House Witch

Chapter 451 450 Set a small goal

Chapter 451 450. Set a small goal

Seeing the little eyes of the black sheep girl in front of her looking at her expectantly, Dorothy suddenly felt a little guilty in her heart.

After all, in a sense, what the dark goat said just now was indeed correct, and he was indeed taking advantage of this little girl who had a good impression of her.

Even though her use actually indirectly saved the girl, it still couldn't hide the fact that she had an ulterior motive.

But fortunately, the otaku witch has always had a big heart and doesn't have any moral obsession, so she doesn't have a bad conscience because of such a trivial matter.

She is not the kind of savior whose mission is to save the world. She does not have such a great and selfless sentiment. Pies in the sky will not be free. If you want to gain something, you must pay accordingly. This is an equal exchange. The witch's normal world view.

She is not that great yet, nor is she so empty that she needs to rely on this to achieve spiritual self-satisfaction.


"Then I won't go around in circles anymore, Ke Leiya, I am indeed using you. In order to achieve a great goal, I need some helpers now, and your personality and ability are both good, so I want to recruit you. Become a part of our organization.”

Bai Ge made a straightforward showdown, and then, in order to increase her persuasion, she continued to add.

"It just so happens that the enemy is also an obstacle to the great goal of our organization. You need strength, and we need manpower. Both sides can get what they need and complement each other."

"Okay, I'll join."

Before Bai Ge finished speaking, Ke Leiya nodded directly and agreed.


The black sheep girl was so neat and tidy that Dorothy was a bit confused.

"Ah, do you really not think about it any more?"

She swallowed down many of the words that came to her mouth to fool the little girl, then tilted her head and persuaded her like this.

"Sister Sister, I don't quite understand what you said. I just understand that Sister, you need my help, then I will try my best."

Correa scratched her head in embarrassment, feeling very ashamed.

Although her body has grown up under the influence of magic, she is still essentially a ten-year-old girl. No matter how precocious she is, there are limits. What are the common interests, mutual complementation, great goals, etc. Where does she have these lofty names? I understand.

As a poor girl who never went to school, Correa's cultural level was limited to knowing her own name, which was taught to her by her father in his spare time. Unfortunately, his father was very busy with work and had no time to teach her more words.

But forget it if you don’t understand others. The nun sister needs her help now, and she also needs to help fight those bad guys who are targeting her. This Correia understands, and she is happy to help.

After all, the nun just gave her the power to help her cure her father. Now that she has accepted the help from the nun, if the nun is in trouble and needs her help, she should do her best. This kind of thing is not natural. ?

Not to mention helping to fight those enemies who want to harm themselves.

She doesn't understand those big principles. The young girl only knows the simple principle that if there is a favor, one must repay the favor, and if there is a grudge, one must also repay the simple truth.

"You idiot, how could I have given birth to such a stupid daughter like you in my wise life? You believe whatever others say, and you don't even know what this organization is going to do. You dare to join directly, and you are not afraid of the person opposite you. Want to trick you into selling it to a bad guy?"

Baphomet, who was originally autistic because he was scolded by his daughter for being ugly, couldn't hold it in anymore. How could the old demon father watch his daughter being kidnapped like this? Otherwise, if this matter was spread back to the abyss, don't let her go. The Demon God laughed at her because even his own daughter could be tricked away under her nose, so where would he put his old face? Didn't he, a majestic Demon God, have no respect for himself?

At this time, the dark little goat was already jumping up and down with anxiety. He angrily scolded this cheap daughter who seemed to have no brain.

"Oh, indeed, Sister Sister, what is the great goal of our organization?"

Listening to the words of the demon who claimed to be her father, Correa nodded and realized that she seemed to have forgotten to ask this.

Baphomet: "."

Listening to the fact that this silly daughter has already taken over our organization, even the Demon God feels a little tired after a long absence. Although he is a martial arts Demon God, how could He De have such a smart daughter?

The demon over there sighed, but the white pigeon here was suppressing a smile.

Dorothy really didn't expect that the sage who has always been known for his wisdom, erudition, and almost omniscience in later generations would turn out to be such a fool when he was a child.

For this child, she could really trick her into following her home to see goldfish with a lollipop.

However, she quite likes such innocent and cute silly children. After all, it’s better to be a little silly. People who are too smart often think too much and their will is not so strong. And what they want to do next if their will is not strong enough. It won't make it to the end.

"The great goal is of course to save the world. We want to create a world where everyone can have enough food and clothing, where everyone gets along equally, and no longer needs to be bullied, and where everyone can live happily every day."

Perhaps it was because the black sheep girl was really innocent and cute, so Dorothy's tone couldn't help but become gentler, and White Dove replied in a coaxing tone.

Although she knew very well that the beautiful dream-like world almost did not exist in reality, but it was not good to talk about it with children. She would naturally know these things when she grew up, so for now, let her have a beautiful fantasy. .

"Is there actually such a beautiful world? This is good, I like this too."

Hearing such an answer, the black sheep girl's narrowed eyes suddenly opened and she said happily.

Probably because of the beautiful fantasy in her heart, the girl's pair of evil blood-colored sheep eyes seemed clear and innocent at this time.

How can a child refuse the temptation to join a "salvation organization"? Who hasn't imagined when they were young that they would become a great hero who will save the world in the future?

Although the young Correia actually didn't understand the meaning of the four words "save the world" or how to save it, the nun sister just described that she would not have to starve or freeze, and would no longer be bullied. Everyone A world where people can live equally and happily just hit the heart of the black sheep girl.

After all, this is the life she has always wanted to live, and it is also the best life she imagined.

"Then I believe in you, Sister Sister, we will definitely succeed. I will also work hard towards this goal in the future."

The ignorant girl said to Bai Ge with a silly smile.

The girl may just talk casually, after all, children will always unconditionally believe what the adults they like say, even if the adults tell lies, but such a light word fell in Dorothy's ears, but it made her originally still. The lively jumping white pigeon became quiet.

Dorothy felt as if she had been struck by lightning. She was stunned for a few seconds, feeling as if something was suppressing her heart. What she originally wanted to say to the girl with a smile could not be said at this time. .

It was obvious that she was just looking for a few tool men at first, but now that she had the best tool man, Dorothy found that she could not relax at all.

She, who had always been very tolerant and didn't care much about anything, actually felt a little pressure in front of the innocent smile of this little girl who was obviously just a phantom of the past in her dream.

That's the pressure of responsibility.

Regardless of the nice things she said before, in fact, she never took this Witch Night into her heart. After all, who would care so much about the things in her dreams.

It was just a game anyway, and even the so-called preaching she did before was carried out with a game mentality.

However, now this girl's innocent smile with longing and yearning for that beautiful world makes her a little bit difficult to bear, and her originally aloof player's heart is a little broken.

Of course, in fact, she shouldn't feel any pressure. After all, the world she just promised has already become a reality.

In the witch world, there will indeed be no more witches who will starve, freeze, or be bullied. It is true that everyone is equal among witches. Theoretically, every witch can do what they want.

The world in Correa's dream has already been achieved by the God King in reality.


Bai Ge turned around and looked at Bai Ying, who had been silent all this time.

She has always been following the belief that if the sky falls, the tall person will be able to support him, but now, at least in this witch's night dream, the tall person's legs have been broken by her. It was taller, and looking around, she seemed to have become the tallest one.

Of course, as a player, she can still just go and play. After all, if she messes up, she will just wake up from a dream. She will not lose anything, but for these NPCs in the dream, it is probably a world. Doomsday.

The black sheep sage Kolaya naturally has the God King to save her, but who can save the black sheep girl Kolaya in the dream?

"Maybe I should correct my mentality. Even if it's a game, I should try to have a perfect ending instead of messing up and getting into a bad ending. What I hate most is tragedy."

Bai Ge murmured in his heart.

"Yeah, it will happen."

In the end, Bai Ge was silent for a moment, just nodded and said so.

Then, she spread her wings and flew out of the window.

Now that Correa's safety has been confirmed, there is no time for her to continue wasting here. It is time to go back and really think seriously about how to reach the perfect ending now that the God King is gone.

"Dorothy, Dorothy, it's time for you to be more confident. You've seen Dinisha before, and her talent is just that. So why can't you do what she was able to do back then? What's more? Not to mention that the Rebirth Prophet is still on, the difficulty of the game is not as high as it used to be. Under these conditions, you should have done better than her."

The pure white dove soared in the night sky, and in the dove's eyes, a divine light gradually became firm.

"Although my realistic ideal is still to be a happy earth witch, but now it's all a dream anyway, so I might as well be a little more arrogant. My sister Dinisha can take the position of the King of Witches. How can I, my sister Dorothy? Can’t you sit down?”

"Well, let's set a small goal for now. Let me save this dream world. It's not the first time anyway. Which otaku hasn't been a savior a few times in the game and saved a few worlds?"

The otaku witch thought so in her heart.

However, she was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn't realize that her original white dove appearance began to change slightly.

Birds and dragons are close relatives, and the flying posture of this little white dove in the night sky has begun to take on the shadow of a giant dragon.

The true meaning of magic is the heart of belief. If the heart changes, then the effect of magic will naturally change.

If Dorothy had looked in the mirror at this time, she would probably have recognized at a glance that her transformed white dove was already approaching the shape of the most beautiful dragon in the legend - the White Night Dragon.

The little white pigeon's whole body was already emitting a faint light. Although it was still far from the Bai Yelong's ability to turn the night sky pure white, it was at least a step forward from scratch.

When the stars dim and the world has no light, I am the only light.

In the room, the white eagle transformed by Dinisha met the eyes of the black sheep girl Correa, and the moment the two eyes met, the entire dream world suddenly fell into a stop of time, and the world Everything turned into black and white.

Two terrifying and powerful wills seemed to suddenly revive.

The originally innocent and ignorant black sheep girl seemed to have spent hundreds of thousands of years in an instant. Her eyes became wise and vicissitudes of life. She who originally had the body of a big sister but still had the heart of a girl really became A graceful and gentle sister.

"Your Majesty, do you have any instructions for summoning me suddenly? This Witch's Night seems to be a bit unexpected. You suddenly closed the dream, which made the academy very nervous for a while."

The Black Sheep Sage looked up and saw the White Eagle in front of him. He quickly knelt down on one knee and asked respectfully.

"It's nothing, it's just a prank by my mother. She also has good intentions, so I have to accompany her to fool around a little bit. Please tell them not to panic. Everything will be normal soon."

Bai Ying didn't seem to change at all, she just nodded and replied.

But she thought for a moment and then spoke again.

"Qing Ke Leiya, do you still remember how we met back then?"

"Of course, how could I forget this? We met in Sin City. It was you who gave me, who had nothing, the power to avenge my father."

The Black Sheep Sage smiled, and his narrowed eyes opened slightly, revealing a bloody light.

At this time, she turned around and looked around a little, and then the smile on her face froze.

Even though hundreds of thousands of years had passed, she still recognized this house at a glance. After all, everything here had been engraved deep into her soul.

This is her home, the home that has been broken long ago.


Looking at the black ash that the female villain turned into on the ground, and then looking at his parents and younger brother who should have died, even the usually gentle sage suddenly lost control of his emotions for a moment.

Fortunately, she quickly adjusted everything, and then discovered something unusual about the dream body she had descended upon.

Obviously at this stage, she should have awakened her blood and become a demon, but now her body is more like a witch than a demon, a low-quality and degraded witch.

"Your Majesty, I know you always want to pursue perfection, but"

The Black Sheep Sage sorted out her words a little. She tried to persuade the king she was following not to push too hard. She had done her best back then, and it was impossible for anyone to do better than her. The king really didn't It is necessary to criticize yourself so hard that you keep yourself bound to the dreams of the past.

What's more, the dream that Wang recalled this time was too far forward.

"I didn't do this."

But before Corelia could finish her words, she was blocked by White Eagle. This made the Black Sheep Sage stunned again, and then he became a little excited. After all, the king's power was...

"Your Majesty, then"

"You should be careful with your words, Qing Ke Leiya."

The white eagle flapped its wings and interrupted the Black Sheep Sage.

"Please forgive me for my gaffe, Your Majesty."

The Black Sheep Sage slapped herself in annoyance, feeling a little frightened. She lowered her head and apologized to the king, and then took a last reluctant look at the house around her.

"May you have sweet dreams, Your Majesty."

The Black Sheep Sage said this, and then her consciousness receded, and the body once again regained the temperament that a girl should have.

And Bai Ying also sighed.

"Alas, fate"

Time flows again, and the world regains its color.

The white eagle suddenly had an idea, and then saw the place where the white dove was before. Seeing that it was empty, she quickly spread her wings and flew outside.

White eagle chasing dove

Xibao, don't worry, you have to believe in yourself.

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