House Witch

Chapter 445 444 Disagreement

Chapter 445 444. Disagreement

The next day, Sin City.

Dorothy and Dinisha were still wandering around the city under the leadership of Alice, but today they did not go to the bustling central city, but wandered around in the relatively remote outer city.

“The most suitable environment for the growth of faith is suffering. The more painful the place, the easier it is for faith to be born, because apart from faith, they can no longer find any other way to give their tortured hearts a moment of peace. .”

On the way, Dinisha said this.

The shepherdess' face was slightly complicated when she said this. After all, her faith was once the pillar of her persistence.

When she was young, her mother often took her to pray to God.

If you are hungry and have no food to eat, then pray while starving, and your mother will tell her about the vision of paradise where honey is left everywhere in the mouths of the Glorious Religion.

When it rained, the house leaked, and there was thunder outside. The mother and daughter could only huddle in the corner of the house to keep warm while continuing to pray. The mother would tell her that thunder is the wrath of the gods, and it only rains down on evil people. Punishment will not hurt good people like them.

Because it was her mother's words, the young Dinisha believed her. She gradually got used to frequent hunger and the scary thunder, because she always felt in her heart that as long as she obeyed the teachings of the gods, she would be able to survive. Then one day you will be able to go to heaven.

Although they didn't get the chance to go to heaven later, they were saved by the priest. The life of mother and daughter was indeed much easier.

It is also because of the priest that their faith has become increasingly devout.

Especially my mother, this poor woman was still reciting God's scriptures before she died. She was considered a standard fanatical believer.

It's just that because Dinisha later followed the priest to learn writing and knowledge, after breaking away from the ignorant vision that a normal village girl should have, the shepherdess has been vaguely questioning her former faith in her heart.

Does devout faith really work?

Why did she and her mother believe so much in gods before the priest arrived, but their lives became increasingly difficult?

According to the scriptures, it is clear that gods will grant them food, health and everything else they need, so why do they still go hungry and their mother often gets sick?

She once tried to seek answers from her mother, but her mother was very angry at her questioning and scolded her on how she could question the majesty of the Lord of Glory, saying that the gods had been watching them and that it was because their piety moved the gods that they were great. The Lord of Glory then sent the priest to redeem them.

In short, my mother attributes everything to God’s grace.

But because she studied with the priest and grew up with Dorothy, she actually understood the father and daughter far better than her mother did.

Although the father and daughter have always dressed in the costumes of priests and nuns, they have almost never prayed to the gods, especially the child Dorothy. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a blasphemer. When she was a child, she even dared to climb into the church. of idols playing on their heads.

In Dinisa's heart, it was clearly the priest himself who saved her and her mother, so why should this credit be attributed to the Lord of Glory?

It was difficult for her to understand her mother's brain circuit.

Of course, this time she learned her lesson and did not question her mother's words. Instead, she admitted her mistake obediently, as if everything she said was right.

But in her heart, Dinisha, who was still young at that time, began to think about what faith was.

Of course, with her modest level of knowledge at that time, she naturally couldn't get the answer.

But as she grew up, and as Dorothy, her sister, fished every day and always left the nun's work to her sister to help, this gave Dinisha regular contact with the former people in the village. An opportunity for believers to come and pray.

And in the process, she slowly discovered that guiding faith was so simple, and it was no different from her usual herding of sheep.

It's even easier than herding sheep, because those who are more devout believers have stronger self-management capabilities. For example, my mother, you don't even need to find a reason to lie to her, she will take the initiative to help you find a reason. Come and deceive yourself.

In this way, Dinisha has a certain understanding of what faith is. The so-called faith is nothing more than self-deception in despair and powerlessness.

The worse people's lives are in reality, the more religious they are, because they really have nothing but their faith.

For these people, you only need to show them your strength, and they will fear you. You only need to give them some vague promises, and they will believe in you.

The faith propaganda of the Shining Church is actually quite simple. It is nothing more than bragging about the beauty of heaven, and then giving you a promise that as long as you have enough faith and piety, you may be able to get to heaven in the future. Those people who have been tortured by the suffering of life are covered with bruises. I will firmly believe in your promise as if I have grasped the last straw.

As for the facts

Well, in the eyes of the sheep, she, the shepherdess, is probably a god-like existence. She will always lead them to find the most delicious tender grass, and she can also protect them from the wolves. She is so omnipotent. .

But how can the sheep know their final destination?

Of course, because of the existence of the priest, even though Dinisa vaguely understood this, she still maintained her devout faith in the Lord of Glory. After all, she had never left the village and never met other church personnel. In her heart, she naively thought that the entire Radiant Sect might be as beautiful as the father-daughter duo of the Father and Dorothy.

Unfortunately, the appearance of the witch hunter later completely shattered all her illusions.

Fortunately, she recalled carefully now and found that she believed not so much in the Lord of Glory, but as the Father and his daughter. The Lord of Glory betrayed her, but at least these two family members did not betray her trust this time.

Although, after finding out Dorothy's identity as a witch, Dinisha felt that even the priest was still a little too risky after all, and he should just give up on himself, otherwise he would not be in the current situation of being on the run.

It wasn't a good deal to risk it for someone like her who had nothing.

Even if the two of them watched her being burned to death at that time, she would only be angry for a moment in the end. After calming down afterwards, she would probably feel more sad than angry.

After all, she had no right to ask others to give up everything to save her. The priest and Dorothy didn't owe her anything, but she owed her father and daughter too much.

In short, let’s find a way to repay a little favor first.

Since Dorothy asked herself to help her found a sect, then go ahead and do it. Dinisha felt that she still had some talent in this area. After all, no one in the village was better at shepherding than her before.

However, the priest did not seem to want Dorothy to take such a risk, so at this time Miss Shepherdess did not know whether she was helping Dorothy or harming Dorothy.

She actually thought about trying to persuade this younger sister at first, but who could resist asking her to keep calling her a good sister?

On the other side, Dorothy was obediently following Denisa, carefully observing the back of this good sister.

Because she has been in charge of the family for more than a month, and with the support of Lilith, the rich woman of the Vampire Queen, the food level of the family is naturally good. Therefore, Dinisha is finally not as malnourished as before. With enough nutrition, her thin figure, which was originally neither convex nor curvy, finally gained some graceful curves.

Although it is still some distance away from Dorothy's favorite big car, there is hope for the future and hope for the future.

However, the otaku witch will naturally not feel guilty at this time. What she is observing is whether there is anything abnormal in Dinisha.

After all, she was so frightened that she almost fell asleep last night. Although she knew that their every move during this witch night would definitely be observed by the God King, the abnormality that happened to Dinisha last night was that the God King almost almost fell asleep. Come on, that terrifying power was similar to the one she had felt from the Demon King's contract when she signed the apprenticeship contract with Spider Teacher.

Even the aura of the God King last night was more terrifying and vast to her perception than that of the Demon King, which was very scary.

However, although it may be a bit suicidal to think this way, the otaku witch still wants to say that Lord God King has a really nice ass, and she can blow it for the rest of her life in that jio last night.

Ahem, forget it, it’s better not to commit suicide. I really don’t want to brag about this.

Fortunately, after observing along the way, Dorothy found that Dinisha herself did not seem to remember what happened last night. At this time, she was still a normal shepherdess.

"What you said, good sister, is indeed correct, but we are not here to lie. Our purpose is to save the world. What we need are comrades, not believers. However, for now, it is better to start from the suffering people. It’s easier.”

The otaku witch sighed in relief and nodded, confirming Dinisha's words.

"Isn't it a lie?"

Dinisha murmured and repeated Dorothy's words. To be honest, she didn't really believe it, just like she still felt that Dorothy's core teaching of man's victory over nature was unrealistic.

How can one win over heaven? Everything in the world is running under the shadow of fate. As a part of fate, it is impossible for humans to resist fate. Even your resistance may be the arrangement of fate.

But who could tell that this was what Dorothy said? Just as she would not refute her mother at the beginning, Dinisha will not refute this good sister now.

Yeah, everything you said is right, I'll just listen to it seriously and that's it.

Anyway, as long as everything is realized in the end, then it really cannot be regarded as a lie.

This is how Denisa understood what Dorothy meant.

In this way, the two sisters had their own thoughts. Only Alice, who had no other thoughts, skipped ahead and led the way for the two sisters beside her.

The little witch is the most carefree, she really doesn't worry about anything.

As a gathering place for evil people, Sin City will naturally not be a kind and harmonious place. People will not live in harmony and smile with each other just because they are not good people. Evil people will have their own hardships. This is the most real thing here. Portrait.

The class and oppression here are far more rampant and obvious than in other cities. Even if you go to the auction house before, the city center is extremely prosperous.

But on the outskirts of this sin city, large slums are the norm.

After all, evil people will reproduce. Maybe your ancestor was a very evil person, but the child of a great evil person may not be so evil. In this sinful city, people cannot stand firm if they are not ruthless. Therefore, the descendants of these evil people They were pushed to the periphery by the new villains. People who were not ruthless enough were actually not suitable to live in this city.

However, similarly, the label of descendants of evil people also makes them have no way to survive in the outside world, and they can only struggle near this sinful city.

Well, it's really a struggle. Many small and medium-sized villains who are not evil enough to be considered big evil people and have no ability to live in the central city hope to oppress these people for food.

Gangs are rampant and cults thrive in these urban areas. You can see most of the misfortune and ugliness in the world here.

However, if you look at this place from the perspective of a new religious entrepreneur, this is simply the most suitable breeding ground.

After all, the suffering masses here do desperately need redemption.

"So, Dorothy, what kind of religion do you want to build? If it's just like the Glorious Sect, it's actually quite simple. As long as we work hard, we can complete the cleansing of these places in a day or two. It's not difficult. "

Dinisha said very scary words with a very calm expression.

Indeed, with Dorothy and her current strength, it is definitely not enough to deal with the Church of Radiance, and it is not even good enough to deal with the gang of villains in the central city. However, there is no pressure to open Wushuang in this edge city.

As long as they can clean up and straighten out these chaotic places, it will not be too difficult to harvest the faith of these tortured people.

As long as you offer a little illusory faith, you can live a stable life. Most people in the slums will not refuse such a good thing.

"No, Dinisha, neither you nor I can take action. We have to let them save themselves. Otherwise, how can this be regarded as man's victory over nature?"

"There are too few gods and saviors in this world. The only thing most people can rely on is themselves."

Dorothy shook her head and said.

"Are you serious? You expect such a group of mortals who can't even afford food and clothing to overthrow those extraordinary beings?"

Dinisha couldn't help it anymore. She looked at this sister with wide eyes, feeling that she was a little whimsical.

If such a rabble had that ability, why would they be bullied to this extent?

They can only be of some use if they are led by a strong man and obey the will of the strong man, otherwise they are useless.

"Of course I am serious. Even though a candle is small, it can also cause a huge fire. This group of people is indeed a bunch of people now, but as long as someone can light the flame in their hearts, then anything can be done. Yeah, but it’s enough for one use.”

"And my belief just happened to be that they were missing that fire."

The house witch was holding a bird cane. She raised her head and looked at the dirty slum in front of her, with blazing flames burning in her dark eyes.

The flame was so hot that it even made Dinisha lose consciousness for a moment.

"Then I'll wait and see."

Miss Shepherdess nodded and said nothing more.

Naturally, she would not be convinced so easily. Just like what she said, she would keep watching to see what tricks this sister could come up with.

The God King is looking forward to it.

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