need to always be yourself. Do A true version of yourself.”

"Of course, it is very difficult to recognize your own heart clearly, especially when you are still young and have not yet formed a complete three views. However, there are still some tricks in it. You can recall your The happiest thing deep down in your heart must be the first thing that comes to mind subconsciously.”

"It's not as good as your dad. The happiest thing when I was young was playing hero pretending games. I want to be a hero. This is what I feel like in my heart. Haha, it's ridiculous. I'm so old and still have this kind of dream. "

"But you can laugh if you want. As I said before, I will be myself and not care about your jokes."

"The hero in my mind should first be a good person. He should be a person full of virtue, who will not bully the weak and will uphold justice."

"So, first of all, I will try to be a good person, a kind and just person."

"Secondly, heroes are powerful. I need power, but this power should not violate justice. If this power tarnishes justice, then it should be abandoned without hesitation."

"You see, if you use your ideals to constrain or carve your heart bit by bit like this, you will be able to clearly and straightforwardly understand what you want most. Then you only need to reflect on yourself often and don't let your heart become confused. Just offset it, if you can always do this, then you will always be yourself, even if thousands, ten thousand, or one hundred thousand years pass, it will remain the same."

"Even if one day I die and am reincarnated in the underworld, as long as I can continue to dream of the same heroic dream after reincarnation, I will always be me."

These were Adam's original words when he taught Dorothy the homemade "wear and tear" technique called "Heart Pledge".

This thing is indeed a unique family technology. After all, maintaining the existence of the "Heart Oath" requires constant self-reflection. This is not difficult for the father and daughter who have the talent of "diligence can make up for failure".

The otaku witch then also made her own "heart oath". It was a very simple oath, even more ridiculous than Adam's "heroic dream". It was a vow called "the otaku witch".

I, Dorothy, even if I become a witch, I just want to be a happy homebody.

She used herself in her previous life as a template for the oath. At that time, she thought that her goals in life were simple. She would have a house of her own, find like-minded family members, and then everyone would be happy and live a happy life together every day.

At that time, she was still naively thinking that with the power of the witch, wouldn't this small goal be easy?

And now.

Alas, there are so many things going on. There are always a bunch of things that prevent me from living happily. Is this the horror of "wear and tear"?

But after such a long time, Dorothy has guarded her "heart" pretty well. At least up to now, she is still a witch.

Therefore, this hammer is thrown into the hand. Once you abandon this belief, you will break your "heart oath". This is something that cannot be discussed no matter how much money you give Dorothy.

The otaku witch looked down at the hammer in her hand and sighed inwardly.

In order to realize the "Heart Vow", I need a lot of money, so go and make money.

But in order to make money, I need to break the "heart oath", so go ahead and break it.

It’s been said that I make money for the “Heart Contract”. Then go and make it happen.

I need money to make money.

Maybe this is the so-called wear and tear. If you can't stand this endless cycle of repeating, once you have the idea of ​​making an exception today just for a shortcut, your heart will be distorted and it will cause wear and tear on your heart.

But from this point of view, faith is a bit interesting. Faith can distort people's hearts and is a kind of wear and tear, but devout faith can be regarded as a special "pledge of the heart" to resist wear and tear to a certain extent.

what is this?

Polished, but not completely polished?

And while her thoughts were diverging, several other witches also made their decisions.

Now that we have the Destiny Scripture, there is nothing to hesitate about. There is no goal anyway. Under the premise that the God King has not awakened and cannot obtain the power of the witch for the time being, it is definitely unrealistic to fight head-on. So first Let’s start with the battle of faith.


"Oh, it would be nice if the president was here at this time. She is the professional in religion."

Madeline on the side sighed, thinking with some regret.

She has been sending people to search for information about the student council president recently, but she has found nothing, as if Sophilia did not participate in this first test.

But how is this possible? With the president's talent, if she is not qualified to participate in this first test, then others will be even less qualified.

Hearing Madeleine's words, Dorothy was also a little confused. Only three of the five members of the Witch's House Club had gathered together, and two senior students, Fanny and Sophia, were missing.

Dorothy is not too worried about Senior Sister Fanny. After all, this Lezi person has a special status. Witch Night may not necessarily be able to restrain her. Maybe she was temporarily banned by the God King.

When she calms down a little, she will definitely find it on her own. Maybe when she wakes up after a while, she will find a familiar witch hat next to her window.

But Sophia

Thinking of the background of this dungeon of Witch Night, Dorothy always felt a little uneasy.

But she didn't say much, but smiled and comforted the sisters.

"Well, if Sofilia is not here, I will still be here, right? I also have a church, okay, and now we are professional nuns."

The otaku witch straightened her chest, pointed at the nun's uniform on her body, and said confidently.

After all, her Moon Worship Cult was almost built by Lucy Fairy and two Moon Rabbit Elders with the help of her. She, the Moon Goddess, is just a hands-off shopkeeper and doesn't care about anything.

But anyway, she had seen the pig run away, so she felt it wouldn't be a big problem, right?


Although Sophilia is not here, isn't there still Big Sophilia?

Dorothy glanced at Dinisha who was quietly drinking tea and had no reaction at all to the "loud conversations" of the witches, and then a flattering smile appeared on her face.

"Good sister, can you help me?"

She suppressed the goosebumps all over her body and turned on the coquettish and cute mode.

Sophilia is just trying to have fun. When it comes to the truth about faith, who can compare with this God King? You must know that God King once ruled heaven with faith. Even today, there are many heavens. Angels also believe in the alien king of God.

In this regard, Miss Shepherdess thought for a while, and then nodded.



She is indeed very good at this thing. After all, although Dorothy is a nun, in fact, the work of the nuns in the church used to be done by Dinisha.

From the perspective of this shepherdess, managing believers is as simple as shepherding sheep. Although it looks different, it is actually not much different in essence.

After all, some people are really stupid and not as smart as sheep.

"So Dorothy, what kind of sect are you going to form? Or is it similar to the Glorious Sect? What are the main doctrines?"

Dinisha looked at the hammer in the sister's hand, and then asked very professionally.

"Dinisha, what do you think of the doctrine that man can conquer nature?"

Dorothy thought for a moment, then asked cautiously.

Dinisha: "."

Upon hearing this teaching, Miss Shepherdess suddenly fell silent, and then stared at the sister in front of her for a long time.

Just when the otaku witch was a little scared by being stared at, Dinisha nodded.

"It's okay. Although it's not very realistic, it's enough as a deceiver's point of view."

The future God King commented like this.

The house witch breathed a sigh of relief.

I feel a little stuck, uncomfortable.

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